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THE SECRET to NIRVANA Revealed!!!!!!! Who am I? What is the meaning to life?

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posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Itisnowagain

Thats right. As soon as an object appears the illusion of an individual consciousness appears along with it.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by emeris

Thank you OP. I know this is all true. I know it to the core of my being. Please tell me, how can I wrap my little human brain around this? How to I rewrite over half a century of programming? I'm working on it but it's taking too damn long. I KNOW THAT THIS IS TRUE. Now putting it into practical use....I feel stymied!

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by emeris

Wisdom is seeing that You are nothing and Love is seeing that You are Everything.
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

Between the two my life flows.

I have two gurus that have both Attained Final Nirvana. One living, Yogiraj Siddanath, and one that has merged with the Eternal, Nisargadatta Maharaj. Both living and non living have told me that I am the Eternal Awareness. In my own experience I know my eternal position. Both they and all manifestation is held in vibration by my imagination as the Pure awareness. If fully imbibed the profundity of that quote is enough to take you to the understanding of enlightenment. I know as they know. I am all and all is me and at the end of time when all things merge back into nothingness, I ever prevail and so does the true You.
edit on 31-12-2012 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2012 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:22 PM
Excellent post,and it may fit the quote below:

1- To know God, you must know your true self first.

2- To know your true self, you must attain a specific level of consciousness first.

3- To attain that level of consciousness, you must quiet your mind first.

4- To quiet your mind, you should meditate first

5- To meditate, you must know your mind first.

6- To know your mind, you must control your five senses and ego first

7- To control your five senses, you must eliminate your desires first.

8- To control your ego, you must recognize and acknowledge your false self first.

9- To recognize your false self, you must understand your world and the games it plays with you first.

10- To understand your world's games, you must not value yourself in relation to your worldly achievements, success, money, prestige, and pride.

Be in this world, but do not become apart of it.

Then,Can I say the true self is my awareness?


posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:58 PM
I'm still waiting for an explanation about the electron claims.

if the op cannot justify such a specific claim, the only other reason to post it is to artificially bolster the post, trying to make it seem more legit etc.

c'mon op. come clean. no need to pretend.... there?

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by 1ness
Excellent post,and it may fit the quote below:

1- To know God, you must know your true self first.

2- To know your true self, you must attain a specific level of consciousness first.

3- To attain that level of consciousness, you must quiet your mind first.

4- To quiet your mind, you should meditate first

5- To meditate, you must know your mind first.

6- To know your mind, you must control your five senses and ego first

7- To control your five senses, you must eliminate your desires first.

8- To control your ego, you must recognize and acknowledge your false self first.

9- To recognize your false self, you must understand your world and the games it plays with you first.

10- To understand your world's games, you must not value yourself in relation to your worldly achievements, success, money, prestige, and pride.

Be in this world, but do not become apart of it.

Then, Can I say the true self is my awareness?


Namaste is that what it means, the God in Me sees the God in You.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by tgidkp
I'm still waiting for an explanation about the electron claims.

if the op cannot justify such a specific claim, the only other reason to post it is to artificially bolster the post, trying to make it seem more legit etc.

c'mon op. come clean. no need to pretend.... there?

Interesting that you ask that final question the way you asked it. By you and by consciousness there is a need to pretend, everyone one has an important role to play in the grand scheme of things even a single grain of sand has its role to play. I shall point you to the source of the answer to the question that you seek of the capacity and lifespan of the atom. Simply investigate my ATS signature.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

If it is the case that you say you *know* something when you really don't.. well then that's sad.

It is suspicious to me when anyone proclaims these matters with such certainty.

These ideas about Brahman and the Upanishads (mixed with Buddhism) are not new. Anyone can read the ideas and proclaim them. To know with certainty.. well that is something else.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by nOraKat
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

If it is the case that you say you *know* something when you really don't.. well then that's sad.

It is suspicious to me when anyone proclaims these matters with such certainty.

These ideas about Brahman and the Upanishads (mixed with Buddhism) are not new. Anyone can read the ideas and proclaim them. To know with certainty.. well that is something else.

