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What is the feeling like in America right now?

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posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:01 PM
[edit on 21-11-2004 by jimmyhellfire]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:04 PM
Terror Threats??

*goes to watch some CNN*

[size=-4](I dont watch much news anymore since its all stuff to make us intentionally scared and depressed)

[Edited on 28-10-2004 by dreamlandmafia]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by jimmyhellfire
Hi Ya All,

Anyway all the best to all Americans. I would stand by and help any American in a time of need. That is my guarantee.



Thats one of the nicest and most heartwarming statements from someone living in another country I've seen in a long while - Thanks you've made my day.

Most here (USA not ATS) are ignoring any threat right now and are enthralled (or tired of) the election and its controversies.

Those not engaged at all are living, shopping or working oblivious to whats going on near or far - unfortunatly, in my opinion.

Depending on what one believes the success of the effort to prevent an attack has made for complacency or the false alerts have led to complacency.

Either way the public IMO is complacent as far as terror warnings.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:28 PM
Thank you for asking, because that's the only way you can really get to the truth.

Going about business. Work everyday. Family everyday. ATS family everyday.

The elections are the most perplexing thing I've ever come across in my life. I've turned it over to God...I'm confused, and overwhelmed with inadequacy in the face of the importance of this decision. I leave it up to Him.

I hope all is at least as well in Aussie-land as it is here.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by jimmyhellfire
Anyway all the best to all Americans. I would stand by and help any American in a time of need. That is my guarantee.



Thanks man, we like you Aussies too.

I�m not overly worried about the terrorist threat as far as my immediate personal safety or that of my family goes. Of course I might feel differently if I lived in a big city on one of the coasts. Since 9/12/01 I�ve felt it was just a matter of time before we are hit again so if/when it happens I don�t think I�ll be totally shocked.

As far as next Tuesday�s election well I think it�s going to be a huge SNAFU no matter what.
Will it lead to our second civil war, no. Will it probably be a gigantic mess, yes.

Well this is just how I feel about the current situation. Of course I always thought Murphy was an optimist.

Thanks again for the kind words Jimmy, you guys down under stay safe.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:34 PM
Cheers to the Land Down Under from the Land Up Over!

I can't speak for all of us, but aside from a few nervous nellies -- which every population will always have -- it seems like most everyone is going about their business as usual.

Should we do anything different?

As for my friends in Oz, here's one Yank who's damn glad you're on our side, as you have always been. For what it's worth, it seems I feel the same way about Australia as you do about America.

I won't abide any talk by our politicans about leaving you hanging if it ever gets too hot down there (*cough* Indonesia *cough*). Fortunately, none of them seem to abide it either.

Best regards from the States,


posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:38 PM
You can't paint every American with the same brush.

Personally, i'm not worried, i'm looking forward to the election being over, i'm looking forward to people in America being woken up, I think their tolerance level's has hit an all time high and everything is about to come tumbling down.

However, I think it's for the good of this country and the world's...
Bush can # off... And so can his pnac buddies.

Everything will be back to normal, it's just a matter of time... And thus, i'm looking forward to the future.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:52 PM
I must agree with Phoenix, that has to be one of the nicest statements about my country I have heard in ages.

Everything is good, depending on ones definition of the word? Me, I am just sick off all the hoopla. Everywhere you look, vote for me, no vote for me. Or, this guy sucks, no he sucks more than me. Thats what it is to me anyway, the lesser of 2 evils, or a third party of which has no serious chance of winning at this point(unfortunately).

One good thing about this election, or so it seems: people are going to vote. This, IMO has been a big problem is my lifetime, people not voting. I just hope people get out and actually do vote. There comes a point when one has to pick country over party, if we could find someone who we actually believe half of what they are saying...anyway, I'm babbling.

Things will settle down after Nov. 2 and all we be right with the world. Shakes head and can't believe he just said any of this.

Going back under my rock now, cya......

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 08:55 PM
Hi, Jimmy, nice to see you here. Our countries and our militaries have always been close, sharing a mutual respect. We feel the same about you guys; anywhere, anytime, we'll be proud to stand with you.

We don't panic around here, we just get extremely pissed if we are injured.

I don't think we'll see another terror attack until after Kerry is in the Oval Office as the terrorists know that he will be more likely to do little militarily, but a lot with our coffers. That's the thing about America, all the enemy has to do is wait for a weak president, and that only takes 4 to 8 years.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Thomas Crowne

I don't think we'll see another terror attack until after Kerry is in the Oval Office as the terrorists know that he will be more likely to do little militarily, but a lot with our coffers. That's the thing about America, all the enemy has to do is wait for a weak president, and that only takes 4 to 8 years.

