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Off-Planet Species Contact Made

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posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:37 AM
For anyone interested, here is the reply i received from the Urantian fellow that i referenced above about the question of race.

On race the UB explains that we all have a genetic inheritance of varying quality but are loved equally by our heavenly Father and are subsequently all brothers and sisters. One with an inferior inheritance had no more to do with that then one with a superior inheritance. The genetic deficiencies which persist are the result of the Lucifer rebellion and Eve's default when she mated with a mortal of the realm and disrupted the plan of planetary redemption.

You be the judge. Sounds pretty straightfoward-ly racist to me.

Apologies if i have derailed the thread somewhat, I'll shut up for now. Just saying my peace. Again, no offense intended. Got to be honest though, that's all.
edit on 26-1-2013 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by AnonyJai

There was a book series some years ago, called Pendragon.

Robert "Bobby" Pendragon, an everyday athletic junior high school student from Stony Brook, Connecticut discovers that he is a Traveler: someone who is able to use mystical flumes to journey among ten distinct spacetime realities, called "territories." His Uncle Press, the lead Traveler, tells him that they have a crucial mission: to stop the efforts of the shapeshifting demon Saint Dane, a supporter of the darker side of human nature who believes that everything there is or was, collectively called Halla, must be destroyed so that he may rebuild it, according to his own designs. As each territory reaches a critical turning point, Saint Dane arrives, hoping to lead its people toward self-destruction. Bobby travels to the ten territories to thwart Saint Dane's plans, sending journals to his home (Second Earth) to be received by his best friends Mark Dimond and Courtney Chetwynde, who become sometimes involved with the action and are deemed Bobby's "acolytes." There is one Traveler from each territory and Bobby soon realizes that his role is to replace his uncle as the lead Traveler, pursuing Saint Dane across Halla, and helping to guide the territories back toward stability with the assistance of the other Travelers, their acolytes, and further allies.

The turning points of the territories, in order, occur on Denduron, Cloral, First Earth, Veelox, Eelong, Zadaa, Quillan, Ibara, Second Earth, and Third Earth. Not only does Bobby come up against the forces of Saint Dane, but he also learns the skills of martial arts and how to respect the diverse peoples of the territories he encounters, which wildly differ in their social structures, technologies, philosophies, traditions, and other cultural aspects. He also has to adapt to each territory's environments to get to Saint Dane. As the saga progresses, Bobby begins to learn the nature of what it really means to be a Traveler, that Saint Dane's ultimate goal includes a mysterious event called "the Convergence," and how different he actually is from a normal American teenager. By the ninth book, Bobby successfully prevents the destruction of six territories, but on Second Earth, Veelox, and Quillan the Travelers fail, allowing Saint Dane to claim victory. Even worse, by taking over Second Earth, Saint Dane manages to reverse all previous Traveler victories, founding an elitist, genocidal cult called Ravinia that marches its robot army of humanoid soldiers freely throughout the territories. In the last book, Bobby and the Travelers learn that they are not actually humans, but rather, spirits created by Solara, the source of all accumulated human knowledge. Reuniting one last time, they manage to defeat Saint Dane in a final battle on Third Earth, thus reviving Halla and beginning its process toward recovery.

Whenever the 'Travelers' uses flumes, or wormholes, to travel to a new 'Territory', they understand and perceive the language, as their native one...When they speak, it sounds English to them, but they are actually speaking the language of whatever Territory they are on.

Read the series during my Junior High years, and I must say, they were rather fascinating books...I loved them a lot!

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Runciter33

You write:
The Bible was written nearly 2000 years ago. The Urantia book i believe was from the 50s in Chicago? Correct if Im wrong, which i may well be, though Im sure google or wikipedia could help you in regards to that question.

A: I have done a paper on the roots of the Urantia Book. No text is without its beginnings, and the Urantia Book is no exception although it is not well known at all. In that research, I was taken to England and to the text of one called Imperator. It is there, in my humble opinion, that first really serious attempt to prepare a cosmology for the modern era arose. That was in 1875-78. Due to the threat to the safety of the European nation states from increasing chances of a world war, a decision on high was reached to disassemble the individuals representing the effort and cross the Atlantic to the United States. Imperator was assigned in Boston, Mass., and others on his revelatory committee were spread out across the rest of the American continent.

