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Biden: Obama Considering 'Executive Order' to Deal With Guns

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posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:55 AM


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:04 AM
Everybody needs to chill out. Executive orders aren't inherently tyrannical. They are commonly used for a wide range of issues including controversial ones like stem cell research. There are a lot of limits to executive power. For example, Obama might say that anyone choosing to do business with the federal government has to comply with some gun policy. While that policy may look bad, it wouldn't affect people who choose not to benefit from federal government funds.

In other words: wait and see what the order says and what its limitations are before you whip yourselves up into a panic.

Side note: Lenin came to power thanks to an armed Russian citizenry. Guns are just as likely to enable a tyrant as they are to disable one.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:09 AM
Bunch of crap. Really. EO my butt. They can't be THAT brainless.

Outlaw guns and they then become an underground commodity. Banning drugs hasn't worked very well, now has it? Guns can be MADE in a home workshop, just like drugs can be made. What happens when something becomes outlawed? Well VALUE goes up which increases the incentive for the underground manufacture of the product. Register and tax ammunition? Yeah, that will be another cottage industry that springs up overnight to make that effort completely fruitless. I doubt ANYONE really has any idea of how many home ammunition reloaders are out there.

Oh, and btw, if you bury your guns, you have already lost the battle. A gun that you can't get to when you need it is worse than useless. You could die wishing you really hadn't done that.

And lastly, where will the government get a body of agents willing to die trying to disarm the American public? Local boys? I seriously doubt it. There will be some, certainly, but they won't be around for long. Once the first wave of the imported goons is gone, that free, all expense paid trip to the USA won't look like so much fun any longer. No matter what the pay.

Want to know what one of the first red flags will be that serious crap is coming down? Watch for experienced military veterans to be taken out of circulation, one way or another. The government has reason to fear them above everyone else.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by CaptainBeno
reply to post by Masterjaden

Yeah! whoa! Those home invading Deer must be a real problem in America yeah? Pesky at best! And as for those moose! You can't even walk the streets!

You do sound stupid..........



I have a story to tell you. I had a bunch of gophers digging up the front yard here, and in spring they are everywhere about town. But they do dig tunnels and they were coming on to the porch and leaving surprises for us. In animals like this, it's called Scat.
Well, anyway, when the landlord was out at the place, I told him about the critters, I just thought he would like to know.
He looked at me and said, "Ya gonna shoot em?" It was a truly hilarious moment for me, as I'm quite new in these parts. I told him no I'm a citified girl and don't have a gun.
So he put some poison out for the critters, and 3 or 4 of them died in the yard. I'm pretty sure the landlord was serious when he asked if I was going to shoot them, because you know this is ummmm wide open spaces here. I'm sure no one would bat an eyelash.

I probably still wouldn't have had the heart to shoot the little critters if I did have a gun. I do know how to shoot, as my Dad took me to the range for target shooting. I did alright too. It's just from the hip shooting, as that is about how much time you would have if an intruder came in to your home.
But if an intruder did come in and threaten my family... or oh I dunno a Chinese soldier....
Did I mention my Dad was a WWII veteran? Yep he carried an officer to safety(while fighting to save your sorry butte) and then went to the prison camps to rescue the prisoners there... likely Wobbelin, one of the Neuengamme subcamps. My sister still has the patch from 82nd Airborne, which can also be seen on display at the Holocaust Museum in St. Petersberg, Fla.
Oh, and my ancestor fought in the Revolutionary War at age 14.

The moral of this story is that critters can still be killed without a gun, and there are Patriots who fought and some died for this country, and still more will fight for Freedom and an end to Tyranny, regardless of what some people such as yourself think. Those of us who believe in the Constitution and the rugged individualism which once made this country great will do what is needed. We can carry guns or we can go to the town council meetings and fight the onward march of World Totalitarianism being masked as Sustainable Development.
I honor these Patriots even if you do not.
edit on 10-1-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-1-2013 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:24 AM
Two points:

1. I'd like to remind everyone that your plans to 'run for the hills with your bugout bag' won't work, cuz some of us are already in the hills, there's not that many deer to go around, the fish in the rivers are quite possibly now partially irradiated thanks to Fukushima, and we've all got guns, too. Good luck camping out under that big pine tree, you'll go crazy after a few hours without your teevees and your football games. No beer either.

