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The New Age movement is quite literally confused and mad!

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posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

From one that was deeply yet cautiously involved with the new age movement for many years, you are right.

However I don't regret what I experienced, and I did learn a lot, and then moved on.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

volumes of crazy rhetoric.

That aint no lie.

But the Celestine prophecy was great.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by BlueMule
reply to post by AthlonSavage

I recommend that you forget labels such as 'new age' and focus on reading Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, and do daily acts of devotion and meditation to the sacred feminine principle and the sacred masculine principle.

Man and His Symbols

The Hero with a Thousand Faces


Mysticism and its poetic philosophy is a beautiful thing, yet there is noting mystical or occult or hidden about it, only that we haven't full understood that everything is natural, only hidden in the cloak of the metaphysical.

or vice versa,

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

If people are expecting to find enlightenment from the New Age industry, they're unlikely to find much out there.

I believe you can find enlightenment from every aspect of the human experience, everything is a teaching guide.

You become enlightened because of the experience and contemplating the experience, understanding human nature.

If one grows beyond what others seem bound by, it is because they pierced the veil, not that they are better.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by BlueMule
reply to post by AthlonSavage

That sounds like a rationalization to me.

I recommended some books, my job is done. Good luck gutter-brain.

Consider this, are you missing an opportunity?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage


You are correct with your perceptions of the New Age Industry, and the general new-agers who are to be found within it. Sadly, this movement went down the same path as all other human endeavours, towards Greed, Unbalanced Ego, and Lifestyle.

But, this in no way describes the few people who may sound like new-agers because of the wording they use, but who instead of simply following chose instead to forge their own paths to opening up to their own higher awareness.. which is what you were seeking as a Seeker in your extremely short time attending the new-age Industry.

My expeprience of the Industry and it's proponents is that they are Lost, yet Believe that they are not. And so we find Belief is again the main barrier to any greater understanding of oneself.

No one will ever truly learn as a Follower. No one will ever truly learn from non-action, meaning, that if you do not put in the necessary EFFORT yourself, then you are doomed to fail as most new-agers have. No amount of fluffy once a week meditation meetings will do anything for you. Instead you will need to set aside the time each day or night in order to follow the path that you.. as a Soul... knows is best for you.

In which case you will have no need for all the hoopla associated with most of the new-age indsutry. But you will need to meet and work with the thing that Represents your soul to you, commonly mis-referred to as "spirit guide" by the unknowing Followers. In fact, it is the main guide, your own Higher-Self that you need to find, and learn how to work with, otherwise you will never, ever, learn anything of great value.

Sorry to read that you have become jaded by your short-term following. And right there is another clue... none of what you seek will come in such a short time as you described. There are no quick fixes, and you have experienced that, which unfortunately has jaded your perspective.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Oldie

It is all about seeking, that is what has driven human awareness since there was human awareness.

Questions and experiences, you eventually stop seeking that's when you figured it out, and go fishing instead.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 12:31 PM
Confused? Certainly. Mad? Maybe. Visionary? Of course.

Maybe it has more to do with your lack of comprehension. There's plenty of documented evidence for the stuff New Agers talk about.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

I agree that a lot of people who are new age do not understand at all what they are talking about and are spiritually still seeking. One of the reason they sometimes annoy me. They might even say one thing that they believe is true that I myself have found more or less to be the same as my experiance of things that human science have not quantified. Just because something is true do not mean they should believe it is true before they have more or less proof of it.

But I am of the idea that sheep are not needed whatever view they follow anymore. It is time to grow up and take responsability for your evolution and understanding yourself and questioning everything. What is the use if we understand that the old small minded human dogmatic religion if we start to create more newer stupid small minded human dogmatic view. Stop following and start seeking yourself. If you cannot find yourself then what is the use?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Im reminded of this friend of mine who has wanted to be rich for many years now. She has tried visualizing, crystal-gazing, ritual magick, shamanism, meditation and a whole host of other things so that she could "get rich". After all these years she still struggles to pay her rent but somehow pretends that she is richer than she used to be. A method she has not tried yet is work. She represents to me what is wrong about large parts of the "new age movement"; the tendency to delude themselves into airy beliefs that do not support them in day-to-day life.

It seems it is more of a focus problem. Either you focus on the material world and it's gifts and you might find temporary enjoyment in living here. Or you focus on understanding the hidden things that is not so well known and you might find enjoyment in that also.

Doing both things half ways seems to me to be trying to go to 2 different locations at the same time. Walking towards Rome one day and Berlin one day will not help you to get to either Berlin or Rome.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:30 PM
Well 90% people believe in God. I think they're mad. But most of them are better off than me.

HOnestly, only thing that matters in life is how well off you're. If religion helps you to be well off then religion matters too. Perhaps this is why religion is so common. It's the God part of the brain. Seriously, there's a good possibility I think that belief is an instinct built into our brain.

