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White hypocrisy ! Really ?

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:57 PM
Well with all due respect it started long before that. It began during reconstruction when the northerners left and turned the South back over to the "democrats."

As for whites suffering the same that is certainly true in places like South Africa but their problem is unique to them. It doesn't translate to America's situation or vise-versa.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:00 PM
Policy is now being generated by political correctness. Not by common sense, not by logic or reason.

You cannot talk of immigration without being branded a hater, a bigot, etc.

Heck, you can't criticize our current president without being labeled a racist!

Political correctness is destroying how we legislate. We're basing law on feelings and emotions instead of reason.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:05 PM
it's also all over europe. dunno if you've noticed. the part that makes no sense to me: the swedish people are being shamed for being swedish. why? are they supposedly living on someone else's land? did they historically employ black people as slaves or hindus or ? i don't get it. i think it's cause they're white. : /

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by undo

Very well could be. There does seem to be a white backlash happening in Europe. I could understand it in America to a degree, though admittedly less nowadays, but Europe is a strange phenomenon.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Spookycolt
reply to post by randyvs

Actually the first people in North America traveled south. It was later generations that ended up staying here.

According to what account did, " The first people " travel south ? Later generations of .....

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:28 PM
Stop acting like ONE fool on a youtube and a few whiners speak for all NDNs. Im getting pretty irritated at the absolute idiocy on ATS anymore. I sick ofhte racist know it alls on here and the delusional do gooders the same.

DId you know that MANY NDNs are against Illegal immigration? No?? Thats because you let the media lead you by your damned nose then get sanctimonious on a thread about it...speaking like you know what the hell youre talking about.

Im logging off of ATS for a while after this. Im SICK of it. Im the first generation off of the rez.. my parents are rez born Blackfeet( SIksika). I was issued a CDIB card to prove I exist as a human being. MY family has fought in every war since the Revolutionary War and are Americans. SOrry you racist bastards cant comprehend that. WE participate in elections and government and in military. One of the orgs my own mother is heavily involved in on rez is Natives against Obama. Gee..we can actually think for ourselves..imagine that. I dont own a freaking casino and I paid for my degrees MYSELF. I dont need your kind white help. Keep it and your hubris. Im truly nauseous at the abject ignorance on here. I said in another thread that the guy who whined at the protestors was wrong and doesnt represent all of us. Nope.. thats all you people are stuck on stupid about. DO NOT speak for me and DO NOT pretend you know anything about reality when al you can do is get your entire base of knowledge from the media.

FOr the guy who "workswith natives and its all casinos and large homes" I call a complete freaking CROCK OF RACIST CRAP. Ive been aware of rez issues both good nad bad for almost 50 years now.. and youre a damned liar.

SInce you can only swallow what you read on a link..

"Tribal members live in fear for the safety of their families and their properties. Homes are broken into by those desperate for food, water and shelter. The 28,000–member Nation fights hoards of illegal immigrant [illegal alien] drug and human traffickers, robbers, and rapists. The Nation's seventy–one member police force apprehended 71,700 illegal immigrants in 2002 and seized 65,000 pounds of illegal narcotics.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:34 PM
I'll never understand why people choose to get angry at people who lived and died centuries before they were alive. Or wanting to punish the decendants of those people. They had nothing to do with it. There is no way to change the past. All you can do is try to improve the present. There is no reason to involve hatred and violence though. Move forward with peaceful intentions and the future will improve for everyone.

- Dredge

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Hard to tell if I'm included in your reply Advantage. I see no direction accept at some posters " The guy " you described.
edit on 5-2-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by k1k1to
reply to post by randyvs

i work hand in hand with native Americans..

most of them still resent the "white man"

yet they all drive brand new camaros, with rims tricked out..they all listen to country music (ironic) they have huge mansions and are living a life of luxury...technically all made possible thanks to the "white man"

really? what reservations are you working with........

because most of the ones ive been on with dont have any mansions on them, infact most of them are in horrible conditions......granted there are some that do well with casinos.......but thats a small percentage of all the reservations in the United States.......

Keep in mind my moms side of the family is Native American........and none of us hate the "white man"

So keep your blanketed "most" statements relegated to the rash generalizations trash bin

edit on 5-2-2013 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Dredge
I'll never understand why people choose to get angry at people who lived and died centuries before they were alive. Or wanting to punish the decendants of those people. They had nothing to do with it. There is no way to change the past. All you can do is try to improve the present. There is no reason to involve hatred and violence though. Move forward with peaceful intentions and the future will improve for everyone.

- Dredge

Most NDNs dont.. specifically in my generation. Dont even pretend you know what we think or feel concerning the past, because what I see on this thread.. there is a lot of ignorance and lies flying around as if they are fact. You all just center on the few whiners that do and run with it. Some use it to bash us,others use it to further their own agenda.

I see you all paint blacks on this site with the same wide *snip*-brush you paint my folks with on here day in and day out as if you know what youre speaking about. It enrages me that in 2013 there are still folks out there in this number that are this pathetically and willfully ignorant. I dont blame any decendant for the actions of their ancestor.... let the ancestors fight it out. Unfortunately given the number of fools on this thread, it seems the NDNs arent the ones bent on hatred and violence.. when the lone indian ( ME) is trying to inject truth into it.. AGAIN. Fools breed fools.. and I see that we will be stuck with another generation of kids raised by some of these people and their ignorance.


