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"I'am the Lizard King, I can do anything"

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posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer777
reply to post by Khedwulf

Sure didn't. I have a buddy who swears up and down I'm a desendant because I have a verticle pupil like the one in your avatar, but I'm not.

BullShnake you don't have slanted eyes. Post a pic, after all this is a thread about reptiles. If you post a legitimate pic, I sincerely apologize for my accusation.

To summarize the original crack that my post was attempting to make was that we at one point branched off of the same family tree that reptiles came from via evolution. Or is this even the case, to be truly honest nobody really knows. All we can do is look at the pieces, and make assumptions based off of the evidence we find. Even knowledge passed down is subject to change and alterations.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 01:05 PM
Teenage Mutant Ninja ...Dragons? World of Warcraft troll = dragon?
Gamera is a benevolent giant turtle with built in rockets and breathes fire due to his diet of petroleum, and comes to the aid of little Japanese kids; not a dragon.

Turtles are revered separately from dragons in Chinese and Vietnamese culture. There are 4 saintly or benevolent animals/creatures: dragon, tortoise, bird (Phoenix), and tiger. They represent North, South, East, West as well as Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, and the four divisions of the sky.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Khedwulf

Originally posted by Wanderer777
reply to post by Khedwulf

Sure didn't. I have a buddy who swears up and down I'm a desendant because I have a verticle pupil like the one in your avatar, but I'm not.

BullShnake you don't have slanted eyes. Post a pic, after all this is a thread about reptiles. If you post a legitimate pic, I sincerely apologize for my accusation.

To summarize the original crack that my post was attempting to make was that we at one point branched off of the same family tree that reptiles came from via evolution. Or is this even the case, to be truly honest nobody really knows. All we can do is look at the pieces, and make assumptions based off of the evidence we find. Even knowledge passed down is subject to change and alterations.

Haha well its only one of my eyes and Ill post a pic no problem, but how do you do that?

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 01:47 PM

Okay that took a lot of work but here ya go. my left eye. Using an iphone so the pic kinda suck
edit on 30-1-2013 by Wanderer777 because: add picture

edit on 30-1-2013 by Wanderer777 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2013 by Wanderer777 because: typo

edit on 30-1-2013 by Wanderer777 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2013 by Wanderer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer777

Okay that took a lot of work but here ya go. my left eye. Using an iphone so the pic kinda suck

Interesting, but could you please provide different pictures? The glare makes it hard to tell and I want to be sure it is free from tampering. (other readers: "He'll just tamper with those too!")

EDIT: Oh beat me to it!
edit on 30-1-2013 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by EL1A5

Yeah I added another one. Tamper free! I was born with it and grew up just calling it my cat eye. luckily I have brown eyes. otherwise I'd get a lot more crap about it than I already do

edit on 30-1-2013 by Wanderer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Wanderer777

You got lucky with your coloboma case; I've seen people with some really messed up eyes.

Is your vision affected by it?

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by EL1A5

It's actually kinda funny the way my vision is. The left eye is far sighted and the right eye is near sighted so it kinda evens out, but my depth perception is awful, especially if I drink haha

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:38 PM
It's funny you should make this thread, OP. Just the other day I infiltrated and killed a red dragon! At least, I think its dead. Hard to be sure, you know? Then I found out that I'm a silver dragon. Add that to the list of things I am or was in past lives: a thunder god, a cigar-shaped UFO, a water-spilling sun, a sacrificial offering, a twin hero. Mystics are a lot of things, eh?

edit on 30-1-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer777

Originally posted by Khedwulf

Originally posted by Wanderer777
reply to post by Khedwulf

Sure didn't. I have a buddy who swears up and down I'm a desendant because I have a verticle pupil like the one in your avatar, but I'm not.

BullShnake you don't have slanted eyes. Post a pic, after all this is a thread about reptiles. If you post a legitimate pic, I sincerely apologize for my accusation.

To summarize the original crack that my post was attempting to make was that we at one point branched off of the same family tree that reptiles came from via evolution. Or is this even the case, to be truly honest nobody really knows. All we can do is look at the pieces, and make assumptions based off of the evidence we find. Even knowledge passed down is subject to change and alterations.

Haha well its only one of my eyes and Ill post a pic no problem, but how do you do that?

Eye stand corrected, if your asking about my eye pic, it was photo edited. That same picture has probably gone through four or five photo edits from the original photo. It used to be part of a full face pic with both eyes edited, but I lost that photo 2 computer crashes ago.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by Khedwulf

Haha I was actually referring to uploading a pic onto the site, but after many searches and sighing I did figure it out as you can tell.

