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Why America is Severely Broken - Meet Alice Walton

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by gangdumstyle

Originally posted by The Old American

They don't produce it, they buy product from other manufacturers and hold the branding for it. Some of it is actually manufactured by major produce sellers, like Del Monte, but WalMart struck a deal to brand it themselves so they could have more control over pricing.

Other retailers do the same thing.

edit on 7-1-2013 by The Old American because: (no reason given)

Most of the great value items are produced by walmart. Wal-mart DIRECTLY pays for the PRODUCTION, your wrong....

If you know what an erg is, you'd use it to do a tiny bit of research to learn something about you're talking about.

Great Value is an NBE (National Brand Equivalent), which is a private brand that a retailer develops to sell a national producer's products for a cheaper price and under their own name. Several large retailers do it to control pricing and to be able to offer a less expensive option of a name-brand model or product. Often the NBE is produced or manufactured by the very producers that are competing with it.

So, again, WalMart isn't a manufacturer. They are a retailer.


posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by The Old American

They have done nothing illegal..

This all does nothing to quite the claim that american capitalism is a disease. When pieces of human trash can make millions... you know your economic system is flawed and your society is doomed.

So we need to fix it.. and the government is the only thing we have. So if rich dont like the governement taxing the %&*$ out of them and capping their profits, then stop being such psychopaths.

Single most ignorant post in the whole thread. Congratulations.


You really want the government come in and do something? Pro-tip, hotshot: they already did something. Now we have WalMart, BP, HSBC, CountryWide Loans, etc.

But the government can fix it!

Holy crap. You people are just great.


posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

We have two options to save us:

1. Raise the standard of living in Third World countries so their labor expects the same wages as us. This will make companies cease fleeing our country for cheaper labor.


2. Levy some protectionism taxes.

A shining beacon of light comes into the thread of ignorance and darkness. Tariffs, tariffs, tariffs. Then, on top of that, more tariffs.


posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 12:59 PM
i love this thread!!! the OP hits the nail on the hypocritical thinking of the united states. we are so anti communism yet we buy all our stuff made in a communist country!! yet the biggest defenders of walmart are the very same ultra conservative republicans that denounce communism!!! the funny thing is chinas slave wage practices are closer to true capitalism than our own!!! if we had true capitalism we would be manufacturing all iphone parts here in the u.s and workers would be paid peanuts!!!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant

Originally posted by The Old American

You might say people are not forced to work for Walmart but since they put American Manufacturing out of business - jobs are gone ans yes they are forced to work in the only place in town.

WalMart is a retail store, not a manufacturer. They didn't put anyone out of business in the manufacturing sector. They also didn't put anyone out of business in retail. The consumers did by choosing WalMart over Retailer X.

Other than that, it's her money and she can do with it what she pleases with it.


Are you kidding?

You don't think Walmart buying 75% of their merchandise from China over the USA didn't put AMERICAN MANUFACTURERS OUT OF BUSINESS??? Guess again.

"Her money" is ill gotten gains acquired by illegally coercing American politics and politicians into a country sabotaging conspiracy to make one family rich at the expense of the rest of us.
edit on 6-1-2013 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

Unfortunately, coercing of american politics and politicians through what is laughingly called "lobbying" is completely legal in the United States.

They have tried to do the exact same thing in other countries and WalMart is being investigated for political corruption in many places around the world, but in the United States, which has the most corrupt politicians in the world, this is not only legal, it's a perfectly acceptable practice. The bribery agents "lobbyists" actually have offices setup on Capitol Hill.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by newcovenant

Originally posted by olaru12

I only buy "Made in America" I pay a little more but in the long run it last much longer than Chinese crap.

I don't patronize Walmart or Sams Club because their power over their employees borders on slavery.

IMO it's unpatriotic to buy from companies that take advantage of cheap Chinese slave labor and foster American manufacturing to lay off Americans and move off shore. Putting profit above America is TREASON.
edit on 6-1-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

Excellent answer! I admire you and think everyone should follow your lead starting of course with myself.

Is it even possible for the average American to buy EVERYTHING they need made in America?
I guess we wouldnt have computers, or cell phones, Im not even sure we could have all that much clothing. Really the only things we can all buy Made in USA would be certain food items. But even much of our food is imported now.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by coop039

Maybe there is some incentive for everyone to get off their fat ass and learn how make something on their own. And we don't actually need computers and cell phones, ultimately they are distractions which prevent people from realizing they are participating in a grand charade while deserving better.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Juggernog

Originally posted by The Old American

You might say people are not forced to work for Walmart but since they put American Manufacturing out of business - jobs are gone ans yes they are forced to work in the only place in town.