Please also be aware we are really off subject with this answer, but I think it is important to answer your sincere question about what this is all about. There is no easy and direct answer to your basic question since so much of what is occurring remains behind the scenes with no explanation to any mortal living on this planet. The same God who helped write the Bible helped write the Urantia text. Whereas the Bible is an anthology of many, many human authors in past history, the Urantia text is also an anthology written by just as many writers from the spiritual realm. The Bible has moments that are called inspired, and indeed I concur. The Urantia Book avoids calling itself inspired, and while I believe at times it is, I think it was very wise of the authors to avoid naming what they wrote as the infallible word of God. No one, including the authors of the book, states they are the last word, but they do introduce a modern cosmology that is much closer to the truth than either the Bible or modern day science.

Today, I find it necessary to use the Urantia text because there is no better cosmology on earth than the one they present. But even more important, the Urantia text provides a vocabulary where none exists in science to describe what science is not very familiar with. I am indebted to the text for its precision of terms even though such terms are unknown to most of you and even to some Urantia book so-called readers!

With regard to race, and such a touchy subject over what is not really that important higher up, the Urantia text states that race is difficult to assume to be easy to understand, and that the colored races (there were originally seven colors which 4 are now extinct and submerged into the existing races) were no different spiritually and equal. The problem arises with the evolution of man. Each race in the early beginnings of man saw itself as the ruler and killed anyone different. It took 500,000 years of evolution to bring man to the state that he at least recognized that race had little to do with innate ability and talents and all contributed to higher cultures as time went on.

The archangels are the keepers of the race histories on our planet. They faithfully record developments over the millennia of racial development here. They report in the Urantia Book that some do better than others, but in a growing group of diverse populations, just as in school, that has to be expected. It is unfortunate that race is now such a hot button issue that it hardly can be discussed rationally if it needs to be discussed at all!

The Honeidar are a blended race. All evolutionary planets once they have existed long enough eventually blend their races into one people. This was planned for by our planets Life Carriers to happen, but we had a horrible rebellion that attempted to destroy man and the planet, and now the celestial life here must make do until corrections about things like race injustice and military actions are brought back into harmony with the Will of the One. The Honeidar in particular note how strong feelinged we are. Very few planets have a race of humans that feel first and think later, but that is our situation, and even that has to be corrected to allow intellectual considerations begin to dominate our decisions while reducing useless fear and antagonisms that have no real value.

I will conclude by saying that the Urantia Book is marvelous beyond words for what it allows to develop with so much additional knowledge. But because it was written in 1934 (not published until 1955), it carries old thought of its day. It will be updated. There will also be a second volume introduced within the next 25 years they say, and that might go to making you feel better about why you may think is so harsh in the first Urantia Book.


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 11:25 AM
I must be one of those 'so called readers' you refer to then I suppose. I don't consider the book harsh, I consider it wrong based on my experience and beliefs. I don't need to wait 25 years for them to make it politically correct. I'm not buying it.

Am I open to being proven wrong? Absolutely I am!

Not a Christian, but I am a proponent of Jesus Christ, man or myth, whatever the case may be. However, he was not the first messiah to be crucified. Odin. Osiris. Wotan on the tree. I don't need to be told what it is. That's the problem i have with all this framing of "this is this" and, "that is that". It simply is what it is in my opinion. People walk the land themselves, I find no real need for a map.

There is also one little bit of evidence that is telling to me. I am not willing to be specific about it and tell you outright what it is, but it is based I will say in having to do with numbers and synchronicity involving a detail of Jesus's life that was in the book. It missed the mark, so I do not trust it, on an intuitive level. Maybe my circuits are too fried and my intuition is out of whack.


But that is neither here nor there and is only a personal thing so not really all that relevant to the topic at hand, i only mention it in passing following my stream of thought.

In any case, thank you for the reply. I will pour over and ponder more fully your response and perhaps touch upon some more things, most likely the race one again and maybe some other points.

If/until then,


Peace. ~
edit on 26-1-2013 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 11:39 AM


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:00 PM
I am releasing the first post from the Honeidarian, mind to mind, in this transcript. The speaker is Rongar, a teacher philospher working in the College for The Transformed, a graduate program all born on Honeidar eventually must take and pass. Rongar provides us the ethical basis of their civilization in this introduction of them to us.

