reply to post by jiggerj
Jiggerj, first an apology; too many Bombay and tonics will impair the ability to debate in a proper way. Now that that is said and done this is
the point that I miserably failed at last night; sorry again! Let me make this clear from the start, your beliefs are yours and I respect that and
will not even try to change it; it is yours and yours alone not for me to try and influence or force my beliefs on you or anyone else. I hate people
who do that myself and tend to betray myself from time to time.
I think it comes done to “Faith” :
1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
belief - trust - confidence - credence - credit
There is NO PROOF therefore I can not defend it on the basis of fact or an objective opinion other than my own. I was raised a Methodist and in a
very religious home. I dreaded Sundays when I was a child; alter boy, tithing, and confirmation, on and on. I searched many different faiths because I
had many questions and the answers I was given did not add up. After my fathers death when I was 11 years old I lost my faith totally for many years.
I cursed God and everything that had to do with religion; I was to say it gently a Mother’s worst nightmare. I graduated early at 17 yrs and joined
the Army as Airborne Infantry and was given the opportunity to go to Ranger School which I did and successfully graduated and eventually became a
sniper. Bear with me here please, I am wearing my heart on my sleeve so you can understand where I am coming from. This was during the Reagan years
when the U.S. started engaging on foreign soil for the first time since Viet Nam. I was pulled from the field one mission by a call from the Red Cross
saying my Grandfather was dying. After numerous military hops I arrived in Cincinnati, Ohio and my Mother picked me up for a rushed trip to the
hospital to see him before he died.
What I did before I left the field is what restored my faith. I remembered when in classes in church the scriptures said where three or more of
you gather I will be there. So……before I left, two dear friends and I prayed: I ask God to let me see my Grandfather one more time before he died.
While on the way to the hospital my mother told me that he did not know my Grandmother or her or anyone in the family to brace me for what I was about
to see. When I walked in his room his mouth was open and he was gasping for every breath until I said Grandpa I am here in tears. At that point he
closed his mouth and his breathing became regular and he said: “Donnie what are you doing here?” I told him to come and see him and to promise him
I would take care of my grandmother no matter what. He looked at me in my uniform and smiled and said you have finally become the man I knew you could
be. We talked a little while and I went home at around 3 am. When I walked in the house the phone was ringing; it was the hospital and he had passed
away. In that moment, I knew without proof, without any tangible evidence that God had answered my prayer. I believed again and since that day have
never doubted my “Faith.” I am sorry to hear about your brother! I can not imagine losing mine; I am not eloquent enough to convey the proper
feeling to you.
I look at it this way, even the disciples e.g. Thomas doubted Christ. Even the men that walked with him did not believe so it is not hard to
understand in this time we live in people will question or call the bible a fairy tale; I did at one time myself. It is personnel choice each man and
woman must make for themselves. I do not believe in “Structured” religion, my beliefs are mine and mine alone that I will NEVER try and force on
anyone. There have been many time in my life that I thought today was the day! I was checking out….dirt bath 101! My faith; justified or not is
what got me through it. I have done things I will forever/forgive regret in the name of country and service. However, I believe that it is forgiven
because I have asked to be forgiven.
We all have our opinions and beliefs brother. I’ll respect yours but intern please don’t try and convince me I am wrong. We can agree to
disagree on this point. There is no right or wrong that either of us can prove definitively. Life is like a ferris wheel ride; we never know ho is
the next to get off! LOL! Either way, it has been nice talking with you and if your right then it is nothingness and if I am right then maybe we can
hangout for a couple thousands years and debate further. Again, sorry for being brash last night. Take care and I won’t insult you with a blessing
you don’t believe in.