I was just as enraged at a post the other day in a thread concerning wanting something from the govt. A black poster of deep sincerity posted... he was DISREGARDED. You know, as if a black guy is an anomaly if he doesnt want an Obama phone or welfare. Incredible hubris expressed by some on here. You all want the strife, hatred, lies and division. I hope you choke on it.
edit on 2/5/2013 by maria_stardust because: Removed racial slur.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Advantage

so you're sitting here bemoaning the fact that people are lumping "all of you" people together without having walked a mile in your shoes. got it.

problem #1: the number of times you say "you all" or any variation thereof clearly indicates that you're guilty of the exact thing you claim to hate seeing done to "your people." you're throwing everybody in with each other.

problem #2: as an ex military guy, I've repeatedly seen both on this site and elsewhere, people saying that "don't judge me till you walk in my shoes" isn't a valid argument for military and ex military when discussing wars and combat. why is it now?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

Originally posted by k1k1to
reply to post by randyvs

i work hand in hand with native Americans..

most of them still resent the "white man"

yet they all drive brand new camaros, with rims tricked out..they all listen to country music (ironic) they have huge mansions and are living a life of luxury...technically all made possible thanks to the "white man"

really? what reservations are you working with........

because most of the ones ive been on with dont have any mansions on them, infact most of them are in horrible conditions......granted there are some that do well with casinos.......but thats a small percentage of all the reservations in the United States.......

Keep in mind my moms side of the family is Native American........and none of us hate the "white man"

So keep your blanketed "most" statements relegated to the rash generalizations trash bin

edit on 5-2-2013 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

I married a white guy... I only hate him when he leaves the toilet seat up or puts a pizza in the oven without the pizza stone and gets pizza crap all over my oven....

Ahhh well my friend, Im off of here for a while. Some days Im better than others at ignoring and suffering a fool. Today.. not so much.
Im still trying to wrap my head around he "barbaric red indian" comments on the other racist thread. I think Im kind of a lovely mellow mocha and had a working societies, although different between tribes, for quite some previous to the Spanish ( 1492) and Others later, rather than poop smearing barbarianism. One guy in chat last year said ALL NDNs were cannibals.. I kid you not

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Advantage

Well at any rate and in case I suffer from some kind of disassociation mind block defense mechanism. I did say this in my OP.

So I say to this man in the video.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Advantage

you just proved my point, that racism against white people is out of control and growing in the usa, as well as europe and all over africa. south african genocide against whites is a reality. if you think speaking the truth is racism, how can anyone have a truthful conversation with you?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by undo

If she is refusing us audience because were white Undo ? I can understand it. But my understanding of something doesn't mean I believe it is correct.
edit on 5-2-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Advantage

you just proved my point, that racism against white people is out of control and growing in the usa, as well as europe and all over africa. south african genocide against whites is a reality. if you think speaking the truth is racism, how can anyone have a truthful conversation with you?

Rather you proved my point.

Telling someone they are wrong and that they are passing lies isnt racism. There IS a difference. What was spoken wasnt the truth. NO, not all NDNs are okay with illegal immigration. In fact, many of us are very against illegal immigration and dont buy into this whites are illegal immigrants BS. Guess you missed that part. Ive already spoken about racism against whites in depth and urged whites to fight back adn not worry about being PC well before you were ever a member, am married to a white guy, spoke of my huge issue with the NAACP in college, and much much more. However, you would rather assume that I am all for racism against whites than simply ask me. THAT is why we can not have a truthful conversation. Your mind is already made up on who I am and what I believe based on my race. I HAVE a dog in the fight with racism against whites.. I married a white guy and have 3 half white kids. But no.. keep on thinking what you want and keeping that mind closed completely.

Youre so rabid to make me the enemy, you cant even see Im agreeing with the racism against whites and the truth that many many NDNs are right there with you concerning illegals being barred, federal law being upheld, and are VERY against amnesty. So in love with hate, it blinds you to the truth.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Advantage

If she is refusing us audience because were white Undo

The subjective in my comment was on audience, not being white or undo or racism. And frankly marrying a white guy doesn't mean you aren't prejudice. For all I know he may hate all whites himself, or you married him just to get back at one of us, or just him. Not making any claims just pointing out possibilities.
edit on 5-2-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

Originally posted by k1k1to
reply to post by randyvs

i work hand in hand with native Americans..

most of them still resent the "white man"

yet they all drive brand new camaros, with rims tricked out..they all listen to country music (ironic) they have huge mansions and are living a life of luxury...technically all made possible thanks to the "white man"

really? what reservations are you working with........

because most of the ones ive been on with dont have any mansions on them, infact most of them are in horrible conditions......granted there are some that do well with casinos.......but thats a small percentage of all the reservations in the United States.......

Keep in mind my moms side of the family is Native American........and none of us hate the "white man"

So keep your blanketed "most" statements relegated to the rash generalizations trash bin

edit on 5-2-2013 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

the community i work with receives its income from a casino, and as i said earlier MOST not ALL hate white people or descendants of white

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:38 PM

Your mind is already made up on who I am and what I believe based on my race.

nope. my only comment on native americans, was addressed to the guy in the video.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 04:43 PM


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