Message from Philosopher Rongar, Planet Honeidar

Message from RONGAR (Teacher and Philosopher) of HONEIDAR, a world of the SIXTH SUPERUNIVERSE

Far away and near, from the beginning of the times of mortal existence, and in the eternity of the future, there will always be the need to struggle, to strive for first, betterment in things associated with the material well being, and then in matters of spirit. There is no betterment in anything unless there is some effort to achieve it, even when the motivation is the wrong one.

Struggle becomes hardest in worlds where people are led astray by spiritual confusion and deceit. There is also the existence of wars, in order to typically position themselves in a better strategic national situation, to pursue an agenda, or just out of spite by the rulers of the aggressor nations. Just like in many worlds, whoever the mortals perceive to be their “Deities” such Deities are first brought to their level in order for them to comprehend better their existence, their perceived power over the mortals’ existence, and are even understood to take sides in warfare.

There is no bigger aberration than to kill “in the name of God”. The eternal God has never taken sides in all of eternity when it comes to warfare between mortals anywhere in the grand universe. “Deus lo Vult!”[God Speaks!] screamed many warriors before killing their perceived enemies many centuries ago in your world, and now the same killing is being done in the name of God or in the name of “Allah”.

It is beyond the comprehension of many mortals in other worlds how is it possible to think that “God wills” the killing or your brethren, or to see God’s greatness as you kill each other. It all comes down to spiritual ignorance and the wickedness of rebellious celestials and mortals alike while furthering the confusion and deceit. But like in my world, “Honeidar”, where long ago its share of fighting was also observed, eventually the fighting stops as either we spiritually evolve on our own accord, or we achieve said evolution with extended celestial help.

Fortunately, the celestial personnel in service in my world has always been faithful to the eternal God and to His appointed administrators and representatives, and so I grew up, and still live, in a world where we have been enjoying peace for many centuries.

From early age, with celestial help, we learn about the love of the Eternal God and how it is manifested everywhere. Our children learn first to love, obey and respect their parents and elders, while later in life, after being indwelt by the ‘Guide of the Eternal God’, they soon are taught how to establish communication with Him and to obtain great benefits from His great teachings and advices.

We are taught to be of service to our brethren; to love them and to provide for them. Love and selfless service to our brethren was instilled in us, centuries ago, by our Sovereign Creator Son, whose love and charisma still captivates us. We are extremely proud of the great gift of his presence amongst us and we closely follow his teachings.

He left this world, surrounded by untold of his followers, and when he left he took with him our most sincere love, affection and thanks for how he changed our lives and our world. We were greatly appalled and troubled when we learned of the fate of your Creator Son, but we have come to understand that the mortals of Urantia of the time did not know better; they were lacking the spiritual baggage to comprehend the gift of your Creator Son’s presence amongst you.

(Continued in the next window below . . .)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:01 PM
Part 2 of Message from Rongar transcript
Honeigar Civilization

However, with the exceptional celestial help that you are being provided and just because the Eternal God indeed “willed it”, your lives and your world will change, from the core. We consider exceptional the desire of the Eternal God to change your world to such an extent to make it last forever in order for it to serve His purpose.

Our scientists are very interested in knowing how your Sun can be modified in order to extend its function indefinitely as well. Due to our location in the sixth superuniverse, we have not yet attempted travel to your superuniverse in order to do some study and observe, but eventually we will travel to see it.

After the wars and struggles in our worlds ceased, we took to the stars in order to learn and explore, and now we have open contact with very many of our brethren, who come from other local systems, as well as even from other local universes. We all share a bond of love, understanding, cooperation and selfless service. The inhabitants of Urantia are destined to also take to the stars and join their cosmic brothers, but this will not happen until the turmoil currently in existence there stops, and the level of technical achievement is equated to and even surpassed by your spiritual achievements.

My name is “Rongar”. I am what you may consider a teacher and a philosopher, and I have lived considerably longer than it is possible for a mortal of Urantia to be able to. During my existence I have strived to perfect my connection to the “Guide of the Eternal God”, and event to my brethren via their “guides” and the celestials in service in our world. But I have also been cultivating the possibility to establish communication with other brethren, independent of time or space, anywhere in the grand creation, with the purpose of knowing about them and understanding them, much in the same way that you may want to know more about a cousin growing up on the other side of your planet. This connection is possible via the “Guide of the Eternal God” as there is no problem for them to communicate with each other via the “Center of All Existence”, the dwelling place of the “Eternal God” Himself.

