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Is UFO Secrecy for our own good?

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posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:19 AM
I have been exploring the plausibility of that which is attributed to "extraterrestrial contact" is perhaps more Earthly based: interaction with humans from the future who have a clear agenda that we're not wise to yet.

I'm asking here for you to use your imagination to think of why future humans would come back to this time, and if these may be the UFOs we are seeing. What do you think would be their task? Why wouldn't they be open about what they're doing? Should those who know who they are tell the public, or is there risk in that?

Thank you for your time and consideration in thinking about this.
edit on 1/6/2013 by randomviolins because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:27 AM
If the paradox theory holds up, then they would just observe. Perhaps they have been 'observing' this whole time and governments use the UFO phenomenon for plausible deniability for black ops projects. It has always been my gut feeling. The way it has been built up in our society's psyche thanks to mainstream pop culture has fantasized our views. I truly believe something is out there, as to what, I am not sure if we will truly ever find out.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by randomviolins

Explanation: Uhmmm?

Whose own good ... mine or theirs?

Personal Disclosure: I don't think they have MY best interests at heart or they wouldn't hide and lie regardless.

And its not a survival issue for them or they'd just escape into the past .. instead of trying to ALTER IT!

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by randomviolins

Secrecy is never to the good of those left in the dark, it is a subtraction of knowledge. Without knowledge there can't be informed an informed decision.

I will sooner believe in FTL travel than time travel (well it depends on what type of time travel we are talking about, some of the conjectures would make it more like a single trip, multi-verse travel).
edit on 6-1-2013 by Panic2k11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by mcx1942

Thank you for such a thoughtful response! I am grateful considering what sort of reception I have received in the past from the UFO community about such questions.

To me, the reason for UFO secrecy makes more sense if it is indeed an artifact of time travel, not alien visitation. If time travelers came back and told governmental entities that announcing their presence may influence future events, which in turn could even have an impact on whether time travel could occur, the high strangeness of that logic would be enough to scare government officials off of not only announcing the presence, but doing anything about it. After all, governmental intervention may in and of itself influence whether the governors themselves would become ancestors. There is enough selfish intent in present society to take precautions against destroying ones own family line in any effort to understand what the time travelers are up to.

The fact that they are humanoid-looking is a strong case for time travel, because true aliens from other planet would not have the same progression of extinction events as the Earth has, and therefore would not have much resemblance to our own species.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:52 AM
The term 'future' does need some context. Are they time travelers and if so does the future is now change since their intervention? So they are no longer from our exact future, but a possible future that is now lost or altered in some way? Or has the term future been stretched and lost in translation? Many generations ago they where similar to where man is now, but through evolution, situations and changing environments they are now something else?

As for why life does what it does, for what ever reasons it is here so has to do something. There are lots of stories and compilations around of people telling what they know about these and similar topics. As for how much plausibility, trust and acceptance you put into such things is a matter for each individual. Hopefully in time more solid foundations and reputable sources will emerge, until then it is just a wait and consider.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by randomviolins
I have been exploring the plausibility of that which is attributed to "extraterrestrial contact" is perhaps more Earthly based: interaction with humans from the future who have a clear agenda that we're not wise to yet.

I'm asking here for you to use your imagination to think of why future humans would come back to this time, and if these may be the UFOs we are seeing. What do you think would be their task? Why wouldn't they be open about what they're doing? Should those who know who they are tell the public, or is there risk in that?

Thank you for your time and consideration in thinking about this.
edit on 1/6/2013 by randomviolins because: (no reason given)

yes its got to be

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by randomviolins

Indeed, it is a very cool thread idea.

It also goes with a theory I have as to why we can not empirically prove extraterrestrial visitation to our scientific satisfaction as a whole. I have a feeling it has to do with the evolutionary or genetic differences between us and 'them'. Our brains may not be wired to completely understand what is going on with this phenomenon. It may be just too advanced for us still. We have given these anomalies names related to our reality's frame of reference. We spot them all over the world, yet we still can not prove their existence in the realm of academia. This has always perplexed me and makes me feel we may just not be advanced enough to explain what is going on.

