posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 09:35 AM
There has been a lot of debate lately about why people should or should not be allowed to possess guns. Even though some would say that the laws
should be changed due to MSM induced fear I say they are wrong. There are a few nutbags who go bonkers and cause hysteria, but the majority of gun
owners are sane, responsible people who absolutely do not want to shoot anybody unless it's a shoot or die situation.
Several times I have used a gun for defense purposes without firing a shot. Last night was one of these instances. Just so happens I was up in the
middle of the night getting a glass of water when I heard a vehicle on the side road next to my house. Mind you only elderly people live on that road
and they are all in bed during that time, and it was too early for the newspaper guy. I looked out a window on that side of the house and saw an SUV
stopped in the road in front of my husband's shop which faces the side road. I heard a loud noise and saw light coming from the kicked open door.
I made a decision: wait 20-30 minutes for the police who wouldn't arrive until the thief was long gone or handle it myself. I grabbed my 30-30 and
called my pitbull and headed out the door. I circled around the other side of the house and came around from the back side of the shop to find the
thief exiting the shop with his arms full of tools. When he saw the dog he froze in place not even seeing me yet. I yelled at Astro to sit and he sat
about two feet in front of the guy- growling. I stayed about 20 feet back with my gun aimed at this guy and told him to drop my property, which he
immediately did. I said that I had his license plate number and description of his vehicle and that if I ever saw him in my neighborhood again I would
call the police AFTER I shoot him. This guy was sobbing and white as a sheet. I called my dog to me and he ran and sat in front of me facing the would
be thief. I told him to get in his car, leave and never come back. He slowly shuffled sideways, facing me, with his arms up in the air until he
reached his vehicle- gun aimed at him all the way. He slowly backed off of the side road and then pulled away.
It took me 20 minutes to board up the shop door and I had to take a butt chewing from my husband for not shooting the guy's tires out (he's out of
town) but I feel good about what happened. Maybe that young man will think about how easily he could have lost his life or could have gone to prison
and will think twice before he decides to rob someone again. Maybe he has a wife and kids at home who need him and he just made a mistake. Nobody was
hurt, nothing was lost, and the guy definitely looked scared enough to turn over a new leaf. I've already talked to the neighbors, and apparently my
house was his first stop as none of them had been broken into. I gave them a description of the guy and his vehicle so they will be watching for him-
just in case. Personally I don't think he'll be back.
And that people is just one of the many reasons why people should retain their right to own guns. If I had just called the police the thief would have
taken my husband's tools (and probably some of the neighbor's things too) and been long gone before the police ever left the station. He probably
would never have been caught, and he surely would not have had the wits scared out of him. If I didn't have guns I would never have gone out there
(HE could have had a gun) and he would have gotten away with it. As it stands I think he probably got scared enough not to try something so foolish
again, and if he IS that foolish at least it won't be in this neighborhood.
Just in case you're wondering, if the guy had a gun and tried to get stupid -Yes, I would have shot him. I had the drop on him from the get go and
would not hesitate to defend myself. I'm very thankful it didn't go that way, but I'm fully aware that it could have. It is my hope that he has
learned his lesson from this incident and will refrain from such activity in the future. People make mistakes, I hope he learned something from his.