Then do tell us all here what YOU "know" to be true knowledge. What true knowledge do you have that is eternal knowledge and not hearsay on someone else's concept you overheard or read. What I know I have experienced and is not 2nd hand knowledge. What is the irrefutable knowledge you would like to share with us to bring us to enlightenment?. I still claim to know nothing and be nothing and everything at the same time. Who and what are you with out the body, mind machine. There in is the truth of what I say, that you are the infinite awareness not confined to form. The only truth is that you exist as the formless. Do you understand the latter? You take yourself to an object as optimized and personified to be in the body intellect personality that you enjoy currently. Can you prove you exist only in the body flesh vehicle? Do you know who you are and where your limit is? Tell us who are you. You cannot! words will fail you to attempt to decribe your true nature of the formless infinite eternal self.
edit on 1-1-2013 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-1-2013 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-1-2013 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-1-2013 by Thiaoouba Prophecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

I do not proclaim anything.

Why do people proclaim anything?

What is the motive?


Can we know an ultimate reality?

The only know what I experience.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by nOraKat

right? there is an underlying assumption with these proclamations which is at once transparent and vaguely insulting. namely that any of us whom do not participate, and sometimes scoff, with the "enlightened few", do not or have not had similar significant visions ourselves.

the irony is that, as you point out, none of what's said is really new.

and then, to top it off, the ever popular PREEMPTIVE DEFENSE (you disgusting ego-freak).

it may seem like I'm being overly harsh. but, to the contrary, I would love nothing more than to enter a thread such as this and have my socks blown off. but its always the same old....

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 04:09 AM
No enlightenment, no nirvana, no self, no soul, no consciousness, no secret, no goal, no wisdom, no seeking.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 08:31 AM
I have long held the belief that there is no single entity 'God' as such, but that we all, as human beings, form a collective consciousness that is God.

I see 'God' like a coral reef - it looks like a big thing until you look up close and see that it is made up of billions of tiny organisms. God is us - and the thing that binds us together is LOVE.

When you truly feel love for yourself, wonderful things start to happen. We draw in others and connect with them, and yes, miracles can happen.

TPTB that control our society are continually finding ways to stop us feeling love. Our lives are constantly barraged with noise that interferes with our ability to feel or generate love. For they know, that once we finally 'get it', they will lose control over us forever. John Lennon, Mahatma Gandhi, and of course, Jesus Christ, all died because that was the message they were trying to spread.

It so happens that I am not a religious person in the sense that I do not attend church or read the Bible. I find that today's Christian church is full of self-serving hypocrites seeking to brainwash others into paying for their upkeep. However, I do like to study things in order to reach my own conclusions.

Jesus could not have said it more plainly when he said "God is love". Think about exactly what he was trying to say in that context and see how the penny soon drops. Here's a few more soundbites to ponder:-

"Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8

"The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12:31

"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14

Love. Learn to love yourself, TRULY love yourself and the world WILL become a better place.

Happy New Year!

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 10:56 AM

To Know That You Are God

"To know that you are God is another way of saying that you feel completely with this universe. You feel profoundly rooted in it and connected with it. You feel, in other words, that the whole energy, which expresses itself in the galaxies, is intimate. It is not something to which you are a stranger, but it is that with which you, whatever that is, are intimately bound up. That in your seeing your hearing your talking your thinking your moving, you express that which it is that moves the sun and other stars.

And if you don't know that, if you don't feel that, well naturally you feel alien, you feel a stranger in the world. And if you feel a stranger you feel hostile, and therefore you start to bulldoze things about, to beat it up and to try to make the world submit to your will. And you become a real troublemaker."

Here's a great hour-long lecture (one among many) from Alan Watts (same guy from the clip) on the subject:

And here's one of the best descriptions I've found of a direct feeling of what you describe (i.e. "Cosmic Consciousness"):

My Experience of Cosmic Consciousness
(click link for full account)


"At this point, I merged with the light and everything, including myself, became one unified whole. There was no separation between myself and the rest of the universe. In fact, to say that there was a universe, a self, or any ‘thing’ would be misleading — it would be an equally correct description to say that there was ‘nothing’ as to say that there was ‘everything’. To say that subject merged with object might be almost adequate as a description of the entrance into Cosmic Consciousness, but during Cosmic Consciousness there was neither ‘subject’ nor ‘object’. All words or discursive thinking had stopped and there was no sense of an ‘observer’ to comment or to categorize what was ‘happening’. In fact, there were no discrete events to ‘happen’ — just a timeless, unitary state of being.

