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Anyone seen or heared from David Wilcock?

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posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
I have a prophecy of my own. David and his seven foot tall forehead will soon be eating meals in soup kitchens and sleeping in boxes behind fast food restaurants. Nobody is going to buy anything after nothing happened on the 21st.

Or at least I hope nobody will be buying his material. Human beings are idiots by nature though, so I'm probably wrong.

Not idiots per se - just blinded by a heart-breaking hope that something or somebody outside them will save them. It is heart-breaking because it is a tacit admission that we dont know nearly enough about anything, really.

And maybe they are right.
But whether there is some salvation coming or not, DW knows nothing about it. Nothing.
The honorable thing to do would be to man up and admit it. Of course that could mean that people would start demanding their money back..... So, let's write an "all-time classic" (no less!) instead. :-)

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:32 AM

Not idiots per se - just blinded by a heart-breaking hope that something or somebody outside them will save them. It is heart-breaking because it is a tacit admission that we dont know nearly enough about anything, really.

"A heart-breaking hope," indeed, it is that observation, which I agree with, that is a major reason why I am angry with that scam artist.

Been there, done that. That is why I want 2012ers to drop this, now proven, nonesense and move on. Look within. Shame on them for feeding off kind-hearted people who wanted to see a better world.

I still think we should file a missing person's report.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:38 AM
hiding his face in shame no doubt..

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:39 AM
If Wilcock and other frauds drop out of sight, then that would mean that human consciousness does leap up a notch as it abandons all of that dead weight from those clowns.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 09:51 AM

Been there, done that. That is why I want 2012ers to drop this, now proven, nonesense and move on. Look within. Shame on them for feeding off kind-hearted people who wanted to see a better world.

I know. It's cynical to the core; and yes, that sort of belief is a dead weight, a serious hindrance.

hiding his face in shame no doubt..

That would have been the least shameful thing to do, under the circumstances.
But no, he is writing a "masterpiece" which will be an "all-time classic". His words. Verbatim.


edit on 2-1-2013 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-1-2013 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 11:09 AM
People are not getting it. What is revolting is the judgment placed here.

Don't like the fees or charges for something? Vote with your wallet. I haven't paid a dime to any spiritual teacher, let alone Wilcock. I read what is available, research things myself beyond what is discussed, and then decide what resonates and what does not. But that doesn't change one big fact:

He is a human being. He may be misguided or incorrect, as we all can be.

He is not a fraud. Being convicted of fraud makes you a fraud. Saying what you believe, talking about what you believe, and sharing with others what you believe does not make you a fraud!

He's dedicated his life to this, and served good. Just look at the most recent "Financial Tyranny" information. That is major research, and it is TRUTH.

But let's get down to the real lesson to be learned here.

Stereology, you would do well to just ignore me completely and I'll do the same for you. Your negativity literally makes me ill and I feel it every time you post. You are a dark cloud with a very low vibration and I can't be around you. Being a skeptic is fine, that's your path. I hope it serves the lessons you are to learn, but it isn't mine nor many others here.

How you get away with your attitude towards others using snide comments and a "holier than thou" presence is just beyond me. So what, you disagree. Great, I can appreciate opinion and view. But you stealth-attack people and you get away with it, time and time again, simply because you apply some form of logic to the attack. It is veiled thinly so most people do not recognize what you are doing, but I see it. I'm done with it. You, Phage, and a few select others on ATS ruin the site because you inject a negativity to it that pulls the vibration of the entire site down.

I ran into the same issue on a debunking site. Great, you proved something false. To yourself! But the truth is that perception is reality. You say you have facts but when others back up their info with facts or even just opinion that may contradict yours, the Ego in you can't handle it, and you "debunk". I've seen you do it, time and time again. People around you and others that follow this path can NOT voice themselves for FEAR of people like you jumping in and taking them down. BULLIES of ATS, using "facts" to fluff the Ego. And remember that judging someone else will come back to you so that you may learn from it.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 11:52 AM
Perception is reality? There is no empirical proof of that; however, you can re-read "The Secret" as often as you like.

Wilcock lied. The only question is did he do it knowingly or not. I think he knew.

Where is waldo?

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Komonazmuk
reply to post by kiwitina948

I guess that why he charges 295 bucks to see him talk?


295 bucks a head? I'm in the wrong business.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by grubblesnert

I've noticed in my general observations throughout my life that such animosity directed at a person, group or idea in which the object of ire has not directly harmed the person vocalizing their particular greivance or criticism is most often directly indicitive of the cynical critic's own low self esteem, self loathing, obtuse perspective or limited ability to accept thoughts or beliefs outside of their locked down mind. (< that a run on sentence! :-) )

Nice attempt at stifling debate with your "If you don't agree with me you have low self esteem!" nonsense.

