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Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center 'Conspiracy Theory' is a Conspiracy Fact

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posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 01:56 AM


What ?

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 05:03 AM

Have your read the report? If not, you really should because it's hard to describe to some one else if they haven't read it.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by LeftBehind
What kind of REAL INVESTIGATION would satisfy you if the conclusion was that no bombs were used?

If an INDEPENDANT MULTINATIONAL (i.e. NOT the U.S. government) investigation came to the conclusions that the towers and 7 were brought down by impact, fire and gravity alone, I would conceed. I'm not saying that the NIST is involved in a cover up, but I'm just saying that these government employees have to answer to the higher ups. If the higher ups don't want something investigated, they won't investigate it. Why wasn't the slag from the molten metal ever tested? Things like that.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by LeftBehind


What ?

the OCTs never were good at filling in the blanks. well, i volunteer to be the 'authority' to which to appeal to on this factoid.

starts with cluster, ends with a common vulgar word for copulation.

i think that is being kind to the NIST and it's bought and paid for cabal of truth covering arses. i'm not an engineer, and so am not bound by a 'vow' to not say anything mean about other engineers(which engineers ARE bound to not do. an engineer can only 'slag' another one with ink and mathematics. i think the NIST scientists, at least the upper core of them, were totally aware of what they were doing. they HAD to be. they're not stupid. however, to be fair, they LITERALLY had guns to their heads, and the heads of their entire families, and/or, 'the anthrax is in the mail'.)

is torture okay?
pre-emptive nuclear strikes?
denial of habeus corpus?
the enemy, as painted by george bush, is an entire RELIGION bent on enslaving the rest of the world(islam according to bush).

these are the hallmarks of the thinking of american government, currently. sounds like the frickin' inquisition and the crusades all over again.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 08:05 PM

Just to dispell an "urban legend" that I didn't know about. Engineers are not bound by any commitment to not point each other's bad science out...I assure you. We're not like doctors who have some kind of liability insurance creedo going. I'll talk smack about any engineer who signs his name to nonsense, rubbish, or just plain NIST-type crap.

Just wanted to set the record straight.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by LeftBehind

Originally posted by quicknthedead
What gets me is how they can be so dead-set against a REAL INVESTIGATION OF 9/11 in the light of all this information.

In some circles, the NIST investigation is considered a REAL INVESTIGATION.

Since your mind is made up, would any investigation that disproved bombs or thermite or government involvement satisfy you?

Or by REAL INVESTIGATION do you mean one that supports demolition theories?

What kind of REAL INVESTIGATION would satisfy you if the conclusion was that no bombs were used?

The NIST investigation MADE UP A TIME in its "investigation" to cover the tracks of indicting evidence of TWO EVENTS: one seismic (as in "EXPLOSIONS") and one aircrash.

Read the's in there; and then you can talk about a REAL INVESTIGATION.

Why would anyone be against one in the face of some many facts and anomalies, especially after the whitewashed 9/11 Omissions Report and a NIST report that deceives (see above statement), one that did not even look into explosions nor into the actual collapse? And there are many, many reports of explosions.

Molten metal?...

Or why did WTC7 collapse?

NIST's Dr. Shyam Sunder, who said back on March 21, 2006 (interview by Mark Jacobson):

I asked Dr. Sunder about 7 WTC. Why was the fate of the building barely mentioned in the final report?

This was a matter of staffing and budget, Sunder said. He hoped to release something on 7 WTC by the end of the year.

NIST did have some “preliminary hypotheses” on 7 WTC, Dr. Sunder said. “We are studying the horizontal movement east to west, internal to the structure, on the fifth to seventh floors.”

Then Dr. Sunder paused.
“But truthfully, I don’t really know. We’ve had trouble getting a handle on building No. 7.”


[And there is no Statute of Limitation on murder.]

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:08 PM
As an engineering student that has all this fresh on his mind, I can second what Valhall's saying:

Engineers are not bound by any commitment to not point each other's bad science out...I assure you.