WalMart is a retail store, not a manufacturer. They didn't put anyone out of business in the manufacturing sector. They also didn't put anyone out of business in retail. The consumers did by choosing WalMart over Retailer X.

Other than that, it's her money and she can do with it what she pleases with it.


Walmart was a key player in shutting down American Manufacturing because they stopped buying goods made in America because they wanted to buy the cheaper made in China goods to increase their profit.
Thats how it works

Edit: Ah, covenant beat me to it
edit on 1/6/2013 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

Because the consumer has a demand for cheaper goods and services. It all goes full circle and everyone is to "blame." If there was not a demand for what Walmart sells, they wouldn't be able to sell it.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:03 PM
If what Wal-Mart does is capitalism, then slave owners in the South were capitalists too.

People who supply the products to Wal-mart are treated just like the slaves in America in the 1850s.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Juggernog
reply to post by rockymcgilicutty

You seem like a person who just takes a stance with no real idea of the subject.Are you mean and lonely and just want to argue?

Ive seen a few of his posts around different threads and he seems to almost always play the role of the antagonist.
There are a few others like that as well, I dont even bother with them.

Hmm, just saw this. I usually find your posts enlightening and usually agree with you on them. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and look at things rationally. I guess everyone has their emotional blind spot.

I'm not playing any prescribed role, except someone who believes that only the truth belongs in any thread. I'm not supporting WalMart or Ms. Walton, nor am I supporting the "OMG WALMART TOOK MAH MONEES!" people. But there's a lot of ignorance thrown around in this thread for the sake of flags and stars and I'm just presenting facts and data.

I seem to be one of the few that will.


posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by The Old American

You might say people are not forced to work for Walmart but since they put American Manufacturing out of business - jobs are gone ans yes they are forced to work in the only place in town.

WalMart is a retail store, not a manufacturer. They didn't put anyone out of business in the manufacturing sector. They also didn't put anyone out of business in retail. The consumers did by choosing WalMart over Retailer X.

Other than that, it's her money and she can do with it what she pleases with it.


#1. You really need to familiarize yourself with 8th grade Econ. if you think that only a manufacturer can put another manufacturer out of business.

#2. Yes...but WHY is it "her money"?? She didn't work for it...that's all daddy's money which came from daddy's company which DADDY built. WHY is society OK with all of these no-talent, loser, deadbeats who inherited their stations in life just like the European monarchy we fought to GET AWAY FROM having unlimited wealth and power transferred to them solely upon the basis of their dumb luck in the uterine lottery?

Why should we not have enough textbooks in our schools...yet permit Paris Hilton to live a life of opulence, excess, and luxury for doing slightly less than nothing? How in the HELL does Donald Trump still have money? He has failed MISERABLY at almost every single endeavor he has ever attempted?? Trump went bankrupt on CASINO'S for the love of christ. CASINO'S!!!

Native Americans nationwide have went from quite literally still using stone tipped arrows and spears to demonstrating an absolute MASTERY of owning and operating Casino's nationwide...but Donald Trump couldn't pull it off despite inheriting his millions and all of daddy's real estate connections and attorneys??

C'mon...the game is rigged and in any HEALTHY CIVILIZATION in the modern world, one must be able to rise and fall based upon their MERIT...not their BIRTHRIGHT.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by NavyDoc

Originally posted by Juggernog

Originally posted by The Old American

You might say people are not forced to work for Walmart but since they put American Manufacturing out of business - jobs are gone ans yes they are forced to work in the only place in town.

WalMart is a retail store, not a manufacturer. They didn't put anyone out of business in the manufacturing sector. They also didn't put anyone out of business in retail. The consumers did by choosing WalMart over Retailer X.

Other than that, it's her money and she can do with it what she pleases with it.


Walmart was a key player in shutting down American Manufacturing because they stopped buying goods made in America because they wanted to buy the cheaper made in China goods to increase their profit.
Thats how it works

Edit: Ah, covenant beat me to it
edit on 1/6/2013 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

Because the consumer has a demand for cheaper goods and services. It all goes full circle and everyone is to "blame." If there was not a demand for what Walmart sells, they wouldn't be able to sell it.

