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Respect President Bush !

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posted on May, 7 2003 @ 10:48 PM
I see this thread spreading over to the secret society section soon, along with theories about the Bilderbergers.

No, Bush is still just a figurehead. Congress put him in power not the people.

posted on May, 7 2003 @ 11:14 PM
Just prepare for the worst and then alot of people will say "I told you so"

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Jeesh, Abstract, do you think all us pigment-impaired are ignorant? As if they didn't know the slang meaning for "tight"!

CupidStunt, would you like to expound on the notion you are entertaining? It's probably the same old rhetoric straight out of the handbook, but you might just have some fresh insight that will cause me to stop and think.

you never cease to amaze me TC.
Just havinmg a little fun

posted on May, 8 2003 @ 08:21 PM
I wander why Thorium233 is not replying his own post????

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 04:48 PM
because he knows his statement is bull.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 04:52 PM
I agree.

Respect President Reagan to the fullest.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 04:56 PM
Seriously now, I will never respect someone who starts a war that is not necessary.

"Only a few lives were lost", but who are you to say that?

If you were the father whose child's head has been blown off, would you still make that statement?

No life is a necessary loss, the war was NOT necessary either.

posted on May, 13 2003 @ 10:47 PM
That's what they said about "operation just cause".only a few lives were lost until the total of dead ppl were thousands and the media said about 250 civilians and it was george H bush the big poppa in charge lol

but like advisor said they are just figureheads....

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by abstract_alao

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Jeesh, Abstract, do you think all us pigment-impaired are ignorant? As if they didn't know the slang meaning for "tight"!

CupidStunt, would you like to expound on the notion you are entertaining? It's probably the same old rhetoric straight out of the handbook, but you might just have some fresh insight that will cause me to stop and think.

you never cease to amaze me TC.
Just havinmg a little fun

As well was I; I figured the little emoticon indicated that. I guess maybe I should have used the following, but I wanted to be a little more subtle:


posted on May, 15 2003 @ 03:51 AM
Well, i don' t see much patriots here.....

Clinton, now Bush, can anyone tell me why US Presidents, are "so much" respected?

posted on May, 15 2003 @ 05:01 AM
A political occurance called "rallying the flag".

Political science students will tell you that an American Presidents support will increase10% and more while they have there country at war.

I lay man would just say Americans have had there heads fryed by television radiation.

I myself still belive that dudya's a chip in a man suit. He's a figure head, a pawn if you like, or a puppet with the real controler behind the scenes with with his hand up dubya's ar-se.(explaining some those facial expressions.)

Basically he in office cause it was once daddy's and daddy's rich, and is friends are powerful.

posted on May, 17 2003 @ 09:34 PM

[Edited on 18-5-2003 by MorbidAngel2010]

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 01:11 PM
Bush, oh man where to start?

Shall we start with the fact that he was not elected, he was appointed? It doesn't matter who had to most votes, he was appointed. (Don't you find it odd that those judges involved are now being nominated for higher positions?)

Shall I mention that Bush does not believe himself to be a servant of the public, but a supreme ruler, nigh invunerable to criticism?

Shall I mention that our country is in the worst fiscal crisis in 30 or more years? (And how are these criminal corporations being held accountable?)

How about the fact that he has broken every promise he made during his election campaign. There is just too much to go over in terms of the harm the Bush administration has caused this country.

Having exploited the emotions brought by 9/11, absolute disregard for the budget, citizens and world opinion. Turning America into a rogue state of pre-emtion by defying the UN and attacking a country that was making no threat to us, based on a WMD lie that they have admitted to "emphasizing."

Given the track record of our government--hell, all governments throughout history--sends a clear message to the people of the world...

Government is NOT to be trusted!

As if we weren't devided enough as a people, war does nothing but worsen it. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society, they devide the rest of the people so that they can keep running things and make frequent trips to the bank.

[Edited on 20-5-2003 by Thorfinn Skullsplitter]

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 07:59 PM
I thought respect was earned...

Bush, oh man where to start?

Shall we start with the fact that he was not elected, he was appointed? It doesn't matter who had to most votes, he was appointed. (Don't you find it odd that those judges involved are now being nominated for higher positions?)

He was appointed by the supreme court, there are no higher positions, you can't back this claim up with proof either. Besides, it was all within the limits of the Constitution. So mote it be.

Shall I mention that Bush does not believe himself to be a servant of the public, but a supreme ruler, nigh invunerable to criticism?

I don't think Bush feels like this, he just knows like 75% of America knows, that what he is doing is right.

Shall I mention that our country is in the worst fiscal crisis in 30 or more years? (And how are these criminal corporations being held accountable?)

The fiscal crisis began before Clinton left office, but, but of course, your lack of wealth probably means you have no clue about that.

How about the fact that he has broken every promise he made during his election campaign. There is just too much to go over in terms of the harm the Bush administration has caused this country.