I compare it to us humans trying to interact with insects. Maybe they can not communicate with us at all. Just some of my thoughts on this, I love this kind of topic.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by kwakakev
The term 'future' does need some context. Are they time travelers and if so does the future is now change since their intervention? So they are no longer from our exact future, but a possible future that is now lost or altered in some way? Or has the term future been stretched and lost in translation? Many generations ago they where similar to where man is now, but through evolution, situations and changing environments they are now something else?

As for why life does what it does, for what ever reasons it is here so has to do something. There are lots of stories and compilations around of people telling what they know about these and similar topics. As for how much plausibility, trust and acceptance you put into such things is a matter for each individual. Hopefully in time more solid foundations and reputable sources will emerge, until then it is just a wait and consider.

Thank you for asking the best questions! Consider this: The Mayans never said there would be an end to the Earth or mankind. They did say there would be an end of TIME. The sort of questions you are asking, in my opinion, are indicative of how our notion of "time" (or at least how we talk about it) is breaking down, and that public knowledge of the reality of time travel would further erode our understanding of time. "I'll meet with you tomorrow after I get back from today and you return from next year." This is nonsense for us now. But once time travel becomes a norm, even our language will be so different that we would not recognize it.
edit on 1/6/2013 by randomviolins because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 04:01 AM
Great thread OP, it gets my mind in gear!

If there were our future generations visiting us via time travel, then I would guess at 2 things;

1. A field trip history lesson

2. Someone very dedicated to tracing their family tree.

To those who suggest that time travel is impossible, this viewpoint is very limiting. Just look back in recent history at the things we thought were seemingly impossible.

3d printing, teleportation, spray on skin, this forum is full of them.

I believe, if you can think it, then it is possible. This goes back to my view of, is there any original thought?

Or do we pluck our thoughts from a predetermined list, like say a computer program. There are some pretty convincing arguments that we are living in a computer simulation, therefore, if you can think it, then it is possible.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 04:22 AM

I believe, if you can think it, then it is possible. This goes back to my view of, is there any original thought? Or do we pluck our thoughts from a predetermined list, like say a computer program. There are some pretty convincing arguments that we are living in a computer simulation, therefore, if you can think it, then it is possible.
reply to post by Watchfull

i have said this in many a thread not in those exact words
if you can think it its got to be possible

(leave out flying pigs) or maybe not

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 04:41 AM
They don't have to be from the future but could be the descendants of survivors of a disaster that knocked a past spacefaring human civilization back to the Stone Age or androids/robots from that civilization, whose primary goal is to watch over today's human race, especially if said disaster was mankind's own fault.

I made a thread about various possibilities several weeks ago:

Possible Origins of UFOs

That aside, since it is the visitors that are primarily responsible for keeping their presence secret, it may be that experience has taught their society that we are better off without open contact at this stage of our development.

And, of course, governments don't want to announce that there are Unregistered Foreign Overflyers over which they have no control.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 04:43 AM
an extract of a short novel I wrote for fun a few years ago after drinking a bit too much. Bare with me I isntant-translated this from french...

"You little asshole" said telepathically the little grey beeing.
Why do you think that we look alike that much? Hum...? Oh yes... good, good, I can see a few synapses in movement behind those two ridiculously small eyes...
You Obsoletes aaaaaaalways thought everything was due to you... Look at you... your limbs are still well proportionate, and a cute little head, so everything is fine, right? After all technology is here! Who gives a # about the rest? Isn't it?!
All this because of these stupid Anunaki that made you jump a rung in the evolution ladder just after Cro-Magnon... that was a brilliant idea really, thanks a lot...

