reply to post by SaltireWarrior
Well whether he committed suicide or not is still debatable as not enough sources/information is available (and would it be available sometime soon?).
BUT lets analyse his life and work in summary and Q/A shall we:
Summary of his work:
*26 yr old American activist who fought against:
-SOPA/PIPA (big one)
-Protection of IP censorship
*Co-creator of RSS 1.0 (technology) and co-founder of
*Gifted individual yet fought against the gov as a team (I mean he wasnt just a behind doors hacker)
*Helped to make information freely available to the public, including an estimated 19 million pages of federal court documents from the PACER case-law
system, according to Aljazera
So what was he accused of?
*Arrested by the FBI and CHARGED with crimes which can earn him up to 50 YEARS IN PRISON
*Accused of downloading thousands (or millions as the BBC quotes) of ACADEMIC ARTICLES from MIT for him to distribute it (not sell or copy btw or
scan) for free. (RAISES EYEBROWS)
[This makes absolutely no sense according to Demand Progress Executive Director David Segal, “It's like trying to put someone in jail for allegedly
checking too many books out of the library." CORRECT or what!]
*Accused of computer fraud which he denied although it is not clear yet by which this is, was it the break-in at MIT to download journals?
What was his biggest threat to the US?
-Definitely the SOPA/PIPA act which basically bans any website (and effectively the IP address) which contains copyright material but basically
downgrading our freedom of information.
Which brings me to my next question, Who wanted this bill (SOPA/PIPA) to be passed?.
-Well yes the gov, but as most gov, they are just puppets and big corps run the show, Hollywood being the biggest. They wanted sites that happen to be
located in a nation more hospitable to copyright infringement than the United States is (in fact, the U.S. is probably the least hospitable
jurisdiction in the world for such an endeavor). Because the target is offshore, a lawsuit against the owners in a U.S. court would be futile.
So, lets ask some logical questions shall we:
1. Why did he face 50 years in prison (plus a hefty fine) for just downloading FREE Journals at MIT (yes he might have broken into MIT, apparently,
but seriously 50 years!!! while rapist, killers, murderers etc get 5-10 years (not generally speaking but most do).
2. Why are mysterious death of ppl who who question the gov becoming frequent?
-Swartz allegedly "hanged himself" according to many high-profile media (news coorp etc). How can you be for sure he hanged himself or was hanged?
When a (low profile) person is found hanged, they DONT say "yes mam, I can confirm he hanged himself" after a few hours or even a day (this happened
to a relative of mine so I know they dont take 1 day, they can take from weeks to months). Instead, they do the forensics etc etc etc to CONFIRM this
was the case. But hey guess what the BBC says after 1 day of Mr Swartz death:
The activist and programmer took his life in his New York apartment, a relative and the state medical examiner said.
His body was found on Friday.
Seriously? how do they know that fast he actually hanged HIMSELF and was not by someone?
-The well known Rifles manufacturer John Noveske "died" in a car crash. Is it unlucky or coincidence that NOT LONG after posting details of all the
school shooters who were taking PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS.
-Another activist Keith Ratliff, the creator of a super-popular YouTube channel featuring videos of exotic weapons, was also recently found dead. He
was discovered on a rural road in Carnesville, Georgia. Ratliff had a single gunshot wound the head and police are treating his death as a homicide.
1 single gunshot? this means someone must have got pretty close to him.
-Alex Jones was threatened!!! wake up people, and on NATIONAL TELEVISION!! Imagine AJ said the same thing Morgan and the others said!. AJ would have
been arrested, you cannot threaten to KILL someone on national television and get away with it! but hey they can!.
Anyways sorry for such a long post, but please do your own research as well. For me, Mr Swartz was set up by the "big" guys. (The evidence that this
dude was set up weighs more FOR than AGAINST). By set up I mean, they either killed him on site by making it look like an own suicide (hey its easy
for pros) or he was deliberately drugged in a cafee or bar (just like in the films, yes guys it is possible!) and he was so depressed that day that he
hanged "himself". Do remember that he was threatened and molested dozens of times before. This is why the post-mortem (autopsy) must be DONE and the
public needs to know the results! ESPECIALLY HIS FAMILY!
So guys what you think? opinions and analysis please! Please do correct me if I am wrong