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White hypocrisy ! Really ?

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posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 01:58 PM
Mods if this has been posted in the same in the same light / My humble apologies.
I hope most Native American members here-in, know me as a person who only has the highest regard for their Race their culture, their way of life both old and new. Truly, a more noble people ? There are none. Movies like Dances with Wolves have even made me quite uncomfortable in my own skin. But...

This I can't abide

From RT news

A Native American man criticized protesters at an Arizona rally against illegal immigration, calling them the real “illegals” for invading his country and killing Native Americans when Europeans first settled on US soil. “You’re all #ing illegal. You’re all illegal,” the Native American man yelled at the protesters, who had gathered in Tuscon, Arizona to demonstrate their opposition to illegal immigration by Central and South Americans. “We didn’t invite none of you here. We’re the only native Americans here.” Some have applauded the man for pointing out the protesters’ hypocrisy, who at one point immigrated to the US themselves or are descendants of immigrants. The Native American man, who was pushing his baby through town in a stroller, staged his own protest when he came across the rally. “Get on with your bogus arguments. We’re the only legal ones here,” he yelled. One protester was caught standing near the angry Native American and became the target of his criticism.

Under conditions I had no control over, I was born in the exact center of the continental US of A. St. Joseph Mo. I am a Native American not of Indian descent. I am not a hypocrite if I don't like illegal aliens. Because I don't like what my white ancestors did to the Native American Indians either. The fact is, that I understand the hate for white people the NAI's must feel. I am however seeing something far less accurate here in this case. Considering the quality of life our Gov. has recently made available to this guy and his people? This is akin to the African Americans of today who still snivel about a past that no one alive today had any control over at all. I'm disgusted to the core by the atrocities of the white race ! I mean all of them. So I say to this man in the video. Try to carry that around for awhile

edit on 5-2-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue Feb 5 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by randyvs

i work hand in hand with native Americans..

most of them still resent the "white man"

yet they all drive brand new camaros, with rims tricked out..they all listen to country music (ironic) they have huge mansions and are living a life of luxury...technically all made possible thanks to the "white man"

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by randyvs
The thing that really popped out at me was that this man was screaming foul language and acting like that while pushing his baby in a stroller. What is wrong with some of these idiot people nowdays? As far as the content of his rant, the only ones of my ancestors who resided in this country during the time of the warring between the natives and the white immigrants were natives themselves as my other ancestors did not come to this country until after all of that was long over and done. I think that is also the case with a majority of white American citizens. To blame us for something that happened many,many years before ANY of us were born (him included) is redundant. None of us should forget the history of our country, but none should play the victim because of it either.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Ive been stating this in many threads to people that talk $hit about Mexican immigrants. But you know, that this site is comprised of ol stubborn folks that have narrow minds. They will never see the truth for what it is, but rather, grasp onto the ignorant hate views they deem to be just.


posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by k1k1to

Don't get me wrong now . I don't see their hate for the white race as completely misplaced. And if I were NAI I would be just what you described. Enjoy it all and still hate us. We aren't quite far enough removed from the things that have happened in the past. All I'm saying is as long as you keep the hate real ? So to speak ? All good ! But for him to say he is native born and I'm not ?

That's just an out right lie. Not becoming of his noble heritage.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:19 PM
I didn't realize they had immigration laws in place when whites started coming over here. having dealt with NAI's on God only knows how many occasions, I find the overwhelming majority of them are all too happy to sit back and bemoan their "lost lands and roots" which were taken by "the white man," all while taking absurd amounts of handouts from the same white man. it was a war of conquest (not looking to start any 'was it right/wrong' debates) that they lost. they were conquered. and they've been taking handouts ever since. graduate high school? here's a check for $80k. go to college? here, we'll pay for tuition books room and board, plus give you a stipend, even though you barely graduated high school and are as close to failing every class you signed up to take. oh, wait, you'd rather drop out 3 credits short of graduation from high school and be unemployed and do nothing except have kids, smoke and drink too much, and get fat? we have a program for that, too. i have no sympathy for them whatsoever.
edit on 5-2-2013 by Shamrock6 because: typo. thanks, fat fingers.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Considering the quality of life our Gov. has recently made available to this guy and his people?

What the Natives Americans getting are same treatment as "soon to be extinct animals species" given special room in the zoo.

What is wrong with him ranting? he lost 1/10 of his entire population, maybe he just want to vent.

edit: how many bombing have they done recently to reclaim the land? Their crime rate is up because of a imposed culture on them.

reply to post by k1k1to

yet they all drive brand new camaros, with rims tricked out..they all listen to country music (ironic) they have huge mansions and are living a life of luxury

How many of them are living like this? do you want to trade lives with the people in reservation?
edit on 2/5/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Actually white folk practiced discrimination well into the 70's with policies such as "redlining", so to say they weren't alive when it happened is ridiculous.

And Native Americans were no more noble than anyone else. They practiced policies that caused massive environmental damange, extinction of species, and in certain instance they participated in things as disgusting as cannibalism.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by randyvs

All good ! But for him to say he is native born and I'm not

Same treatment the kids that are born in north America to Indian parents, Asian parents or African parents get from "native" white folks.

