posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 08:45 PM
If the US were to (attempt) to ban all guns from private ownership I think that the most likely scenario would be the following:
However the ban is instituted, and after it is, at least, publicly ratified (can't do anything you can't at least pretend to be supported by the
majority of the public), a "grace period" would be established: turn them in now, now harm, no foul, and maybe a small reward.
Following the grace period, the registration files would be "acquired", likely under the auspices of the PATRIOT Act. The Feds would "compare
notes": who on the registration files has recieved his "compensation" for turning in which of his guns.
If you "forgot about" that old .45 in the hall closet, you'd get a letter from the Feds "reminding" you that it is you "duty" to comply with
the Law and hand it over...Or Else!
So now, any private citizen still holding on to a gun, is by defintion, a criminal, subject to the full force of the law.
But the government isn't stupid, nor does it have infinite resources.
And pitched gun-fights in the streets between your gun-loving neighbors and the Federales who are intent on ridding the nation of dangerous
"2nd-ers", might not be the kind of PR the government wants on the 6-o'clock news; at least not every night!
So, how will it work?
Just remember, the Feds have a vast arsenel at their disposal, and they have a lot of experience in taking down armed "Scofflaws".
And for this, the Pen is often mightier than the Sword, or Gun.
Remember Al Capone!
Crazy Old Al thought he ruled the roost in Chicago. Not even the Cops could take him down; heck, he Owned a fair share of the Chicago Blues!
Nope, 'twas the long arm of the IRS that, supposedly knee-capped the Capo.
Yes, I think the Ultimate weapon that the Federal Government will wield against those who continue to grip their Pistolas with "cold, dead hands"
will find that their homes and property are suddenly under liens. Their wages suddenly garnished, their bank and retirement funds siezed under IRS
Orders to Withhold.,
The government can (and if forced, likely will) leave all those Die-Hard gunners with nothing to eat But their guns!
Can't happen?
Talk to someone behind on their child support!