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To not believe in God, means you have to admit that He IS, therefore to Not be-and you cannot---therefore most self-professed atheists are not really atheists..
Originally posted by MotherMayEye
reply to post by 0thetrooth0
There's as much chance your soul will end up in a giant smelly sneaker as it will in "hell." Sounds like you need deprogramming from religious brainwashing to me.
Originally posted by 0thetrooth0
Most of the time I don't believe in hell, its like 90% i dont believe in hell but 10 percent of me does. but when I think about hell i get very very scared because i think what if hell is real and when i die ill go there and suffer forever. I would call myself an agnostic/atheist. Its like i have this phobia of dying but most importantly l what can happen after death and especially of the reality of hell. I cant rule out the possibility of hell and so that why im really scared. i dont know why im scared. my mind says hell is not real but it my subconcsious says it might be real. i dont want to die and be wrong because itll be too late then. any help wuld be appreciated.
I posted this under philo/meta because I think people are smarter here than in religion section no offense of course. Please dont delete this mods if anything move it to the religion section. Thanksedit on 7-2-2013 by 0thetrooth0 because: (no reason given)edit on 7-2-2013 by 0thetrooth0 because: (no reason given)
God has created a special place to hold the souls of the damned, and that place is hell. But hell is only a jail cell, because after that is the judgment and then the lake of fire, which is another place God created to put those who were in hell,and hell itself into.
The fact that reincarnation is part of Jewish tradition comes as a surprise to many people. 11 Nevertheless, it's mentioned in numerous places throughout the classical texts of Jewish mysticism, starting with the preeminent sourcebook of Kabbalah, the Zohar :12
As long as a person is unsuccessful in his purpose in this world, the Holy One, blessed be He, uproots him and replants him over and over again. (Zohar I 186b)
All souls are subject to reincarnation; and people do not know the ways of the Holy One, blessed be He! They do not know that they are brought before the tribunal both before they enter into this world and after they leave it; they are ignorant of the many reincarnations and secret works which they have to undergo, and of the number of naked souls, and how many naked spirits roam about in the other world without being able to enter within the veil of the King's Palace. Men do not know how the souls revolve like a stone that is thrown from a sling. But the time is at hand when these mysteries will be disclosed. (Zohar II 99b)
Reincarnation is a fundamental belief in Jewish tradition. In Hebrew, Reincarnation is called "gilgul ha'ne'shamot," literally the recycling or transmigration of souls.
This concept can be compared to a flame of one candle lighting another candle. While the essence of the second flame comes from the first one, the second flame is an independent entity. Still, the new flame contains imperfections inherited from the initial flame, and it is these imperfections that are to be corrected.
Most of the written material of reincarnation is very esoteric, often written in Aramaic. Some of the prominent works dealing with this subject are the "Zohar" (1st century) and the Arizal's "Shaar HaGilgulim" (16th century). In the Bible itself, the idea is intimated in Deut. 25:5-10.
Many sources say that a soul has a maximum of three chances in this world. One example given is that the great Talmudic sage Hillel was a reincarnation of the Biblical figure Aaron.
The soul only comes into this world in the first place in order to make a spiritual repair. If that is not fulfilled by the end of one's lifetime, then the soul will be sent down once again. The return trip may only be needed for a short time or in a limited way. This in part explains why people are born with handicaps or may live a brief life. (Example someone who would continually bother a cripple man, his fixing would be to comeback as a cripple man and feel the pain)
If reincarnation is a fundamental idea of Jewish theology, why do so few Jews believe in it? Even traditional rabbis often seem skeptical at best.
R. DovBer Pinson: This skepticism is not a new phenomenon, it actually stems from generations of debate over this little known, yet intriguing notion, of reincarnation. As I mentioned in my previous response, the debate over reincarnation was very much a controversy between the Kabbalists and Philosophers. Kabbalah means, literally, to receive. The traditions of the Kabbalah were not based on logical thought, rather, it was information transferred from one generation to the next, an unbroken chain since the original knowledge was taught, 3,300 years ago on Mount Sinai. Those who did not receive these well-guarded traditions argued against reincarnation based on their logical thought process. It did not seem to make sense to them, and being that they had not received it as tradition, they felt that it went against the Torah.
Many of the great Jewish minds disputed reincarnation. For example, Rabbi Saadiah Gaon himself argued against it. How-ever, there are signs that these great thinkers might have thought differently had they known of the tradition. Rabbi Chisdai Cresces, a well-known fourteenth century philosopher, spoke against reincarnation, yet he stated that if he were to have received it in his Kabbalah, he would have felt differently. The Abrabanel wrote that as Maimonides neared the end of his own life, he received Kabbalistic traditions which heretofore he had not known of.
