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The FACT that the world still sells cigarettes as a legal "relaxer" should be enough!

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posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:20 AM
All this rage against drugs just reflects an inner self-righteousness. In effect, it's denial. It's cognitive dissonance or something. Basically, this universe is f*****. Always will be in one form or another unless our corner of the universe is not representative of the rest of the universe. Some people can't sleep at night knowing that it's f*****. Their problem is they don't realize why it's this way. They have to feel like they're doing something to stop it. So they live the rest of their lives battling their own nature, fighting the constructions of the universe that gave birth to them.

I'll tell you why it's this way. And there's nothing you can do about it. It's this way because of finite awareness and finite resources. That's it. Until we can have perfect knowledge and infinity.

I'm not condoning smoking. I don't smoke. I try to be healthy on my limited budget and limited ambition (for that matter). But I don't spend my time chasing after people who I blame for the worlds problems. I see our problems as indicating something much deeper than that. Besides, it's much easier to help people by making it easier for them to access information. Let them change on their own time. There's too much momentum (inertia, you know) in people's lives for them to change on a dime. So stop attacking them and give them the opportunity to find the things they need to find to change. Obviously, if somebody crosses the line then you send them to jail. I'm reasonable. But at the same time, if we end up sending everyone to jail then who's going to pay for the jail and take the kids to school? If we're chasing after the "bad guys" too obsessively, it'll effectively end civilization.
edit on 27-12-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Do you smoke or have you ever smoked? If you haven't how would you know what its like to try and quit? I'm not blaming anyone for my habit, but at the same time, I am smoking tobacco which is much healthier for my body compared to the processed crap from tobacco companies and I see that better than putting tar, nicotine, rat sack or any other chemical into my body whether it is illegal or not.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask
I quit cold turkey when I was in my twenties, stayed off them for 9 years.
Then one day, I was stressed out and smoked a cigarette. I kept on smoking.

I started when I was three years old, my dad would give me cigars and light them for me. It is a pretty deep addiction for me.

It is my only vice, so I am not really that worried about it.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Do you smoke or have you ever smoked? If you haven't how would you know what its like to try and quit? I'm not blaming anyone for my habit, but at the same time, I am smoking tobacco which is much healthier for my body compared to the processed crap from tobacco companies and I see that better than putting tar, nicotine, rat sack or any other chemical into my body whether it is illegal or not.

apparently you failed to read any of my posts completely through before responding should probably go back n do so

Tobacco still has tar in it and all tobacco has nicotine in starting to wonder if you arent a bit full of it to be honest.......

you havent done much research have you? Are you growing your own leaf? if you are......youre already illegal, and making cigs illegal isnt going to stop you smoking
edit on 27-12-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask
I quit cold turkey when I was in my twenties, stayed off them for 9 years.
Then one day, I was stressed out and smoked a cigarette. I kept on smoking.

I started when I was three years old, my dad would give me cigars and light them for me. It is a pretty deep addiction for me.

It is my only vice, so I am not really that worried about it.

every healthy person has to have a vice! I do recommend them tho , if you decide to change it up a bit........and the flavors you can get are the moment im smoking buttered rum ......its fantastic lol........

all the best to ya bud

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by AldrinAlden

Firstly, never allow yourself to be a victim. Stand strong, and own your mistakes (even if they are caused by personal ignorance). That is the most important part of being a man.

If you want to quit, quit. If you want to lose weight, lose weight. Research, think, plan, struggle, and overcome. That is part of the human condition. To avoid it is to presume you are something other than human.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:42 AM
As a non smoker with borderline asthma, I would have to agree that smokers are "passive murderers". The governmen has this one right but they still give smoker's way too many rights. Smokers should not have the right to cause me direct harm. Their cars smell, their clothes smell, their homes smell especially if they smoke.

My mother has smoked her whole life and with all the 2nd hand smoke I had to endure in cars, homes, and stores. Now my lungs are horrible.

Smokers are selfish thinking only of themselves all the while they destroy themselves. Somehow as a society we are responible for paying their medical bills through increased health premiums.

I know smoking is addictive and nearly impossible to stop. As a non smoker, I cannot even begin to imagine why anyone would want to smoke. Ever kiss a smoker? It is like kissing the ashes in an astray. Ever look at an older smoker, their skin does not wear well. Age 40 women smokers look 50 or 60. It's a slow death sentence. Smoker's have been decieved and yet they lack the strength or determination to quit and continue to pollute the air of people who actually care about their own health and well-being.

Non-smokers need more rights!!! Where can I sign?