However, there are codes of ethics that engineers go by. Different organizations have different codes, but they say mostly the same things. Organizations like ASCE and ASME, I would imagine, are generally more strict organizations, at least in what issues from them to the public, and I have no doubt that any effort to criticize NIST with implications suchs as ours would resort in termination from a vocal position in either institution very quickly, such as what happened with Underwriter Labs when a certain employee wrote critical letters to NIST, letting them know how unrealistic their fire story was. The feds play big roles with these organizations.

posted on Oct, 27 2006 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by quicknthedead
Then Dr. Sunder paused. “But truthfully, I don’t really know. We’ve had trouble getting a handle on building No. 7.”

Jesus, he needs to get on ATS and read up on how fire + corner damage = implosion. It's common sense, don't you know?

posted on Oct, 28 2006 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Valhall

Just to dispell an "urban legend" that I didn't know about. Engineers are not bound by any commitment to not point each other's bad science out...I assure you. We're not like doctors who have some kind of liability insurance creedo going. I'll talk smack about any engineer who signs his name to nonsense, rubbish, or just plain NIST-type crap.

Just wanted to set the record straight.

fair enough.

it is ongoing conflict that causes this, and the fact i've actually read some official engineer society 'rules', stating 'one member shall not *blank* another member', or something similiar, which leads me to my eronious bulldada.

here's my 'real' feelings...
hopefully engineers take their hypocratic oath more seriously than doctors take theirs.

posted on Feb, 9 2007 @ 11:29 AM
Fema just happened to get there the night before, The owner of the worlld trade center admitted building 7 was blown up.
Other stuff shows firefighter say no one entered building 7 after they left at 11:30am. Who had the time to plant bombs after the attack, or could they have already been set up before?

posted on Feb, 15 2007 @ 05:11 AM
Had to be setup before imo.

The idea of pre placing Thermite to blow apart twelve inch thick walls is not new. Exactly 3 years prior to 911 Joe Vialls published a document talking about that very idea.

twelve inch-thick thermite filled walls would explode into searing white-hot flames, destroying the files, the safe and most of the old house in seconds.

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Rotator
Had to be setup before imo.

The idea of pre placing Thermite to blow apart twelve inch thick walls is not new. Exactly 3 years prior to 911 Joe Vialls published a document talking about that very idea.

It may have been a heck of alot longer than 3 years prior to 9-11, have you guys seen this thread?

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 04:05 AM
People that say there could not have been bombs in the buildings say they believe so because the bombs would have gone off when the plane impacted the building

What about these two points

1. What if the charges were put only in strategic places, were they would do they dirty work, and not just throughout the entire building

2. In case the planes did not hit where they were intended to hit, and some of the pre planted explosives were indeed hit, the entire public was told that the Hijackers said they had bombs on the planes. So if the planes happen to hit the explosives that are already there then it is explained by the fact that the "terrorists" had bombs on the planes already

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 01:20 PM
I've put most of my 9-11 related research into this thread, am bumping it it up for a the recent influx of folks who can't seem to be bothreed doing any research before they come here and make wild claims in an effort to debunk 9-11 conspiracy theories. Yes there was a power down, yes there was molten steel, yes there were bomb sniffing dogs that were taken off the job, do some research before you try to debunk something guys, otherwise you are going to eaten alive by people that do.
Yeah it's a long thread, I know I helped create it. Reading is good for you though, almost curative in cases of biased ignorance especially.

[edit on 16-6-2007 by twitchy]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

This is just on small part of the whole sequence. It is time to study the one source that has NEVER been wrong, including predictions that were fulfilled to the day. We should be scared. This will all take place no matter what we do. I suggest be prepared. SEEK GOD!

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 09:38 AM
This is one of the sorriest, least thought through arguments that I have ever heard. A truly TERRIBLE conspiracy THEORY, claiming to be fact based on a few nuts who want something to bitch and complain about, or make themselves feel important. First ask yourself this- why the hell would they fly planes into the buildings and attract MILLIONS of viewers, THEN blow up the buildings? Why not just blow them up out of the blue with NO warning and say it was obviously a structural flaw?? Nobody who is trying to HIDE something puts it out there in front of A billion people worldwide!!!!! Also, in order to pull something like this off, more than one year in office would be required, so stop blaming Bush. That's not an opinion either, that's purely a logistical FACT. Also, someone said this was about starting wars for oil, Afghanistan has no oil and very little natural gas, and I haven't seen Oil Profits coming to the US from Iraq either, but I have seen oil hit 99 dollars a barrel! Oh yeah, and don't mention a pipeline accross Afghan territory either as an example of how we waged war for oil, because that was a UnoCal idea and was Clinton's brainchild! Regardless of what you pathetic losers think about our government and the Israeli State, they are not capable of this. NOBODY is capable of this kind of conspiracy, especially in a democracy!!! It isn't a brutal dictatorial country, where the government just wipes out all opposition so word never gets out! If that was the case, you weirdos would be dead already. Stop grabbing at nothing and admit that Islamofascism exists, and you don't want to admit it because it makes you wimper!! Suck it up and do something better with your time!!! LOSERS.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by craziesmustgo