There's a whole lot of butthurt in this forum from people who would rather live a lie than face a hard truth.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx

Besides dec 21 2012, the things the new agers, and others say, about meditation, and oneness, and universal love, and consiousness expansion, are all very real things. Do not forget that the god particle was discovered this year.

The god particle is called the god particle as it's short for "the goddamn particle". It has nothing to do with "meditation, and oneness, and universal love, and consiousness expansion" in the slightest. Please do not twist science to suite a pseudo-scientific agenda.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

Don't read Wilcock and take his stuff hook, line, and sinker. Don't pretend that "resonating" indicates trustworthiness of the material.

He is a human being. He may be misguided or incorrect, as we all can be.

He is not a fraud. Being convicted of fraud makes you a fraud. Saying what you believe, talking about what you believe, and sharing with others what you believe does not make you a fraud!

Wilcock is a fraud. Please don't pretend that a legal decision makes that any clearer. Wilcock lies abo9ut his references. He claims that his material is backed by science. Really? Check anything out and you will see a big to an extreme difference between the papers and what Wilcock states.

He's dedicated his life to this, and served good. Just look at the most recent "Financial Tyranny" information. That is major research, and it is TRUTH.

You have no evidence to back up that assertion.

Stereology, you would do well to just ignore me completely and I'll do the same for you. Your negativity literally makes me ill and I feel it every time you post. You are a dark cloud with a very low vibration and I can't be around you. Being a skeptic is fine, that's your path. I hope it serves the lessons you are to learn, but it isn't mine nor many others here.

Debate the issues, not the messenger. If you want to defend Wilcock then defend him. Just because I and others point out that the person is a con artist is ok. That is just the way it is.

Here is an example.

Wilcock claims that Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier demonstrated "DNA teleportation." False. Montagnier never makes such a claim. Montagnier has a completely different statement to explain his experiment. Other people simply see that the experiment was tainted by the accidental introduction of material. Montagnier says it's real. Wilcock makes up a fantasy unrelated to the experiment. What Wilcock does is use a reference to Montagnier, but lies about the contents of what Montagnier wrote.

I can't find references where Wilcock tells the truth.

And remember that judging someone else will come back to you so that you may learn from it.

You spend too much time judging me and others. Spend more time checking Wilcock's malarkey and you just may learn something about Wilcock.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

He is a human being. He may be misguided or incorrect, as we all can be.
He is not a fraud.

Nobody here is questioning that he is a human being and therefore fallible.
The problem is that HE is the one who seems to be reluctant to admit his human fallibility and say that he was wrong, misguided, incorrect.
Had he done that, we would not be having this conversation. Certainly I wouldnt be having it. I know I would refrain from uttering a single word against someone who has admitted his error; I would even defend him from I-told-you-so-ers.

Instead, for two days he said nothing (I can only imagine how bewildered his fans must have been), then he made a short announcement - under a post that has nothing to do with December 21, so it's very difficult to find it - that he was writing an "all-time classic". (And now, even comments are closed, "for maintenance".)

If anything, THAT makes him look like a fraud. He had a honorable way out, but he chose not to take it.

And BTW, "being convicted of fraud" does not make you a fraud. Being a fraud makes you a fraud, whether anyone finds you out or not.

edit on 2-1-2013 by AdAstra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 01:10 PM
In my opinion...

David is teaching others about a old time desire...the idea that if you are 'good' will be able to leave earth in some fascinating fashion.

Here is the crux that many miss and its the same problem that Christianity teaches....this idea of an ancension is really no different then salvation. It feeds the ego...period.

No matter what kind of life you live...if you long for the 'self' to leave...the 'self' to be saved...the 'self' to go on before all the others 'selves' are living for the self, period.

His teachings, just like Christianity, shade the whole desire for the self by saying 'live a life more in service for others. What people over if in the end, you are worried about what is happening to only the 'self' are feeding into desire for the self...which is your ego. No matter which way you look at it.

People 'think' they are living a life in service to others...when their last main worry before death would be 'what happens to ME'?

And if you really understood would not be worried about what happens to the YOU because there really is NO YOU.

Even Jesus's teachings are misunderstood...he taught do you live more for the flesh of you, this illusion of you, or do you live more for spirit, the only real eternal you.

Its funny to me, Im not sure how people miss one breath they say, 'we are one' and in the other breath they say there is a 'me' that is separate from the rest of the one.