I am certain there even may be additional ways of communication between the “Guides”, but this knowledge escapes us, even when we live in a world in the early stages of the epoch of “Light and Life”, as it is known to you. Once you have learned to eradicate your spiritual ignorance, you will learn that it is possible to “reach out” to your brethren, inside and outside of your world, especially if the effort is concerned about matter of the spirit.

Well, I consider this opportunity to reach out to you a great pleasure and a privilege, and I am looking forward to more contact as your life on Urantia progresses through the many changes that the planet is about to undergo, both materially and spiritually.

I bid you farewell for now. May your “Guide of the Eternal God” help you soon to achieve the heights of glory in eternity."


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 02:09 PM
To me, Rongar is like Bashar. I can't find a sentence I don't like. Real or not, amazing story.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Runciter33

And that is sort of justifying racism to me, yes it was a different era, but as i stated in a previous post i met a Urantian a year or so ago on another forums and he or she said point blank to me 'yes, the white race is genetically and or spiritually superior.' Sorry, that doesn't fly with me. Not wanting to paint all Urantians with the same brush obviously, but then again it is right there in the book. The 'violet' race is superior. Does the Bible say straight out that one race is superior to another? It's an honest question, i have yet to read the entire Bible, though i sort of intend to one day.


It will be interesting for me Aronolac, to see if you address this or not. Silence can speak volumes as well. Having said that, I am more open than you might think to hear you or anyone out on the issue. It would not surprise me however to see you and others just ignore me and hope it all just goes away. Guess we'll see soon enough one way or another.

edit on 26-1-2013 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

I have never seen anything n the Bible that claims one race is any better than another. There are people who try and twist things, and use false "translations" of various terms to support their positions, but nothing actually stated would support a racist position. Just a glance at stuff from that Urantia book was enough to make it clear that it's buckets of crazy! Feel for your friend.

Don't hold your breath. I got a response to a couple of my posts, but nothing in the response actually addressed what I asked. I instead got a nice, long, rambling response that said nothing about my actual question.
edit on 26-1-2013 by LadyGreenEyes because: typo

P.S. - Your avatar is totally adorable!!!
edit on 26-1-2013 by LadyGreenEyes because: another typo....gonna be one of those days.....

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Treat your neighbor, as you would wish to be treated yourself. In not so many words, this is the only instruction in the bible regarding the way to treat others. Well, it is unless you happen to be one of those xenophobic Roman inspired believers, who appreciated the ideal of the crusaders, and all that bloody nonsense.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Treat your neighbor, as you would wish to be treated yourself. In not so many words, this is the only instruction in the bible regarding the way to treat others. Well, it is unless you happen to be one of those xenophobic Roman inspired believers, who appreciated the ideal of the crusaders, and all that bloody nonsense.

Of course. I simply ask for direct answers to questions, which the OP has thus far not offered. If someone asks me a question, I do my best to answer it directly. I didn't ask anything complicated; simply for an explanation of how the OP could know the method of communication was some physical interaction with the ear, rather than telepathy. What I got was a very long post about how we can know the identity of people, etc. Totally unrelated. I wasn't trying to be facetious or anything, simply asking for how one could test such a thing. I didn't even question whether or not there was such a contact, as the method was what caught my attention. I never got an explanation, and got evasion instead. If I asked in such a manner, in relating some supposed personal experience, I would expect to be called on it, too.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

you write:

What I got was a very long post about how we can know the identity of people, etc. Totally unrelated. I wasn't trying to be facetious or anything, simply asking for how one could test such a thing. I didn't even question whether or not there was such a contact, as the method was what caught my attention. I never got an explanation,

A: Frankly, LGE's, I do not find the question clear enough to really know what needs to be answered. Restate if you can. I have provided you detail about multiple ways of being contacted and have even shown which was used in this case. However, that does not seem to be quite what you want to know. What is it you really want answered?


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:31 PM

1) The Honeidarians - A human species.They are non-breathers.
reply to post by Aronolac

Oh really? Tell me in what universe a non breather is human? (A superuniverse I guess.) Even plants breathe!

Just one more question…..why pray tell; would a non breather need anything so pedestrian as food or shelter?

Okay, okay…one more. Why were they so upset as this so called gas leaked out after the disastrous meeting between their now famous old friends? It’s not like they breathe in the fumes?


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by MollyStewart

Greetings Molly S

You write:

Oh really? Tell me in what universe a non breather is human? (A superuniverse I guess.) Even plants breathe!

