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Yahweh = Satan. They have you worshiping evil.

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posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

look into that more. True satanists worship Satan. there are others that just read the satanic bible which is not about the devil. What i meant by satanists is that the ones that worship the Devil for worldly things.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:17 AM
ah yes, moses, the baby in the reeds...
oh wait...
that was sargon's story
written in stone around 4000 BC
before egypt
before the first mention of yahwey (around 1600 BC I think)
in fackt his son "our Lord Ah Men" unified egypt and was the first king of the first dynasty
mose's plagerized story is only written much latter on parchment

rock beats paper

edit on 21-1-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

You have fallen exactly for the lie that "Satan" proposed to Adam and Eve. One note.... God allows you to live your life as you see fit. if you believe in Jesus you do not go to "hell" if you do not you continue on the path satan has put you on.

You are given the ability to choose. You do not have to choose to go with God you can follow satan. If God was yahweh or whatever you want to call him was tyrannical he would not give you an option. That is what a true ego maniac would do. That is what all the egomaniacs in the world would do. If they had yahwehs power they would use it a tyrannical way.

In the garden of eden man was given a choice to. They chose to dis obey God. The reason they were banished from Gods side was not because they ate from the tree but because they lied about it. Lies were introduced then an there when satan tricked them into eating the fruit.

The main lie satan told man was that they could be gods.... and he was going to show them how. How is that working out so far?? death was introduce because of that lie. Man was like god but ceased to be that way by buying satans lie.

You have fallen for it hook line and sinker.

what you are talking about here is as old as time. Nothing new you are just regurgitating the original lie by satan.

The lie man believed then and continues to believe now. You know why there death and abuse of power in the world?? why there is war and conflict?? because everyone wants to be like god. Those who have the power go out on a quest to achieve god hood. that is why there is war. the world is full of egomaniacs that believe satans lie that they can be as gods

so let me break it down for you satan says "hey don't listen to that guy! you can be gods too he is holding you back! Listen to me" we do and look at where we are now?? Everyone wants to be a god and they run over everyone else in the processs

Our own quest to become gods is what sends us to hell. Not because God says so but because we take the actions in order to get us there.

If you truly are a christian not all these twits that you hear about in the news or blow hards on the radio and tv.... you follow jesus, you do not harm your neighbor and you live a life of peace.

I am not saying that being christian is the only way to be a peaceful person. You can be as great as you want although if you believe in christianity, the only way to avoid going down the path satan has put you on, is to follow the path of Jesus.

If you do not believe in any of this you are free to go down the path satan has put you on. On a path full of egomaniacs still following the lie of satan... that they are gods.

edit on 21-1-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:21 AM
only choices are god or Satan?
if that ain't the hegelian dialectic, I don't know what is

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Danbones
only choices are god or Satan?
if that ain't the hegelian dialectic, I don't know what is

you are free to chose whatever you want. God nor satan shows up once you make your decision to muscle you into anything. Follow the easter bunny if you like or make yourself a god.. satan said you can if you want to
edit on 21-1-2013 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:28 AM
What many ppl dont understand and many "christians" dont understand is that you have to search for God. Not just "believe" because of fear. Search him and you will find Him as promised in the bible. Jeremiah 29 11-14. Gotta search with your WHOLE heart. not just a little try but you gotta throw yourself out there. Promise you you will experience miracles in your life when you find God.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:28 AM
like the deed for palistien the israelis claim they have
I'll believe that there actually is a satan who actually said that when there is some actual proof that he did
and it wasn't plagerized from some earlier actual personage..
just sayin

near as i can see the opposite of god is dog

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by dollarbar

Yeah, my aunt told me the same BS when I was young and impressionable. I believed it for years, always thought there must be something wrong with me, because the magic was just not happening. Later in life, I realized they were bat# crazy.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by dollarbar

God sent his Son as a perfect sacrifice.

Seems Perfect to me.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

I really like your OP. I come from a good conservative christian household and I was very upset when my partner explained this concept to me... It took me a while to around to the idea. It makes perfect sence...

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Wow...gotta say...damn good post, pretty spot on with some brilliant points.

I have always lived by the motto of live and let live...