If we are really one...there is no reason to worry about the I...for the one will use all according to how best benefits the one. And if we really understand that all is One and in a perfect design of 'life being'....we wont worry about what happens to the 'self'...the illusion.

If you are still worried about your ascension of the 'self' or salvation of the ' are still attached to this illusion.

We will all experience death....and then what after, no one really knows...but I highly doubt we go on to be this 'I' or 'self' that we all think we are.

David could of been on a great track of teaching others about the spirit within that we all share...but the ego gets the best of him...the idea that we are to keep worrying about the 'I' of us and that desire for what the 'self' wants is something we should worry about.

I followed Davids work for a couple years...he actually told me in a email a few years ago that going back to school would be a waste of my time considering all the great things that were coming and that we should be focusing on. Thank goodness I knew better then to bank a few years of my life in preparation for something otherworldly....and did go back to school and now at least have an associate degree. Its not much, but I did it.

Its never healthy to bank on tomorrow or any other future day...for only now, the present, is for sure.

Only the ego tells you there is a 'you' that is separate from the rest of the world....the spirit of you knows better.

My humble opinion....and I did participate in Davids forum for a couple years, I did do alot of reading and research into his ideas. Just because he shows us some truths about ancient times, neat things about symbolism's, neat ideas about what could of been a part of our past...doesnt make his teachings about ascension have any merit. There really is no good reason why any of us would think that such a thing could happen...just the same there really is no good reason for Christians to think we will see this amazing show of Jesus coming back to claim his kingdom on earth and rule it, saving all the 'good believers' while others are judged for not believing in something they cant see or know with any certainty.

A loving creator or loving higher beings are not going to expect us critical thinkers to throw our logical thinking out the window...God nor higher beings are going to expect us to bank on something someone else told us, something that we can only find out through someone else telling us about it.

The Holy Spirit and if you want to call your higher self...both are a part of you always...but your higher self is still attached to the ego, the part of you that still claims separation from the rest of creation...the Spirit knows there is no separation, that the only true self, is the eternal spirit of life, something we all share and are all of.

You can choose to live more for the flesh of life, the self, the I....or you can learn about your true nature, the only real self there is and always will be, the Holy Spirit that fills your being, the part of us that seeks harmony in life, the part of us that has no desire to above other selves or take pride in being better or further along. Thee only see's the whole.


posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 02:14 PM
I need someone to, right now, post an actual thing that covers any of these allegations.

I hear LOTS of made-up stuff. Oh, he's a fraud because of [insert whatever].

Really? Go find it, post it, and show me. Because I've seen him apologize. I've seen him make mistakes, and let me just add that I'm only focusing on him right now because that's the conversation. I DO NOT take what he writes or says and take it for word. I just told you a few posts up that I do not do this. People are not paying attention, only in attack mode.

So, show me. Do not say, "oh yeah, he said this or that". Show me. Show me something that is NOT an opinion and stated as such. Something this NOT a belief and stated as such.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by stereologist


posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by fourthmeal
I need someone to, right now, post an actual thing that covers any of these allegations.

I hear LOTS of made-up stuff. Oh, he's a fraud because of [insert whatever].

Really? Go find it, post it, and show me. Because I've seen him apologize. I've seen him make mistakes, and let me just add that I'm only focusing on him right now because that's the conversation. I DO NOT take what he writes or says and take it for word. I just told you a few posts up that I do not do this. People are not paying attention, only in attack mode.

So, show me. Do not say, "oh yeah, he said this or that". Show me. Show me something that is NOT an opinion and stated as such. Something this NOT a belief and stated as such.

A true spiritual leader is not going to have conventions all over the world collecting money from people so they can see him in person. What else do you want to know?

He claims he is a guru...he claims he was the first white person to be born...making him kinda like a father of the Caucasian race...

What can be proven wrong about a person that shares their own opinions...not much actually. Its more about a discernment of ones nature and intent that people are catching onto.

Its not wrong or right...those that are living for the idea that something special will happen to those that are 'further along' will be attracted to his ideas.

He is in his own little world that makes him feel special....each to their own. I only worry about those that fall into the same idea of 'they are special and better'.

Those that need the ego fed will follow....Im actually thankful for it all because it was the catalysts of ideas I was in need of to see I was truly not living in service of the spirit as I thought, I had not worked enough measuring and weighing what it was I was truly living for....David Wilcock and his ideas is what led me to the knowing that I as Spirit, am willing to place my own flesh/self/the 'I' on the cross, offering any part of the 'self' to the all, for any benefit for the all that can occur.

