posted on Feb, 1 2013 @ 08:04 AM
Not all intelligent people act stupid. Maybe you are referring to knowledgeable people. People who are intelligent can figure things out fairly easy
and can do almost anything. Einstein is an example. He could look at a bunch of information and talk to people and come up with an answer that
worked. This is IQ or intelligence. Being booksmart is not the same, the mind's power is used by these people to act like a computer accessing a
harddrive. A computer is a tool, not a mind. It takes a real lot of processing power to be able to figure things out.
Intelligence without knowledge is a waste but you have to understand perception to evaluate this. A person who is a very good and versatile farmer
can fix everything and grow anything. This means he is very knowledgeable in what he perceives is important and has the intelligence to comprehend
what action must be taken and when. Evaluating cost effectiveness of expenditures is a sign of intelligence, making sure the return is worth the
investment. Using risk assessment is also a part of intelligence and applying caution is also a sign of intelligence.
From the above paragraph you should be able to see that the structure of our society is far from intelligent, Too much not fully evaluated risk, no
evaluation of worthiness of investment, no learning from mistakes made. These are major signs of a very unintelligent society. There are very
intelligent people in our society but they are suppressed by the form of Economy and corporate structure we have. Risk is looked at as a successful
trait in our society instead of future security.
People who are knowledgeable try to say they are intelligent, and some of them are. Most are only booksmart though and they have gained a lot of
influence in our society but can't evaluate things properly, using their knowledge to defend themselves. Big words are often used by these people,
as soon as you challenge them the big words come out and are often misapplied to the situation. This is one of the reasons our country is failing.
It is by far not the only reason but a combination of things. Don't worry, don't be intimidated by the knowledgeable but right now these that are
knowledgeable in specific fields have a great influence on our society. Don't challenge them recklessly either, that could be suicide for your