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Cameron: Britain would fight another war with Argentina to keep the Falkland Islands

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posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by alan747

Press TV.... hmmm yeah that source of unbiased, factual news from the Iranian Governments own News Channel. I highly suspect that this video is cock and bull but I will never find out because I am not wasting my time watching it.

And after adding an account just to post a link to YouTube, I smell an agenda.
edit on 7-1-2013 by michael1983l because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by EvanB

I disagree, you spill my pint, you get a chance to buy me a replacement, and if at first I don't succeed, then in wi' the boot and then the heed!

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 12:51 AM

Respect the will of the people..

edit on 8-1-2013 by denver22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by starchild10
Their right to be British? Do me a favour - the Falkanders don't even pay UK tax and most would rather walk over barbed wire bare foot than have anything to do with Britain. No they are quite happy to live on the other side of the world thank you very much but their ancestral connection comes in handy when it comes to us spilling our blood on their behalf.
These islands are a millstone round our neck - unless there is oil or some other strategic use. If there is oil I hope we keep every last ounce of revenue. It might just meet the cost of protecting these benighted islands.
It's a shame Argentina is being such an ass because otherwise I would say 'here take them'. With the proviso that all the little Falklanders who so want to be British can put their money where their mouth is and come and live in Britain.
edit on 7-1-2013 by starchild10 because: (no reason given)

WOW, how out of touch can you be with your fellow countrymen?
If you had even bothered to read the full thread before commenting or even doing a LITTLE research on the topic you would know that oil is a moot point, we offered to split it 50/50 with the greedy Argentines already..

Honest hard working people, regardless of how little or much tax they pay and regardless of the cost of defending them will never be a millstone around our necks...The millstone around the British necks are all the long term benefit claimants with no intentions of working, the career single mums and mass numbers of immigrants, in my eyes these people aren't British but combined are much more of a drain than the poor hard working Falklanders ever will be. Know any of these groups yourself?

Originally posted by mfc1PLAZMUH
2 All the peoples of the world I must advise you all..

This smallminded prick does not speak for me..

My name is Steven location Colchester England


Much Love
Steven aka Plazmuh

and this small minded 'p' views represent about 1% at most of the UKs views..If Russian paras ever land in Colchester we must remember how Steven doesn't want to be liberated

Originally posted by VSNU7
I really hope the UK does not enter another war. I have always wondered why the UK has such an interested in those islands? Can anyone explain ?

We would never think much about them if it wasn't for Argentina threatening to invade them again, like they did in 1982. But we will not stand by and do nothing if our citizens are attacked, same as most countries.

Originally posted by alan747

PRESS TV, the news source for Gullible idiots!!

And, to those who think we can't defend the island, read this:

Can the UK still defend the Falklands

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:48 AM
LOL at anyone that thinks this is about "the people".

All Britain hears is the sound of oil rigs stuffing cold hard cash in their pockets.

Why do they need to be backed by anyone? Let them live their lives free from the long arm of money hungry goons.

Just my opinion though, to each his/her own.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by MmmPie

your entitled to your opinion, but as already said, your's already been discussed, oil is out of the equation, we (The UK) already offered to split it with Argentina who threw it back in our faces.

Given this is FACT and well documented and reported how is it that you still fail to understand it is not about oil...are you American maybe? see in UK occasionally we actually do go to war out of principle not just because you guys did. You telling me if Alaska was invaded you would only retake it or try to at least because of the oil? I mean if that's true it must be really crap to be American.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by biggilo

I couldn't have put it better myself. Well said sir.

To anyone reading this, it's not always about oil. Same goes for you USA. You think the current wars in the middle east are only about oil? You're wrong. The oil is a bonus but there is a bigger game going on.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by paganini

I hardly think that the British public are so dense as to allow this temporary situation to be the wool over thier eyes, in terms of keeping one eye on the domestic political structure of the UK. Those of us who follow politics in the UK are actually fairly astute, and can seperate these fleeting moments of madness internationally, from what happens in our nation quite easily.

As I mentioned, I cannot stand Mr Cameron, and no matter what he does about the Argentine attitude to the Falklands, I will never vote for him, and I know very many people who voted for him once, who will never do so again.

I also have to say that your assertion that unless one is a card carrying member of the military, then they shouldnt talk about military matters is somewhat idiotic. In this country we have the richest military tradition in the western world, and involved or not on a personal basis, most everyone has a relative who was, or is involved in military matters. Also, some of us are actually capable of researching the things that we have no personal involvement in, rather than remaining ignorant just because we are not all wearing warpaint right now.

The idea that one must be in a situation to comment on it, is one of the most ridiculous I have heard. I hear US residents saying to me, on this very site "You live in the UK, you have no worthy opinion" about matters pertaining to the US. Ridiculous. This is the same type of foolishness, and it does not stand.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

did you see the coalition Uk government mid year review on tv the other day , should have just had a huge sign that said "business is #e as usual" and be done with it !
I think I'll take a screenshot and photoshop it to say just that !

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:49 AM
After re-reading this thread.. I must say.. VERY proud to be British right now..

We are a country and a people who will indeed go to war on point of principle..

History has proved that already... WW2 we could have said screw you Poland but no.. We honoured our treaties and for most of the duration we stood alone against tyranny..

The Falklands war was another example of British.. All Britain.. England, NI, Scotland Wales.. Troops and regiments fighting for principle rather than profit..

I think the world could learn a lesson from that.. Because even now.. The most ardent anti war British citizen.. Would still put combats on and fight for what is right.. And what is ours..