Just one more question…..why pray tell; would a non breather need anything so pedestrian as food or shelter?

Okay, okay…one more. Why were they so upset as this so called gas leaked out after the disastrous meeting between their now famous old friends? It’s not like they breathe in the fumes?

A: Please see the longer answer below for your first two questions. For you last question, the gas spill contaminated their atmosphere and knocked their energy system out for several days that nearly destroyed all of their underground supplies made of living plants and animals. The discussion below may help you further understand what is going on with this mortal design type.

Human Design Types

There is a standard and basic pattern of vegetable and animal life on inhabited planets. But the Life Carriers are oftentimes confronted with the necessity of modifying these basic patterns to conform to the varying physical conditions which confront them on numerous worlds of space. They foster a generalized system type of mortal creature, but there are seven distinct physical types as well as thousands upon thousands of minor variants of these seven outstanding differentiations:

1. Atmospheric types.
2. Elemental types.
3. Gravity types.
4. Temperature types.
5. Electric types.
6. Energizing types.
7. Unnamed types.

I do not discuss gravity types or electric types, but because the Honeidar are nonbreathers, I place information for you about elemental types and atmospheric types to understand how they fit into mortal designs of non breathers representing a little less than 10 percent of all inhabited planets in the grand universe.

The atmospheric types. The physical differences of the worlds of mortal habitation are chiefly determined by the nature of the atmosphere; other influences which contribute to the planetary differentiation of life are relatively minor.

The present atmospheric status of earth is almost ideal for the support of the breathing type of man, but the human type can be so modified that it can live on both the superatmospheric and the subatmospheric planets. Such modifications also extend to the animal life, which differs greatly on the various inhabited spheres. There is a very great modification of animal orders on both the sub- and the superatmospheric worlds.

Earth races are classified as mid-breathers; you represent the average or typical breathing order of mortal existence. If intelligent creatures should exist on a planet with an atmosphere similar to that of your near neighbor, Venus, they would belong to the superbreather group, while those inhabiting a planet with an atmosphere as thin as that of your outer neighbor, Mars, would be denominated subbreathers.

If mortals should inhabit a planet devoid of air, like your moon, they would belong to the separate order of nonbreathers. This type represents a radical or extreme adjustment to the planetary environment. Nonbreathers account for a minority of planetary mortal types in the universe. The Honeidar represent a modification of nonbreathers in that they inhabit a planet not prepared for air breathers, but it is not devoid of an atmosphere that allows molecular oxygen transfer to the internal organs through the skin.

The elemental types. These differentiations have to do with the relation of mortals to water, air, and land, and there are four distinct species of intelligent life as they are related to these habitats. The earth races and the Honeidar are of the land order.

Thank you


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:23 PM
Herein is a message transmitted from a Honeidar scientist.

From Krenel, a Honeidar Astronomer
October 17, 2012

Greetings fellow mortal and brother! My name is KRENEL, and I am a scientist, if you will, an astronomer. This message is what you would consider a test to evaluate our ability to send remote views, like snapshots, at least at the early stages of the development of this method for sharing information. This transmission is being facilitated by way of our “Guides of the Eternal God” in order to determine also your capacity to perceive visual information at very long distances. [Transport vessel pictures were sent and received by one of our receivers in Everett, Washington, USA]

The binary stars that illuminate our world are not of the same size. The biggest one of the pair, KRALLAAR, is approximately three times as large as the smallest one HRALDAR. HRALDAR spins around KRALLAAR and both used to form only one star before it was disrupted by a celestial body of great density, which caused its disruption and rupture.

While this disruption took place, the binary pair also lost mass, which formed our world as well as six other that form our “solar system”. We have a scientific colony in the world occupying the fifth orbit around our stars. Our world occupies the second orbit around the pair. HRALDAR is approximately ten times the size of your sun, being KRALLAAR thirty times as big. You can imagine the problems that the plasma ejections from the binary star causes to our planet when the closest of the stars, comes as close as 0.65 AU (your astronomical units) from our planet during its rotation.

This is just a quick “burst” of information sent to test the connection between. More will be forthcoming soon enough. May the “Eternal God” continue to guide you forever!


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:27 PM
Further transmissions indicating various situations on Honeidar and the need for consultation with universe authorities to find solutions. They represent some of the same problems earth has concerning nuclear pollution.