He didn't break any promises. When he was running for president, in the debates, did you see the moderator ask, "What will you do mr. bush when the Al Qaeda fly their planes into the WTC and the Pentagon, completely destroying the WTCs".

Having exploited the emotions brought by 9/11, absolute disregard for the budget, citizens and world opinion. Turning America into a rogue state of pre-emtion by defying the UN and attacking a country that was making no threat to us, based on a WMD lie that they have admitted to "emphasizing."

The WMD lie isn't a lie, it was a growing threat, but more a threat to Israel. Besides, we saved those Iraqis from Saddam that's all that mattered.

Rogue State my a$$, america's ideals will not be compromised by evil European royalty and communists.

If we are to chose between popularity, or righteousness, then we choose righteousness, something Clinton would not do.

In conclusion to this part, Bush did exactly what the citizens wanted, I will not let 25% of the minority, most being under the age of 30, decide the future of our country. If the teenage voters want to act this way again, perhaps we should just raise the voting age back to 21.

Given the track record of our government--hell, all governments throughout history--sends a clear message to the people of the world...

Our Government, founded on principles far better than any other, has remained Free in times of crisis, and has spread liberty and justice to much of the world.

It is not our fault that much of the world is savage, killing eachother and ruining what chance for good lives they could have, by following tin-dictators.

Government is NOT to be trusted!

As if we weren't devided enough as a people, war does nothing but worsen it. That's the way the ruling class operates in any society, they devide the rest of the people so that they can keep running things and make frequent trips to the bank.

If anyone is deviding anyone, it is the Democrats with their "You're black so you get 100 dollars reperations, you're a mexican so you get first pick in all the jobs, you're a white, so you get to go crawl into a hole and be shamed you butthead, and god help you if you're Christian, we're coming for you!"

You sound like you have little clue as to what's going on in the world, and need to think about it for about 5 more years. Maybe after you've passed your high school government class you can get into the real world of why things are happening, and not the liberal propoganda world view.

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 08:02 PM
I love the smell of bandwagon patriotism in the morning.

Respect Bush.. *chokes from laughter*

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by TheMaster
If anyone is deviding anyone, it is the Democrats with their "You're black so you get 100 dollars reperations, you're a mexican so you get first pick in all the jobs, you're a white, so you get to go crawl into a hole and be shamed you butthead, and god help you if you're Christian, we're coming for you!"

You sound like you have little clue as to what's going on in the world, and need to think about it for about 5 more years. Maybe after you've passed your high school government class you can get into the real world of why things are happening, and not the liberal propoganda world view.

I swear man it is so easy to spot you freemason/hamerite/hkot. You spit the same old anti-liberal, Democrats are ruining the country, racist bullsh*t. I probably wouldn't of said anything if you didn't piss me off in those U2U's with you ignorant a** logic about that White Prom in Georgia.

Democrat or Republican it really dosen�t matter. Were probably going to have two Bonesmen going head to head in 2004. But I forgot "there no more different than Delta Chi". I puke on your weak a** argument.

Now your so conceded that you calling your self The Master�.... Well you aren�t the master of disguise that's for sure.

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 08:15 PM
It's pretty stupid when someone proves why you should respect president Bush, and you call it "Bandwagon".

Lame, you don't use your brain much do you?

No one here has proven why you shouldn't respect Bush.

Bush has:

1) Held the economy from total collapse.

2) Began America on a course of dealing with the Terrorists in the world in a real way (Everyone see that Airforce 1 movie, that kinda # only real now baby...)

3) He's getting us a very beneficial tax cut. Sorry but if you pay less than 10,000 dollars in taxes a year, you really can't be begging for much help. This isn't heaven, there's something called resources, and history proved when everyone has the same amount of resources, standards of living goes down continually.

Thankfully in America we're not Communist idiots, so our standard of Living stays very high versus how many people live here.

Bush has done much for 2 years.

And you all judge him as if he's been in for 8.

How about you get your head out of the liberal toilet and do some research for once.

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 09:15 PM
He was appointed by the supreme court, there are no higher positions, you can't back this claim up with proof either. Besides, it was all within the limits of the Constitution. So mote it be.

And I guess the fact that Jeb Bush (currently governor of Florida) was the governor of Florida during the 2000 fiasco means nothing at all, right?

I don't think Bush feels like this, he just knows like 75% of America knows, that what he is doing is right.

How about some of his own words if you think that...

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier...just as long as I'm the dictator..."
--Washington, DC, Dec 18, 2000, during his first trip to Washington as President-Elect

"You said we're headed to war in Iraq -- I don't know why you say that. I hope we're not headed to war in Iraq. I'm the person who gets to decide, not you."
-- Discounting the roles of Congress and an inquisitive press in order to look tough in front of a reporter (and avoid answering the question), Crawford, Texas, Dec. 31, 2002

"Far be it from the American President to get to decide who leads what country... I made up my mind that Saddam needs to go."
-- Statements separated by only a few minutes in interview with ITN, Crawford, Texas, Apr. 5, 2002

"I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain -- I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation."
-- As quoted in "Bush at War" (Bob Woodward), Washington, D.C., Sep. 2001

Politics is language, what does this language say to you?