I know this is a smoker thread so I accept any flaming I may get. Just know that as a nonsmoker, we are affected by you.
edit on 27-12-2012 by GoldenVoyager because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by GoldenVoyager

Quit driving cars then too, because they cause all of the ozone action days right? We should just get rid of factories and stuff too right. I don't understand why everyone wants to live so long anyways. If the smell of my clothes bother you, sorry, but I smoke outside so you can't blame me for anything that is any worse than car exhaust. I also pay a lot more in taxes for people who can sit around and complain about my smoke. I hope that patched road that would have blown a tire out was paid for by a smoker that you despise so much.
edit on 27-12-2012 by HappyLIBERTARIAN because: fixed a typo

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:51 AM
Actually it is a relaxer and as I now suspect, probably one of the natural medicines, it seems to help depression.

nicotine functions like a dopamine imposter, raising levels of this "feel good" chemical in the body artificially.

Nicotine also acts as an enabler, widening capillaries, allowing for the rush of the 4,000 plus chemicals in a commercial cigarette to penetrate cells and foster anxiety, nervousness, and sickness. Dopamine can also raise levels of awareness and general pleasure, but the problem is that as dopamine levels increase from the use of cigarettes, natural chemical reactions in the body like dopamine and serotonin decrease their natural production. When a smoker tries to quit cold turkey, they experience days, weeks, and sometimes months of depression and anxiety, mainly because their dopamine production levels cannot recover quickly enough

Twice when I quit had to re introduce cigarettes though was enjoying being non smoker, and was completely off everything, the patch and it was nice. But I had depression and panic attacks, couldn't breathe and it was very intense. Due to kids and house/home/responsibilities, and I didn't know about the puffer at the time, I ended up going back.

Now quitting is with the cut down patch and puffer, and the puffer or whatever other forms will be around now that they are phasing this out, such as mister, may have to be a semi permanent low level presence until the dopamine and feel good stuff comes back.

But on the other hand, know someone who was seriously depressed and yet refused to go and get meds, so he just started one cartridge of nicotine a day on the puffer and it picked him up enormously. He was a non smoker.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by GoldenVoyager
As a non smoker with borderline asthma, I would have to agree that smokers are "passive murderers". The governmen has this one right but they still give smoker's way too many rights.

Nobody gives you rights. Your rights are yours. Protect them if you want them. I do.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Raw tobacco doesn't have around 4000 different chemicals like the ciggy factory will add.. As much as I understand it isn't helping with quitting, I would rather smoke something with less of the poison in it. I actually agree with what you said in your first post.

I had a long term cannabis problem which I have only kicked in the last year.. One step at a time

edit on 27-12-2012 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by AldrinAlden

You complain and yet, you continue to smoke.

Your point?

Honestly? I think most smokers are weak-willed individuals that live in an alternate reality where everyone else is required to breathe in the crap they spew.

What do they do? Oh, they go off on how bad alcohol is or how cars pollute and yet no one wants to ban them, etc.


posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

What are you talking about? Since when is it illegal to grow your own tobacco?
It's not here illegal here in wisconsin.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:05 PM
Nicotine is a dangerous and addictive drug.
Nuff said.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:06 PM
I agree, car exhaust is just as bad if not more. especially old diesel.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by GoldenVoyager

It still doesn't let smokers off of the hook and it never will.

Again, weak-willed individuals.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by GoldenVoyager

As another poster said, then quit driving. Every time you drive to work you're putting out more poisons and carcinogens than a smoker could ever possible do.

How about you worry about yourself and everyone else will worry about themselves and no one will believe they have the right to take over someone elses life.
It's the little tyrannies that add up...

Everything can kill you. The air you breathe, the water you drink. Eventually we will all die, whether it is after 50 years of life or 150. It's high time we went back to the mind your own business days.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by AldrinAlden

Honestly? I think most smokers are weak-willed individuals that live in an alternate reality where everyone else is required to breathe in the crap they spew.

We have to listen to peoples spew also.

What do they do? Oh, they go off on how bad alcohol is or how cars pollute and yet no one wants to ban them, etc.


There are plenty of things that can affect your health, smoking is just one of them and if one decides to smoke, whats that got to do with you. just stay away from them.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Raw tobacco doesn't have around 4000 different chemicals like the ciggy factory will add.. As much as I understand it isn't helping with quitting, I would rather smoke something with less of the poison in it. I actually agree with what you said in your first post.

I had a long term cannabis problem which I have only kicked in the last year.. One step at a time

edit on 27-12-2012 by DarknStormy because: (no reason given)

you are right, but im not sure where you are gonna find tobacco loose leaf thats not been processed in much the same way others have.......soaked in all manner of crap.......

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by GoldenVoyager

It still doesn't let smokers off of the hook and it never will.

Again, weak-willed individuals.

Cowboys that settled the american west........indians that fought and scraped in the roughest of lands.......George S Patton.....mountain men, who went where no one would go.....who lived through things you couldnt dream of.....Saladin...... Genghis Khan.....

All weak willed huh?

Id wager any of them against your will any day of the week my friend

edit on 27-12-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

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