reply to post by AthlonSavage
And I, for one, the seemingly only rational and logical Christian, says "I told you so..."
The Mayan Calendar was based in Mayan religion. People couldn't understand that to begin with and kept promoting New Age idealism, onto a very old
religious system.
But the Mayans predicted a change in 2012, but why didn't they predict the Spanish conquistadors? Many New Age people flocked to Mexico, because they
claimed to feel vibrations, and then made a whole new movement, based on the religious teachings of a people who couldn't even predict their own
demise, let alone that of the entire planet.
Then after it never happened, they began to readjust interpretations. And then they make fun of certain "Christian" pastors who predict the date of
the Rapture.
No one knows the day nor the hour, but some people are so hard headed, they have to believe anything as long as it sounds good to them. New Age isn't
new, it is just calls itself pretty sounding names that sound scientific, and then must be real.
And I think it is hilarious when someone talks about Kabbhala, and doesn't even know the Sephirot, and think that Kabbhala and chakras are the same
thing. And then what is really more funny, is that they claim Kabbhalists are involved in some giant Zionist conspiracy, then quote someone who based
the chakras from the Sephirot. Two completely different mystical systems, and taking information from one without even knowing that they did. But they
sound oh so clever, but you can't beat them over the head to get them to see their stupidity.
Kabbhala doesn't believe there is an effect, they only teach that this is a way of understanding things. It has no purpose to cause things to happen.
But New Agers, grab Kabbhala at the same time accusing Kabbhalists of a giant conspiracy.
And then there's the guru who had followers in the sweat lodge, because he was trying to practice a New Age interpretation of a cultural practice. A
woman died, but this man was not qualified in sweat lodge practice, was not Native American, let alone a member of a tribe. But he thought Native
Americans practiced New Age. Native American religions are very old and very diverse. But how many people do you see with dreamcatchers, and the
dreamcatcher isn't even very old?
And the biggie, Hinduism is very old. But how many New Agers believe in Hinduism? New Age isn't new at all, just the new way of taking from a lot of