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Jeb 2008?

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posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by Otts
As for me, I think the main reason people think she's a bitch is because she's assertive and was assertive as First Lady.

There is a difference between being assertive and being a bitch... Because your a bitch doesn't make you assertive... She was a theif when she was attorney general and as far as i'm concerned once your a scumbag always a scum bag.
Her thirst for power is whats driving her. She doesn't know whats good for the American people, her ideas are anything but American... She's make good Buddies with Stalin... Just my op.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:08 PM
Attorney general? Are you talking about Janet Reno?

And I'm starting to believe that any politician who isn't Republican is liable to end up in the Stalin column.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Otts
Attorney general? Are you talking about Janet Reno?

She was attorney general for Arkansas... Whitewater fraud....
She got an interest free loan for some of her friends ect and they never paid it back.

They supoenad her for documents pertaining to whitewater and under oath said she didn't have them, then 2 yrs later they found them in the whitehouse and she said she wasn't sure how they got there.

And then her socialist health care plan she tried to run through even though she wasn't an elected official.

The whitehouse travel agency under the last 6 presidents and when she came in, she fired em and hired a friend of her to take over the whitehouse travel office..

These are just a few things...

Hence why she is a biatch... Again.. There is a difference between being assertive and then just being a biatch.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by Otts
And I'm starting to believe that any politician who isn't Republican is liable to end up in the Stalin column.

I'll even throw republican's in with em... Their starting to show their true colors too...

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 07:34 AM
Giuliani would be an interesting choice, he seems to speak his mind in the same way Bush does, something that Bush supporters have said appeals to them. Not too sure about McCain, but Schwarzenegger? Hasn't he got a few too many skeletons in the closet and something in the constitution to get around?

As for the Dems, is there anyone other than Clinton they could turn to?

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Chris McGee
Giuliani would be an interesting choice, he seems to speak his mind in the same way Bush does, something that Bush supporters have said appeals to them.

Hmmmm, and the left like Heinz Kerry for the same reason... .

So let me get this straight juliani and bush speak their mind and they like that about them, but when Heinz does it, it's wrong and classless?

Talk about hypocrisy...

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 10:58 AM
TrueLies - from what I can surmise, what some people seem to have a problem with is not the candidate speaking his mind, but with the candidate's wife speaking hers.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:02 AM
I don't think there really is a discussion here - it will be Guiliani. I think Kerry will be the forgotten "hero" and Hillary and Bill will be standing as a team again.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:14 AM
So people here are of the opinion the Republican National Committee will do a 180 on the issues of choice, gay rights and gun control and nominate the Democrat...erm, I mean..."Republican" (yeah that's it) Rudolph Giulliani for President?

Oh, I hear the NRA/Evangelical rally now!!! :shk:

I've said it before. You will never have a moderate Republican President until all the neocons are run from power. Not McCain. Not Giulliani. Not Arnold. Not Pataki. None of them pass the dumb test.

The best shot at that happening is actually a Kerry victory then a civil war in the Republican Party which (even if the moderates win) will result in a huge third party break so you still lose. A Bush win this time would just solidify neocon control and force them to run another puppet 2008 with little to no experience that can be shaped and controlled from behind the scenes. Like Jeb. Take him (or his ethics challenged counterpart DeLay) or leave the party. Those will be your choices.

Sorry. Good luck with that.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 11:55 AM
Here's my prediction... even though I know that 2008 is a LONG time away and we have time to have a lot of surprises...

Republican ticket: Rudolph Giuliani - Bill Frist

Explanation: It's obvious that Giuliani would be a star candidate, and although he'll be 64 at that point, he'll still be younger than John McCain (will be 72 in 2008), Colin Powell (will be 71 in 2008) and Elizabeth Dole (will be 72 in 2008). In a context where you've had two Bush presidencies in 20 years, I doubt the Republican party will want to take the risk of putting Jeb on the ticket. People might see this as too much elevation for the Bush family.

Now that we have our candidate for President, let's look at the vice-presidency. Tom Ridge is out - if you have Giuliani from New York, you can't have a VP candidate from Pennsylvania. So instead, you go get Bill Frist from Tennessee... useful if Gore is back on the Democratic ticket, plus he'll be 56 at that point - still young enough to represent the future and not the past. Pat Roberts, another good candidate from the South (Kansas) will be too old.

Another point in favor of a Giuliani-Frist ticket is that while Giuliani is tough on defense, he and Frist are more moderate than George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. That could count for something after eight years of Republican power, when moderates and the undecided might be looking for something new.

