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The One People's Public Trust & Sovereign Citizens Movement Scams Broken Down.

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posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Crakeur

the tonne amount is both ludicrous and prohibitive.

you haven't heard of project hammer?
deep black lies

or the secret gold treaty

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by IntrinsicMotivation

Problem is that the Consitution through a lot of verbage denotes that the United States is a representative republic.. which as has been stated many many times before:

We elect representatives and senators based upon direct suffrage and a president through representative suffrage via the electoral college. We therefore have no direct say as individuals in how the country is run on a day to day basis but, we can through that direct suffrage change the people that we elect to do it for us every 2 years in the House and 6 years in the Senate..

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
Please watch this

So... apparently someone cannot pay their bills as promised and the sponsor of the mortgage wants the collateral.

What's the problem?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by IntrinsicMotivation

Problem is that the Consitution through a lot of verbage denotes that the United States is a representative republic.. which as has been stated many many times before:

We elect representatives and senators based upon direct suffrage and a president through representative suffrage via the electoral college. We therefore have no direct say as individuals in how the country is run on a day to day basis but, we can through that direct suffrage change the people that we elect to do it for us every 2 years in the House and 6 years in the Senate..

And the 4th amendment is supposed to protect me from unwarranted searches of my person and personal property, but that does not stop the use of roadblocks all being used that ends up with unwarranted searches.

The 5th amendment is supposed to protect me from self-incrimination, yet I am forced to file tax papers that may incriminate myself, or risk going to jail for tax-evasion.

Trust me; I fully understand what you are saying. I do wish the system did work properly.

Something is wrong with the picture; I am merely trying to make sense of it. As this thread has shown, it is not just one thing at play here. There are many variables.

Did you look at the link to the Department of the State I provided? An official government webpage.

Nowhere in there are the speaking of anything relating to the concept of a Republic.

I feel this is a big part of the problem, the misconception of a republic and democracy. The overwhelming majority of wars we have not fought in the name of republic, it is in democracy’s name we are trying to make the world safe for.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by Wifibrains
Please watch this

So... apparently someone cannot pay their bills as promised and the sponsor of the mortgage wants the collateral.

What's the problem?

Your stance against your fellow man is a joke right? It's not everyone's fault there is a recession. Its a scam. The bailiffs abuse their powers to remove people from their homes forcefully illegally, but it's ok for those guys to break the law to retrieve the property "illegally" for the banks?. Hypocrite much?

Maybe you never watched it properly...

Long as you are ok though, I know....

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
Your stance against your fellow man is a joke right?

Pragmatic yes. Joke no.

I sympathize with people who've had serious issues in their life that caused financial pain. I know, I was there, I was once in that situation of having a stack of bills to pay and no idea how. But I accepted my responsibility and managed to dig my way out. It was hard. It took time. But being of good health, not impossible.

Also... not every creditor is an evil corporate entity. You should be aware that many small savings & loans, credit coops, and credit unions had hard working and ethical people who were ruined by mortgage-holder's sudden inability/no-desire to pay. They are your "fellow man" also.

It's not everyone's fault there is a recession.

No, but there is shared blame in so far as the housing crisis/bubble. Way too many people leveraged themselves to artificially high home valuations with ridiculously high payments with no regard to reality or the future. Sure there were some scams and a goodly amount of unethical mortgage brokers and investment banks... but hordes of otherwise intelligent people got stupid also.

The bailiffs abuse their powers to remove people from their homes forcefully illegally,

But that's just it. It's not their home anymore. They broke the contract to pay on the loan that was used to purchase the house. The terms of the contract are obvious -- if you don't pay for a period of time, you must leave and the lender takes possession. It sucks yes. But it's legal... and force is the option chosen by those who refuse.

but it's ok for those guys to break the law to retrieve the property "illegally" for the banks?. Hypocrite much?

Sorry, not sure what you mean there.

Maybe you never watched it properly.

I did. I saw an otherwise healthy and articulate guy holding a stack of due bills and repossession notices not accepting his responsibilities.

Long as you are ok though, I know....

But I'm not am I?

Antics like this make it more and more difficult for people with ethical and good intentions to obtain mortgages.

I'm sorry this comes across harsh. But reality is harsh. There are many conspiracies and scandals in the banking industry -- lenders wanting the collateral for unpaid debt is not one of them.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:23 AM
to me it seems,
By design this topic will never end.

In its basic terms were conversing over Social Justice, which there is only one model.

Any other model leads to stumbling blocks regardless where it was conceived.

Without an authority greater than self, then how's one to know if they placing a stepping stone or a stumbling block before thy brethren.