No. Not "everyone" is to blame. The people to blame are the one's who have carefully rigged the legislation in order to exploit the basic human nature which is mathematically quantifiable and provable by Game Theory to the detriment of society and the whole country.

The argument that INDIVIDUALS might defy their base human instincts is at times sound...even WISE. However, the only people on earth who think that it is at all plausible or realistically possible for POPULATIONS to do the same are quite simply ignorant of the material in any undergraduate Statistics 101 textbook in any country on planet earth.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by jasonl1983
reply to post by coop039

Maybe there is some incentive for everyone to get off their fat ass and learn how make something on their own. And we don't actually need computers and cell phones, ultimately they are distractions which prevent people from realizing they are participating in a grand charade while deserving better.

Most people in this country have no idea how to make anything. And we DO need technology products to keep up with the rest of the world.

I would be curious what computer the poster has that said he buy ONLY made in America. ALL COMPUTERS have chinese parts in them.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by The Old American

Read the post.I asked two questions. They were in responce to a mean reply from you with your reading deficiency attack.Pot calling the kettel black?Someone else put you in a prescribed role not me.Did you noticed the words seem and are you in my reply? But I did forget one question mark.

But my next question is have you ever been wrong?If yes ,my opinion will change greatly.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

LOL, so instead of the more plausable answer of people wanting cheaper goods and services and companies stepping up to fill that demand, the answer is really a conspiracy with corporations forcing or brainwashing the masses to buy their cheaper products?

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by rockymcgilicutty
reply to post by The Old American

Read the post.I asked two questions. They were in responce to a mean reply from you with your reading deficiency attack.Pot calling the kettel black?Someone else put you in a prescribed role not me.Did you noticed the words seem and are you in my reply? But I did forget one question mark.

But my next question is have you ever been wrong?If yes ,my opinion will change greatly.

Have I ever been wrong? Often. But I'm man enough to admit it. You and several others, however, can't admit that your reaction to WalMart and Ms. Walton's personal wealth is all driven by jealousy.

All I did was explain how the company works, how consumerism is what keeps it in business, and that her money belongs to her, and you people jumped down my throat for it, yelling about WalMart being evil and how she doesn't need that much money.

This is what people get when they bring rationality, logic and facts to a whine-fest.


posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by 200Plus

The government is not an individual
that is a discussion for another thread.
it isn't in 'form' but that doesn't stop it from behaving like one.

The individual does not provide public services
are you sure about that ?
if not, then what are all those individuals doing at government offices ?

IF all of those 'individuals' quit doing their work tomorrow ... what 'government' is going to provide anything ?

i don't believe anyone is 'entitled' to the wealth of others either but that's not the position of current government.

this is where we disagree ... i should not "give it because you said so" ... i should give what i can because it's the right thing to do ... not because government says we have to.

being gracious, charitable and virtuous are still the choice of the individual and that is one decision no government has authority to make.

the difference is, i don't make $500 per month, but i still give when and where i can ... as that is my choice.

funny thing too, i never thought about starting a non-profit until i got a letter from IRS suggesting i do so ... based on my 'buying habits' they said (funny that huh?) ... and ya know, i've never followed their advice but i'm beginning to think i should

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by milominderbinder

Trump went bankrupt on CASINO'S for the love of christ. CASINO'S!!!

yes he did
which brings me back to the "Ranch"

anyone else remember the "Ranch" (out of respect for the youngins, i am not posting the full name) ... when they went into uhem, govt receivership ... they went belly-up

our own government couldn't turn a profit with booze & whores ... what the he!! were we thinking way back then ????????

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by The Old American

If you can admit you are wrong,Say so and retract your allegations that I labeled you.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by NavyDoc
reply to post by milominderbinder

LOL, so instead of the more plausable answer of people wanting cheaper goods and services and companies stepping up to fill that demand, the answer is really a conspiracy with corporations forcing or brainwashing the masses to buy their cheaper products?

even i'm gonna have to go with a resounding NO on that one.
ppl who don't have enough funds to afford quality have to concede for cheaper ... that doesn't mean they prefer it.

after NAFTA, the consumers no longer had a choice.
while the wages went stagnant, the imports flooded in and we were left with next to no choice until we reached the point we have today.

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