Democratic ticket: Al Gore - Howard Dean OR Barack Obama

You heard me right, Al Gore, not Hillary. I think Gore was right to pass up the nomination in 2004 - it's a dangerous time to be President, and whoever is elected - out of Bush or Kerry - will have an uphill battle to fight. The war in Iraq won't be easy to win, and there will be much more to hold the President accountable for in 2008 than there is even in 2004. We're still living the aftermath of the war in Iraq, the possible death of Yasser Arafat will cause instability in the Middle East, and Iran is a question mark. So whoever is President might not be very popular by 2008. Right now, for this scenario, I'm assuming Bush wins a second term.

In a second Bush term, if the 2004 election ends up being as bizarre as the 2000 election, Gore would be the ideal voice for the Democratic party - the guy who almost beat Bush, the guy who got the most popular votes in 2000. By 2008, he would be like Nixon in 1968, asking people whether they're tired of war, division and acrimony. I could very well see people flocking to his candidacy - he would be more of a uniter than Hillary Clinton, and he'd be more of a heavyweight than John Edwards. At 67, Dick Gephardt would look like a man of the past - especially since he'd be running for the fifth or sixth time. Joe Lieberman, at 66, would still be electable but would lack the clout it takes.

So now we choose a vice-presidential candidate. Howard Dean at that point is 59, he balances the ticket (Vermont) and appeals to the younger voters. Like Dick Cheney, he's too radical to be the candidate for president, but useful enough to be the vice-presidential candidate.

The second possibility... Barack Obama would be interesting - young (he'll be 47 by then), charismatic, balances the ticket (Illinois) and the first African-American candidate. However, only four years in the Senate might make him look a bit unexperienced.

Among the other candidates for vice president... Hillary Clinton would be a no-no, since a Gore-Clinton ticket would not sit well with people who wouldn't want the same old Clinton team back into power.


posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 12:39 PM
If hillary gets the nom from the dems I'm moving to #ing england or something. I lost all faith in humanity when she got elected in new york.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 04:41 PM
From what i've read, Hillary Clinton doesn't exactly seem to have mass appeal among the ATS gang
. I say Hillary for pres and Bill for VP

Colin Powell has probably missed his chance IMO and with Giuliani and McCain ruled out by our Republican members, that just leaves Schwarzenegger or Jeb.

Arnie (his surname is just too long) as I understand it would need a change to the constitution to run so the signs point to Jeb.

Jenna for 2016?

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:00 PM
This is just imagining, considerin a change to the constitution would be nessecary, but would people take Arnold seriously? Sure he won the recall election but can he talk about terminating and girlie men in a presedential debate? I cant see it happening.

I like Obama in 2012, gives him 8 years in the senate. What about the big senate boys in 08"? No one has ever brought up someone like Daschle? Im young and canadian so forgive my ignorance

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Otts
Here's my prediction... even though I know that 2008 is a LONG time away and we have time to have a lot of surprises...

Democratic ticket: Al Gore - Howard Dean OR Barack Obama

The only problem with that is John Kerry will be running for re-election.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:07 PM
We've already had to deal with one unqualified Bush as president (43). No way we should be forced to choke down another idiot like Jeb. OMG... Hillary... I'd leave this country if that witch ever got elected. No offense to the good witches.

This country needs a good and honest man like Giuliani. We are going to need that in the worst way after 4 years of Dubya and 4 years or Kerry.. or 8 years of Dubya.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:23 PM
Yeah, I like Giuliani. Don't know why, I'm not from the US (just have a strong interest in politics, once sat up all night watching the results of the Peruvian election come in
) but there's something about the guy that just rings good with me.

ediited to fix smiley

[edit on 30-10-2004 by Chris McGee]

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:29 PM
He is a good and honest person and he showed the world that he was a caring human after the 9-11 attacks. He wasn't out campaigning like Bush was. He was taking care of his people. He was there for them. He was strong for them. Like a true leader. He wasn't trying to hide a smirk the whole time like Bush was. Unlike Bush.... this man is a true leader.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:36 PM
Thats the thing. There's obviously more to Bush then what meets the eye. I honestly cant see how someone like that can be re-elected. Theres still more to Kerry, but not as much. Someone like Guliani and McCain would be great presidents, because they seem like people you can relate to, people you could hang out with, unlike Bush or Kerry, not the most likeable guys on earth, and defiantely not the best ones to lead the free world.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:44 PM
Is there really more to Bush than meets the eye? If there is, is it good? I've read articles saying he doesn't read briefings and goes into hysterical christian rants at times. On the other side, he is definitely a determined man and 100% believes in what he is doing. He speaks as one of the people, rarely ducks awkward questions and isn't afraid to speak his mind.

I guess a lot of it comes down to the feeling in your gut. I'm no Bush fan but i'd take him any day over the other candidates on offer right now.

posted on Oct, 30 2004 @ 06:53 PM
I'd like an example on how Hillary Clinton is such a "bitch".

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