Very very proud of you.. And though I have had pity parties in the past about fighting for this country... I have have to say after reading this thread... YOU ARE ALL WORTH IT...

I am the happiest of all Britains today... Thanks

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by michael1983l
reply to post by paganini

Trust me Cameron is getting 0 political points here, he will still be acronomiously voted out in 2015.

God i hope not because that would mean Ed Balls has his hands on the economy again. The same Ed Balls who fu%*^! it up majorly with Brown in the first place. The same Ed Balls who only last week announced new spending plans before it was pointed out that the £1 Billion he had earmarked he had already spent on something else the year before (in another highly publicised strategy) - good to see his economic grasp has improved to merely not having the slightest clue now!

Do us Brits really want to hand the economy to someone so incompetent? That is a truly frightening prospect........

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by EvanB
After re-reading this thread.. I must say.. VERY proud to be British right now..

We are a country and a people who will indeed go to war on point of principle..

History has proved that already... WW2 we could have said screw you Poland but no.. We honoured our treaties and for most of the duration we stood alone against tyranny..

The Falklands war was another example of British.. All Britain.. England, NI, Scotland Wales.. Troops and regiments fighting for principle rather than profit..

I think the world could learn a lesson from that.. Because even now.. The most ardent anti war British citizen.. Would still put combats on and fight for what is right.. And what is ours..

Very very proud of you.. And though I have had pity parties in the past about fighting for this country... I have have to say after reading this thread... YOU ARE ALL WORTH IT...

I am the happiest of all Britains today... Thanks

That's why i posted the themes living right next to where the heart of our navy is im super proud
everytime i see HMS VICTORY sitting there proud and seeing our troops leave PORTSMOUTH
honouring our freinds etc my spirit being english has made me us fearsome with pride wherever
i or we have travelled in this world...

The roar of the lion is heard throughout the land...

edit on 8-1-2013 by denver22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by EvanB

Personally, i don't want us to go to war ever unless we have no other choice. War isn't a happy or glamorous place to be at, it is horrible.

And, much as i like to think we would only go to war over principle, that isn't strictly speaking true is it? (Iraq). That was war over a lie engineered at the highest levels......

Still, i am always proud to be British. We have collectively done a lot (good and bad) in this here green and pleasant land - better than doing not a lot.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by paganini

No, you are wrong. Cameron isn't impressing anyone with talk about going to war with Argentina. If anyone is reading this thinking that is what he said then you haven't understood, have another read of it.

What he said is that IF we are attacked, then we will defend ourselves. Isn't this the very least ANY leader should say?

Why is it shocking to some people?

He is still a Tory turd and I am not impressed in the slightest. Indeed I worry that everyone may think he'll just change his mind again and the Argentines may fancy a punt. At least the equally despised Thatcher never left you thinking that.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by denver22

I did the All Arms Commando course not far from you.. And as a civvy (never going to class myself as one lol), lived and worked between Southampton, Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight..

In my house in Cowes I could see the ships and docks... In Portsmouth I used to make a point of seeing our naval history, even calling in on mates at HMS Nelson..

So know where your heart lays bro

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Flavian

Who wants to go to war??? (well, me, but im a career soldier so ignore me lol)..

Over the last few days I have read comment after comment on this issue on other sites too..

The overwhelming opinion.. Even from anti war people.. Is that they would take up arms on this issue..


Because sometimes war is right.. To protect and defend your own..

Very very proud..

True Britishness is amazing x

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:53 AM
Just wanted to mention that I'm completely on the British side in this utter nonsense of a conflict - if you're interested what other foreigners think. As far as I've understood the only "justification" on Argentinian side is, that the islands are close to them - there is no historical or demographic background for these claims at all. So what should be the international rule or common law be in similar matters - how far or close some piece of land must be to some other, to be claimed by somebody? Should UK conquer then Faroe Islands and Canada take Greenland, Marocco should invade Canaries? Further more - perhaps Argentina should hand over Misiones province to Brazil, because it seems to cut deep into its "area of influence" and Brazil is the biggest player in this area (wiki link).
Actually to me this all seems to be a part of some bigger agenda - like all the former European empires should give up their last strips of land only because they have some historic karma debt on their shoulders. Not very much different from Germany having to pay over and over again for their mistakes during the 30/40's anymore.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by michael1983l

You smell correctly. For example the video states at one point "war broke out between the two countries in 1982 in which many Argentinians died.".

Why not "Argentina attempted to take the islands by invasion in 1982 and this cost many lives on both sides"?

The video is one eyed garbage and fails to explain how you forcibly take possession of lands from a country that does not exist.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by Flavian

Nobody said we ONLY ever go to war out of principle, in fact, I think I said myself that the past decades wars weren't so..but heck, it wasn't ALL about oil either.

The first Falklands war WAS out of principle though, as would a second if the Argentinians were mental enough to try.
As was WW2 as a previous person mentioned also, in fact, I think some of our leaders understood at the time it could summon the end of our Empire to do so. But we still did stand up, unlike certain others who actually used it to take advantage of us. Special relationship my a***
Whilst on this matter, if the chips were down, our Canadian and Aussie brothers would rally round us too, not for profit but for principles too, history has time and again proven this too.

So, be proud to be British, don't listen to the bigots (usually uneducated ones) who try to make you ashamed of our history, we have done MANY good things in our past and furthered mankind a lot.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by McWill

Yeah man your entitled to your opinion on this whether your British, Argentinian or not, it only seems to be American gun nutters who think foreign people have no right to an opinions on their matters.

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