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I'm very scared of going to hell, but I don't believe in hell

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posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

Hell is a place where various megalomaniacs try to scare you with a fairy tales about the afterlife. Like they really know. Then they try and kill or oppress you if you don't believe. The Catholics only stopped beheading a few hundred years ago and God loving Protestants were burning people at the stake 350 years ago. Muslims are still killing everyone but you get the picture. The rest of us are swimming in blood. Some God.

The best way to control this life is to control the afterlife right? It's a control meme. It taps a fear of death in us all. Doesn't make it right or virtuous.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by 0thetrooth0
i dont want to die and be wrong because itll be too late then. any help wuld be appreciated.

Well 'you' doesn't die because it can't. I'd like to think of it more like 'you' being deactivated and once everything is perfect you are reactivated and you can easily sort out your problems in notime.

But you can go on in the afterlife as well and sort out your problems like on earth only different as a lot of things might be strange, unknown, unfamiliar to you. But it's never too late, you probably feel that way because someone once used it against you in some conversation.

But anyway you can't rule out hell, then you can't rule out heaven either and I can understand if your mind sometimes thinks about the subject because it is something inevitable so if you feel bad you should just choose to think about heaven instead. You can as an atheist with some science fiction imagine yourself being inside a huge computer simulation and afterwards you'll be stored just like a harddrive with files on it, until someone decides to restore you because they miss you.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by honested3
reply to post by Lazarus Short

it appears i have judged you wrong, my apologies, yes the original Lazarus was in NT, my memory failed me on that part but you know the story very good and once again sorry to have misled. though im glad to see your also a Believer, it does bring me great disappointment to find you dont believe in hell, as i will take your suggestion and pray that for God to reveal more to me about hell not existing, i challenge you to also pray about hell being real, because its is a complete lie to say hell does not exist. also the reason "hell" exists in many other things like islam and etc is because the enemy has taken what is the truth and made false knock offs of it.

if hell isnt real, then why did Jesus die? and where was the rich man Lazarus at if it wasnt hell?

I know all about hell existing, as I was raised in such a church. The Truth points to itself, so consider this, and there are other such Scriptures:

1Ti 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Ti 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

As to your questions, what does the death of Jesus have to do with Hell? As to the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, there are other ways to interpret it, and "Hell" was not the main point of the parable anyway. The key is to realize who the rich man was, and the fact that he had five brothers will tell you. Hint: a prominent OT figure had five brothers, and seven half-brothers. Jesus was teaching on the current (and future) situation among His people, not the eternal fate of the wicked.

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by LeatherNLace
In the unlikely chance there is a hell, don't worry yourself. If there is a hell, that is where all the fun people will be.

True, however we will probably be separated from the "fun" people anyway...and that WILL be our hell!

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 10:13 PM
“Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.”
Mark Twain quotes (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835-1910)

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 07:55 AM
I like the Tibetan Yogi monks way of explaining Heaven and Hell, with a sprinkle of physical science and metaphysical science in the mix.
If I understand correctly, the Tibetan Yogi monks believe that Hell is the physical representation of ones existence in which you experience the sensations of pain, pleasure, sorrow, joy, hate and love for example.
Why this is Hell is because here, in the physical dimension composed of the chemical elements of nature, you are forced to experience the consequences of chemical reactions such as if a person hits you in the face, your nervous system picks up the information of that physical reaction and signals to your brain which translate that physical information to your consciousness which is not physical at all, that you experience the sensation of pain and thus your brain produces the chemical elements required to communicate to your consciousness that your physical representation of being is being hurt by a punch to the face.

Now here comes the part I like. In order to evolve your consciousness to the state in which you have reached such an awareness and understanding of the physical world around you, one must reincarnate in this plane several times in different forms so that your consciousness can gain the experience required to understand completely that your physical self is not the true manifestation of you. That is your consciousness and it is linked to the physical dimension for the sole purpose of evolving your being into the state of complete consciousness of the physical so that you may be released from "Hell" and ascend to a higher state of being in which you no longer have to endure physical sensations because then you are a free spirit. A consciousness of invisible energy able to traverse the invisible web of supreme consciousness that is the Universe, or existence in itself.

