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"I'am the Lizard King, I can do anything"

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+4 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 01:49 AM

The Evolution of Dragons

Dragons in Mythology:

Dragons in mythology were usually seen as having wings and could fly. An ancient way to describe something come from the sky was depicting it with wings. But not all dragons were seen with wings. This is because they were observed as land fearing creatures. Though mythological in nature we will soon see later in the thread what started all the mysticism and hype.

Dragons in the Modern World:

As you can see even in today's world dragons are still a symbolical creature in our culture as a country and as a world. In my next segment I will reveal to you the nature behind this reptilian craze.

Dragons Of the Ancient World:

What caused the ancients to believe in such alien intervention from a reptilian race? Why did they believe reptiles came from the sky? And why did we view them as evil? As you can see in the next picture whatever reptilian intervention took place was for the sake of mankind. The snake was the good guy all along.

Or is that the great deception?

Notice the reptilian at the far right? Someone taught mankind a long time ago! The fallen god?

Video Thread

You will notice in this video as pointed out by metalholic that there is 2 paintings in the background at the beginning. A reptile man and a painting of Jesus.

Was Jesus the reptilian depicted by the ancients along with his queen Inanna?

Quetzalcoatl or Ketzalkoatl is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and has the meaning of "feathered serpent".

....ending transmission.....
edit on 29-1-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2013 by XsweetNspiceyX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:09 AM
I hail only one Lizard King.

Cool thread though I like me some dragons

edit on 29-1-2013 by zonetripper2065 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:17 AM
I'll have to check for the reply in several hours as I have to go fall into bed and get unconscious for awhile. However, I couldn't help but stop cold on one of your images. It happens to be the image that started me on a side trail I'm still very much pursuing on a very very different track and topic ...possibly for a big thread. I'm not sure yet.

Why did you include the Abydos Panel (The some call them)? Your OP is a little light on explanation and I can understand, given the volume of great images you put together. It's actually better without a bunch of talking to each one. That one though..very specifically...why include it?


posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:40 AM
Humans have quarried rock and mined for minerals for many thousands of years.
Occasionally people would stumble upon dinosaur fossils and these were concidered as evidence of dragons or great serpents.
A couple of years ago I took my kids to the museum during school hollidays.
The museum had a collection of dinosaur skull fossils on display, among them was one just like the one pictured below. I dont know my dino's but I recall something about California in regards to this one.

I have'nt read anything about a dragon-e.t. connection before, but I do find the worship of serpents amongst ancient civilizations very interesting.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by XsweetNspiceyX

well i live in the land of the red dragon
and also quite fond of dragons to

edit on 29-1-2013 by darknewt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by darknewt

Howdy doody Taff.

Kindest respects


posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by LeLeu

Eh? You've never heard of the Lizzies/Reptilians?

I believe there are numerous abduction reports of both Grey beings and what seems to be their overlords.....the Reptilians.

Who knows? I haven't been abducted, and kind of hope I never get to experience that.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by XsweetNspiceyX

hi , cool pictures, i believe that dragons walked the earth or flew.. but picture 15 hunaphu and qabalanque the face of hunaphu is altered i is actually a human face,, had to point that out becouse its one of my favorite stones.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 01:36 PM
All I have to add is this:

"Reign of Fire" was a horrible, horrible movie. Over an hour of my life I won't get back.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 01:39 PM
Snakes hate the cold. (A mongoose licking its lips)
edit on 29-1-2013 by Emeraldous because: Picture doesn't show
edit on 29-1-2013 by Emeraldous because: URL Add

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:17 PM
I clicked on the link expecting a thread about Jim Morrison?

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 02:19 PM
So... dragons of old?

Some speculation that the Chinese dragon was created from a comet. Long tail? Flies? Fire breathing?

Glad the Balrog made it in your "picture show". My favorite character from "Lord of the Rings".

Ancient demons and all. The horned one, etc.

What better dragon to slay than a 50 foot crocodile or 25 foot Monitor Lizard? They look dragony...

What better character traits to bestow on the king (who is not human, but "god like") than fierce amphibian reptilian traits?

Its not just the dragon, but the lion and leopard and fish and all other manner of wildlife that is copied this way. Head of the bull on a human form in rock carvings.

We do it today too. Today, because of the "Twilite" saga everyone is "wolf like" and "lurking", right?


edit on 29-1-2013 by intrptr because: spelling

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:17 PM
Awesome pics! Great thread! I love dragons!!!!

