posted on Feb, 9 2013 @ 02:38 AM
Although I prefer Missie Command and considering the message that game might have a bit more umph than asteroids, I notice that there are a
significant number of people crucifying Anonymous for their actions but maybe taking a bit of time to consider the circumstances might alter some
Consider first simply the in your face actions regarding this on both sides of the fence. Anonymous did not take aim at the "little people" such as
you or me, they acted to get a message across to a government entity regarding the fairness of their policies and the ideal that the accused is
innocent until proven guilty. Sure they didn't send a few million through lobbyists to push their agenda as the large banking organizations and
corporations do (and get away with) They like many of us don't have that kind of cash rolling around doing nothing, they instead used the skills and
tools at their disposal.and I for one have to admit that what I have seen over the past couple of years is more than astonishing it's simply
outrageously unacceptable. If caught and prosecuted these people will face hefty prison terms and very serious fines, and before you allow yourself
to hit that knee-jerk reaction that they are criminals or whatever and deserve what they get, Why are they subject to harsh sentencing, when our
major banking outlets stripped the entire world of trillions of dollars or more, demolished the global economy, while greedily stuffing their pockets
with what they took from us, yet we our taxpayers, the people who work hard to hold on to what they have and take care of their families took the hit
as our government bailed these banks and corporations out. Where are the charges of fraud, the charges against them for stealing such incredible
amounts of money from us, where are the prison terms.....that we the "little people" would face were we to do the same thing?
On another note is the very idea that Anonymous was able to carry out what they did. You know our government pays people big bucks for Cyber
security. I would say that if they are unable to secure the governments very own websites, they are just throwing money to the wind. And I seriously
doubt that Anonymous has the same kind of money supporting them.
Check what our Cyber Security budget is allotted for 2013
CYBER Capabilities The U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes and conducts activities to direct the operations
and defense of the Global Information Grid and, when directed, conduct offensive cyber operation to enable actions in all domains, to ensure
U.S./allied freedom of action in cyberspace, and to deny the same to our adversaries. The FY 2013 budget request continues to strengthen CYBERCOM to
ensure our military is ready to effectively operate in cyberspace across the full range of cyber contingencies. Funding in FY
2013 is $3.4 billion and totals $18.0 billion from FY 2013 – FY 2017
If they are spending that amount of money, obtained from the countries Tax Payers, they should have no problem locking every thing down so tight a
single byte wouldn't make it through. We are not getting what we pay for...let's just throw more money at it.