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above top secret admins destroy topics that get too close to the truth

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posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:40 PM
I will more than likely be silanced because of this but if some people hear me its worth it, I dont have any evedience but maybe the admins are corrupted by the government to deleate topics that expose the truth

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:44 PM
Care to provide examples of the content of these threads, or else I'd just assume they were trollish, repeats, or contained copyrighted or otherwise illegal-to-use materials.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:45 PM
Alright, this is a conspiracy site so you can have your say but you have to have proof before people will believe you. So do you have any proof to back up your claims? Also just deleting the post want silence the person posting it so do you think the admins kill informed members?

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:50 PM
can you provide examples of this, it sounds really dumb to me, I dont know of any of these topics that were getting close to the truth and then deleted

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:54 PM
Well there was this one thread called "Good Aliens" in the Aliens and UFO's section that was deleted by a moderator instead of locked. Some of you know about it, but the person who started it finally posted a response about what happened to him and what was going to happen...but in the midst of the time I was at work, the thread somehow vanished. I was very confused as to why, but did not ask a moderator why it was deleted. I dont' know what was said, since he posted his response and it was deleted while i was at work. But this is one tone of evidence on a topic that probably came very close to the truth.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by genocide
I will more than likely be silanced because of this but if some people hear me its worth it, I dont have any evedience but maybe the admins are corrupted by the government to deleate topics that expose the truth

I can only assume that you are referring to this:

Quite a stretch to equate your failure to use the ATS Search function to a �Government Conspiracy� (which one?) to control topics on ATS. You are a new member, we've all posted something that had already been covered, it's not censorship or conspiracy, it's conservation... Of bandwidth.

In the future, use the ATS Search on a topic you would like to start a thread on, then see if you have a new twist or information on an existing subject... You'll be good to go.

[edit on 25/10/2004 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Chieftian Chaos
Well there was this one thread called "Good Aliens" in the Aliens and UFO's section that was deleted by a moderator instead of locked. Some of you know about it, but the person who started it finally posted a response about what happened to him and what was going to happen...but in the midst of the time I was at work, the thread somehow vanished. I was very confused as to why, but did not ask a moderator why it was deleted. I dont' know what was said, since he posted his response and it was deleted while i was at work. But this is one tone of evidence on a topic that probably came very close to the truth.

Well here's the response. I did that, new mod mistake. His issue wasn't deleted, it was kicked up to "suggestions." My apologies for this mistake, I've been informed of the proper protacol.


posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:03 PM
If they deleted this absurd topic , what truth do u suppose u got close to?
Topics like this SHOULD be deleted as a wast of storage space and our time in reading it.

On the other hand,, Ive seen stuff posted on this forum that surely came from Disenformation Specialists. Not everone who places a post is just John Q. Public here. duhhhh !! As for the Admins deleting items that come to close to the truth. They SHOULD delete this one that u started here.

Make a unsubstantiated comment,, what the hay,, u get points HAH !

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:08 PM
ATS will not start deleting topics until after the elections and this protocol will only become effective if Bush is re-elected.

BTW Thats my opinion.

[edit on 25-10-2004 by evecasino]

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:37 PM
As the poster has only been here 3 days and made 3 posts, I think we are looking at a troll, who wants to cause trouble, more than a legitimate complaint.

[edit on 25-10-2004 by Netchicken]

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
As the poster has only been here 3 days and make 3 posts, I think we are looking at a troll, who wants to cause trouble, more than a legitimate complaint.

Genocide brought it up but it was CC concern that I replied to.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 06:31 PM
However, if somebody posted something with sensitive information--like military stuff, govt. documents, etc--isn't there a chance that the thread would be deleted? If not initially by ATS but done later if a govt. agency complained about it? Because isn't posting such confidential info kinda illegal? Hasn't ATS done this already?

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 06:41 PM
SO had to delete some numbers that was from the DOD or something like that, you can see the thread in RATS with the numbers edited out.

But the thread that genocide is talking about has nothing to do with deleting it because "It comes close to the truth"

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 07:28 PM
What happened to the "Cassandra" threads...why were they locked and/or deleted, boys?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 12:27 AM
to defend myself I am not just a 3 day noob, I have been visting this site for a year but my comp crashed and I lost all my pass and stuff
, still I dont want to cause trubble this is more a single handed stab to save face for my other threads closure, you may think that I am just a ass tryin to shake some stuff up but I aint I dont wanna and even if I did get points what is the point?? they cant be exchanged for money so it isnt even worth achiveing, maybe I am just a paranoid schizophrenic ranting on, but arnt these websites built out of paranoia.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 02:47 PM
Just because you're paranoid, don't mean you ain't being watched...

[edit on -0500 by jesterbr549]

[edit on -0500 by jesterbr549]

[edit on -0500 by jesterbr549]

[edit on -0500 by jesterbr549]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 03:23 PM
Yes, you`re right. Every time I post sensitive material (which I tend to do from time to time), those posts gets deleted immidiately. Does it happen to you also? Really hard to get the truth out here. I think some of the Mods are "invisible" as well... It`s really driving me crazy...

EDIT (10 minutes later) :
I didn`t expect anyone to actually believe me... I forget there are also new members who don`t know how to spot my sarcasm and attempts on being "funny" sometimes. Yes, I know certain things. But I would never post any "secrets" on a public board...

[edit on 2004/10/28 by Hellmutt]

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 03:45 PM
hmmmm I think that there is some sort of police on ATS, maybe they were true to this site now they are controled by higher powers?

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 04:00 PM
Invisible in what sense? This is a message board. What manner of invisibility would you be talking about? It's not a chat room where people's presences are announced.

As for deletions, things are deleted if they're dupe threads. That happens a lot. People decide to post things without first checking if they were posted before. It's not fair in a community of this size to have dozens of threads all talking about the same thing because it's not organized and no one will benefit fully from the exchange of ideas as they would if it were centralized. If an administrator or moderator deletes a post, in my 2 years as an active member I have found they usually have a good reason to do so.

For someone to say that the staff here is deleting posts to keep some big secret away from the poor common folk is irresponsible. This is the forum, if you think the people here suck, there's others around. Sorry to sound blunt but everyone else here finds the staff to be good people, not evil secret keepers of the government.

Oh, and the thread refered to that had phone numbers deleted? It's not your damn business to have someone else's work number and post it on a website anyways. You wouldn't appreciate someone posting your work number on a site that has thousands of viewers would you? And having people call you all the time. I would hardly call removing phone numbers or addresses censorship. Spare me the drama.

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 04:07 PM
The temptation to trash this to further paranoia is awful, hehe...

Seriously, all you need to do is U2U the mod who trashed it (if they hadn't U2U'd you already), and then they'd explain why. If not satisfied with that, then U2U a Supermod.

Threads aren't tossed without reason, and are usually locked, not trashed.

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