So dont get me wrong...all things have their purpose...but unlike many others that await their showed me that the spirit of me has no desire to leave other selves behind, to leave what I am a part of, to move on ahead of the rest of me in spirit.

He is a human that has things to work on just like all of us. His spreading of ideas that some people are more advanced and are more ready to move onto a better place is misleading many people and they are continuing being spiritually stuck because of this desire to 'ascend'. Course its not wrong or right, it is what it is and it will attract those that its meant to and it will weigh and measure those that are still attached to this illusion.

The divine cosmos forum is heavily moderated and if someone tries to bring up such points as I have here...their post will not be allowed on the forum. Its not a free speaking group at divine cosmos....its a controlled forum and they decide what people see and dont see. They dont allow challenging thoughts against Davids ideas.

To me, a place where you cant challenge ones ideas of thinking...well is a very unhealthy place to be.

To me personally, its sad. I had great discourse with David several times. I know he does have true intent in there somewhere. He has the ability to look within and see what is really important to this experience...but I often wonder if the true important things are just to boring to 'sell'.

I hope one day to see him move away from this whole 'worry about the self' idea....he could be a great teacher.

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 03:39 PM
A true spiritual leader is not going to have conventions all over the world collecting money from people so they can see him in person. What else do you want to know? I could see this being an issue if he didn't already have tons of free information, books, video. Like I said I've never paid a dime while on my path. Also, I do believe many gurus from all religion and spiritual callings charges for their time when in a convention. I don't go to them but I'm sure I could google a couple if that was remotely important. Don't go if you don't want to, I haven't

He claims he is a guru...he claims he was the first white person to be born...making him kinda like a father of the Caucasian race... SHOW ME. Where did he say this? I would disagree with it and I would like "evidence"

What can be proven wrong about a person that shares their own opinions...not much actually. Its more about a discernment of ones nature and intent that people are catching onto. that's fine but it doesn't merit attacking someone. Note I am not accusing you of doing so, more of a general response to the thread

Its not wrong or right...those that are living for the idea that something special will happen to those that are 'further along' will be attracted to his ideas. SHOW ME. This is not what I read when I read his info. He doesn't really focus directly on Ascension, more of a general theme of the changes that are happening, and what they are, like with the NASA photographs and editorials about changes in the planets (not just Earth), the experiments done on Consciousness, etc. Show me something that explains this point of view you are saying he has.

He is in his own little world that makes him feel special....each to their own. I only worry about those that fall into the same idea of 'they are special and better'. This goes back to the previous quote, I need you to SHOW ME where he does this.

Those that need the ego fed will follow....Im actually thankful for it all because it was the catalysts of ideas I was in need of to see I was truly not living in service of the spirit as I thought, I had not worked enough measuring and weighing what it was I was truly living for....David Wilcock and his ideas is what led me to the knowing that I as Spirit, am willing to place my own flesh/self/the 'I' on the cross, offering any part of the 'self' to the all, for any benefit for the all that can occur. I appreciate your realization but I don't understand where David here is trying to help anybody who is Ego-fed. I see quite the opposite. I see a bunch of research trying to prove to people the concept of a life source field, that there is indeed a Creator source. Not really much Ego.

So dont get me wrong...all things have their purpose...but unlike many others that await their showed me that the spirit of me has no desire to leave other selves behind, to leave what I am a part of, to move on ahead of the rest of me in spirit.

He is a human that has things to work on just like all of us. His spreading of ideas that some people are more advanced and are more ready to move onto a better place is misleading many people and they are continuing being spiritually stuck because of this desire to 'ascend'. Course its not wrong or right, it is what it is and it will attract those that its meant to and it will weigh and measure those that are still attached to this illusion. this goes back to a previous thing, show me!

The divine cosmos forum is heavily moderated and if someone tries to bring up such points as I have here...their post will not be allowed on the forum. Its not a free speaking group at divine cosmos....its a controlled forum and they decide what people see and dont see. They dont allow challenging thoughts against Davids ideas. IDK I've not really visited the forum. I've left comments in the blog and they seem to pop up, but that's all I can remember doing. You may be right here

To me, a place where you cant challenge ones ideas of thinking...well is a very unhealthy place to be. Agreed!

To me personally, its sad. I had great discourse with David several times. I know he does have true intent in there somewhere. He has the ability to look within and see what is really important to this experience...but I often wonder if the true important things are just to boring to 'sell'.