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by XsweetNspiceyX

How did we get from pictures of dragons, and then pictures of things that aren't dragons at all..(ninja turtles, a balrog, etc..) to Jesus being a reptile? You've linked gargoyles and Egyptian figures who are cats, not reptiles.. Orcs aren't reptiles either, rather they are humanoids with pig features. They are mammals, not reptiles.

I don't mean to be rude, but I don't understand how a thread like this ends up on the front page. You've very, very loosely linked a bunch of images with incoherent connections, some of the images, again, aren't even dragons at all..

So you link a bunch of images and now we're supposed to believe that Jesus was a lizard? Can you please elaborate? Am I missing something here?

C'mon ATS community - is this all it takes to impress you??
edit on 29-1-2013 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

This image shows Jesus being resurrected as a "reptilian being."

Another image:

I believe this is what the OP was referring to but failed to show and image of.

Although if you look closely at the image you see it is his hair flowing in the wind.

Some may consider the resemblance of a snake to be subliminal; I'll leave it to the reader's own interpretation.

Great thread though! Reptile beings have been an idea for centuries, it had to have sparked from something.
edit on 29-1-2013 by EL1A5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:24 PM
Reptilians are fascinating. After all did we not descend from them?

edit on 29-1-2013 by Khedwulf because: Needed to change the smiley

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'll have to check for the reply in several hours as I have to go fall into bed and get unconscious for awhile. However, I couldn't help but stop cold on one of your images. It happens to be the image that started me on a side trail I'm still very much pursuing on a very very different track and topic ...possibly for a big thread. I'm not sure yet.

Why did you include the Abydos Panel (The some call them)? Your OP is a little light on explanation and I can understand, given the volume of great images you put together. It's actually better without a bunch of talking to each one. That one though..very specifically...why include it?


My response to your post!

I figured since I done this thread focusing on the et! I would do that thread focusing on how it got here.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by TinkerHaus

I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one. I do see reptilians (if they were or are real) being demons. The first tainted creature was a serpent or snake. After of which it was cursed to crawl on its belly. Satan is described as a dragon which I believe to be true. I take the Bible very literal, and you people can bash me all you want. If reptilians were real they'd be evil.

Also I am sad to see this on the front page as well, because you didn't do hardly any research. It took you all of what? 15 minutes to put this together? C'mon! Where's actual info rather than speculation. Ninja turtles? Seriously? What were you trying to prove there? Orcs? People stop being all "oooo and ahhh" and more like wtf!

As for that picture of Jesus supposedly popping up as a reptilian that is some BS. I looked at it and it looked like a depiction of Jesus rising from Hell, which he did. When crucified for US he went to hell and got the keys to Heaven. So get some real FACTS rather than CG pics of dragona and orcs

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Khedwulf

Sure didn't. I have a buddy who swears up and down I'm a desendant because I have a verticle pupil like the one in your avatar, but I'm not.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer777
reply to post by TinkerHaus

I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one. I do see reptilians (if they were or are real) being demons. The first tainted creature was a serpent or snake. After of which it was cursed to crawl on its belly. Satan is described as a dragon which I believe to be true. I take the Bible very literal, and you people can bash me all you want. If reptilians were real they'd be evil.

Also I am sad to see this on the front page as well, because you didn't do hardly any research. It took you all of what? 15 minutes to put this together? C'mon! Where's actual info rather than speculation. Ninja turtles? Seriously? What were you trying to prove there? Orcs? People stop being all "oooo and ahhh" and more like wtf!

As for that picture of Jesus supposedly popping up as a reptilian that is some BS. I looked at it and it looked like a depiction of Jesus rising from Hell, which he did. When crucified for US he went to hell and got the keys to Heaven. So get some real FACTS rather than CG pics of dragona and orcs

Yeah let's talk about facts. The king of kings was killed because he gained that reputation and the reputation fo the son of the heavenly father. Because he had already called out the corruption fo the church and chased away religious zealots from these holy sites.

The last thing the elites wanted was a carpenter to be worshipped. How stupid would they look that a mere carpenter out smarted them the ones who thump religious texts all day.

They couldn't have it! Also no one dies for anybodies physical bodies lusts. That is yours to control. That idea alone is ignorant. It's unjustifiable.

As for the pictures there is a reason that a reptile man picture is next to a jesus picture. Who said it was a reptilian jesus. As the op clearly reads it was a question.

I think some people need to watch their adhd cause it causes them to miss certain things and makes them look dumb. Does it not?

Why else did I have to type all this out?.

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