TC, your post reminds me of someone...dramatic pause..Oh yes sorry,where was I? Jimmy Carter, thats it!!!

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 11:53 PM
Thanks for the kind words about your support for America
we feel the same about you all up here as well wish the best for
all in OZ


just kidding about the gun
P.S. Not overly worried (as I load my shotgun) but I feel if the threats are real it could be really bad this time.

[edit on 10/28/2004 by geocom]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 11:57 PM
That really was a nice thing to say, thank you very much.

In my experience, everyone is going to be happy once this election is over. But as for our daily lives, they haven't changed. People still go bowling, frats still throw crappy parties, and South Park still makes poop jokes.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by jimmyhellfire
Hi Ya All,

I am an Aussie guy living in Melbourne and I would like to gauge the feelings of Americans with all these new terror threats going on.

I was in the Australian Army and I got to train with the 25th Infantry Division and the US Marines. Both our countries have strong ties and I remember the warm treatment I recieved when serving with US Forces.

Anyway all the best to all Americans. I would stand by and help any American in a time of need. That is my guarantee.



I thank you m8, and remember, most Americans feel the same way to the Aussies and yes even the Kiwi's

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:02 AM
I also just cant wait for this #ing election to be done with. Its a little exciting. But its been shoved down our throats for so long that it will be good when its over. Of course whoever loses is going to accuse the other side of cheating, but thats just shenanigans. As far as an attack, I just dont know. We keep ourselves braced for the possibility, but go on with our lives regardless.

edit spelling

[edit on 10-29-2004 by William One Sac]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:14 AM

There's an election coming up? Why didn't someone tell me!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:27 AM

Thanks for such uplifting words. In times like these, we could use some! All of a sudden, I feel as if maybe there are still true Americans, and all it took was words by an Austrailian! Cool!


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:45 AM
Thanks, Jimmy, for your kind words. As a native Texan, I feel a real kinship with you Aussies (my nephew actually drove a solar car acrosss Australia last year)

As for how things are, in the US, right now: the terror threats aren't really affecting my life. I live in a large city and take them as a part of the chances one takes living in any large city. I don't dwell on them, but I do keep an eye open.

As for the elections, I must admit, I haven't seen this amount of excitement since I was a child in 1960. It's a race where the two candidates are clearly delineated and they are almost evenly supported. In my lifetime, this is the first election, since I've been of age to vote, where I really feel that my vote will make a critical difference. So, there's a certain amount of tension in the air mixed with a whiff of excitement and a trace of "let's get it all done already!"


posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by jimmyhellfire
Hi Ya All,

I am an Aussie guy living in Melbourne and I would like to gauge the feelings of Americans with all these new terror threats going on.

I was in the Australian Army and I got to train with the 25th Infantry Division and the US Marines. Both our countries have strong ties and I remember the warm treatment I recieved when serving with US Forces.

Anyway all the best to all Americans. I would stand by and help any American in a time of need. That is my guarantee.



So, would you really offer your life. Do you think Bush is making any decisions based on love for his people? Do you really think they are being led by a wise, considered group of individuals?

Even if they had true democracy, that does not guarantee a wise choice of leaders.

In fact, the way democracy is defined in the US almost certainly means that if a wise, caring group of individuals take power and lead the nation down a righteous path; that path will only be 4-8 years duration.

Eventually you get a bad egg. You HAVE to, otherwise its not a democracy.

Eventually someone evil takes office, and not necessarily by deceit.

Democracy does not guarantee a wise leader.

Currently, in my considered opinion, the US is governed by a group of largely evil, ego-centric men whose decisions reflect their self interests rather than the interests of the American people.

I too am an Australian and "external" to their plight, and THAT is why I can see it. Its a bit like when your mate has a girlfriend you just know is bad for him and will destroy him as a man, yet he just cannot see it. How do you tell him without drawing his angst?

America is in grave peril but most Americans just cannot see it.

No amount of warm, fuzzy cuddles here will fix that. And it is SO difficult to tell him without making him angry.

[edit on 29-10-2004 by Romeo]

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 09:28 PM
For every Jimmy there's a Romeo...

Thanks for asking, Jimmy. The election has most people on edge, and the terror threats do also, to some extent. My kids want to go see the Red Sox (baseball team) parade tomorrow; I'm somewhat hesitant because the estimates are for more than 3 million people to attend.

Tell me ..what does the average Aussie on the street think of our president? I ask because there seems to be widely varying statements from down under.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 09:35 PM
Well I will have to say I am doing just fine in my small town, actually I am quite happy I aready did my early vote and I am very happy also with the oportunity of exercising my right.

All I can do now is just wait for the results. (by the way I did not had to stand on line) I was lucky.

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