posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:50 PM
I am of course sad to know that a human being has passed from this world in such violent, and sorrowful circumstances. I am also very concerned at the
implications of the fellows death.
Allow me to play devils advocate here for a moment:
First of all, if the reports of the circumstances of the fellows death are accurate, and not the ill informed babble of some gum flapping,
intellectually stunted neighbor of his, but based in reality, then there is no way that this could have been a suicide, and would indicate to me that
it is also unlikely to have been an unfortunate accident.
However, if he was killed by an inidividual, then that individual must have a reason for what they did. But assuming that since he was "pro-gun"
his murderer must have been against guns, is pretty lazy minded. Its the sort of thing the government in the US promotes in its citizens by allowing
jerks like Alex Jones on the radio, and allowing shows like Jersey Shore to even exist.
If I was a part of a pro-gun organisation, perhaps the NRA, or something a little more... covert, I would be pretty concerned right about now, what
with all the anti-gun BS thats floating around the US right now. I might be in the mood to meet with pals, hatch plans, and do dastardly and morally
objectionable things in order to make people empathise with my sector of the community a little more, in these harsh times. Perhaps one of the little
ideas me and my buddies might come up with, is to off some poor unfortunate Face, from the pro-gun media in a thoroughly brutal way, to make people
realise that the anti-gun side of the argument isnt the whiter that white thing that some think it to be.
Equally, the fellow might have been offed by the anti-gun types, for obvious reasons. But these are both bloody unlikely.
The fellow from FPS is a man. A human being. People are now, and have for generations, killed each other outside of war, for what is actually a
pretty small list of reasons. If we ignore victims who were killed by the straight up crazy people out there, then the list is even smaller (and
therefore excludes excuses like "The Fairy King told me I could have his Golden Scepter if I scalped the school mistress.... Its a REALLY cool
Money, Passion,Vengance.
These things are the main drivers of Murder. People are killed for thier riches all the time, they get stabbed and shot in muggings, beaten to death
in home invasions, kidnapped and killed for thier bank details, that sort of thing. Hell, people are killed for thier bodily organs, which are worth
big money on the black market, shot over drug dealing rights, or over deals of many kinds, gone bad.
People are killed by thier spouses, by thier significant others, and by thier mistresses/toyboys/adulterous partners, on a fairly regular basis also.
Between two people, there can be infinite love, and depthless hatred and anger. We know next to bloody nothing about his personal life, and what we
COULD know, is publically available, and therefore going to be of no use when examining the reasons that those closest to him might have wanted to
ventilate his head.
Last of the examples I gave, was vengance. This would be perhaps the most difficult of the three main drivers, to discover. Again, we know next to
nothing about the fellow in question. This means we have no frame of reference for what sort of a dude he is. Is he the sort of fella to have
committed some sick act in earlier life? Has he accidentally paralysed anyones kids with bullets?
These are things, that we have no way to know, things that not even the cops know at this point, and unlike us, they actually have the power to form
an investigation that could uncover all the dirt in the fellows past, as well as hopefully unmasking the killer.
I want to make this very clear, as a sort of disclaimer. What you read above here, is merely an explanation of the possibilities, and the simplified
reasons people choose to justify murder with. I am not suggesting that the deceased gentleman HAS actually involved himself in something, somehow
shady, nor that he bought his death upon himself in so doing.
What I am doing, is reminding those amongst us who have forgotten, that there could be a reason for this mans murder, that has no link what so ever
to his work. That he was a normal guy, and lived a life, something other people have done, with similar end results, that had nothing to do with thier