The fiscal crisis began before Clinton left office, but, but of course, your lack of wealth probably means you have no clue about that.

Actually, the bubble burst right at the end of the Clinton era. But that is neither here nor there. Tell me what has Bush done to help the economy? Tax elimination on dividends? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

He didn't break any promises. When he was running for president, in the debates, did you see the moderator ask, "What will you do mr. bush when the Al Qaeda fly their planes into the WTC and the Pentagon, completely destroying the WTCs".

That sounded just like something he would say to evade the question...

Go to HERE for just a few of his broken promises.

The WMD lie isn't a lie, it was a growing threat, but more a threat to Israel. Besides, we saved those Iraqis from Saddam that's all that mattered.

See, here is the problem. Now that the public's attention has been drawn away from their "emphasized" excuse for war, removing Saddam is all that mattered anyway. Despite the fact that we were lied to. Despite the fact that Bushies lied to the world.

If removing a brutal dictator was the sole purpose, then why don't we go around the world removing much more brutal dictators? Why don't we do something about the situation in Congo? (Which is responsible for 3.3 million deaths in the last four years, can you say holocaust?) But unfortately, America is founded and ran on the double standard.

By the by, where is the proof of Saddam having WMD's yet? Or do you believe he does just because you were told he does?

Rogue State my a$$, america's ideals will not be compromised by evil European royalty and communists.

Now this was just the statement of typical, blind, flag waving American. But you are right about America's Ideals tm.

Operation Iraqi Liberation.

If we are to chose between popularity, or righteousness, then we choose righteousness, something Clinton would not do.

So, it's a matter of devine purpose? Just like Vietnam was, huh?

(Why is it that the "right" blames Clinton everytime the sun don't shine?)

In conclusion to this part, Bush did exactly what the citizens wanted, I will not let 25% of the minority, most being under the age of 30, decide the future of our country. If the teenage voters want to act this way again, perhaps we should just raise the voting age back to 21.

Just where did you get this statistic? Maybe we should be giving people a competency evaluation before being allowed to vote.

If anyone is deviding anyone, it is the Democrats with their "You're black so you get 100 dollars reperations, you're a mexican so you get first pick in all the jobs, you're a white, so you get to go crawl into a hole and be shamed you butthead, and god help you if you're Christian, we're coming for you!"

Want to compare the amount of rich "white" people to the number of rich "black" or "hispanic" people? You may be surprised in what you'd find.

I won't even get into the Christian bit.

You sound like you have little clue as to what's going on in the world, and need to think about it for about 5 more years. Maybe after you've passed your high school government class you can get into the real world of why things are happening, and not the liberal propoganda world view.

You think I have little clue because I disagree with you, isn't that typical. You really don't have a clue of how well I know how and why things happen. And if you want to compare propoganda, the "right" has that title hands down...

It's fine that you have your beliefs, it wouldn't be right if everyone had the same view, but here is a little tip for you: try to have an objective view of the world, not one of someone who seems to have been stung as a child...

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by Thorfinn Skullsplitter]

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 09:36 PM
You do have little clue.

You don't know that France had a 60billion dollar oil deal with Saddam and that's why they didn't want to get rid of Saddam. Who's in it for the oil now?

The "broken promises" is just nit-picking, Clinton broke promises, and so did Lincoln.

And Jeb Bush had no power over the decision of president because it went up to the Supreme Court.

Bush has helped the Economy in a number of ways, he for one froze it when WTCs fell which was a bold and fast thinking move.

The dividend cut should happen regardless, there is no power to tax the same dollar twice.

As for Blacks not being as rich as whites?

Maybe it's because black people shoot eachother on the streets for drugs.

I still remember those two black elderly men, very decent peoples, who accidentally lost control of their moving van (they were moving stuff out of one of the man's appartments because his mother had passed away), and hurt 3 ladies standing on the street corner.

Do you know what happend to them?

They were dragged out of the car and beaten to death, even though those three ladies were fairly uninjured, hospitalized yes, but uninjured.

Do you know who beat them to death?

A pack of black men.

Whites would never do that.

The minorities in this society, not all of them, but a fair amount, probably half, live in the cities, and they follow this "gangsta rap" path and listen to ghetto music.

They make their own lives miserable.

You can not blame their poverty on conservatives.

This is just a further example that you have no clue of what you are talking about.

[Edited on 21-5-2003 by TheMaster]

posted on May, 20 2003 @ 09:58 PM
Hammerite, you silly little man.

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