2. Since the Second Amendment is all about 'a well regulated militia' I'm wondering how many gun owners would be willing to join a well regulated militia, or else hand in their guns? Y'know, take actual military training, be able to be called up on a moment's notice at presidential or governor order, etc.? That's what the Second Amendment was for, so why not? It works rather well in Switzerland.

I'm just curious, I really think there's no fix to these problems, not with that many guns out there and that many crazies, drug addicts both prescription and not, people with no hope because of an economic situation that rewards the big criminals, etc.

If Obama was really smart, he'd legalize hemp and marijuana; it would not only jumpstart the economy, it would chill everyone out a bit.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by spaceinvaders

Everybody needs to chill out. Executive orders aren't inherently tyrannical

Yah or at least till they deliberately interfere directly with our 2nd Amendment rights. As I have said, this is only the beginning, as what they have in store for us, the taking of guns is only to keep us from resisting their evil plans.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:37 AM


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by signalfire
Two points:

1. I'd like to remind everyone that your plans to 'run for the hills with your bugout bag' won't work, cuz some of us are already in the hills, there's not that many deer to go around, the fish in the rivers are quite possibly now partially irradiated thanks to Fukushima, and we've all got guns, too. Good luck camping out under that big pine tree, you'll go crazy after a few hours without your teevees and your football games. No beer either.

2. Since the Second Amendment is all about 'a well regulated militia' I'm wondering how many gun owners would be willing to join a well regulated militia, or else hand in their guns? Y'know, take actual military training, be able to be called up on a moment's notice at presidential or governor order, etc.? That's what the Second Amendment was for, so why not? It works rather well in Switzerland.

I'm just curious, I really think there's no fix to these problems, not with that many guns out there and that many crazies, drug addicts both prescription and not, people with no hope because of an economic situation that rewards the big criminals, etc.

If Obama was really smart, he'd legalize hemp and marijuana; it would not only jumpstart the economy, it would chill everyone out a bit.

EHHH!!! wrong!!!!! The second amendment has nothing to do with a well regulated militia except as a means for the people to overcome tyranny or a foreign threat. That's why it specifically states the right of the PEOPLE to keep and BEAR arms...


posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:13 AM
Rather open to interpretation, actually:

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:37 AM

EHHH!!! wrong!!!!! The second amendment has nothing to do with a well regulated militia except as a means for the people to overcome tyranny or a foreign threat. That's why it specifically states the right of the PEOPLE to keep and BEAR arms...


Exactly,in fact below are some things the Founding Fathers said about guns

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:38 AM
reply to post by seeker1963

I don't know how many times I'm gonna have to say this and not be understood, but it's not the troops you have to worry about. When they take their oath of service, it is directed first to protect the constitution, unconditionally, and second to the president, under the condition that his orders fall in line with the UCMJ (Unified Code of Military Justice). It is not the troops that will be coming at you when the SHTF, it will be PMC contractors like Academi (formerly Blackwater) and the like, who recruit their "operators" from third world militaries who will give no hesitation towards trampling on your rights or firing into a crowd of protestors.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Bilder