Heck i seen it personally and i can still see it if i go to a predominantly white areas.

Ignorant: "go back to your country"

non white kid: "but i was born here.."
edit on 2/5/2013 by luciddream because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:24 PM
The fact is... Your ancestors DID invade and murder the native people to this land.

That is something every American and Canadian needs to live with. We occupied
Thier land and called it our own. we raised flags that represented the invaders - not the Natives.

The Hyprocracy is that settlers came here to escape tyranny in Europe only
To become the Tyrants of the new world.

Goes to show how inheritly evil we really are.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by FirstCasualty

Even the Native Americans came from somewhere else you know. They weren't Native to the Americas. Hell, China has more right to the land then they do since that's where they came from. And before that it was Africa.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Spookycolt
reply to post by FirstCasualty

Even the Native Americans came from somewhere else you know. They weren't Native to the Americas. Hell, China has more right to the land then they do since that's where they came from. And before that it was Africa.

No way ! Negative I disagree with that in earnest. By all rights NAI's being here before anyone. This land if it is a belonging ? Belongs to them, if it belongs to anyone besides God.
edit on 5-2-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:32 PM
i completely understand his sentiments, particularly after learning of their history.
but i must say this and i mean it in all due respect, since when is it okay to blame
people for stuff they never did? when did the laws change?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Actually the first people in North America traveled south. It was later generations that ended up staying here.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:34 PM
I'm part Cherokee, have family and friends living on reservation.

They are not living in the lap of luxury, as one poster commented earlier. For the most part, they are a poor people (poor in monetary sense).

But I understand your argument, OP. I get frustrated when someone blames me, as a "white" person, for slavery.

My ancestors did not own slaves. But even if they had, its not something I did.

Same statement could be applied here, I think.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:35 PM
My problem with all of this is the fact that, by the simple nature of expanding populations, all of mankind has been both intruded upon by immigrants and been the immigrant themselves at one point or other in history. For some reason it is politically acceptable for the Indians and Palestinians to be held as the two examples of people with permission to bitch. In reality, this has happened to everyone across the wntire spectrum of Earth for thousands of years. Holy hell, how many generations need to be born in a place before a man can be considered indiginous?

Many of the Paleoindian tribes in Southern North America were destroyed by raiding Mayan and Aztec bands searching for victims for human saccrifice long before Europeans even set foot in the Americas. Why do we never hear this complained about?

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Why do we never hear this complained about?

cause it's like, irrelevant? that's my point. people alive today, didn't do the crimes and there's a good chance their great grandfathers didn't either.

this same thing is happening to indigenous white people in africa. they are being murdered, their property confiscated, or chased out of various countries, all under the pretext that they are white and therefore have no claim on the land. in south africa, they are killing white farmers and taking their farms,. many of the murdered white farmers employed blacks in the area, who are then kicked off the farm by the new owners, and many times the new owners don't know how to farm, so the breadbasket in south africa is being destroyed and the jobless rate for blacks is increasing. white farmers that sell their farms to wealthy blacks, also get a bad rap because when they sell, the blacks who were employed by them, lose their jobs. however, being a white farmer in south africa is currently the most dangerous job in the world. and they aren't just murdered, their tortured, raped, sodomized then murdered in various gruesome ways. and these are indigenous whites who were born and raised in south africa.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by undo

They did actually.

A common misconception is that things became equal the minute slavery was ended. That is very far from the truth.

You had the black codes which followed and then the Jim Crow laws, segregation, constant racism, unfair lending practices in regards to housing, the creation of the Urban Ghetto, basically whites did not allow black to assimilate into mainstream culture after slavery ended.

Current black culture is directly related to the treatment they received from whites.

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by FirstCasualty
The fact is... Your ancestors DID invade and murder the native people to this land.

That is something every American and Canadian needs to live with. We occupied
Thier land and called it our own. we raised flags that represented the invaders - not the Natives.

The Hyprocracy is that settlers came here to escape tyranny in Europe only
To become the Tyrants of the new world.

Goes to show how inheritly evil we really are.

no, my ancestors did not. my ancestors didn't even make it to this country until the last two years of the 19th century, and even then it took them almost 20 years to make it to the Mississippi river area, and when they DID make it that far, they lived in an area that was already urbanized and had been for decades. so tell me again what I'm supposed to "live with?"

posted on Feb, 5 2013 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Spookycolt
reply to post by undo

They did actually.

A common misconception is that things became equal the minute slavery was ended. That is very far from the truth.

You had the black codes which followed and then the Jim Crow laws, segregation, constant racism, unfair lending practices in regards to housing, the creation of the Urban Ghetto, basically whites did not allow black to assimilate into mainstream culture after slavery ended.

Current black culture is directly related to the treatment they received from whites.

current black culture is directly related to the constant race baiting and the democratic party's realization that they can keep the black vote permanently by reminding them every other day, sometimes several times in one day, that they were once slaves. i have pointed out to a black fellow from africa, that white people have also been slaves and poor and abused by the system but he was completely sold on the idea that it's skin color related and only blacks have been disenfranchised, ever. there's some kind of global push to genocide white people. the native american fellow is evidence of it rising in the usa, as well.
edit on 5-2-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

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