Additional Message from Honeidar
Transmitter Unnamed

Honeidar Citizens
October 25, 2012

Racial Characteristics
Race: The Honeidar People

Height: Range from 8.5 feet to 9 feet

Skin color: Pinker than human but also brown easily by the sun

Facial Hair: None

Scalp Hair: Little hair but lends itself toward curl and very light almost blond

Cheek Bones: Very High

Face Shape: Oval and angular and long

Neck proportion: Short with head nearly placed on the shoulder

Eyes: Almond shaped sockets with large blue eyes. Brown eyes were not seen for millennium

Mouth: A small slit and rarely opened as they do not eat and speak little

Nose: Practically non-existent by there are remnants of nostrils which do not open into the throat anymore.

Arms: Proportional to human anatomy according to height

Legs: Very long and slender

Feet and Fingers: Ten Toes and Ten Fingers shaped as on Urantia except the fingers are slender and much longer.

Body Type: Modified Non-Breathers able to gasp air through their mouth and have no circulatory dependence on oxygen.

Brain-Type: Two brained as Urantians have and their brains are larger in relationship to the skeletal proportion than Urantians have.

Body Organs: The same anatomical details as have Urantians.

Adaption of a costume worn universally from adult to death. Toga like garment hung from their right shoulder.

Special Clothing:
Ceremonial garb is robe like and in the case of Rongar (Philosopher Teacher) he is a tenured academic and on formal occasions wears the dark robes of Honorary Citizen of The Academy of Science and Literature. There are formal portraits of highly skilled teachers hanging in the gathering rooms where awards are made. The clothing is dark and embroidered with the symbols of their language which are graphical unlike the cursive appearance of the Roman alphabet on Urantia. These symbols dot the robes in the fashion of circles in circles with the triangular symbol of the Trinity center and uppermost below the “V” of the neck at the shoulder. Large medallions on chains of precious metals are draped around the shoulders of dignitaries and they all appear much as your paintings from the Renaissance when sitting in chairs in their ceremonial finery.

November 01, 2012 Message
Connection is with the Local Universe Sovereign

“Our wish for your audience is to take these descriptions as allegorical as they can not be used for experimentation without knowing the thought patterns of the race involved. The Honeidar are especially good at producing vitamins within their blood stream which enhances thought and are examples of changes between racial designs on Honeidar and Urantia.”

Additional Information from Honeidar Pertaining to Nuclear Contamination

We now come to the point where we must introduce another amazing expression of the similarities of problems shared by Honeidar and earth.

Honeidar contains nuclear stockpiles of its own. It is not weaponry in its main usages, but it is used to obtain the rare earth material known to us as radium. Radium is a heavy element used to fuel their reactors to attract protons in order to break them into other substances not used on Urantia. Proton reactors are known to Urantia scientists, but they are so radio active they can not be used safely on earth for fear of contaminating everything they touch. Honeidar has about seven hundred nuclear reactors producing the heavy metal, and they must watch carefully that they do not contaminate surrounding areas they use for recreation.

These reactors must be removed. Honeidar has recently been able to synthesize radium without causing high pollution to the environment and they are preparing now to take the plants off line over the next several years as they are so dependent on their power that they must be very careful about supplies of energy before removing them.

Urantia [earth] has now been experiencing a proliferation of nuclear energy from plants to bombs. They are extremely dangerous devices to keep around if they were not so necessary from power to defense. Honeidar will be allowed to review certain plans of the various militaries and civilian authorities on Urantia to defuse nuclear contamination and weapons. They will be permitted to utilize methods developed on Urantia to keep nuclear waster at bay, and while Urantia has not solved nuclear waster storage safely, Honeidar has the necessary means to store and remove all contamination within months of declassification of these facilities from military to civilian over control.


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Aronolac
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

you write:

What I got was a very long post about how we can know the identity of people, etc. Totally unrelated. I wasn't trying to be facetious or anything, simply asking for how one could test such a thing. I didn't even question whether or not there was such a contact, as the method was what caught my attention. I never got an explanation,

A: Frankly, LGE's, I do not find the question clear enough to really know what needs to be answered. Restate if you can. I have provided you detail about multiple ways of being contacted and have even shown which was used in this case. However, that does not seem to be quite what you want to know. What is it you really want answered?