Religion and spiritualism might be more beneficial than they seem. You know that there're some lazy and unproductive people that chase after these things, but don't cast every religious person or spiritualism seeker as lazy and unproductive. My bet is that there're a lot of productive new age believers. This all relates to correlation is not causation. Just because some lazy people are new age believers it does not also follow that their new age beliefs caused them to be lazy.

This is why I'm agnostic and not an atheist. It just feels wrong to attack people for their beliefs. And more than that I also feel sorry for them and in some ways am happy that at least they believe in something. As for myself, there's nothing for me to lean on except material optimism.
edit on 26-1-2013 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:40 PM
What the hell is a "new age movement" and how is it different than any other religious or spiritual seeking?

Is it the robe colors? the different types of ceremonys? or is it the wrong type of magic to believe in?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by LittleByLittle
do not understand at all what they are talking about and are spiritually still seeking.

In matters of paranormal and spiritual aspects...

If someone does understand the non-understandable, then they are insane
If someone isn't still spiritually seeking their niche in the universe, then its because they are dead.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Im reminded of this friend of mine who has wanted to be rich for many years now. She has tried visualizing, crystal-gazing, ritual magick, shamanism, meditation and a whole host of other things so that she could "get rich". After all these years she still struggles to pay her rent but somehow pretends that she is richer than she used to be. A method she has not tried yet is work. She represents to me what is wrong about large parts of the "new age movement"; the tendency to delude themselves into airy beliefs that do not support them in day-to-day life.

I know of people that I would put in the same category as your friend.

However, I also know people, such as myself, who are completely dedicated to work and taking action, and yet I am still open to the ideas of visualizing, shamanism, meditation, manifestation, etc.
Yes, like with ANY other spiritual/religious idea (Christianity, Judaism, Muslim, etc) there will be 'lazy' people who attach themselves to these ideas with the belief that JUST believing in it will make everything all better.

However, no one, not even Jesus, spoke of 'just believing.' Jesus said if you believe in what he is teaching, then you will LIVE the way he lived. Jesus took action. Jesus worked. Hard.

I was raised to work hard. I don't believe that we need to be meditating 12 hours a day, praying for the world to be better, and viola! everything is fixed. But, I do believe that mediation is essential in calming the mind and getting in touch with your personal intuition and communion with God. And 'prayers' are just thoughts focused on an intention. Every though is a prayer, really. But if we take time to align our thoughts with God and with Spirit and with Love, then our prayers are that much powerful. What we think, we say. What we say, we do. What we do is what we are. What we are creates the world. If you 'pray' and understand the power of your mind, you will also understand that you are fully capable of doing whatever it is you want to do. But, the trick is, you've got to KEEP doing it! If you keep working and keep praying and keep believing and you don't stop, then I promise some miracles will start happening and I promise you experience moments that make you question just how 'real' this life is.

There is no 'New Age Movement.' There are just ideas. Just thoughts. Just tidbits of truth strewn about here and there. Everyone knows the truth within. Walk away fast from ANYONE who says you have to 'buy this or that' to figure out enlightenment, especially if they claim to be enlightened themselves.

This is the age of information. We are discovering our true selves. We are discovering that there is more to reality than we have previously thought. Yes, our thoughts matter. Yes, we materialize what it is we think about.
Example: If you have the thought 'I want a sandwich,' well...if you get off your @$$ and make a sandwich, viola! you just manifested that sandwich into existence with your thoughts. Everything about your thoughts made that happen. You thought about standing up.You thought about getting the bread. You thought about making the sandwich. And before you know're eating a sandwich that didn't exist 5 minutes earlier. Sounds pretty magical to me.

All I'm really saying, is that is is EQUALLY as silly to say that all New Agers are wrong than it is to say that all Republicans, or Democrats, or Christians, or etc etc are wrong. All people are looking for love. Everyone wants to make the world better, if not for everyone, at least for their self and those they love. The 'New Age' is just a label. A label to classify those who are ready to experience God on a personal level that has yet to be seen on such a grand scale.

Good luck to everyone on your path, no matter what path you choose. But yes, the darkness does exist, and yes, I take full responsibility for sharing as much light and inspiration as I can while I am here, forever how short a time I exist or how small a ripple I make.

edit on 26-1-2013 by eleven44 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Im reminded of this friend of mine who has wanted to be rich for many years now. She has tried visualizing, crystal-gazing, ritual magick, shamanism, meditation and a whole host of other things so that she could "get rich". After all these years she still struggles to pay her rent but somehow pretends that she is richer than she used to be. A method she has not tried yet is work. She represents to me what is wrong about large parts of the "new age movement"; the tendency to delude themselves into airy beliefs that do not support them in day-to-day life.

There is a marked difference between understanding a little of everything and great deal of one thing, no matter what the general topic may be. When speaking of religion, however, it could also be said that being completely focused on one and ignoring all others through comparison represents a failure of true theology.

What I mean to say is that old Cortes and his merry band of religious zealots burning all the Mexica screenfold books he found did nothing to illuminate the historical records of an amazing people and their belief systems. It's a good thing enough of their writings survived. The same could be said about a mad monk responsible for inciting a riot resulting in the burning of the library of Alexandria.