Coloboma is pretty common. Ive done a lot of research and I thank God all the time I didn't get any real deformities. Also falls into the lines of cat eye syndrome which is nothing but bad side effects. I am very lucky not to have down syndrome or any other problems

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 03:10 PM
I love dragons and the mythology behind them. In fact that pic below is my new tattoo, got that about 3 weeks ago.

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by EL1A5

Those lizards you showed me are tiny and don't fly they glide, and certainly don't breathe fire. How can they spark the idea of giant beasts?

Are you not aware humans have gigantic imaginations? Just look at everything the human race have ever created. Every story humans have wrote, novels from centuries ago that predict technology that didn't exist back then. Just look at the movies we make. Avatar, the movie, isn't real, but we thought up a whole nother world and alien race... Most video games have monsters that do not exist, does that mean once did at one time? Were all the pokemon once real? I mean how could humans think to create up something that didn't exist in a physical reality! Some of them even breathe ice. lol.

Maybe they found gigantic dinosaur bones then drew a what they thought lived on them. Or maybe they just went off their imaginations and already existing reptiles. It's really not that hard..Like alligators, crocodiles, komodo dragons, monitor lizards, and all their smaller cousins.

It's not like humans don't have contact with "gigantic" lizards today or in the past.

The megalania (Megalania prisca or Varanus priscus), sometimes called the giant ripper lizard, was a very large goanna or monitor lizard, now extinct. It was part of a megafaunal assemblage that inhabited southern Australia during the Pleistocene. It seems to have disappeared around 40,000 years ago.[3] The first aboriginal settlers of Australia may have encountered living megalanias.

Ancient humans find a similar looking skull, what do you think they'll make up about it?

dolphins being considered more intelligent than humans.

If they were more intelligent they'd be smart enough to know to stay away from the 2 legged land walking things.

Are they not "primitive" animals?

No, crocodiles are primitive animals. No mammal is a primitive animal, we have developed complex larger brains.

In my eyes I would consider humans to be more primitive than animals.

Humans are animals tho...

Yet most people lack the common sense to even make a fire without the use of a lighter or matches, let alone the ability to hunt for themselves.

Humans can learn to to these things with no problem. The intelligence of a species isn't based off what someone chooses not to learn.
edit on 30-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by XsweetNspiceyX

This is what you have shown us:

"Mythological" dragons category (though no actual representations of dragons from antiquity are shown)

• a Dragon "anatomy" picture drawn by a middle-schooler as a class project

• a painting/cgi-enhanced image of a popular viking story

• an image of a dragon from the World of Warcraft video game

• a stereotypical chinese dragon straight from a menu

Modern category

• a Godzilla movie character

• Cobra logo from the 1980's G.I. Joe cartoon

• the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles

• the Balrog from Lord of the Rings

• a CGI "orc" from Deviant art (inspired by a video game's version of what an "orc" is)

• a troll artwork inspired yet again by Blizzard's Warcraft game

Ancient category

• Sumerian, Aztec/Mayan.. etc art/writings

• A christian relief depicting the devil and the saint measuring out the worth of Human life versus sin

• an ancient depiction of the inner and outer anatomy of animals

• an ancient babylonian wall stylization common in the halls and interiors of the city

• African art

• egyptian art pieces


It is of my personal opinion that you are either "odd" (to be REALLY nice), or are trying to make a fool out of people here on ATS by putting up such rubbish as "proof" of Dragons.

Only my personal opinion. No insult intended.
edit on 30-1-2013 by SoulVisions because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 03:26 AM
Enki the Reptilian


You will notice the wheel seen in Egypt and in Sumerian that is usally seen with enki is behind the man as the winged disk. This wheel means that is rotates in a circular motion. The wings means that it flies. The man means that it has a being inside it.

Rotating flying saucer. Or flying saucer that uses a gyroscpe type motor most likely mercury and magnetism.

Notice the drivers of the space craft! Big headed aliens known as gresy! You will also notice that is describes how the craft flies. There is a bump under it with arrows suggesting that the earth is pushing the object upward ANTI GRAVITY. to the left of the vehicle is a 16 spoke wheel ELEMENT 116.

Epic of gilgamesh seal from Sumeria. Notice the Space ship and after he defeats the lion he rides a reptile looking creature. Most likely suggesting Gilgamesh was half man and half reptilian.

edit on 11-2-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-2-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 04:58 AM
Heres that disk I was talking about. It's a flying saucer.

Other wise how did they know about the solar system. How does a hunter gatherer who has never seen evidence of other planets know the difference between planetary bodies and star bodies?

Thye can't without alien help!

edit on 11-2-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2013 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by SoulVisions

Looks to me like the proof of dragons and the worship of these alien entities.

posted on Feb, 17 2015 @ 04:57 PM
I'm back!

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