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"beautiful" LCA

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posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
LCA stands for something like Losers Copying Aircraft

now my turn.

F-22 Scraptor
C-130 Jercules
F/A - 18 Super Harlot.

Is that enough or u want more.

How easy it would be for me to suitably modify "fighting" in F-16 fighting falcon to something else begining with the same letter.

And the JSF, oh boy...u can almost guess what i am thinking of the S and F

As the ole saying goes, "People living in glass houses should'nt throw stones at others"

centurion, i called u something on this thread

too bad u had to complain to a mod about it, and get me warned and fined.
quit behaving like a baby.grow up and grow a brain.

and hopefully u wont go complaining to a mod this time around too.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 04:54 AM
question : which hawk are india getting, the Hawk-T1 or the Hawk-128

i hope its the 128 .its cool

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 05:16 AM
It will definitely be the Hawk 128, the older version has been out of production for a number of years now and the 128 is the one which BAE is currently building and marketing.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 08:52 AM
ok first,when i looked at the thread i thought" someone actually liked the way LCA looked??!!!!!"
but when i started checking out the replies i realised some people are sane in here.yes,LCA is'nt much of a looker(i'm an indian and i have no shame in saying that).in fact the first time i looked at it i hoped this thing will never be seen by anyone(even me).i mean yuc!!!it flys?!!!!!.but this is where my criticism ends.i mean yea the plane's really idiotic looking but hey it's how it performs that matters.
now to my fellow indians,come on don't make too much fuss about it.i mean at the end of the day it's still a mach 1's not something new but yea it is something built in india.a important step towards self reliability in the country's defence(and it's about time too).let's not forget the ground reality's still not state of the art.small yes.sleath maybe.still is it the frontline of our defence?no(not yet atleast) and i don't see it as one too.i don't know what it will replace or what it's role will be in real combat and let's hope we will never have to wage a war.good job still but i'd rather wait for the MCA to give it the title "the pride of india".i mean come on let's not look down on ourself and settle with a LCA.we can do more than this.i believe we will too.
now to the non indians here,well hello dudes.i mean what is it about india you guys simply love hating or mocking?
i mean here's somethings from the web site which a lot will find insane
end of the world in dec 2012- yea sure,in fact praise the lord.

is bush doing a great job?-apparently for fact he actually might be smart.

china will kick nwo's ass-sure(but let's just forget the fact that US-china trade is at $260 billion dollars and most of it's the foreign investments come from the purported NWO nations)

j-10s-great!!!even though most of us don't know a lot about them.

india's joining the NWO-definitely(forget that india and US have a lot of differences about WTO and are fighting for a lot of patent rights,the latest one is about the medicinal properties of neem claimed to be discovered by USA which india won by the way)

i mean forget about china's human rights history!!!bah what is that?who cares?there're making big bucks!!!!

but india,biggest economy by 2050.nah!!!!!!not happening.we're betting the world will end in 2012.
good luck guys!!!best of luck bashing india.i know all you need is an excuse and i'm thinking i gave you one just like this thread. have fun while you're at it.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 03:55 PM
LCA was suppose to be good AirCraft untill French opened up their mouths & problems started flowing for LCA from Russia. IAF had given away a lot good impressions abt LCA but later Dessult Aviation of France which helped work on LCA catograzied LCA as an superior version of Mirage-3 & infeior to Mirage2000 series. This drop the interst of many poor nations which were lookingfor their replacement of Mirage-3 AirCrafts, including Libya. Libya is now looking into China-Pakistan's JF-17.

2ndly the Russians gave the heart attack to IAF when they informed that the engine tests have failed. IAF is looking into buying engines from France but since the engine section of wind tunnel of LCA was built by the help of Russians can only hold smaller Russians engines. French ones r slighlty bigger. This means either LCA flies with small inferior Russian engine or redesign the LCA.

One of the IAF official said that there was no point if waisting good money on bad Air Craft. LCA was never needed.

Any change in LCA will cost India & also increase te unit cost. Congress govt warned that if by 2007 LCA is not ready the project may face shut down.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 07:46 AM
Originally posted by charon
now to my fellow indians,come on don't make too much fuss about it.i mean at the end of the day it's still a mach 1's not something new

Actually, the aircraft is revolutionary in its own right, in terms of an operational fighter, with its size, weight, %age composites, and design.

let's not forget the ground reality's still not state of the art

State of the art as in, what? Its not a 5th generation fighter, and is not designed to be. It is a 4.5 generation fighter, with avionics comparable to other 4.5 generation aircraft (rafale, gripen, etc.), and will share a whole host of commanality with other advanced aircraft in the IAF inventory, like the MKI. Added to this, it is considerably cheaper and has a lower RCS than all the others in its class.

small yes.sleath maybe.still is it the frontline of our defence?no(not yet atleast) and i don't see it as one too.

