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Yahweh = Satan. They have you worshiping evil.

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posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by CaticusMaximus
reply to post by Akragon

Ill have to reread it then
It has been a while since Ive opened it.

I grew up going to church and all like so many people did. Whenever I open the bible and try to read some of it, Im instantly put into that "geez when is this going to be over?" mindset. Conditioning from all those years of long boring hours listening to the same thing for the 900th time

Most churches don't teach the gospels much... I know where you're coming from...

I was born into Christianity... and had no belief in God until I turned from the church and studied on my own... The gospels are the keys to understanding God through his son... And if you read gnostic writing you can clearly see why the powers that be attempted to delete them from history... but they failed.

The church wanted their God... and the gnostics knew Jesus wasn't God but he was definitely divine... their texts reflect that belief, and the church couldn't have anything that didn't make Jesus anything but God around...

Interesting how we have little to no gnostic texts aside from what was found in 1948... I believe the church wanted all gnostics dead and their writing destroyed because they show the OT God was evil... of course the OT does a great job at showing that as well... but as Christians believe... Its in "the book" so it must be the word of God

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

Good job spinning it in your favor, but I'm not buying it.

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:36 PM
Do you have any proof to what you are saying? It is obvious your OP is full of presuppositions on the nature of God and Satan. What are you really trying to do? Use your personal bias against God to make your argument? Unless you set aside your bias and base your OP on contextual biblical evidence; the wall of text you wrote is an opinion and your stance is inadiquate. It is also interesting that you presuppose the nature of Christ, pick and choose what YOU approve of in his message, but leave out prophetic support for Christ's claims (over 300 prophesies) of his devinity, ability to forgive sin, eyewitness accounts of his miracles, and to ressurect from the dead. You have no basis to support what you say. Once again, your statements are inadiquate and defies logic.

Except for your erronious comments regarding Paul, I will agree on one point. Constantine was no "defender of the faith" and used people's faith to furthor his own will, power, and influence.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by Klassified

Does King Saul ring any bells? There's another Saul in the bible, he was renamed Paul and he went on to found the church. Coincidence?

If it is, it's a very interesting one.

+19 more 
posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Siberbat

Unless you set aside your bias and base your OP on contextual biblical evidence; the wall of text you wrote is an opinion and your stance is inadiquate.

I did base it off "contextual biblical evidence"... you just dont agree with the interpretation of that evidence, as I dont agree with yours, apparently

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

are you a mason??

+11 more 
posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Siberbat
Do you have any proof to what you are saying? It is obvious your OP is full of presuppositions on the nature of God and Satan. What are you really trying to do? Use your personal bias against God to make your argument? Unless you set aside your bias and base your OP on contextual biblical evidence; the wall of text you wrote is an opinion and your stance is inadiquate. It is also interesting that you presuppose the nature of Christ, pick and choose what YOU approve of in his message, but leave out prophetic support for Christ's claims (over 300 prophesies) of his devinity, ability to forgive sin, eyewitness accounts of his miracles, and to ressurect from the dead. You have no basis to support what you say. Once again, your statements are inadiquate and defies logic.

Except for your erronious comments regarding Paul, I will agree on one point. Constantine was no "defender of the faith" and used people's faith to furthor his own will, power, and influence.

I think you're the one who has presuppositions and a biased opinion on who god is, not the OP. Do Yahweh's actions not speak for themselves. Why was god so jealous and malicious if he had no threats and why did he switch from a jealous to a loving god in the NT?

Unless YOU set aside YOUR bias, you will continue to live in ignorance and continue to worship the source of all evil in this world. Funny how you presuppose that the OP has no knowledge of the bible. Do you know him and know his story? If not, you should refrain from making baseless assumptions.

The prophecies you claim Jesus fulfilled could have easily been self-fulfilling or completely added in after-the-fact. There were nearly 300 years between Jesus' death and the putting together of the bible. If Constantine was such a bad person as you imply, what makes you think he didn't mess around with the story a put it together in a certain way that would maximize profit and his ego?

ETA: You say that his theory defies logic yet you believe a guy walked on water and rose from the dead. How ironic!

edit on 20-1-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:06 PM
Either you might be satanist or similar, or a mason, or even similar..or worse. Or,just misinformed expressing your thoughts, which is ok,though. But to state them as truth, without links and proofs to build on is not exactly making your claims valid..