- But what the heck is this freak's problem for #'s sake?" mentally thought Jack, who hadn't quite embraced this new form of communication.
- "Calm down Ato" said the second little being. "You know it's bad for us to loose our temper, it messes with our chlorophylian system..."
- "Yes Ota, you are right."
"Human..." resumed Ato.
- "Call me Jack" said Jack
- " Jack, look at me... what can you see?"
- "well I can see a small child-dude with a massively big and ugly head..." said Jack honestly.
- "No Jack. A long time ago we would have looked alike..." Jack tried not to mentally laugh. " We are carriying the weight of our mistakes and our sins, we are paying the price for our past arrogance. The universe we have created changed us. After the second earthquake, the fourth reactor totally collapsed. The whole North hemisphere was totally exposed to radiations and only a handfull of contaminated humans managed to survive in a few shelter-zones.
We adapted. Our organic nature appeared to us. Our biological body adapted and gave birth to a race of horrendous hybrids."
Jack wasn't worried about laughing anymore. He was beginning to understand.
In front of his grimly face, Ato continued:
" We couldn't procreate anymore. Nearly every child, and they were fewer every day, was born with horrendous difformities. Cat-childs, dog-childs, were haunting the forbidden areas."
"Rui saved us. He managed to establish a cloning process, reliable and cheap in energy, as all the modern infrastructure had collapsed in a chain reaction. No running water, electricity... we had te rethink everything... DIY as you used to say!" hahah...
Jack looked through the porthoe. He could see the Earth. Can't believe we onced called it the blue planet He thought... it's all grey...
How long would they keep them here?...

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by Watchfull

I believe if you can think of something it exists somewhere, parallel dimension or on another planet in another solar system.
All we do is plug into the universal consciousness that we are part of. You cant imagine what doesn't now or has never existed.
We are consciousness having a physical experience, while in a meat suit we are limited to what we can perceive.
Our brain has a great capacity but is limited and limited for a reason.
If we could utilise our full knowledge while having the human experience we wouldn't be tested, in a sense we are in a school and part of the test is to exist with a limited knowledge.
Once we die and leave the meat suit it all becomes clearer. We are all here for a reason, to learn and experience.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 06:33 AM
OP, a question.

How would the notion of parallel universes fit with your time travel theory? Could the visitors actually be from a parallel universe, one that has perhaps closely followed ours but at some future point royally messed now they observe us to try and determine the crucial turning point, in order to change it?

Just wondering aloud. No idea if its even plausible.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by randomviolins
I'm asking here for you to use your imagination to think of why future humans would come back to this time, and if these may be the UFOs we are seeing. What do you think would be their task? Why wouldn't they be open about what they're doing? Should those who know who they are tell the public, or is there risk in that?

This is exactly what a new ager controlled by the government is ordered to say.

With 'aliens' appearing soon in the form of pale face, shiny skin Commander Data's and pale skin, pointy ear Commander Spock's; its easy to see how the fallen men of God will be accepted into the new world order.

Just wait. When the aliens show up, look at their ears, especially the Pleidians.

The grays are simply exo-skeletons or bio-suits controlled by evil spirits. The Mech Warriors in 'The Matrix 3' and the cargo transporters in the film 'Alien 2' controlled by men are a crude way of understanding how a spirit controls a flesh body. Our spirits control all our body parts via electrical impulses.

The aliens are returning because all inter-dimensional worlds running parallel to this one will be destroyed on Judgement Day.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 07:41 AM
Without a doubt you should not know about UFOs.
There are various theories about surrounding the UFO and with everything
else there is only one truth to the matter.
Some one knows more than you do.

So no secret just security for tech you can't have.

edit on 1/6/2013 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:19 AM
Whether the UFO's in question are human powered or from some other intelligence, the propulsion methods would provide an immediate alternative to the fossil fuels and the global energy monopoly.

Although, some aspects of the phenomena might be best kept a secret, I think the real reason for secrecy is having the upper hand.

Who ever controls this information stands to loose more then they have to gain.

I don't think the public is considered, expect for selfish reasons. For example, if the world panics, then people might stop going to work and become harder to control and horde.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 01:24 PM
If what we see in the skies is inter dimensional, there is always the possibility that we were not meant to see them, and the controllers of a craft may not even know that we have seen it.

It could all happen by accident, and this may account for a small percentage of sightings.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by randomviolins

Dimensions can't interact with other dimensions as we understand so...... our expectations are universally unrealistic.

We are such a piece of coal-dust in Universes filled with diamonds.

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