Yup, and the 2nd amendment is the lynchpin for all other rights. It is the "teeth" of the constitution. Without the 2nd amendment, you will see all other rights drop like flies, one by one. Just look at Canada. I know we may be portrayed (when we come up in the media anyways, which is not often) as an idealistic society, but we have even less freedoms than Americans do. We already gave up our right to bear arms, and as a result, have been losing our rights gradually for years. We have no real semblance of freedom of speech here and they clamped down on our G20 protests and the Occupy movement even quicker than they did in the States. The only reason we are "peaceful" is because most people are afraid of the police here, even if they won't admit it, because we don't really have any right to refuse an illegal search or to not answer an officers' questions, however ridiculous they may be. I seriously thank God that we still have some good cops left up here though, as if we didn't, we'd be quite thoroughly screwed if a strong-man took hold of Parliament Hill. I know people will come down on you on all sides for sticking to your guns on this issue (pun intended lol), but if you lose the 2nd amendment, all will be lost and one of two things will happen, the way I see it. 1)The country will devolve into civil war like I have been predicting for the last 10 years (and I am not special, or alone in that regard). or 2) The PTB will perform some sort of preemptive strike on gun owners that will make a revolution impossible (kind of unlikely as the manpower needed to perform such a strike would be cost-prohibitive), causing what is known as a EROL situation (excessive rule of law), basically bringing the average American down to the level of your average Palestinian in Gaza. If you look at China, who many powerful people consider to use the ideal system of governance and repression, you will see what the PTB want America to be like, but I think more realistically, since good Americans are hard to tread on (just look at the Gadsden flag lol), it will be closer to a nation wide feudalist, Gaza strip on steroids kind of environment, with the power-elite retreating into heavily guarded compounds, leaving the Goyim to slaughter eachother outside the gates. The optimist in me would like to think that this would cause a resurgence of communities banding together to make ends meet, but the realist in me sees everyone fighting and killing eachother just to find the bare necessities, which will not be readily available as the industrial food system has created a serious danger as what do you think will happen when fuel stops being distributed and all your food comes from half-way across the country, or even across the world? Small family farms don't even really exist in Canada anymore, let alone the States, so when it comes down to it, the weak will starve and the desperate will pillage to feed themselves. When pushed under conditions like that, everyone could be capable of committing atrocities, not just Joe Psycho, like it is today.
edit on 10/1/2013 by xXxinfidelxXx because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 04:19 AM
Don't TPTB want a civil war? Wouldn't this give them excuse to put down Marshall Law and start unveiling the plan of a New World Order? Patriot Act, NDAA, and NDRP are perfect tools to put this country in to full lock down.

And now their going for the guns. This is yet another agenda. They WANT a civil war, they want the citizens to finally rise up against the tyranny.

I'm not going go as far as mass executions, but anytime you see the words "Gun Control" it raises a red flag.

Pol Pot

Then you see laws like NDAA and NDRP.

And now gun control.

This is a nice formula for a Totalitarian state. These bills were not signed for fun or BS national security.

Well anyway I am seriously considering moving to the country again.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by beezzer

100% agree with you! It is time we stop simply reacting to the emotional manipulation of the government and it is time we begin to act as a united front. Those in visible power i.e. the "top" republicans and democrats are obviously united in the pillaging and perversion of the law and the constitution.

I understand this and you and everyone in this forum understands this, but how do we get the masses to understand and to stop believing in all the smoke and mirrors??

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:32 AM
BarryO can scribble whatever he wants on paper.
It's up to us whether to be stupid enough to obey it.
If he wrote "Jump off a cliff - would you do it?"
Yes, it's really that frigging simple.

Think I'll write my own Executive orders.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 06:51 AM
I have a serious question that everybody seems to overlook and could be pivotal to the outcome for you guys across the pond.

Can anyone point me in the direction where it specifically states in the 2nd Amendment that people have the right to bear Firearms.

As far as I can see, legally, Obama could place a ban on all guns as long as people are allowed to carry a knife / sword / club.

After all, the 2nd amendment doesn't grant you the right to carry rocket launchers, missiles, grenades, mortars or any other military grade weapon..

ETA: Whilst I realise that in 2008 The Supreme Court ruled that firearms be specifically included under the 2nd it is entirely possible and perfectly legal for them to then overturn that decision based upon recent events.
edit on 10-1-2013 by Truth_Hz because: closing statement

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by spaceinvaders

Everybody needs to chill out. Executive orders aren't inherently tyrannical

Yah or at least till they deliberately interfere directly with our 2nd Amendment rights. As I have said, this is only the beginning, as what they have in store for us, the taking of guns is only to keep us from resisting their evil plans.

They're not taking your guns, cut the paranoia. Obama wants to better regulate guns, not take them away. Do you have any proof of these "evil plans"? Of course not, you regurgitate what you hear Alex jones say...

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 07:05 AM
I've heard it would be struck down in the courts as unconstitutional although that might take years. But it would also be an unenforceable law since the local police would refuse to enforce it. Plus it would never get past the court of public opinion.
I've said before that I have serious doubts over Obama's legitimacy to be POTUS. His hidden past, his being a puppet for those who manipulate and control him( like they did with Bush), plus outright voter fraud this last election. Do we really care what he says or does? Do we?
This may be a feint for somehting else they're doing. I think they're going to slash entitlement spending and they honestly fear the unrest that will result.
Yes, Obama has plans to screw even his own supporters.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Screwed

Executive Orders are NOT laws. They are directives to federal employees.

The dumbed down morons in this country don't know any better though....

This country makes me sick.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Why not write a warrant for a Citizen's Arrest while you are at it.

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