I asked how you can be certain that the method of contact is some physical (through telekinesis) method, as opposed to a telepathic method. hearing it in your ear isn't evidence either way, because people reporting telepathic contact frequently report that it is like something they physically hear. Describing that you receive contact, and use your computer to transcribe the method, does not tell me how you can be sure of the method that is being used. How do you know that they are using some telekinetic method, and not telepathy? How could you begin to test that, one way or the other? Basing an answer on what some entity contacting you tells you isn't enough. What I am looking for is some more technical explanation, as to how you can tell one method from another.

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Aronolac

Thank you for your response.

I do not discuss gravity types or electric types, but because the Honeidar are nonbreathers, I place information for you about elemental types and atmospheric types to understand how they fit into mortal designs of non breathers representing a little less than 10 percent of all inhabited planets in the grand universe.

I guess I will just have to take yours and their word for it? While all of what you say is no doubt possible, it is hardly probable. Until there is evidentiary support it is hypothetical.

Is there a way you can test the transmissions you are being sent for authenticity and validity or do you just trust that no other beings in the cosmos lie?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes


posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

You write:
I asked how you can be certain that the method of contact is some physical (through telekinesis) method, as opposed to a telepathic method. hearing it in your ear isn't evidence either way, because people reporting telepathic contact frequently report that it is like something they physically hear. Describing that you receive contact, and use your computer to transcribe the method, does not tell me how you can be sure of the method that is being used. How do you know that they are using some telekinetic method, and not telepathy? How could you begin to test that, one way or the other? Basing an answer on what some entity contacting you tells you isn't enough. What I am looking for is some more technical explanation, as to how you can tell one method from another.

A: Since it is physically impossible for someone like yourself to sit with me and conduct the contact, and thereby sense what I do and feel the connection working, it requires me to intellectually describe feelings and the actuality of a live presence.

I am also defeated by the lack of language and probably your lack of experience what it feels like when contacting a live person (and not just a audio feed like telepathy) who has something to say directly to my brain stem (unlike telepathy which is a thought pulse to the hippo campus). I will be the first to tell you that I find it nearly impossible to describe a procedure that is so quickly lost to any understanding how they do everything. However, once you may experience such a contact, it is unforgettable as it is mysterious.

Now the feelings of contact: The mind prompt comes first. It is almost like a tap on the shoulder. It is physical. I can feel it. Someone wants to say something. They want to do it now. I have already ignored the tap on several occasions, but guess what? The prompt comes back and back until you finally say okay, what is it? I then may hear a direction that quite often tells me their name. I almost always know the name from past association, and the name also is frequently accompanied by a recognition signal I also know.

When I sit down to write, or to listen, or to speak it ( I can do all three), I am given the signal to proceed to take down data. Sometimes that data stream lasts 20 pages of type written or spoken transcription. I have not placed any of those transmission on ATS because I find there is little audience for American history or world history. But when the Honeidar made their advances into the studio, it was mean through intermediaries I greatly respect and all but worship. The highest time-space Deity vouched for the transmission to proceed with safety.

The session began with a very familiar head sense of lightness. Only the highest transmissions can produce that effect. I felt like my head was bathed in champagne bubbles or ginger ale, and oh did it feel good and even peaceful. It was a job to begin that work. Soon, however, the hard work of data transmission had to begin and I felt the switch being thrown which locked my reception capabilities to theirs and I could proceed with out a break for about 20 pages of information. This is not the normal method of reception, so it had to be a process of downloading data I had not experienced before.

In my aside discussions with the Honeidar (no notes) I asked how I might characterize what I experienced. They were familiar with the types I use, and then described to me that they pack these transmissions with moveable objects (sleds). I asked if the word telekinesis would suit, and from that followed more discussion how it did fit and hos it did not fit. But that is the only word that comes close to the actual process.

That term fit what I knew from past experience came close. We were both satisfied that if that was the best I could do, to go with it. They are forbidden to give me new words unless it is the name of one of their places or solar objects. They can not name their ship names to me or can I have how they run them. Secrets between social subjects of forbidden matters.

There is no possible way to describe how one knows more than I have. If you have some method of asking questions to get what you want, proceed. I have exhausted, pretty well, the physical and mental descriptions of the contact to this point. Spirit contact has its physical effects, but it is not giving up any methodology because spirit uses the chemical interface to produce in the body what it wants from a subject. I can not ever get at the spirit prompt as pure spirit explanations.


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