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The FACT that the world still sells cigarettes as a legal "relaxer" should be enough!

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posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by optimus primal
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

What are you talking about? Since when is it illegal to grow your own tobacco?
It's not here illegal here in wisconsin.

i could very well be mistaken, i was under the impression that it was illegal because it was regulated

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

In certain states it may be, but in general it is not illegal to grow your own tobacco. At least for your own use. If you want to grow it and sell it, then regulation comes into play and you have to go through hoops.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:42 PM
I consider chigarette smokers to be junkies like any other addict. I dont want my kids seeing smokers, smelling the junk or reading anything to do with tobacco. I find smokers who call haroin or coke heads addicts are total hypercrites because they themselves are completely addicted to tobacco. I say the hell with smokers and the people who regulate and sell them, no better then crack dealers.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by optimus primal
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

In certain states it may be, but in general it is not illegal to grow your own tobacco. At least for your own use. If you want to grow it and sell it, then regulation comes into play and you have to go through hoops.

very interesting thank you for the information! might be something to look into

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by wissy
I consider chigarette smokers to be junkies like any other addict. I dont want my kids seeing smokers, smelling the junk or reading anything to do with tobacco. I find smokers who call haroin or coke heads addicts are total hypercrites because they themselves are completely addicted to tobacco. I say the hell with smokers and the people who regulate and sell them, no better then crack dealers.

I find your opinion worth we are even...........

Also......if you are going to insult least attempt to spell the words correctly....

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

Stop blaming other people for the choices you guys complain about doctors and insurance and this and that, because you are a smoker........

Yet you know the risks and dangers.......... where is your personal responsibility?

Its THEIR fault cause its legal? Its the insurance companies fault because they dont want the liability?

You made the choice........stop blaming other people like a child...........

What I find more amusing is that you think that making it illegal will make you stop.........has any other substance out there that is illegal, stopped addicts from getting it?

Youre addicted.........if you dont have the fortitude or the want to quit now.........making them illegal isnt going to change that.......

and before you try and rush off into "you dont know what youre talking about" , I was a smoker for 16 years

Im sorry if this post is harsh..........but its way past time people exercised some personal responsibility......
edit on 27-12-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

Good post, making something illegal because is bad for you is what is causing the downfall of our society. Well said, I just wish you'd break your addiction for ellipses.

OP, you asking the government to make cigarettes illegal is playing right into their hands. I'm not a smoker, I had enough fortitude to say no when I was younger and now its too expensive of a habit to start now. However, I would never infringe upon someone else's right and personal decision to partake in smoking a cigarette. Its their body. I just wish people would stop flicking their butts into the streets and throw them away properly.

We have enough substances banned as it is. We should be taking substances OFF of the banned list instead of adding new ones.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by wissy
I consider chigarette smokers to be junkies like any other addict. I dont want my kids seeing smokers, smelling the junk or reading anything to do with tobacco. I find smokers who call haroin or coke heads addicts are total hypercrites because they themselves are completely addicted to tobacco. I say the hell with smokers and the people who regulate and sell them, no better then crack dealers.

I have a question for you. Do you drink coffee? How often? If it is daily, I'd wager that you are a caffeine addict. By the way, not all addicts are junkies. A junkie will do anything to get their fix no matter the legality. An addict just fiends for their preferred substance. It is possible to be an addict and control your urges. When was the last time you heard about a nicotine junkie robbing a convenience store to get their nicotine fix? Personally, I've heard of heroin, coke, crack, meth, and even alcohol addicts doing this but not nicotine addicts. To say that a nicotine addict is on par with a crack addict is like saying that assault is on par with murder just because they are both violent crimes.

It's fine that you don't like to smoke and wish your kids didn't. I don't smoke [cigarettes] either, never have. Be a little realistic about it.
edit on 27-12-2012 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by wissy

And since when does you not wanting to explain something to your kid cause to ban something? If I don't like how some women wear makeup should it be banned? It can be quite atrocious

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:55 PM
In the spirit of discussion and greater openess, I would just like to share my insight.

Ciggarettes, no doubt, based upon skewered statistics that can prove anything, as the financial crisis had proven, claims that it causes cancer, which is a costly medical treatment for social expenditure in healthcare, as well as the unnecessary loss of lives over a lifestyle choice.

Thing is, what were the TRUE statistics, if EVER published, that many more others die of cancer not due to smoking or being secondary smokers in the presence of smokers? Could it be a genetic hereditary trait instead of being 'nurtured'?

Next, how often does one feel more relaxed after a cigarette break? It is a form of meditation. And there are many instances whereby during biz deadlocks, officials became more calmer, to think issues straight, and get the necessary concessions or agreements. Even sometimes in deadly situations such road rages, bar brawls, etc, a cigarette offered calms thing down.

Thus cigarettes DO have a meditative effect.

Thing right now one has to consider CAREFULLY - just what is the UN World Health Organisation's agenda in its pressurizing and outright hostile DEMANDS upon SOVEREIGN nation leaders to agree to stamp out smoking?

Had it been truly altrusic, for the sake of humanity's health?

However, looking at WHO's dismal international assistance health records, it could NOT even sure states remain disease free for DECADES. So, does WHO acts in humanity's interest, or do they act only upon their own unknown selfish agendas that cares not a hoot about human life?

