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Next or Last Pope? Pontificate of Tribulations?Holy see moved away of Rome? Great Apostasy?

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posted on Mar, 25 2014 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by The angel of light

thanks for honoring my replies.
I agree with what you say. I don't blame God in anyway and didn't think of that. Rather of those false servants who serve not God but mammon, or some of them the devil. How many fake apparitions there are, we don't know, but they are possible to occur. I can quote some of them that happen as we speak, but I will not enter into direct confrontation with concrete "apparitions".

It may seem delusional I have more time online because when I answer, I answer much. In fact I didn't read so far your other threads, it is good to know you have more political threads. Yes it may be WW3 and we will know it post factum. Hope the rapture is beforehand.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 09:35 PM

We forgot the prophecies of the Great Monarch that has to come before the Antichrist.

"The Great Monarch will have the special help of God and be unconquerable.

The AntiChrist is already here on the world stage but staying in the background for now. The Antichrist and this supposed great monarch are going to do battle and the Monarch loses. That to me seems to be something that the Catholics put in the bible themselves just as they left out the most important book of Enoch.

Only the Catholics ever mention this Great Monarch now don't you find that odd? In regards to the A/C just look below.

Obama came close but this guy below is the real deal.

Just look at everything this guy has his hands on and ask yourself why every world leader meets with him? Now find out and guess who wants to be the new president of Iraq so he can unite the Arabs when the time is just right.
Meet the A/C that you probably have never heard of before, however if you check into him you will see he fits every single prophecy linked to the A/C in scripture. Every one of them. Especially how the A/C comes from a new nation and not an old one yet was from the same are of the old roman empire. Jordan was formed after WW2 by the Brits and the UN. Just look at the organizations he belongs to!

We are most definitely in the very end times. Notice how close to his birthday is to the rebirth of Israels as a nation! Unofficially it was around the same time that the displaced Jews were retuning to Israel.

He is and will be the peacemaker and then Satan moves into him.

edit on 3-4-2014 by Patriotsrevenge because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge

You pay put in the shoes of the AC everyone you want to and you will probably find convincing reasons. For ex. Putin who seems rising at the moment. That doesn't mean the estimation will be correct. In fact the early Christians expected him to be a Roman emperor and almost guessed correctly with Julian the apostate.

2000 years proved to be little time span for that final event to take place. Will Jesus come tonight? I'd like so, not in terms of one's death or the death of millions, but in terms of the Rapture followed by the Second Coming.

Great monarch was an issue in the middle ages. I don't know how relevant it is today, or if we have another 2000 years or even more in which many monarchs will change rule. May be not only on this planet if it is devastated soon and awaits its re-population eons later before the real end times. Let we all be more open minded and get out of medieval frames so tricky pulled upon our minds as a snare, that seem not coined by any human imagination but that of extraterrestrial with certain goal far in the future and not necessarily benevolent. Unfortunately no one wants to discuss those real topics now. Tomorrow it will be just too late. I will discuss them on the ships with those who survive the nuclear winter.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 05:47 AM
the possibility of a total nuclear war or disaster as supervolcano (natural or man-made) is pretty real. The world has never lived in that in the last 4000 years and therefore it is hard to comprehend. If any of these happens the survivors will find themselves in isolated communities deep underground. The modern states will practically cease to exist, and the religious authority will transform into something else. You don't talk of a pope and a president over communities who don't have radio-connection for 2 decades yes?

That is the bottom line. From that on, one can build up projections of future lines of humanity. Based on what insiders already talked about online. Let say USA has stargates and routes to other habitable planets (with or without ET). Let say Russia got the same somehow thru the techniques of the ancient Egyptian pyramids (see Dr Uvarov). We all know the Giza pyramids point to three groups of stars and those are: Alfa Draconis, Pleiadians and the belt of Orion. Alfa Draconis is favored by temples in Indo-China. Orion, by Hopi legends and structures, as well as structures elsewhere. Those routes thru stargates could have been functional at that time and could be functional on some more secret level today. With or without the superb tech of ET as the insiders speak of. Perhaps all of us have watched Stargate.

So you get in a timespan of only 50 years may be 3 or more different extensions of what we call today's humanity or "one world family" that is as diverse as possible. Those future lines of humanity are unlikely to be in contact for quite some time. In fact they have been in contact here on Earth put in historical time and proven they don't get along with each other peacefully.

All our estimations of the end of the world or End times may be "Only end of the era". With unknown yet future years or eons until the real end times on a restored to life planet earth.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 06:24 AM
The idea to demonize ALL exo-races as coming from the Hell is the worst conceived by religious mind. There are however evil or unfriendly ones. If we look closer at the Alfa Draconis and Draco constellation we will notice it was known by Indo China, Greeks and Arabs. The name Draco of the constellation come from Greek and is preserved in Arab. Is it possible those "Draconians" to be the evil aliens who shaped the history of no few countries in different periods of time, and to be named by the Judaeo-Christian religion as the devils? I don't have an exact answer. First of all, those creatures we see at the Chinese and Indonesian temples seem to be real flesh and not spiritual. All we learn in church about the devil is he is a spirit created by God who sinned afterwards. Even if satan influenced the so called Draconians to extend most of them if not all of them to be evil, still that doesn't apply automatically to all other stars, races, and so on. And indeed the Bible is full of account of other good beings called angels with different names and forms. Thus, the Cherubs do not have human form, and still they are holy. On the other side, the human form on earth proved to be capable of incredible level of evil incorporated in it.

Jesus' place in the salvation of humans (only?) is special and I am not the theologian who will define it better than today's textbooks. it should be defined better and it will be a work of future generation theologians who will reside together with the survived parts of humanity elsewhere.

posted on Apr, 13 2014 @ 07:35 PM
The AntiChrist is already here on the world stage but staying in the background for now. The Antichrist and this supposed great monarch are going to do battle and the Monarch loses. That to me seems to be something that the Catholics put in the bible themselves just as they left out the most important book of Enoch.
reply to post by Patriotsrevenge


The prophecy of the arrival of the Great Monarch is something absolutely biblical, it is a major topic In the Chapter 19th of The Book of Revelation (Apocalypsis), so is not the idea of any denomination in modern times.

This King of Kings will come to earth to punish the Beast and the False Prophet and all their followers. The Term Anti-Christ is not technically used in the book or Revelation, I think it comes from the Letters of St John and the Nostradamus Quatrains, but the book written by St John in the island of Patmos mention clearly the Dragon, the Beast and the false Prophet.

The Revelation clearly states that it is this great Monarch, King of Kings, who defeat the beast and the false prophet, nothing is said about the supposed hypothesis you mentioned that it was going in the other way around.

Revelation of St John, Chapter 19th,
[11] And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
[12] His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
[13] And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
[14] And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
[15] And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
[16] And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
[17] And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
[18] That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
[19] And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
[20] And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
[21] And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh..

Here are the only quotes that exist in the Bible where the word antichrist is used. In the eschatological discourse of Jesus Christ , of his last week of life, he mentioned false-Christs that were going to appear in the world and deceive many people, but he never used the word Anti-Christ.

Children, it is the last hour! As you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. From this we know that it is the last hour.

—1 John 2:18 NRSV (1989)

Many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh; any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist!

—2 John 1:7 NRSV (1989)

Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son.

—1 John 2:22 NRSV (1989)

By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming; and now it is already in the world.

—1 John 4:2–3 NRSV (1989)

Thanks for your comments,

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 4/13/2014 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

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