Its a natural thing for me, I have an aversion to being the authority of anyone or seems to perpetuate the thirst of the ego to dominate others.

Thanks for the great read and post!


posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:49 AM
Yahweh = Satan is true.

Yahweh = God of the Bible is false.

The only God of the Bible is Jesus Christ. He is not Yahweh, neither is He the son of Yahweh.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:53 AM
There have been questions raised since page 1, none have been answered. The OP so far has only argued with silly things, but hasn't even mentioned the meatier stuff.

Instead of quoting here, I'll link to the posts and ask for someone to address these posts.

First mention (by ProfessorChaos), another by EnochWasRight, how about this (by NihilistSanta), this (by JiggyPotamus), finally this (by Siberbat)

Try answering this little question:

Originally posted by Sublimecraft
Which entity gave Moses the 10 commandments?

Then some small notes:

Originally posted by Murgatroid
The laws of probability have PROVEN that the Bible is a supernatural work

No. It proves nothing. Sure, x number of prophesies coming through has a y% chance of happening, but that doesn't prove that the prophesies came through, someone could have just written it up. And anyway, probability is still probability, no matter how unlikely, it can naturally happen.

Originally posted by MajorKarma
If you read carefully through Exodus it talks about how God wished to be worshiped, the Offerings and many very specific requirements surrounding how "God" wished/demanded "HE" be worshiped. I concluded that "God" aka Yahweh was a physical being with "Hands" and here is the kicker, in the back of my mind I concluded that "God" might well be a Reptilian

I was beginning to understand you, and wondering if, perhaps, these books were to do with worshiping a human. But Reptilians?
I don't think the bible was constructed by one king who wanted to be worshiped, considering the length of the bible, and the timespans involved, just makes no sense.

Originally posted by Danbones
why is jebus alwas portrayed as blue eyed instead of the arabic stereotype?
because his is manufactured from aryan history
the aryans were often blue eyed

Or perhaps because the portrayals of Jesus you have seen were created during this particular era, by Europeans.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by truejew
Yahweh = Satan is true.

Yahweh = God of the Bible is false.

The only God of the Bible is Jesus Christ. He is not Yahweh, neither is He the son of Yahweh.

got proof?
just sayin

if anything in the bible is true I think genesis contradicts you:

The God of Genesis is not someone whom Christians share with Islam, modern-day non-Messianic Judaism,1 Hinduism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Unitarians, or any other belief system which rejects the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Rather, unlike those systems, Genesis portrays the God of Christianity (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) to be the God who is not only one, but is also more than one.

The very first verse of the Bible reads: ‘In the beginning God (plural) created (singular) the heavens and the earth’ (Genesis 1:1). Moses, the author of Genesis under the direction of the Holy Spirit, chose to use the Hebrew plural term elohim for God,2 rather than the singular el3 or the singular poetic form eloah. But he does use the singular form of the verb ‘created’!

that would be the same moses who stole sargon's story

edit on 21-1-2013 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2013 by Danbones because: fixed quote box i hope

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:23 AM
Great thread!
I have thought about it myself for a long time. How evil is presented as good and how independence and knowledge is presented as evil (Lucifer). This is typical strategy of tyrants and cults.

One topic that has interst me is Christian ideology in New Age, because it uses many same ideas and same characters. Yahwe has more controversial position in New Age, but most beings who are good in christianity are also good in new age ideology and evils are also bad.

Lucifer as a bad guy become more popular though channeled Urantian book as far as I know and Urantian book is a big influence to new spirituality. It´s main purpose seems to be to make you obey to the higher lords, because disobeying and thinking with your own head is evil and you should be ashamed of youselef when trying this
. Look what happened to beautiful Lucifer when he wanted freedom for everyone – he fell from heaven and became ugly!

Lucifer is interesting character. Even those few who are his fans today seem to make two strange mistakes: some like to worship him wich is riddiculous and insulting for him if he exists, because he was the only one who opposed worship and obeidance. Another funny thing is how some people call him Prince of Darkness - even though his name means "Light Bearer". It shows people´s inner dualism and controversities, probably influences by Christianity in our culture.

