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Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center 'Conspiracy Theory' is a Conspiracy Fact

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posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by nicepants
how can you say that there is more evidence of a conspiracy theory than there is of the official theory?

This thread is a perfect example of how we can say that, this and a plethora of others.
If there's evidence to suggest that explosives WEREN'T used, then we would love to hear it. All we ever seem to get in response for our demands of evidence to support the official the version is the same old 'you can't proove a negative' bit.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by dionysius9

That one little star on your post is from me...
Well said.

[edit on 21-11-2007 by twitchy]

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by nicepants can you say that there is more evidence of a conspiracy theory than there is of the official theory?

Why can't he? The only difference is your perception of which is supposed to be right.

Where are the people who saw explosive devices? Where are the whistleblowers who refused to be a part of the plot?

Say these guys exist (I don't know that they do). What makes you think they've come to us, or even gone to the Internet?

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by nicepants
Where is the physical evidence of explosives? Where are the people who saw explosive devices? Where are the whistleblowers who refused to be a part of the plot?

It has been proved over and over that it's impossible for office fires to globally collapse the towers. There is no need for the detailed proof you require. Use a little common sense and logic, if it was impossible for office fires to cause global collapse (a fact) then what do you suggest did?

De-bunkers dance around the facts and want to argue irrelevant points that make no real difference to the fact that fire alone could not have caused the global collapse we see.

So if it wasn't the fire, and it wasn't damage from the plane impacts (even NIST agree with this) then what do you suggest it was? Allah?

Do you really think the official story is true just because you think there have been no whistle-blowers? Well there have been whistle-blowers, you just haven't looked hard enough...

But even so that's a lame excuse to ignore the obvious. Forget whistle-blowers just look at the physics.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by nicepants

if you actually read my words i said there's more evidence that suggests it is a conspiracy..which there is. And regardless...what actual evidence is there to support the official theory for the collapse anyway?? there isn't any!

you don't find the 9/11 comission report at all suspicious?

[edit on 21-11-2007 by tetragrammation]

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by Grommer

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Grommer

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by kelopini

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 10:44 PM
I care and I'm not American. I'm spreading the word about the NWO to as many people as I can. Been doing a bit a brainwashing myself for the "good side". There is a small group of people in the isolated north west Australian town I live in to whom I have shown Zeitgeist and they were blown away. These are Aboriginal people who also care about the future of our planet and humanity. The Aboriginal people are, sadly, all too familiar with eugenics and oppression by the elite. My point is; Don't think that it is just Americans and Canaidians who have to stop this evil NWO movement. We Aussies are right there with you guys spreading the word. Oh, and we even voted our Bush puppet leader out three months ago. Fortunately we have fair elections. I feel so sad and angry on your behalf Americans for the evil you must endure from your government. 9/11 may well be their undoing.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 07:20 AM
When will America learn? they always fight on Behalf of Israel, Jews will never support America when its needs but America will always be friend to Israel at the cost of every American. God Destroy Israel.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:05 AM

posted on Aug, 21 2008 @ 06:02 PM
a lot of videos show when the wtc was collapsin and u see exacly some explosion like 10 lvl lower some amator video have been put on tv and there is a lot of proof there was a lot of explosives .....

termite bomb was those explosives........ but all of this will be reveal when the new usa president will enter at white house and somme people say

if the entire world know it was conspiracy it gonna put alll in # and will star the arabian war whit israel and iran and their allies in around february 2009

some ppl says israel are the instigator of this conspiracy
iran will try to invade whit their allies but israel will use of bacterial and chemical weapons to prevent this im watching this since about 4 yrs( no jokin) some ppl was able to predict wanna gonna happen in tousen yers after their death and i cant say it gonna happen but what im watching and now what is happening its fkin scariing me whit some action was predict
and if the n nest us president find thos secret document and reveal the conspiracy just look after

i dont ask to beleave it but only prevent u
for some reason those action have been predict and matching whit what happen now