John (9:2-4) reports that the disciples asked Jesus whether a blindman had sinned or his parents that he had been born blind. Jesus replied that it was in order that the works of God may be made manifest in the blind man, that is, that the law of cause and effect might be fulfilled. Or, as St. Paul phrased the thought: we reap what we sow. The blind man could not have sown the seeds of his blindness in his present body, but must have done so in a previous lifetime.
The earliest Christians, especially those who were members of one or other of the Gnostic sects, such as the Valentinians, Ophites and Ebionites, included reimbodiment among their important teachings. For them it enabled fulfillment of the law -- karma -- as well as providing the means for the soul to purify itself from the muddy qualities resulting from its immersion in matter and the egoism we have developed in the first stages of our journey through earth life.
After the original generations of Christians, we find the early Church Fathers, such as Justin Martyr (AD 100-l65), St. Clement of Alexandria ( AD 150-220), and Origen ( AD 185-254) teaching the pre-existence of souls, taking up reincarnation or one or another aspect of reimbodiment. Examples are scattered through Origen's works, especially Contra Celsum (1, xxxii), where he asks: "Is it not rational that souls should be introduced into bodies, in accordance with their merits and previous deeds . . . ?" And in De Principiis he says that "the soul has neither beginning nor end." St. Jerome (AD 340-420), translator of the Latin version of the Bible known as the Vulgate, in his Letter to Demetrias (a Roman matron), states that some Christian sects in his day taught a form of reincarnation as an esoteric doctrine, imparting it to a few "as a traditional truth which was not to be divulged."
Synesius (AD 370-480), Bishop of Ptolemais, also taught the concept, and in a prayer that has survived, he says: "Father, grant that my soul may merge into the light, and be no more thrust back into the illusion of earth." Others of his Hymns, such as number III, contain lines clearly stating his views, and also pleas that he may be so purified that rebirth on earth will no longer be necessary. In a thesis on dreams, Synesius writes: "It is possible by labor and time, and a transition into other lives, for the imaginative soul to emerge from this dark abode." This passage reminds us of verses in the Revelation of John (3:12), with its symbolic, initiatory language leading into: "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out."
Through Hinduism and Buddhism, and their core belief of karma and reincarnation, Satan has deceived many people into accepting and believing that by doing good works, a person would qualify to have his spirit elevated from one lifetime to the next in order to eventually reach a state of spiritual ‘enlightenment’.
I believe even rational and logical thinking persons can choose to believe in ‘reincarnation’. This is because they have been deceived by demonic spirits. They are rendered blind to reason and logic regarding spiritual matters.
Through Hinduism and Buddhism, Satan and his fellow demonic spirits have deceived many generations of people in large parts of the world into unwittingly allowing their bodies and souls to be possessed. This permits the demonic spirits to 'reincarnate' in them serially.
Satan inspired Hinduism and Buddhism with the core beliefs of Karma and reincarnation.
The concept of reincarnation has been debunked by the concept of demonic spirit possession explaining all the ‘evidence’ proffered for reincarnation.
Hence reincarnation is a lie and Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age beliefs are deceptions. They bear the signature of Satan. Source
Originally posted by 0thetrooth0
reply to post by sacgamer25
Ive searched for God he has not responded so right now Im an atheist.
Originally posted by MrBigDave
Originally posted by SaturnFX
Originally posted by MrBigDave
Originally posted by 0thetrooth0
Originally posted by MrBigDave
I think that if you truly thought about it, you believe in hell 100% of the time its just that you don't think about it or you push the idea to the back of your mind. I understand and am in a similar state in life. I do believe in hell, but I'm not doing anything about it. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, but every once in a while the thought crosses my mind.
Yea thats how I am. I dont do anything about it and most of the time im not thinking about it but when i do im really scared that it might be real. Are you in this same situation? how do you cope/deal with his? your scared of dying because of hell but you cant escape death, so whats the solution?
Yes, I quit going to church about a year ago. I had some disagreements with the pastor. I was going to find a different one, but then got used to having my sunday mornings for other stuff. Now it is in the far back of my mind. I know that it should not be, but it is.
Sunday morning?
Sabbath is on the 7th day (aka, Saturday). Why go on the first day of the week?
Really? Do you have to argue about everything? Yes, I used to go to church on Sunday. Yes I know that technically the Sabbath is on Saturday, Jesus was not born in December, and Easter has nothing to do with ham. The Law was not about the letter, it was about the concepts, and I don't believe God cares what day you celebrate as long as you do.