Frontline and defense are mutually exclusive, but the LCA's role is neither of these. Its role is that of a short-range multirole aircraft, operating out of forward air bases able to provide both escort for IAF attack aircraft, as well as point-defense for IAF bases and strategic targets, which also requires significant ground attack capabilities. The Tejas will also be tasked with suppression and 'wild weasel' roles.

The IAF is planning to operate a unique hi-medium-low mix of aircraft with MKI-MRCA/[M2K/Jag/27]-LCA.

i'd rather wait for the MCA to give it the title "the pride of india".i mean come on let's not look down on ourself and settle with a LCA

Indians can and should be well proud of this project. The successes and benefits have been tremendous.

Originally posted by SABRE
LCA was suppose to be good AirCraft untill French opened up their mouths & problems started flowing for LCA from Russia. IAF had given away a lot good impressions abt LCA but later Dessult Aviation of France which helped work on LCA catograzied LCA as an superior version of Mirage-3 & infeior to Mirage2000 series.

Say what?

1. Dassault never worked on the LCA.

2. Neither France nor Russia never commented on the LCA.

3. LCA even in its PV form is superior to the Mirage series of aircraft, across the board, except for weapons, integration and development which have already started this year. Weapons demonstrater PV-2 will fly in several months. Furthermore, IAF pilots who intimately know and fly the Mirage have stated both on and off record that the LCA handles better than the Mirage aircrafts that the IAF operates. And incidently most Tejas test pilots are actually from Mirage squadrons.

2ndly the Russians gave the heart attack to IAF when they informed that the engine tests have failed. IAF is looking into buying engines from France but since the engine section of wind tunnel of LCA was built by the help of Russians can only hold smaller Russians engines. French ones r slighlty bigger. This means either LCA flies with small inferior Russian engine or redesign the LCA.

Um. No.

4. The much touted (in the Pakistani media) Kaveri 'failure' was later belived a load-bearing failure on one of the turbines in one of the high-altitude wind-tunnel tests. These 'failures' are a dime a dozen in the normal course of engine development. This has not delayed Kaveri's induction. If such 'news' gives the IAF a heart attack, it would be a long be bloated corpse by now.

5. By all estimates, Kaveri will be operational by 2009, and integrated with the Tejas by 2010. As of now, the Kaveri development phase is ahead of schedule, after the GSQRs for both plane and aircraft were changed, and plans subsequently redesigned

6. DRDO is not at all going with French engines, and never was. The Tejas is currently flying with a GE F404 engine, the same as which powers the Gripen. Until the Kaveri is inducted in 2010, the Tejas will fly with the F404-IN, an more powerful version of the same.

One of the IAF official said that there was no point if waisting good money on bad Air Craft. LCA was never needed.

Yup. Sure he did.

Any change in LCA will cost India & also increase te unit cost. Congress govt warned that if by 2007 LCA is not ready the project may face shut dow

7. Changes in the current LCA made by replacing foreign parts with indigenous systems will, if anything, reduce unit cost. The LCA design and its capabilites are all but locked in. The next few years is flight certification, where they work out all kinks. It should be noted that the certification requirements of the Tejas are significantly more strenuous than its contemporaries, Rafele, Gripen and Mirage 2k-10.

8. Figures for the initial 20+20 aircraft purchase are of a per-unit cost of USD $22.2 million. Note that this price is for the intial aircraft in limited series production with foreign engines. The price is likely to go down when fullscale production stars.

Guys please read the previous pages of the thread before rehashing the same ad nauseum. I feel like a broken record.


[edit on 14-3-2005 by rajkhalsa2004]

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 08:12 AM
SABRE very true what u have posted.
I went to the air show in b'lore and spoke to some guys from dassult they too said the same thing .BUT the really blow came when guys from DRDO SAID THEY WEREN'T IMPRESSED ALOT WITH LCA.

on a different note i spoke to guy form usaf cia wing about AURORA

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 08:17 AM

To bad every other account differs from you.

Nice try, mate.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 08:20 AM

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 08:21 AM

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 08:44 AM
This is nothing to do with Patriotism.

I'm an American of Indian origin, currently studying political science with a specialty on South Asia, and plan to join the USAF after this semester of college.

Not your run-of-the-mill Bangalore-based nationalist.

It has everything to do with fact. Just because you have an Indian-sounding name, doesn't mean that it gives you a greenlight to slather on baseless claims on this or any subject.

I will clarify when I say every account:
- Every account as reported by every media report I have ever seen on the subject;
- Every personal account from personal friends and aquantinces of mine (only half of the Indian), and most of them representatives of various defense firms who participated in AI05
- Accounts from online communities of defense enthusiests (not just Indian)

And added to this, the entire gamut of India's arms aquisition process and force structure doctrine.

Perhaps you can attempt to give credence to your inane claim. Please tell me which exact stall, what day, and what time, and chances are I can get somone to corraborate your (made up) story.