If this isn't on topic freely remove it.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by SunLife
No, you're quite right, there is not end for this topic is sight right now. But I know when it will end...when the people of world take down the central banking scheme, there will be a time when the banks think they rule all and that's when they will fall.."the mighty, through their arrogance, invariably sow the seeds of their own downfall" It's coming, the debt pile is so high it can barely be understood in relation to anything. I don't know how long they will be able to kick the can down the road, but mathematically it's inevitable.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by vkey08
So what's the problem you have really?

Well aside from the fact that you have much to say of little substance, anything you have said above could aply to barry and the bastards of the fed. Its all BS. You haven't been able to dispute that. So you're standing on a pile of BS (conventional politic) pointing at another pile of BS, that actually threatens your position.

1. There is a social contract,
2. It is misrepresented and enforced unilaterally, which voids ANY contract,
3. The "UCC" theory is entirely valid, it is just a cruder form of contract, and almost internationally recognised
4. The OP story is valid, OPPT is an organisation, but you attempt to rubbish the entire freeman movement at the same time. That's dishonest and false and ignorant.
5. Aside from pointing out that there are liars and thieves everywhere in society, moreso with barry and the bastards, you haven't provided any evidence? Just repeated an opinion ad infinitum.

Sorry OP, despite your scorn of people who wish to be free, you haven't actually debunked them? 33 pages and you tell us:

Originally posted by vkey08
No real research is needed


PS, so why did the Poep resign?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I too could dissect your post and contradict everything you have written, but I'm on tablet and can't be bothered to be honest.

What I would like to know is when this site became pro establishment/gubment? It leaves me wondering what the hell I'm doing here, it's not what I signed up for. Lol. I Thought this site strived for the truth. But staff and owners are saying trust your banks and governments and social systems, do you realise why so many come here?

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by harryhaller

So what evidence are you looking to have provided? Are you wanting evidence that these people are attempting to improperly use UCC filings? If that is the case, the evidence would be the individuals that have been fined, arrested, tried, convicted, and sent to prison for doing so.

Regardless of how you or I or anyone else feel, those people being in prison is a fact that cannot be disputed. This is not to say that their beliefs are wrong or that everything they did is wrong, only that the chosen path they have taken is not completely legal.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Wifibrains
What I would like to know is when this site became pro establishment/gubment?

Since when did otherwise generally conservative thinkers become anti-personal responsibility?

My personal opinion on one micro-segment of financial issues does not constitute a global ATS policy of being in favor of government or establishment. It only identifies a pragmatic approach to determining which issues are conspiratorial, and which are not.

But staff and owners are saying trust your banks and governments and social systems

I never said any such thing. I'm merely advocating personal responsibility in this particular narrowly-defined issue of mortgage delinquency.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by harryhaller
1. There is a social contract,
2. It is misrepresented and enforced unilaterally, which voids ANY contract,

If that were, in reality a true concept, many things would be different.

For example, the country's "social contract" with the government would have been nullified and void based on the fabricated evidence that brought us to war in Iraq.

You've stated an abstract utopian ideal that has no basis in reality.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord
I must say the story of the youtube video was a bit unclear. I'm not sure if the problem was that he couldn't pay or if he refused to pay after discovering the reserve banking scheme and thus was truly fighting the system head on. Ff that's the case then surely the matter must be settled in court before anything else, very unlikely he will win though...It was however very clear that the bailiff didn't go about the eviction in the proper manner, "lawful" institutions must more than anyone else follow the law very precisely...but as we all know that is not true in any sense in this corrupt world.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord
It's only abstract as long as you view it as such, it's all really simple as it can all come true right know. A change of though and it's as we wish.

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler"
Of course Einstein doesn't have to be right in everything he says but I mean what we have now is the complete opposite of the current law and economics system that is made as complex as possible, the administration of it is so large that soon a time comes when all people are occupied with administrating the system, the system has grown to become more important then the people who live within in it. I'm kidding of course, it will fall apart way before that.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by hawkiye
Why do you say D&B are a Scam? What are they doing and who are they scamming?

They're scamming businesses. If my business has a very low DUNS credit score simply because it's new, they indicate the business is "likely to default" on payments to vendors. However, for a mere $2,495, they can "help me fix" that low score.

Ask anyone who's owned a real business for more than a couple years -- they spit on DUNS.

So millions of businesses around the world who use D&B aren't smart enough to figure this out? Fact of the matter is it's just your opinion and really irrelevant to the fact the US is a corporation as defned in US code.

"Why would they bother listing the US government as corporation if it were not true"
The DUNS listing says "company" which is the default field name for the entity name.

A corporation is a company and if you read the entire listing it gives their corporate tree. Seriously this is beyond dispute it is a proven fact. If you want to deny it that is your prerogative.

edit on 15-2-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by hawkiye
So millions of businesses around the world who use D&B aren't smart enough to figure this out?