What is their agenda? - to deny humanity the opportunity to meditate, calm down and clear their minds????

I would say, look carefully into smoking, on its pros as well as cons, deeply analysize it before making a committment upon free will.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by GoldenVoyager

It still doesn't let smokers off of the hook and it never will.

Again, weak-willed individuals.

While you may be correct, I caution you to temper your statement with an understanding that, as a fellow human entrenched in struggles with the human condition, a touch of understanding mixed with an even dose of empathy and tolerance should always be called for.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by AldrinAlden
Should be enough! to understand! "That they don't really care about us"

That they say its a good thing cause of the TAX! is also a thing to boggle about!

So don't smoke and leave people who do alone. The issue of taxes is that they will put a "sin tax" on ANYTHING the majority of people think is a problem: alcohol, cogarettes, etc. It's not so much dependence on this tax revenue as it is they are trying to make ot too expensive for you to smoke. Look at the history of cigarette taxes. Who promotes them? Who pushes for their passage? It's not the Treasurer who says the state needs more revenue so please vote in this tax. It's usually some liberal moral crusader trying to protect us from ourselves.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by schuyler

I find it easier to support a tax rather than an outright ban. At least with a tax, its still technically legal, its just harder to afford. I mean at least its not unfairly demonized like marijuana, a plant similar to tobacco that was made illegal to protect the paper industry. In order to make it illegal, they made up lies about it that now many people in American believe as fact so much so that it is a long battle to get it decriminalized. However this is a topic for a different discussion.

A tax (in this case) is a good concession for the busybodies who care about what other people put into their bodies while still holding to a person's right to imbibe what he or she feels like imbibing. If you think about it, these "moral crusaders" (I'd rather just call them busybodies) aren't going to shutup. They think that since it is bad for you and that they don't want to partake then no one should partake, so to silence them for a while you throw them a bone. In this case a tax increase.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 03:35 PM
The tobacco industry, like guns, is a key cog in the economy. Hundreds of thousands of people depend on it for their livelihoods, from farmers to factory workers. The revenue brought in to government coffers go to pay for the social programs everyone enjoys.

What do you think would happen if all of a sudden that industry was banned? It would be double whammy to the economy. Government debt would balloon due to diminished revenue plus additional burden of the resulting unemployed people. Social programs would probably collapse. It would be a huge shock.

Just like guns, you can't get rid of an industry of that size without causing massive damage to economy. It is in bad shape as it is.

I don't think it is illegal to grow your own tobacco. It is just difficult. Let's say you fill the average backyard with tobacco plants. Tend to them all summer, spending money and time keeping them free of pests and growing well. At harvest it is now time to dry and cure the tobacco. Do you have a large temperature/humidity controlled shed or barn where you can hang the plants to dry? If you perform that stage correctly and the plants don't mold, congrats, you have grown yourself a few cartons of cigarettes. It is easier and costs less to buy them. The only benefit to homegrown tobacco is lack of chemical additives.

edit on 27-12-2012 by TheComte because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by wissy
I consider chigarette smokers to be junkies like any other addict. I dont want my kids seeing smokers, smelling the junk or reading anything to do with tobacco. I find smokers who call haroin or coke heads addicts are total hypercrites because they themselves are completely addicted to tobacco. I say the hell with smokers and the people who regulate and sell them, no better then crack dealers.

My kids might see me smoke and I beat it in their heads not too, but I do really get on them about spelling.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:19 PM
Junkies, all smokers are junkie just like all the other drugs.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by AldrinAlden

still spew this POISON out

Where it was available it was spewed out for thousands of years as part of ceremonies etc, same goes for the future if we don't go nuclear or something like that.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by wissy

I recognize posts like this from other message boards I frequent. Brand new member, bad spelling, says something to incite people to get angry and offended, and posts are one line long = trolling. You sir need to put more effort into your responses otherwise you can count me out of a discussion with you.
edit on 27-12-2012 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 05:37 PM
This baffles me, in the UK anyway....

The governments publically condone smoking cigarettes and actively encourage whose who do smoke to whole-heartedly quit. They take branding away from the packaging, replace them with gruesome images of surgery and deceased victims and put shutters up in all major outlets in aid of stopping the 'next' generation from taking up the habit.

That's all good and well, but what if this ACTUALLY worked? They make stupid amounts of profit on TAX from smokers and if the next generation were numb to the idea of taking up the habit, where would TPTB get their money from then? They'd be giving them away for free in the schools to get people to try it!

At the end of the day the OP is right on one thing.....THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US!!!

Overall, the Government can't have it both ways, but rest assured they'll do their damnedest to make sure that ball balances nice and neatly on their wooden plank, ensuring it doesn't tip one way or the other!

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 06:08 PM
It doesn't have to be illegal to be very hard to do:

Also the most ridiculous proposition I've heard so far is in the UK - larger stores have to keep all their cigarettes behind a closed sliding door - this is supposed to reduce the rate of new smokers some how. I honestly don't understand the psychology behind it. This will come in to effect for the smaller stores too by 2014.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 06:14 PM
I am sooooooo glad that they don't care about me, as long as I have the freedom to make my own decisions about what's best for me.

Do you really want "them" deciding what's best for you? How old are you? Have been been the victim of their brainwashing campaign to make you feel "they" will look out for you?

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