Your friend is a dabbler, hoping to discover a magic solution to a state of wealth she considers a problem (btw... its never enough, is it?). She can seek her riches elsewhere all she wants, praying, sacrificing fruits, prostrating herself at altars and burning massive piles of incense, but fortune will never come to her until she looks within herself for the willpower to do what you suggest... working for it. That work can be study, meditation or just plain getting a job.

Enlightenment does not come to those unwilling to passionately immerse themselves in the subject matter, no matter what the source. Someone mentioned CG Jung earlier in this thread. If you want to see how a lifetime's worth of study (about the New Agey stuff) can produce success, then read Memories, Dreams and Reflections. I've worn out one copy already.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by masqua

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Im reminded of this friend of mine who has wanted to be rich for many years now. She has tried visualizing, crystal-gazing, ritual magick, shamanism, meditation and a whole host of other things so that she could "get rich". After all these years she still struggles to pay her rent but somehow pretends that she is richer than she used to be. A method she has not tried yet is work. She represents to me what is wrong about large parts of the "new age movement"; the tendency to delude themselves into airy beliefs that do not support them in day-to-day life.

There is a marked difference between understanding a little of everything and great deal of one thing, no matter what the general topic may be. When speaking of religion, however, it could also be said that being completely focused on one and ignoring all others through comparison represents a failure of true theology.

What I mean to say is that old Cortes and his merry band of religious zealots burning all the Mexica screenfold books he found did nothing to illuminate the historical records of an amazing people and their belief systems. It's a good thing enough of their writings survived. The same could be said about a mad monk responsible for inciting a riot resulting in the burning of the library of Alexandria.

Your friend is a dabbler, hoping to discover a magic solution to a state of wealth she considers a problem (btw... its never enough, is it?). She can seek her riches elsewhere all she wants, praying, sacrificing fruits, prostrating herself at altars and burning massive piles of incense, but fortune will never come to her until she looks within herself for the willpower to do what you suggest... working for it. That work can be study, meditation or just plain getting a job.

Enlightenment does not come to those unwilling to passionately immerse themselves in the subject matter, no matter what the source. Someone mentioned CG Jung earlier in this thread. If you want to see how a lifetime's worth of study (about the New Agey stuff) can produce success, then read Memories, Dreams and Reflections. I've worn out one copy already.

I agree with your words.
And I love your paintings.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:58 PM
I have said it before, in my previous thread called a spiritual experiment.

You will never understand the esoteric teachings if you only read about them. They are beyond the intellectual mind. The only way to understand, is to actually experience it directly. There is no other way of understanding it. Here is the experiment I asked everyone to try, if you want to see that there is something beyond the physical world.

Take your hands, and put them in front of you. Place your left hand, palm facing you, and your right hand palm facing away from you. Your fingers do not have to be straight, they can be bent slightly. Now move your palms, so they are facing each other, about 3-5 inches apart. So you should have your left hand palm facing you, right hand palm away from you, about 4 inches apart. All you have to do, is close your eyes, and concentrate on the sensations in your palms. After 10 - 30 seconds, you should feel something. If you do not, move your right hand slightly in a circular motion, and see if you notice anything strange. I will not tell you what you will experience, because everyone experiences something different

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

To be honest most people are incapable of following any of the true paths of this feild. It is infact a monkish typ life style. So most mainstream teachers are are teaching principle ideas and ways of thought. Without the rigorous traing involved to beable to master these skill. In truth tho the training is easy if you just let go and relax. Its about unlearning and waking up into a diffrent should read book 4. Or mainly ...magick in theory and practice. By aleister crowley.... It is a science of the mind. All is mind..... as above so below.....
Do what tho wilt shall be the whole of the law
love is the law love under will

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:45 PM
LOL@ the blanket comments regarding "New Age Topics" unlikely going to teach you anything. Just the term "enlightenment" is already complex enough, everyone can achieve it in their own ways. Reality is different to every person, and the purpose of life may be different as well. Find your own purpose and live a life that is most fulfilling to you, and it starts by not refuting all the topics just because you think you know your own little reality.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
I have said it before, in my previous thread called a spiritual experiment.

You will never understand the esoteric teachings if you only read about them. They are beyond the intellectual mind. The only way to understand, is to actually experience it directly. There is no other way of understanding it. Here is the experiment I asked everyone to try, if you want to see that there is something beyond the physical world.

Take your hands, and put them in front of you. Place your left hand, palm facing you, and your right hand palm facing away from you. Your fingers do not have to be straight, they can be bent slightly. Now move your palms, so they are facing each other, about 3-5 inches apart. So you should have your left hand palm facing you, right hand palm away from you, about 4 inches apart. All you have to do, is close your eyes, and concentrate on the sensations in your palms. After 10 - 30 seconds, you should feel something. If you do not, move your right hand slightly in a circular motion, and see if you notice anything strange. I will not tell you what you will experience, because everyone experiences something different

May I ask if you are talking about chakra/chi? I have experienced what you have mentioned and I feel tingling in my palms.

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