I hope one day to see him move away from this whole 'worry about the self' idea....he could be a great teacher.The only self I see him worrying about is the Higher Self. I wouldn't call it worrying, but I would say he is focused on the Higher Self. He even suggests many times (and I think this smart) that channeling is much less accurate than focusing on what the Higher Self is trying to say.

The premise I'm going for here is, excerpt something from a document or blog or whatever is posted with his name on it, so I can see what you are talking about. [b

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 03:49 PM
I still think we should file a missing person report.

He simply rehashed older stuff and placed all his bets on a date.

He should give his "masterpiece" the title: "Quick Cash with Quetzocoatl: How I Suckered Many and How You Can Too!"

Or maybe with the older one I had: "You Can Align with th Galactic Center of My..."
edit on 2-1-2013 by seen2much because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

His idea is that if he was Edgar in a past life, that Edgar claims to of been Rata in a past life, and that Rata was the first white man born on this earth...who was a hybrid, birthed by a human mother who was impregnated by an extraterrestrial being.

“Casey readings said that Edgar in his past life in Atlantis… was known as Rata. He was the guy who helped design and build the great pyramid, with the cooperation of an extraterrestrial group called Ra… the reason why he was able to do all these magical things like channeling… was that he was a Hybrid. His mother was impregnated by a human extraterrestrial that had white skin, they’d never seen white skinned people on earth before, so Edgar Cacey’s past life was Rata… was the first white man on earth, and if that was my past life then that means I’m your daddy…not only am I the daddy of all the white people, but I’m also the father of the Illuminati… yeah thats really nice thanks for that karma”

2012 – Event Horizon. Dir. David Wilcock. 2010. Web. 17 Jan. 2012

There is a video where he talks about this directly but I really dont have time to watch through several of his videos to find that 1 min. where he talks of this, but its out there I promise.

And again, its my opinion, a spiritual leader is not going to charge people for things. I know there is free stuff out there....but it does something to your nature as soon as you charge money for information that should be free. That is my opinion.

And what I say about not being able to challenge stuff in his forum is absolutely truth. Others can testify to that as well. Ive talked to many people that also had their post not allowed at divine cosmos because it didnt 'go along' with his ideas. I was literally told that by the moderators.

Im not sure how you have missed all the talk about a 'new earth' and 'transformations of ourselves' in his work...its all throughout his work.

His main idea in service to others and you 'transform'...literally your DNA will change and one day you will have these great abilities unlike the others that are 'not ready' for such a transformation.

Just saying

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 04:29 PM
Surely...surely you didn't just take a joke and make it literal. He's told it many times with many laughing audiences, at least in his videos. Haven't been to a paid conference just watch and skim them when they are on youtube... its an ice-breaker he's telling.

Moving on:
What if I told you I think I am transforming? I keep receiving "downloads", the big one that shocked me was on Dec 12th. Something I wrote about before and was NOT expecting. In fact it is this set of feelings that keeps me even bothering to defend. Because I think he is on to something.

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by fourthmeal

His idea is that if he was Edgar in a past life, that Edgar claims to of been Rata in a past life, and that Rata was the first white man born on this earth...who was a hybrid, birthed by a human mother who was impregnated by an extraterrestrial being.

“Casey readings said that Edgar in his past life in Atlantis… was known as Rata. He was the guy who helped design and build the great pyramid, with the cooperation of an extraterrestrial group called Ra… the reason why he was able to do all these magical things like channeling… was that he was a Hybrid. His mother was impregnated by a human extraterrestrial that had white skin, they’d never seen white skinned people on earth before, so Edgar Cacey’s past life was Rata… was the first white man on earth, and if that was my past life then that means I’m your daddy…not only am I the daddy of all the white people, but I’m also the father of the Illuminati… yeah thats really nice thanks for that karma”

2012 – Event Horizon. Dir. David Wilcock. 2010. Web. 17 Jan. 2012

There is a video where he talks about this directly but I really dont have time to watch through several of his videos to find that 1 min. where he talks of this, but its out there I promise.

And again, its my opinion, a spiritual leader is not going to charge people for things. I know there is free stuff out there....but it does something to your nature as soon as you charge money for information that should be free. That is my opinion.

And what I say about not being able to challenge stuff in his forum is absolutely truth. Others can testify to that as well. Ive talked to many people that also had their post not allowed at divine cosmos because it didnt 'go along' with his ideas. I was literally told that by the moderators.

Im not sure how you have missed all the talk about a 'new earth' and 'transformations of ourselves' in his work...its all throughout his work.

His main idea in service to others and you 'transform'...literally your DNA will change and one day you will have these great abilities unlike the others that are 'not ready' for such a transformation.

Just saying

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