Cosmic Consciousness is impossible to describe, partly because describing involves words and the state is one in which there were no words. My attempts at description here originated from reflecting on Cosmic Consciousness soon after it had passed and while there was still some ‘taste’ of the event remaining.

Perhaps the most significant element of Cosmic Consciousness was the absolute knowingness that it involves. This knowingness is a deep understanding that occurs without words. I was certain that the universe was one whole and that it was benign and loving at its ground. Bucke’s experience was similar. He knew, ‘... that the universe is so built and ordered that without any peradventure all things work together for the good of each and all, that the foundation principle of the world is what we call love and that the happiness of every one is in the long run absolutely certain’.

The benign nature and ground of being, with which I was united, was God. However, there is little relation between my experience of God as ground of being and the anthropomorphic God of the Bible. That God is separate from the world and has many human characteristics. ‘He’ demonstrates love, anger and vengeance, makes demands, gives rewards, punishes, forgives, etc. God as experienced in Cosmic Consciousness is the very ground or ‘beingness’ of the universe and has no human characteristics in the usual sense of the word. The universe could no more be separate from God than my body could be separate from its cells. Moreover, the only emotion that I would associate with God is love, but it would be more accurate to say that God is love than God is loving. Again, even characterizing God as love and the ground of being is only a metaphor, but it is the best that I can do to describe an indescribable experience.

The knowingness of Cosmic Consciousness permanently convinced me about the true nature of the universe. However, it did not answer many of the questions that (quite rightly) seem so important to us in our usual state of consciousness. From the perspective of Cosmic Consciousness, questions like, ‘What is the purpose of life?’ or ‘Is there an afterlife?’ are not answered because they are not relevant. That is, during Cosmic Consciousness ontologic questions are fully answered by one’s state of being and verbal questions are not to the point.

Eventually, the Cosmic Consciousness faded. The time-changes, light, and mood-elevation passed off. When I was able to think again, the sun had set and I estimate that the event must have lasted about twenty minutes. Immediately following return to usual consciousness, I cried uncontrollably for about a half hour. I cried both for joy and for sadness, because I knew that my life would never be the same."

Find other great accounts at that TASTE site (in "Collected Archives")

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

I love electrons, I think they are the cutest atomic particles. I sometimes talk to all the electrons in my body. And I like the idea that they are tiny black holes, creating tiny singularities.
Also, being leptons they are electrons totally no quarks. How lovely

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 11:28 AM
another interesting thread, "You just need to change your understanding of who and what you are. You are not what you takes yourself to be." this line made me stop for a little thinking, perhaps an open mind and a sound soul could give us good.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 11:45 AM
I read all the posts....but something is missing big time.....I read the manual that has been given to us.
and the truth found there actually shows itself immediatly in real life by fixing any anxiety or troubling thought.
It's supernatural, kind of magical....just what you are seeking....but the peace I am speaking of knocks out the confusion and negatives in this reality instantly. The peace I'm speaking of takes about one second to kick-in....and demolishes any other view of this life. I mean talk to Yashua, Yahushua, Jesus in greek......and He will talk back to you. At that point, you're in and you "know", by magic....isn't that what you are after?

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius2150
This reminds of a ats post from a long time ago about a story call The Egg it's really amazing. I'll put the link below to anyone who hasn't come across this gem I highly recommend it.
edit on 31-12-2012 by Aquarius2150 because: missing word

Just read that story about the egg theory, just gunna say this...... Blown my frikkin mind man!!! Its opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking. Thank you.

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:09 PM
In The Beginning Man Created God, because man had no answer for why the heavens called to him.
But little did man know that he was God, and through his procreation in his flesh did man created even more of himself, until there was enough Gods to inherit all of the heavens, where he could create new civilizations of his earthy self and be loved for eternity

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Thiaoouba Prophecy

I would hate to be superficial and mistrusting, but anyone with a powerful message to spread in a thread, shouldn't have so many edits in the first post. It makes it look not well thought out.

ETA: just nitpicking.
edit on 1-1-2013 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

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