posted on Aug, 25 2008 @ 06:53 PM

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 08:11 PM
There are two theories.
The government theory which purports nineteen terrorists pulled off the most precise military operation in less that two hours. Knew nothing.
And the thread of theories which propose something quite different, between LIHOP and MIHOP. There is a plethora of evidence given by eyewitnesses of explosions in the basements of the buildings. Where was the water on the top of the towers, remember seeing any water, I only saw dust. The disappearance of a fifty ton press. Cars melted up to seven blocks away. Complete pulverization of concrete. Molten metal three months after the event. The physics of and energy in a gravity collapse cannot explain the energy requirted to disintegrate the buildings. And cannot explain the evidence at the scene of the crime.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

hi my name is mark and i seriously agree with you on this theory because why would they get rid of the debris that fast and further more right after this tragedy happened why was usama bin ladens name the first name that came out of everyones mouth. i sit and watch footage of the towers colapse and the footage of the two jetliners crashing the towers and i truely dont believe that it was the airliners that brought those towers down. now back when the towers where bombed i was a couple of blocks away from the towers and if anything that shouldve brought them it mightve been that but if you look closely at the evidence at hand bush and his cabinet of fools had something to do with this and i hope he burns in hell for this, besides he was told about this when got in office by clinton that osama bin laden was public enemy number 1 but he didnt take the warnings, now as we look back through history about all the terrorist acts against the united states of america what name kept popping up all the time, but then take another look at the history of osama bin laden and the united states of america why didnt anyone go after him yrs before the trade center bombings and the sept 11 attacks that killed thousands of americans to me it seems that was an inside job like everyone is saying, but im not one for gossip but this here my friend i find to be very true and these attacks being an inside job and nothing more then that or nothing less.

this country is trying to be the worlds police by going over seas and putting our nose where it doesnt belong yes we might issues over there but let the people in these countries handle their own problems, i truely believe that the truth will be found and when it does i think the american people should know what really happened on that sad day but until then i think we need to do our own research like im doing for myself to get a better understanding of whaqts going on with this.

now you cant tell me that we had 4 planes high jacked and they can just fly through american skies with no one doing anything about it ormaking an attempt to get these aircrafts out of the air before something happened well their 7yrs to late for that now dont you think so, well anyways im sick of this country being ran by a bunch of retarts that dont know their asshole from a whole in the ground we seriously need to do something about the 9-11 incident before it happens again and this time it might be alot worse then what it was.

i seriously dont think that people can come over here from a different country and just sign up pilot lessons just like that with out someone on the inside helping them, now lets look at the facts here how long where these highjackers in the country for, how long did it tahe them to actually get the proper training to pilot a 737 747 757 767 whatever type of p[lanes where used in all the attacks on this country that day, someone has answers but but no ones asking the question because of fear of being thrown in jail or worse but if we really want to know the truth then we must press ahead for it, just like the bible says ask and yea shall receive right well maybe if keep pressing the right buttons then maybe we'll get the truth out of someone, people just dont move to another country like that and become pilots over night unless someones helping them with everything they need to cause some serious damage, the WORLD TRADE CENTER meant alot to me it stood for something that nothing else in this country stood for even the statue of liberty doesnt stand for what the towers did, i will forever hold those buildings in my heart and those people to this day everytime i go to a website to do my own research my heart aches and i cry because it just hurts so much to see what happened to this country and alot of peoples family so i just wanna give you my own insight on what i think.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:35 PM
How do we know that you are not in conspiracy with Muslim people Mr. Randy Lavello????? They would indeed have a great interest in having theories like these.
It seems that no one are able to prove that the source to all the conspiracy concerning 9/11 is not originated from the Muslim world in order to destroy Israel?

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 06:30 AM
Whoever is tthe anonymous poster on this thread is not getting your comments posted do I can see them.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 04:04 PM

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

WOW!!! you guys have an awful lot of time on your hands. You can create a conspiracy out of anything. The problem with yours is not unlike most....So many people would have to be involved, 100's most likely 1000's. it would be impossible for all these invisible people to be quite. Please, please, please do something more constructive with your time, like save the whales or something. Or better yet, use your efforts to raise money for the families of the police, firefighters and everyone who has lost someone in this tragedy!!!!

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