There are several interesting aspects in New Age ideology and Christianity. Especially channeling and beings in New Age seems to represent very similar ideology as Christian church. They both talk about love and kindness too, but there´s also strict hierarchies in both.
Does anybody else find it disturbing that there are "spiritual hierarchies", "high counciles" and Lords in New Age channelings and ideology? Angelic Hierarchies?

For me this is unacceptable, that there are power hierarchies and ego-centred titles in higher realms. There should be freedom and equality.
I have thought, that what if there are some beings behind it all – who changed christianity´s first ideas to benefit themselves and to use religion to rule over people. The very same beings now use new age to spread same ideologies, only form is different and some terms are different.

In christianity, the most terrifying image for me is Jesus on the cross, because this is the strongest form of black magic - human sacrifice to god! But people in this culture are so used to this image that we don´t think about it since someone realises it and points it out. After I realised it I find it hard to be in church and watch this terrible image.
When I think how this image has burned into billions of people minds during 2 thousands of years I can´t even imagine who much negative energy this has created to the world!
If christianity was based on Jesus´s teachings and following his example, our society would be completely different.

I believe that Jesus came here to bring good messages and teachings, but church turned it all upside down.
Exactly like you said – they make you believe, that up is down, black is white and evil is good. How strange, that so many fall for it and really do believe.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:47 AM
The god of the OT is one of the biggest reasons i'm not a Christian anymore, didn't seem like a loving God to me. You make some really good points that would seem to answer my hangups. I can't help but think that it doesn't matter who is good or bad here, the point is duality exists and we are meant to learn and grow from it. You are exactly right it is as simple as loving thy neighbor as thy self that could transform our current paradigm.
edit on 21-1-2013 by jaws1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:49 AM
Wow, your beliefs are so unbiblicaly founded I do not know how to really respond. If you do not believe in the Bible, how do I correct your thinking?

You basically took many things in the Bible and flipped it. How'd you even do that? Demon?

reply to post by Amandla

I don't think you really got the sacrifice of Jesus. For something to live, something must die. For example, you kill plants, cattle, and the like for you to survive.

For you to survive eternally, something had to be sacrificed. That is The Lord Jesus Christ. He was worthy to feed / give life to humanity.
edit on 21-1-2013 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 05:14 AM

You basically took many things in the Bible and flipped it. How'd you even do that? Demon?

Yeah. Well, I myself have similar thoughts every now and then. eg. there may be a higher power than God, or that satan is trying to do the right thing (or more precisely, what he believes is the right thing). But saying that God in the bible is actually satan...
How does that work? In my opinion the OP posted some weird ideas, and started discussing it with people who made silly comments, he never actually replied to a post that would, in my opinion, have contributed to the discussion.

Originally posted by milkyway12
I don't think you really got the sacrifice of Jesus. For something to live, something must die. For example, you kill plants, cattle, and the like for you to survive.

For you to survive eternally, something had to be sacrificed. That is The Lord Jesus Christ. He was worthy to feed and give life to humanity.

To be honest, I think that is a very difficult concept to grasp. Many seem to think there are no limits, that if God wants to do something, he can do it without any consequences. Its not that simple. We can't judge what God did at some point, because we don't have the full story, we don't understand it all, we don't have the knowledge God has, we don't know what would have happened had he done something differently, and we don't know if he could have done anything better anyway.

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by salainen

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

No man has ever seen, heard or even imagined the wonderful things God has in store for those who love the Lord (I Corinthians 2:9)

The only point of us on Earth is to lead people to Christ. There is no greater job than helping save souls. God created man to prove to the principalities and authorities he is an all loving God. I believe Satan accused God of not being an all loving God, so he is proving it.

What is discussed by the counsels and authority of heaven isn't our concern. It isn't vital to us at the moment. Salvation is, we have to get there first.
edit on 21-1-2013 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by NihilistSanta

So not only did he tell them they could enslave the 'demonic' nations, an assumption you can only make on the word of the Bible, he also told the Israelites to take their 'demonic daughters' who had never had sex yet; for their wives, and they were free to rape and pillage from them...You justify the cause for the means, right?

Oh, he gave Job a new family, you say? I don't know about you but if someone came along and said, hey I'm gonna let your family die, who you've known all your life and love dearly; but don't worry, I'm gonna give you a new family....I'd probably knock their teeth out of their face...

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