I have little patience for people who prefer to speak out of their arse. No offense.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 07:00 AM
I'm an indianamerican too; staying in NewJersy.And a great supporter of the U.S.A. I do'nt like anyone disrespecting my country or our planes.I'm personally offended when cartoons showing an F 22 being shot down by what seems to me, a mythical Russian plane.What if i made fun ofthe LCA(LOW CLASS AIRCRAFT) by a lunatic called stealth spy hmm.. should possibily be called stupid spy or spineless spy.

This is my first time mailing on this spectacular site,i have been a long time visitor though.Guys this forum is about planes & not about disrespecting other countries,lets keep it that way.
peace out.
p.s. rajkhalsa2004 i hope u do great at the USAF.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by charon
ok first,when i looked at the thread i thought" someone actually liked the way LCA looked??!!!!!"
but when i started checking out the replies i realised some people are sane in here.yes,LCA is'nt much of a looker(i'm an indian and i have no shame in saying that).in fact the first time i looked at it i hoped this thing will never be seen by anyone(even me).i mean yuc!!!it flys?!!!!!.but this is where my criticism ends.i mean yea the plane's really idiotic looking but hey it's how it performs that matters.
now to my fellow indians,come on don't make too much fuss about it.i mean at the end of the day it's still a mach 1's not something new but yea it is something built in india.a important step towards self reliability in the country's defence(and it's about time too).let's not forget the ground reality's still not state of the art.small yes.sleath maybe.still is it the frontline of our defence?no(not yet atleast) and i don't see it as one too.i don't know what it will replace or what it's role will be in real combat and let's hope we will never have to wage a war.good job still but i'd rather wait for the MCA to give it the title "the pride of india".i mean come on let's not look down on ourself and settle with a LCA.we can do more than this.i believe we will too.
now to the non indians here,well hello dudes.i mean what is it about india you guys simply love hating or mocking?
i mean here's somethings from the web site which a lot will find insane
end of the world in dec 2012- yea sure,in fact praise the lord.

is bush doing a great job?-apparently for fact he actually might be smart.

china will kick nwo's ass-sure(but let's just forget the fact that US-china trade is at $260 billion dollars and most of it's the foreign investments come from the purported NWO nations)

j-10s-great!!!even though most of us don't know a lot about them.

india's joining the NWO-definitely(forget that india and US have a lot of differences about WTO and are fighting for a lot of patent rights,the latest one is about the medicinal properties of neem claimed to be discovered by USA which india won by the way)

i mean forget about china's human rights history!!!bah what is that?who cares?there're making big bucks!!!!

but india,biggest economy by 2050.nah!!!!!!not happening.we're betting the world will end in 2012.
good luck guys!!!best of luck bashing india.i know all you need is an excuse and i'm thinking i gave you one just like this thread. have fun while you're at it.

messed up have a few in every community.."sigh"..

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by sanjusuraj trueindian
SABRE very true what u have posted.
I went to the air show in b'lore and spoke to some guys from dassult they too said the same thing .BUT the really blow came when guys from DRDO SAID THEY WEREN'T IMPRESSED ALOT WITH LCA.

on a different note i spoke to guy form usaf cia wing about AURORA

"USAF CIA wing?"...
Whats going on here??
The LCA is NOT bad!.. I saw it many times at yehalanka nad read up on the schematics..
It sure as hell is way better than the JF-17.. I can bet my arm on that!!
As for it being compared to the Mirage 2000, well can't really say..
The Mirage 2000 was a good plane IMO though the LCA will surely have better avionics...
As for Kaveri comparing to Snecma, snecma better IMO..
LCA smaller, lowest radar signature for a non-stealth fighter.. (not confirmed but neither speculative)

USAF CIA wing....

At Aero India 2005...
sanju beta are you living in bangalore? kaunse class may phadte ho?
And as for DRDO, HAL can say that they're not impressed with all those $hitty missiles DRDO's been spewing out in the last decade or so..

And as for you SABRE, you're the first "Indian" Sabre fan I've ever known..
really... -_-
May inquire the reason for your pull towards the Sabre?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Stealth Spy

F-22 Scraptor
C-130 Jercules
F/A - 18 Super Harlot.

As I said "centurion" needs to be introduced to the "gauls"..

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 01:43 AM
practise before preaching Sabre.

BTW : i am 100% indian, 14 years old, study in 9th standard and live in bangalore.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 11:07 PM
ANYways... back on topic. Interesting news coming out of AI05, from an ACIG correspondant, it seems there's a 'stretch' LCA variant under development, a single or twin engined forrunner to the MCA...

Anyway, here's another photo of the canarded LCA model on left, with a model of the HF-73 concept

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 11:32 PM
Some more new pics

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 11:23 AM
Check out this thread:

BTW, what are the latest Indian, Iranian and Chinese developments in this area (UCAV), if any?

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 12:15 PM
Guys, don't feed the troll ^

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