And that my friend is Heaven and in it you are alive and conscious.
It gets even better though. In this physical dimension/Hell, your experience of it relies completely on how your consciousness responds to the information that your brain in Hell communicates to your being.
The more you understand the science behind the reactions, the less it will effect your state of consciousness.
Of course you have to endure physical sensations such as pain and pleasure but how you interact with the physical world around you is completely up to you and how much understanding of the physical world you have.
Negative energy flowing from your consciousness will cause the world around you to be interpreted in a negative way, however, if your state of mind is positive.. Well, I don't have to explain further do I?

Hope this helps. I'm in a bit of a rush here at work but I hope you can make some sense out of it all.

Consciousness is the Universe. You are already in Heaven, but you must experience Hell first in order to be fully aware of the sensations of Heaven.

edit on 13-2-2013 by ABeing because: Errors

Oh and by the way, since you without a doubt is Human which is both the best and worst level of reincarnation ones consciousness can experience depending on how many of us choose to look at it this way, you have probably been a lower life form before, like a mosquito perhaps and you got smacked and died minutes after hatching and that was it. Then you become a life form of higher consciousness so being Human is beautiful because now you've reincarnated so many times that you understand most of the sensations of the physical dimension so, however you choose to apply that knowledge, know that if you wish you can definitely get the most out of it.

And with that said, we should all acknowledge the nation of Tibet and its cultural heritage as a true wonder of the world and stand up for their protection as a nation and the survival of their cultural heritage and teachings.
Their culture is dying and with them part of Humanity will too.

edit on 13-2-2013 by ABeing because: Added paragraph

edit on 13-2-2013 by ABeing because: Spelling errors again.

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by ABeing

Beautiful explanation. I keep saying that enlightenment is the emotional state of coexisting harmoniously with chaotic elements that might otherwise cause you distress while using orderly elements to sustain your potential and both to further your experience. And you explained it far more effectively than I did.

edit on 13-2-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 08:35 PM
I agree, christianity (Ostrich's)and the beliefs they have just make no sense whatsoever and they want you to just shut up and trust them. Anyone who tries taking your will to think for yourself is trying to control you. I mean ,What nerve, to tell someone they are wrong because they refuse to believe the same BS. My father was a born again christian,..Brainwashed re wired wreck of a man. That blind faith is dangerous and will steal your soul. Believe what you want and keep your self worth. Religion keeps man from growing in a positive way. If you ask me, the hold religion has on people is actually what they fear, a false god, that has them fooled. Who wants a god that judges, controls and punishes? That satans work ,the proof is in their one track mind. My God opens doors and loves and never judges.Christians and religion will lead us all to war, Thanks alot!

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Kapablanka

Even he's not taking you serious right now because you're not even a point where you can identify him on any radar, your anger and hate is really just an extension of some other personal problem, you do realize that right?

I'm not sure you really understand. I'm not angry or hateful. Those are two very unproductive emotions. I simply disapprove of the myth that Christianity continues to push, because it encourages us to rely less on our own power and more on the power of those who take our money every Sunday in return for empty words and false reassurances.
edit on 10-2-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 08:35 PM
I agree, christianity (Ostrich's)and the beliefs they have just make no sense whatsoever and they want you to just shut up and trust them. Anyone who tries taking your will to think for yourself is trying to control you. I mean ,What nerve, to tell someone they are wrong because they refuse to believe the same BS. My father was a born again christian,..Brainwashed re wired wreck of a man. That blind faith is dangerous and will steal your soul. Believe what you want and keep your self worth. Religion keeps man from growing in a positive way. If you ask me, the hold religion has on people is actually what they fear, a false god, that has them fooled. Who wants a god that judges, controls and punishes? That satans work ,the proof is in their one track mind. My God opens doors and loves and never judges.Christians and religion will lead us all to war, Thanks alot!

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Kapablanka

Even he's not taking you serious right now because you're not even a point where you can identify him on any radar, your anger and hate is really just an extension of some other personal problem, you do realize that right?

I'm not sure you really understand. I'm not angry or hateful. Those are two very unproductive emotions. I simply disapprove of the myth that Christianity continues to push, because it encourages us to rely less on our own power and more on the power of those who take our money every Sunday in return for empty words and false reassurances.
edit on 10-2-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by InverseLookingGlass

Yea, Do you ever get the feeling these religious folks (Ostrich's) have been fooled by a false god and all along they have been brainwashed for destruction in Gods name? Meanwhile Gods probably tied up in some prison.LOL! There is Nothing about their belifs that makes any sense whatsoever, yet they are so determined

posted on Feb, 13 2013 @ 08:57 PM
Hell is your nightmares after you die. Since you don't have a body and you can't "wake up" you will have to be trapped in the hellish real of your own nightmarish design for a while until you make amends with your disembodied psyche.