And also, it is a hell of alot difference between The One Light, Divine Source, Great Spirit, that is in All That Is, even you, to a man made religious figure somehow. They have nothing to do with eachother. Even though, what man calls God. Not all but many. Religiousness is of evil. There are truth in all religions though but its mixed with false.
The true unfalsified Spirit within, that is in everything and have built everything is within. Anything else, is a waste of time.
we shall not worship man or buildings, Spirit doesnt need any mediator. therefore,religious religions are pointless. The Great Spirit, is much much different. It has nothing to do with religion. religion is man made.
Seek and you shall find. Ask,and the door will open. Seek the Spirit within. Everything is within. Dont seek outside.
For more, see

Now, TRUTH is a whole different matter. Truth IS. Something we cant change. That can be verified. Let your Spirit within shine the truth to you.
New age,satanism, anything is a waste of time and is a spiral down into darkness.
The LIGHT doesnt NEED any darkness.

There are however universal laws that all universe abide by. called,the laws of God and Creation. God is hereby refered to as what Ive just talked about. not the "religious" God.
see more at journal 27

God bless all in your journey,know that ultimately, you will be ONE again. There is only experience.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:10 PM
Also on more, religion was created to split mankind apart and split in different sections and groups for you to battle eachother. What about instead make sure NWO doesnt get further and DO something to stop them. youre waisting your time.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by stjarna1

I don't think the OP worships Satan, he's only pointing out that Yahweh is Satan. Since he obviously doesn't worship Yahweh (Satan) then he's not a Satan worshiper.

Other than that, I agree.

edit on 20-1-2013 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

+19 more 
posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:12 PM
Why do Christians automatically assume anything that falls outside of their beliefs must be attributed to Satanism?

Funny thing is most of them don't even know what Satanism is...

This is 2013 people... not everything is the work of a mythical demon with a pitchfork...

Makes my head hurt


posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by 3NL1GHT3N3D1
reply to post by stjarna1

I don't think the OP worships Satan, he's only pointing out that Yahweh is Satan. Since he obviously doesn't worship Yahweh (Satan) then he's not a Satan worshiper.

Other than that, I agree.


posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

It's a beautiful thing isn't it?

Too bad most of the world ignores it.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:39 PM
Religions of the day do not teach personal salvation, only salvation through a church or religious figure. With the exception of some strands of Hinduism, namely the Bhagavad Gita, there is only a promise of heaven "in your next life" and instead they should be teachning meditation which calms the mind IN THIS LIFE.

I should also add Buddhism as a 'religion' that teaches the importance of meditation over prayer, although Buddhism is sometimes called a philosophy.
edit on 20-1-2013 by Lord Jules because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 08:45 PM
Why does anyone believe anything in the bible...I mean really it's just people's opinion on what they believed in back yonder.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Luke 10:22, "All things are delivered (revealed) to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the son, and he to whom the son will reveal him."

None of us know unless the Father (Abba) reveals it to us. That revealing has not come as of yet. The purpose of the veil is so that we do not see what is happening to us. There is a larger purpose to the confusion. As an analogy, the Shepherd is sheering the wool (Sin) from the sheep. That wool is then washed white as snow and returned as a new Robe (Body) and Crown (Mind). The true nature of a soul is involution and evolution. LINK

The true God that will be revealed with the true Son will not be revealed by the image of creation either. Clues exist, yet we have no sure way to confirm faith. We see our axioms in reality by opposites in a set frame of reference. This frame of reference is a multiplicity of relationships that resolve in groups. Once a group of knowledge is confirmed, that group then rises to a higher single axiom. Contradiction is resolved by this process. When we view this correctly, time is actually moving away from the beginning, which is the end of the process in reality. We are not moving toward God, but away in a circle, then back again. Time is a line to us, yet the beginning is where we arrive once multiplicity arrives back to unity. What this suggests is that our reality of time is a retelling of what it took to arrive where it starts.

Imagine God sending us into a movie. The movie is a retelling of how infinity arrives at the top axiom of truth. To raise more conscious beings, the same experience is served to the mind in an image. Light starts and ends in the same place. We ride that wave and collapse the wave function of the story. Time dilatation explains how an eternity of time can be experienced in a moment of time to an infinite mind.

Why must the image be such a paradox of mirrors? As I said before, all axioms of truth are set in reflections of themselves. When you arrive at the reflecting point, a choice must be made. We know this choice as good and evil, yet a higher truth exists. What makes a thing good or evil; positive or negative; desirable or detestable? Law. If a thing is tied or loosed by God, it is either good or bad to us in an image governed by that same law. Sex is good, yet sex as an obsession can destroy a life. we can use any number of examples, but until we are forced to face the opposites in all their varieties, we cannot find the truth of the story.

