posted on May, 21 2003 @ 06:03 PM
I never once suffered. Ever
And I think therein lies your problem, you never have suffered like many many people in this country and throughout the world have.
But I've lived with the rest of them that do, because they sit there and shout at eachother and kill eachother, they do drugs, and bother to learn
And just what have you learned? That them darkies just aren't as good as you are? What would you teach them then? If you're so above and beyond
those minorities, just what are you doing to make things better?
Money doesn't make you happy, and everyone in america lives more then well enough.
And why don't you just give me an example of how everyone in America lives well enough? Ever see a child starving, covered in it's own filth? I
doubt you have.
So no one has a right to complain.
Unfortunately, my would-be-facist friend, every citizen in this country has the right to complain.
And calling the Clan a "White Group" is stupid, it hardly even represents the white people.
Unfortunately, it represents a signifigant amount of white people. And it is a "White Group." When's the last time you saw a hispanic or black in
the Klan?
Minorities congregate everywhere across the country into minority gangs.
Now your just making things up.
They are not treated with respect as they should be, they are allowed to speak foreign languages.
So minorities are not allowed to speak foreign languages?
They cause their own suffering by allowing such high crime rates in their areas.
You can not blame anyone but themselves for it.
Actually, I can point alot of fingers. Here's one...
400 billion dollar military budget. The school budget in this country is hardly a fraction and is continuing to be cut. If you do not educate people,
they will turn to their instincts, and those instincts are violence 9 times out of 10. Don't you find it odd that the richest nation in the world has
the worst schools in the world? Plus the biggest class gaps as well?
If you are going to say "blacks are poorer than whites", then you must also accept the fact that blacks have more problems than whites...not
because they are poor, but because they don't treat eachother with as much respect.
If you don't believe me...ask yourself, why a large majority of poorer blacks call eachother "'n-word'", and listen to rap music.
Ever hear how guys (not just white, but all guys) bond? By calling eachother names?
Respect doesn't pay bills nor get you a job. Not everyone in the world is going to be a valuable member of society, it's an impossibilty for
everyone in the world to be good, rich and well respected.
They cause their own suffering and are responsible for their own moralities.
Just like the Indians were responsible for the slaughter that was brought upon them. Just like African's are responsible for english settlers
bringing them from their country to ours?
Only moral people who say "thank you sir" and ask nothing more of anyone else, than what that person can spare, diserve any help.
Ok, this robotic attitude towards how people should behave is tiring. People process sensory information differently then others. Two different people
going through the same life experiences are not going to turn out the same necessarily. A difficult life can affect how a person reacts to others,
based on their influences and even their biochemical make-up. People are born, pre-disposed to something.
You have a very narrow view of how people are and need to try and open your eyes and not be quite as bitter at the wrong things, because you certainly
sound like you are.
[Edited on 21-5-2003 by Thorfinn Skullsplitter]