posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 08:25 AM
@IAMTAT: I normally try to read through a thread before posting but I don't have time right now.Please do not get this doll.I myself have had many
paranormal experiences in life,so I know things are real in general.But more specifically there a tons of inanimate objects that have been and are
known to be haunted/cursed.
The most famous of these is "Robert the Doll",Google it.
Just recently I was watching one of the many "haunting" shows and there was a story about these people walking around where there had been tragedies
due to huge wild fires and they found this doll in a tree and the woman decided to take it home.BAD MOVE!
Another story I saw recently on a similar program had this family with a few young kids and they were at Goodwill or maybe a recycle place or
something and they bought this wooden framed bunk bed that was cursed and all manner of stuff started happening--terrible things!
They finally burned it and other things to rid themselves of the negative/evil.But not before some horrible things happened.
I could give a ton more of examples but as I said,I'm pressed for time.These things are no joke and as others have said that I caught when skimming
your post,better to err on the side of caution and be safe than to give into the "cool/interesting" trinket or whatever and what status it would
bring and wind up regretting it.You cannot un-ring a bell,my friend.
Also--your wife disapproves so that's another in the "LOSE" column.Last but not least,if that pic I saw posted is the doll in question AND it's
life-sized well HELLS TO THE NO!