posted on Jul, 29 2014 @ 01:49 PM
originally posted by: punkinworks10
For the balls with cord grooves ,
hunting net or fish net weights are a possibility.
Thanks for your input, but honestly, i have a hard time accepting these ornate stones were used for fishing net weights.
When i imagine how many long days must have been spent on making and decorating these things, it seems unlikely the makers would risk all that effort
being snagged on something and lost under the waves, just to weigh down a net.
Many other stones just picked up laying around would seem a less risky option to use on fishing nets...if they're were lost, which probably happened
quite often i'd think, it wouldn't be a great loss.
Losing something ornate and highly decorative, which must have taken a lot of effort and time to produce would be a great loss to whoever carved
I certainly wouldn't have risked losing these stones that way.
But...who knows, perhaps the more ornate the fishing weight, and the more effort put into producing them might have been thought to bring luck on the
fishing trip?
Maybe if they thought their gods were pleased with the work on the spheres, they would help them to catch lots more fish?'s would have been heartbreaking to have lost these on an afternoons fishing trip.