As former military men,what is your opinion on the JFK coup de tat and all of the online evidence that proves the coup de tat actually happened.
Youtube "JFK secret service standdow"and let me know what you think when you see your presidents eyes as a former military man himself at that instant
his military mind told him his SS detail was making a tactical move against him,and tell me what you think of him not standing everything down right
then and there,what you think about his action of refusing to back down or step back,of his action of pushing himself against his side door as far
away from his wife as was humanly possible so as to face his fate alone and to keep her safe ??
You fellas need to get your crap straightened out---together you all have the resources and the desire to challenge this coup de tat influences but
you dont even talk about it,it must be to painful.Good thing Kennedy wasnt thinking about that pain when his Secret Service escort began abandoning
their posts,dont kid yourselves ,JFK knew at that moment what was happening,look at the one Secret Service Patriot the ON SINGLE MAN WHO FIGHT FOR HIS
PRESIDENT AND COUNTRY as the rest of the evil forces abandon him and America in the same moments.
Who do you want to be,the SS men who knowingly deserted their President at a moment they knew was terminal or the man who was forced out of his post
under duress while he fought for his country and leader,maybe he didnt win but he raised his hands and his voice and he stood strong and did his
I mean seriously already,you guys are military so there is NO WAY you cannot see what hapened and if you can see it then how as true Americans can you
not rise up and fight to fix it now that all the data is available online for the ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE.You can count the shots,you can take an overhead
picture of the motorcade in Dealy plaza and you can use a kids ruler to draw the shooting lanes by creating a protectionary zone around Jaqueline
Kennedy and extrapolating the snipers locations based off of where they had to be to follow the orders to NOT HIT the First lady.The one single
weakness that exposes everything is the very American order to under any circumstances right up to operational interference that woman wasnt to be hit
with any bullets.The one single biggest influence in the coup de tat mada an American decison that influenced every facet of a multi-front
operation,several team operating as cells were given the same overriding order and it forced them to do things they normally wouldnt have to set up in
places that were not the best,this one single mistake allows us to unravel many things.
There are doctors and policemen and literally hundreds of living people online telling their truth and those truths all fit together for the
world,dont you guys even hear about this stuff or what??
There are deathbed confessions all over the place that fit the constellation of evidence that is now available online in cyberspace,this cuop de tat
has been utterly and completely exposed,so how the heck can you guys just carry on as if its business as usual???
It seems impossible to me that this could happen---how is it possible that an entire nation can sit there and let the WORLD see what has been done to
them and their children,todays Americans cannot claim they were lied to and data was withheld,all the data in available as of the last ten years,the
truth is all over cyberspace,so where are all the patriotic Americans???
They even called it "The Big Event"for christsakes this pisses me off and I am not even American,for over 40 years I have beed angry about this and he
wasnt even my leader,or MAYBE HE WAS,maybe at that moment in time America really was a WORLD LEADER,but that was then and on that day that American
future was sold out for money and power,now it has to be bought back with desire for justice and passion to protect Americas childrens futures,the key
to rebuilding America is in rebuilding her from the HEART out,Men in their 60 and 70s are involved,men in their 40s and 50s have little knowledge and
to much to lose,men in their 30s and 20 will need to be the real heros here.
Its called the sins of the fathers and we are not guilty of carrying them forward if we are ignorant of the facts,but in todays information world we
can ALL see the facts and the truths,we can ALL watch the peoples Court online at will,so if nothing is done by this generation then I fear all is
lost.Stop your countrys being divided by stopping history right now,step up not back and forge a new and just future,you CAN do theis,you must do
I know that there seem to be many many other more important issues at hand right now in American History,but you must recognise that it was on that
day in Dallas when the coup de tat was executed that Americas growth came to a screeching halt,the growth of the power and fortunes of a select group
of men and women continued to grow by bleeding off Americas resources and energy and by robbing its children of opportunity and the future their
forefathers fought for them to have.This action was done in part by Americans and it must be Americans who right this horrific wrong that has stalled
the growth and health of one of modern historys greates countrys.
You want to stop a civil war??You want to galvanise your countrymen??Have a public trial and execute a few thousand warrants and feeeze a few hundred
billion dollars of global assets using your military,and that alone will right your ecomomy,redistribute wealth,and revive your weakened national
Identity,not to mention it will also re-galvanise the entire world behind America,we still want her as our Global leader,but not with the coup de tat
groups influences still in place,the people must be exposed history must be expunged and hundreds of billions of dollars must be repatriated usinh
military force if needed wherever on the globe these assets connected to this coup de tat sphere of influence happen to exist.
Obama can do this,he can step down and enter a re-election after the cuop de tats sphere of influence has been uncovered and made public if it doesnt
include him knowingly or unknowingly.America doesnt need a civil war it just needs one man or woman to step up and not back,that seed has always been
Americas strength,that one Patriot who refuses to step back or down.One person needs to go to the courthouse in Dallas and file the proper legaleses
that rengages this investigation and saves an entire nation from terminal decay from within.
Its much easier to plan and execute a program designed to restore something that is simmering under the surface than it is to destroy what little is
left of America.Your patriotism is legendary and simmering under the surface of a damaged traumatised National identity, but so is your criminal
past,history is saying that the criminal past has won the day,maybe its time to rewrite history or become that history,time is up,its now or never.
Spend a night youtubeing all the literally sickening truths surrounding the coup de tat your country was forced to accept and then you will come
together at last and begin to heal the break in your hearts,it is not each other you are required to battle,it is the money and the few people behind
it,after all you are military so you must understand the importance of power structures and the methods of protecting them ,the many ways of putting
up firewalls that create reaction time for them to run,you guys must see how easy it would be to dissect this dynamic.
All the data is online--names,places,companies,corporations,churches,off-shore entitys,all the operational data is freely available in the public
By the way I am not military and it would take me 24 hrs to cripple any major city anywhere in the world and given simply the men few and little
resources required then the entire nation within those same few hours.
Two man teams to each of main water ,power,transportation hubs,medical hospital,law enforcement,fire depts,and airports and your city is crippled,I
dont even need to use conventional weapons,flus and non-terminal bioweapons would do nicely.Done simultaneously this would paralyse a nation,twenty
major cities and twenty small ones and the job is done with 560 men and a sea container of resources.Heck one well managed janitorial company with
some sympathetic bids on contracts would be able to fill the envelope quite easily.You could attain operational sucess with forty Janitors doctoring
doorknobs coffe pots for a two hour timeperiod.
You guys need to think again,a civil war in todays world would be much different than running through the bushes with muskets and tomahawks like the
Movie the Patriot.No government could dominate a determined guerilla force because they would simply enact the perfect Russian scorched earth policy
and destroy the resources enmasse ,the sooner that happens the sooner their enemys must make themselves available.There can be no government without
support from the people---with no ifnrastructure and no abiity to rebuild it the support of the people would soon be lost and so would government
It would be a bloodless change of power.But there would be a lot of infrastructure damage done in a short time period.
A government with no infrastructure and resources cannot function .Technology has rendered the job of destroying those core areas a very easy
one,everything is centralised and the replacement cost and ability is in many cases horrendous and would take years to complete after simply a few
hours of pinpoint action.
As far as a new government goes Americans are already informally voting on social networks in cyberspace,just as they are finding the real truths of
their lives in the Peoples Court of cyberspace.
edit on 19-1-2013 by one4all because: (no reason given)