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above top secret admins destroy topics that get too close to the truth

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posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 04:14 PM
As far as this web site, I just got here so I can't say, one way or another, but I do know that there are, assuredly, some people in this forum, and others that I have been to, who are not what they appear to be.

I am not refering to the moderators (of this board) but to some of the members.

I agree that some peoples posts are probably deleted because they are talking about subjects that already have a thread going - just today I wanted to comment on William Coopers book, "Behold a Pale Horse" and, apparently, there is already a post on this somewhere which I haven't actually looked for yet.

But, the point on "invisible" brings up an interesting subject you all might want to kick around.

Is it possible for a person to have a TOTAL STEALTH IP which will not leave a trace of their passing on any web site or on any IPTracking Service?

Enquiring minds want to know...

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 05:30 PM
I do think there are stealth "ninjas" on the net destroying anything that is too "close" to the real truth for instance, a website showing info about Halo2 before microsoft released it magicaly vanished from google,my favorites,and the net

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:00 PM
Yeah, ATS is being run by the government to spy on all of us. If you believe that, why are you posting here in the first place?

I�ve been a member for about seven months and lurked for three or four before that. I don�t post a lot, but I try to stop by every day or two and can�t recall any instances of a thread being deleted because it came "too close to the truth."

Also, this is just my observation, but it seem to be SOP for the mods to delete an entire topic rather than lock it, which may explain why threads "disappear" without explanation.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 06:12 PM
Mr Simon (The) Gray Has anybody not heard that in the intelligence community The Grey man is a term to describe an agent who fits into the surroundings,Not to tall to short fat or thin ugly or attractive just a person that nobody would notice or be suspisicous of.
Anyway he has made it clear that any member posting sensitive or secret information will have this removed and that member will be banned.Kinda defeats the wholw Above Top Secret thing

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 12:19 AM
maybe there are grey men lurking around ATS, are you a grey man??
personaly grey insnt my colour I prefer a nice navy blue or black pinstrip

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 01:41 AM
1) Genocide, perhaps the website you were talking about had their content removed due to copyright violations? Perhaps Microsoft did not give permission for information (likely to be screen shots) that they have copyrighted to be posted on websites? You have to take those things into account. Often times people post something and don't pay attention to the fact that when it comes to intellectual property belonging to someone else you do not have the right to do what you wish with it. Refer to copyright and patent laws for further information. Companies release tease videos for games all the time, that's fine. If they don't release it and you get it illegally, you do not post it unless you're a fan of lawsuits.

2) Weirdo, I think you have to understand the reasons behind the rules you mentioned. ATS is not a private club. A tremendous amount of people visit this site and read its content. There are certain pieces of information that would be unwise to post on here. You need to understand that this website is owned and operated by a person. Posting things such as private government phone numbers will result in a pissed off government entity. Posting classified documents that could threaten someone's safety will result in problems as well. It's not a game. Why would the administration of this site want to risk its existence? Discussions, theories, investigations, speculations, those are all great. You get your hands on some classified government document that mentions people's names etc, you don't post that on here! That's insane. Simon etc do not want to risk the site and I wholeheartedly agree. The internet is public domain folks. Anyone can read this stuff and you gotta be careful.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 01:51 AM
I doubt if ATS is deleting anything other than wasted space posts. I would venture to guess that the site is monitored. Probably not by some 'stealth' user but by a program that picks up key words. Just a guess.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 02:57 AM
what if this "secret infomation" was not in the public's best intrests wouldnt you want to know about a chemical in potatoes that caused birth defects or cancer?
is it not the right of free speach to say somthing that concerns you I myself would demmand to know these facts why die just so a government can make more money, what is the price of human life? sure as hell aint 3.99 for a bag of potatoes!

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 03:24 AM
well they do lock threads and you need a number of points to read HIGHLY conspiractory topics BUT isnt that just how this site works??

as bad as you may think ats is, you should go and look at other sites, especially certain "Christian" sites, where if you even mention anything against their theology (NOTE PLEASE THEOLOGY, not the BIBLE) they harass, abuse and point blank BAN you from their sites. so ats isnt that bad, and if it gets like that people will just stop coming here!

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 03:29 AM
lol yea I wrote to a envalagist asking for my money back after I didnt get happy off my 39 $ donation to his chruch and he started calling me all these names I tried writing back and he BLOCKED ME I go on the site forum banned there too, I dont think its the case of destroying subjects too close to the truth maybe just censorship, even though a topic has been descussed alot and even though it does use bandwith ,is locking it the right course of actions?

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 03:32 AM
Its not just the government that monitors web sites and message boards. I do know that GD scans message boards, especially stock boards, looking for any inside or proprietary information that may have been posted. You are not as anonymous as you think. In 1999 Raytheon Corp sued and got the email addresses of posters at YAHOO whom the company thought were employees and were posting negative and misleading items.

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 03:51 AM
ok weird I just already posted and it aint there, goverment curse you I will take you all on come one come all to my house for some serious ass kicking bring on that bush pussy i could take him come on he has little puny chicken arms

posted on Oct, 29 2004 @ 05:09 AM
I think this thread has desended into deeper inanity than it already started in. Although it deserves to be trashed having provided no useful contribution to the board, I think the time has come to lock it.

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