Confucius said, "I hear and I forget. I see and I learn. I do and I understand." Light cannot be seen, yet our entire existence depends on it. Light merely reveals what it hits. Like light in nature, so the light of knowledge. It reveals us to ourselves. Since we are inside the image of God and the image OF God, the mirror reveals infinity to itself. Light is then divided from darkness and rises to new life. It's a circle. What you are blasting as evil is the process to discover the next axiom.

Gospel of the Nazarenes (Lection 88)

12. For by involution and evolution shall the salvation of all the world be accomplished: by the Descent of Spirit into matter, and the Ascent of matter into Spirit through the ages.

Light reveals what we discover about ourselves, each a unique copy of the original.

See this thread: Instructional Design of Truth

I am much like you. I want to judge things and say this was good and this was evil. I read Judges 19-21 and question the judgment of the Lord and the nature of Israel in days gone by. What is learned, however, from the experience is what defines us today. We are in the image of God. As such, we return to where He has already been. By the reflection of this image in a mirror, we discover the same lessons about ourselves. One thing is for sure, the wool that is pulled over your eyes (Sin and Ignorance in a wilderness that covers the truth) will be given back to you for a new robe and crown. What you and I bind in this world will be returned as glory or shame. The robe and crown will tell the story to everyone. What we do matters, yet salvation comes for those who believe in what is unseen. In the end, the true word is already written within you DNA. That DNA (Blood) was ultimately earned by the one that gave it all for us in the image. The Cross of Christ was merely another allegory that both actually happened and additionally pointed us back to what happened in the beginning when the Son became the Cosmos.

1 Colossians

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

edit on 20-1-2013 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:07 PM
As far as I've been able to gather, the OPs assessment is mostly correct. However, I wouldn't go as far as saying Yahweh is Satan. "Satan", or the idea of, is an invention of man. Yahweh is merely a creator, the creator of this world. It's true that Yahweh did not want to give us, his creation, full awareness, knowledge, or free will. Lucifer as well as other existing entities fought for us to have free will.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

As Lucifer can be translated from Greek as "Bringer of Dawn", it is fitting to call the garden story the allegory of humanitys long night in the darkness of ignorance, and the "Bringer of Dawn" who signaled the impending rising of the light, and the banishing of the dark.

Or Lucifer is a direct reference to the Sun in the sky, you know, that thing that rises in the morning and with that takes the darkness away?

edit on 20-1-2013 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Why does anyone believe anything in the bible...I mean really it's just people's opinion on what they believed in back yonder.

I do personally because of a supernatural encounter I had involving a Bible years ago.

These types of divine encounters always have a common result: you KNOW, you no longer just believe.

"Perhaps the most compelling of evidences demonstrating that the Bible is the word of God is its unswerving ability to accurately predict future events, often in minute details. Specific prophesies are conspicuously absent from the 26 other religious books that claim to be scripture, including the Muslim's Koran, the Book of Mormon, the Hindu Vedas, and Buddhist writings. This in itself should be a major eye-opener to the honest skeptic. "

Accuracy Of Prophecy

The laws of probability have PROVEN that the Bible is a supernatural work:

The chances of just 48 out of the 456 prophecies being fulfilled in one person are 1 in 10 to the 157 power.

That's — 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

"All this illustrates why it is absolutely impossible for anyone to have fulfilled the Messianic prophecies by chance. In fact, a leading authority on the probability theory, Emile Borel states that once we go past one chance in 10 to the 50th power, the probabilities are so small it's impossible to think they will ever occur."


"...once we go past one chance in 10 to the 50th power, the probabilities are so small it's impossible to think they will ever occur....Mathematicians generally agree that, statistically, any odds beyond 1 in 1050 have a zero probability of ever happening.... This is Borel's law in action which was derived by mathematician Emil Borel....

Here is one last illustration of the immensity of the number 10 to the 157th power and why the science of probability shows we are dealing with the miraculous… Imagine one ant traveling at the speed of only one inch every 15 billion years. If he could only carry one atom at a time, how many atoms could he move in 10 to the 157th power of years?

He would, even at that incredibly slow speed, be able to move all the atoms in 600,000 trillion trillion trillion trillion universes the size for our universe, a distance of 30 billion light years! Again, by the laws of probability, all of this means that it is simply impossible for 48 prophecies to be fulfilled by chance. LINK

"There are 28 books throughout human history that people claim to be from God. How do we know which one is from God? Only the Christian Holy Bible contains prophecy (foretelling of the future) that has NEVER missed. God tells us, if what the prophet says doesn't come true, he did not speak it."

+6 more 
posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Murgatroid

The laws of probability tell me that the bible has been messed with. We can hardly get the truth out of the leaders today, do you really think they would let the real truth spread like they have with the bible? The chances of that are zero.

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