Who are you calling loosers? Can you disprove this theory? Would you care to address something specific, or maybe supply some evidence to debunk it?
I'm sure we're all very amused at your insults, of course it's amusing to watch monkeys at the zoo slinging poop too, but it isn't very convincing. Takes alot nerve to come on to a 48 page thread and call people loosers, I'll give you that, but your post is childishly offensive, lacks any supporting evidence whatsoever, and is the epitome of the ignorant and angry skepticism that we all work so hard to defeat here. Welcome to ATS, I hope it eventually matures and educates you, or runs you off in tar and feathers like you probably deserve.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 12:14 PM
Firstly, i've not read the whole topic as i don't curently have time...but i'd like to express my thoughts here.

To anyone who asks the question along the lines of 'if it's a conspiracy then why bother with the planes...?' well, it's quite simple really just think harder than you already are...

my personal opinion is that 9/11 is a conspiracy, fact. there is more evidence that suggests it's a cover-up than evidence that suggests it's not. And, importantly, the evidence that backs up the official reasons for the collapse is fatally flawed..thus supporting the evidence that opposes it!

it bothers me there are many who think it's pointless attempting to question this...

i think is that the majority of the public are very unaware of this conspiracy, and many who are aware no very few of the details. i think it'd be a much different situation if the truth was known by the majority.

furthermore the fact that a cover-up as big as this can be conducted and over seven years later is only just becoming more publically known...just goes to show how perceptive the public are...i think too many are too concerned with their favourite tv shows. but this is becoming more publically known it's important it's not dismissed as a wild conspiracy theory held by leftist loonies.

i believe firmly that there were bombs in the buildings...and that has serious implications. i plan to try to spread this as far an wide as possible. it's not important who chooses to not believe this, or how mad i might come across. if i can get just a few people to see it this way that still will make us closer to exposing the truth.

earlier someone was asking what we can do... i think anyone who cares should print out articles (such as the one in this topic) and any information they feel is worth displaying, maybe type up your own leaflet and make it clear and interesting to read. stand in the street when you have a free day, walk around town and hand these out to people. i plan to do this soon when i have a free weekend. I'm also designing some stencils for graffitti prints i can put up around the city which get this into people's minds.

just planting some seeds.

if everyone with the motivation to spread the truth goes out and tries to make this happen it will. don't be put of by someone who doubts you or laughs at you. if you believe this then stand up for it.

these buildings collapsed by control.

we have an oppertunity to expose this.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 12:36 PM
The islamic faith gets in the way of the ambitions of the world bankers, because in islam, charging interest on a loan is considered a sin.

However, this is the system the international banking elite has been using for 200 years to get astronomical power. To take over the remaining nations, they must have the means to force their banking system on them.

THIS IS WHY IRAN AND VENEZUELA ARE US TARGETS. Aside from oil, which is the other side of the coin. They want honest money systems and fair banking practices for their people. It irritates the heck out of the money masters.

posted on Nov, 21 2007 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by tetragrammation
my personal opinion is that 9/11 is a conspiracy, fact. there is more evidence that suggests it's a cover-up than evidence that suggests it's not. And, importantly, the evidence that backs up the official reasons for the collapse is fatally flawed..thus supporting the evidence that opposes it! can you say that there is more evidence of a conspiracy theory than there is of the official theory? ( I don't doubt that is what you would like to believe.) Where is the physical evidence of explosives? Where are the people who saw explosive devices? Where are the whistleblowers who refused to be a part of the plot?

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