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Foobler

Well, that's definitely another way of looking at things.
How would ones consciousness experience the pain and suffering though if it is not connected to a physical body anymore?
Isn't that what Heaven represents? Relief from the suffering?

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ABeing

I think it would be devoid of living. Just...numbness. An eternity of consciousness numbness would seem like hell. I don't believe in the traditional or Judaic hell or heaven, I'm just speculating here. Hell is different to everyone, because everyone fears or hates something different. Or everyone loves something different.
edit on 14-2-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2013 @ 04:34 PM
[dead] body + spirit/breath of life = [living] soul

living soul - spirit/breath of life = dead body

So, when you die:

the soul is no more

the spirit/breath returns to God

the dead body goes in the ground, not Heaven, not Hell - a dead body thinks nothing, feels nothing, is nothing.

What do we have left to go to Hell and suffer there? Nothing. Hell is therefore a 404.

Heaven, yes!

Hell, no!!

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

A deaf man knows nothing of sound. A blind man knows nothing of sight. A corporeal man knows nothing of spirit. Your words are taken from a book and from your own speculation. They are as substantial as any other opinion here. I am not telling you that you are wrong, I am saying that you are no more right than anyone else here.

If you had said "In my opinion", I would not even be posting this.

posted on Feb, 15 2013 @ 11:22 AM
Hey OP once you realize "Hell" is what we are going through on earth you should be able to breathe a sigh of relief. You have to learn to love, accept, and grow spiritually. There is no physical, endless burning depths of torture... because the plane of existence we are on is the physical hell. You need to learn how to love yourself, accept your fears, and work on them in a positive manner. If you dwell on the "what could be.." you'll never get yourself anywhere. We are given tasks and lessons throughout life that we have to learn from, and yours could very well be realizing that there is nothing but endless bliss, love and acceptance when you pass. You never really cease to exist, but you forget the you that you are now. We are veiled when we come into this world so we forget why we are here and what lessons we are supposed to learn.

There is no hell beyond, and there is no Devil waiting to torture you for your "sins".

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

But it is not my opinion - it is information and concepts I have gleaned and derived from a certain Book. I accept its message, but you do not, yet.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Lazarus Short

I believe Logman puts it quite well:

THE BIBLE: Warning! Literal belief in these stories may be hazardous to your health. Bear in mind they were written by superstitious Bedouin sheepherders ignorant by todays standards.

Considering they would have called me a heathen if I attempted to explain the existence of atoms or how the sky appears blue to them, I'm not particularly inclined to take their beliefs seriously. You can if you want to, but it's counter-productive to all of the education you've received to date, courtesy of the government-sponsored educational system that goes to great financial lengths to ensure that the latest in scientific understanding is made available to its students.

But again, that's your choice. I do think you should pay them back for their time, they clearly wasted it on you. I'm sure arrangements could be made.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 09:42 PM
Considering the fact that existence is nonexistent without consciousness, hence, without consciousness existence would not exist I would definitely consider consciousness trapped in a physical form of a sentient being such as in a Homo Sapien Sapien, being victim to both pleasure and pain and able to understand the Truth of this experience to be in both Heaven and Hell at the same Time. In Time which does not exist as past, present and future in reality but actually as Always and Never, Everywhere and Nowhere.
The sole reason for us, in physical form to even have the concept of Time as past, present and future is because our physical reciever of the Truth, the brain, would not be able to process infinite information all at once, yet it does anyway but limits our perception of Truth to the extent that One can only be conscious of existence in physical form and exist by the 5 senses percieving only a few of the infinite wavelengths that exists in order for our brains to materialize the physical dimension that One experiece existence within.
If it wasn't for the limitations and resteictions of our brains all consciousness would be One, which it actually is but, let's say it wasn't -when the physical embodyment of your consciousness, part of the One consciousness dies, I firmly believe that One's consciousness simply merges with The Consciousness in Infinity and well, existing in all Infinity isn't all that bad now is it?

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