Many "listings" are only placeholders unless a company pays for a full listing.

At this point, just about the only use is to have DUNS number that establishes that you're a real company (because the application fee pays for confirmation).

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by flyswatter

It seems that people choosing to define the United States in this manner are always leaving off the B and C from what United States can mean -

(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

What the above means is that when United States is referenced, it can be any of the above. It does not mean that it is always (A) a Federal corporation, or always (B) an agency, etc, or always (C) an instrumentality of the United States.

People just cant seem to grasp the fact that the United States HAS a corporation, but does not exist solely AS a corporation

You have it backward. The US is a corporation and has non corporate entities. Although now days I doubt any of their entities are not corporations anymore. There is a reason the first definition is federal corporation. This beyond dispute. The DHS is also a federal corporation listed in D&B and so is the Border Patrol neither of them are referred to as the United States however in their corporate trees the United states is listed as their parent company.

D-U-N-S® Number: 05-236-8391
Company Name: United States Department of Homeland Security

Mail Address: 245 Murray Dr SW Bldg 14
Washington, DC, USA 20528-0003
View Map
County: District Of Columbia
MSA: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria

Country Phone Code: 1
Phone: 202-282-8000

View Comprehensive Record

Location Type: Headquarters
Subsidiary Status: Subsidiary
Plant/Facility Size: 103,700 Sq Ft
Owns/Rents: Owns
Year Established: 2002
Ownership: Private
Prescreen Score: Low Risk

Headquarters: Executive Office of the United
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC, USA, 20501-0001

Global Ultimate Parent: Government Of The United
The U S Capitol
Washington, DC, USA 20515-0001

Global Ultimate Parent
D-U-N-S® Number: 161906193

United States Border Patrol Explorer Post 456

D-U-N-S® Number: 12-314-2957
Company Name: United States Border Patrol Explorer Post 456
Also Known As: Usbp Explorer Post 456

Mail Address: 1608 N Kings Hwy
Douglas, AZ, USA 85607-6155
View Map
County: Cochise

Country Phone Code: 1
Phone: 520-805-6900

Location Type: Single Location
Subsidiary Status: Non Subsidiary
Plant/Facility Size: 2,200 Sq Ft
Year Established: 1990
Ownership: Private
Prescreen Score: Low Risk

Employee Count:
(All Sites) 2
(Individual Site) Current Year: 2

(All Sites) $50,000
US (Estimated/Modeled)
(Individual Sites) $50,000
US (Estimated/Modeled)

Executives: Ms Carla Provost - President

Add Decision Maker

SIC Code(s): 86410000 - Civic and social associations (Primary)

Line of Business: Civic Organization

NAICS Code(s): 813410 - Civic & Social Organizations (Primary)

Global Ultimate Parent: Government Of The United
The U S Capitol
Washington, DC, USA 20515-0001

Global Ultimate Parent
D-U-N-S® Number: 161906193

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by vkey08
reply to post by IntrinsicMotivation

Problem is that the Consitution through a lot of verbage denotes that the United States is a representative republic.. which as has been stated many many times before:

We elect representatives and senators based upon direct suffrage and a president through representative suffrage via the electoral college. We therefore have no direct say as individuals in how the country is run on a day to day basis but, we can through that direct suffrage change the people that we elect to do it for us every 2 years in the House and 6 years in the Senate..

And the media that gives virtually no airtime to libertarians, greens, constitutionalists, socialists, communists, marsians, ugandans, etc.

Do you really think we have a republic worth a lick? Seriously?

WHY do you think republicans and democrats get all the campaign contributions and the other parties get NONE?

Republicans do this and democrats do that. They screw america...that is exactly what they do...and they are professionals at it.
edit on 15/2/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: fixed quotation tag

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by hawkiye
So millions of businesses around the world who use D&B aren't smart enough to figure this out?

Many "listings" are only placeholders unless a company pays for a full listing.

At this point, just about the only use is to have DUNS number that establishes that you're a real company (because the application fee pays for confirmation).

You're in denial the US has a comprehensive listing What does duns have to gain by lying about this? Millions of businesses rely in Duns. You say real businesses spit on Duns prove that statement is anything more then your opinion? You keep trying to cherry pick stuff out of context and stretch it to back up your belief or just give unsubstantiated opinion instead of looking at the facts.

Go to the S&P then and look it up or Moody's it is the same..

Also the D&B listing is simply a corroboration of the United States Code defining The United States as a federal corporation. Do you deny the actual law telling you the United States is a federal Corporation? If so well there is no point in arguing with you further.
edit on 15-2-2013 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

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