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The Smoking Gun That THEY WANT YOU TO KEEP! The REAL Story.

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posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:25 AM
Couldn't agree more about the pharmaceutical industry.

The one thing the vast majority of spree killers and otherwise suicidal people, no matter what their weapon of choice is, have in common is that they have been or are legally medicated. And even if that information is suppressed by the pharma lobby and special interests, you can bet this is true.

I might even add the medical industry to this. Pisses me off that barely any focus is placed there.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Newagekid2012
Also i firmly believe that they do just label a majority of people as depressed because it is a blanket and covers alot of symptoms, remember depression does not come from within it is due to external factors. Not being able to feed your kids, pay the bills or being in a abusive relationship would make anyone depressed. Go see how many of the 1% are depressed and saddened every day with there piles of money. The constraints society puts on us is what makes us depressed. If this world keeps moving in the same direction(Elite in control, Global Warming, Mindless Sheeple) we wont be around to much longer.....
edit on 25-12-2012 by Newagekid2012 because: (no reason given)

actually, depression can come from within. low blood sugar is quite common in America(due to poor diet) , and one of low blood sugars main symptoms is depression. a poor diet WILL have a direct effect on your mental state

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 06:51 AM
An antipsychotic and ssri have helped me on the road to recovery from severe mental illness. I do believe that they are way over prescribed to many who don't really need them though.

Ssri's seem to get a bad rep on this site quite a lot. But, two other medications that should be looked into more are benzodiazapines and z-drugs. Highly addictive and emotionally blunting and incredibly dangerous and quite horrible to discontinue once dependent, are handed out like sweets to all and sundry.

edit on 26-12-2012 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 07:36 AM
Its part of it yes.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Meanwhile we seem to be ignoring the HUGE elephant in the room with us. There is a common denominator to be found. One that doesn't involve any of the agendas being pushed lately. It is something much more simple, and sinister than any of the theories that are currently causing so much bitter dispute on the boards.

Do you have proof that Lanza was on drugs, or just speculating?

There is a special interest group behind it all, IMO. But it's not anyone with a direct desire to take away any assault weapons. This special interest is one of the largest lobbies in Washington, has power beyond any and all rational understanding, and they dictate their own terms, to a large degree, regarding almost every aspect of their own interests.

So what do these groups have to gain by having this guy on their drugs going on a killing spree? What are they behind of?

Also, does your thread mean that the conspiracy theories surrounding this case are untrue? You feel that the blatant inconsistencies are meaningless?

I assume that some probably think that I post by script, or how I am told, or some such. The hard truth is that I have never been asked to post ( or not to ) in any manner that the entire site hasn't been asked ( as in this instance with the SH shootings ).


Thanks for that specific answer to a question that wasn't really asked about you specifically.

edit on 26-12-2012 by SPayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:04 AM
I know serotonin reuptake can be very tricky. Especially people with psychotic symptoms, (latent) schizophrenia etc should stay far away from it. (the guy seemed like psycho, not just sad)
Sadness is not so harmfull (it can be seen as healing, beneficial process) in comparison to what is serotonin disbalance doing with chizo-brain. From my own experience with few psychotic pacients - even one cup of St. John's Wort tea (natural SSRI) can lead to two weeks of horrible condition deterioration and aggression.
You can't cure sadness with serotonin. You have to change something deeper so your brain will produce it's own.
Lo, there is a safer, natural alternative. It's not just mood elevator but it's also curring schizophrenia without antipsychotics' side effects, I'm not allowed to say more and I respect it to some point. So check it yourself:
edit on 26/12/2012 by PapagiorgioCZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Hefficide
I would like to share a personal experience that I believe demonstrates the "down" side of at least one of these drugs:

Several years ago I was having a difficult time (due to a LOT of stress) and my GP prescribed Paxil for me. It was a low dosage (only half of a 20mg tablet once per day). By the end of day number three I was completely NOT MYSELF! I had become a huge sobbing mess with feelings of worthlessness- something I had never felt before in my life! My mind was telling me things I had never even thought of before, like how much better off everyone in my life would be if I weren't around to burden them, etc. You can imagine the rest! These thoughts and feelings were shocking to say the least!

Fortunately I expressed to my spouse what I was experiencing, and he immediately knew that something was seriously wrong. I immediately quit taking the medication, and I informed my GP that he should never prescribe any such drug to me again. Within a couple of days it was as if those thoughts had never existed, and I was back to my normal self.

Though difficult I can imagine what kind of horrible events might have ensued if I had continued to take the medication for an extended period of time. I would like to think that I could never have hurt myself, much less anyone else, but I can honestly say that during the few days i took this medicine I was in no way in my right mind, and with continued use there is no telling what I might have been capable of!

I know some of these medicines have been a Godsend to people, but with what I experienced I can say that given to the wrong people it could lead to unimaginable results. There is no doubt in my mind that this type of drug could DEFINITELY be a factor in some of these tragedies!

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by thesmokingman
So we are in agreement that quite a few already on this thread have/are taking these meds, and unless theres something your not telling us, NONE of us have commited these attrocities. They have even SAVED lives as you can see. My point being that as well written and thought out this thread is, the medicines are NOT the problem as we can see.

All medicines have side effects. Some are rarer than others. Propecia causes permanent impotence in a rare number of people. Birth Control can causes fatal strokes in small numbers of people. Valium has been known to cause fits of rage.

Cyclobenzaprine has been known to cause hallucinations. I have taken it for a neck and shoulder injury in the past. I never had a single side effect. It doesn't mean that others haven't had very real problems. One person's experience doesn't negate all other experiences.
edit on 26-12-2012 by MikeNice81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

That's a pretty obtuse POV in my opinion. Nowhere has anyone on ATS said that the subject is forbidden. The ONLY thing that has been an issue is that a few members persisted in their seeming obsession with posting the personal and real contact and identifying information about people who are NOT charged with any crimes into threads.

Why didn't you guys just remove those individual posts then, without thread removals, feigned ethical dramatics and finger pointing towards a much larger group of people?

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:21 AM
What is also funny is that this thread has been written by another poster 10 days ago.

It basically said the exact same thing.

It got 6 flags, 7 stars, and lasted one page.

Does that mean that the name Heff alone is good for 60+ flags?

I guess so.

edit on 26-12-2012 by SPayne because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:24 AM
It's brilliant, actually.

The more people who snap and commit these atrocities, the more customers are created. Sure, it costs Big Pharma one customer, but they can get hundreds in return when people complain of depression after being adversely affected by someone's rampage.

And anyone thinking that an SSRI can simply repair an emotional state more effectively than placebo, well, I've got this bridge...

Nice thread OP - I cringe for anyone to whom this comes as news.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

It's brilliant, actually. The more people who snap and commit these atrocities, the more customers are created. Sure, it costs Big Pharma one customer, but they can get hundreds in return when people complain of depression after being adversely affected by someone's rampage.

So the conspiracy now is that Big Pharma is actively pushing medication with the pure intent and expectation that users will go on killing sprees and create more customers?

Yes, very very brilliant.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Im still not convinced of anything except that we are being manipulated in general.

What if this were a conspiracy by the gun lobby to sell more guns?
Gun sales are skyrocketing right now... and some big corps are raking in the dough.

We are fairly predictable after all...

Who knows? There are millions of possibilities here.
Fun to speculate about though.

Your right, I bought a gun on the 19th and ammo at walmart but the ammo box was completely empty. People are getting stocked and strapped.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Evanzsayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by littled16

The problem with any drugs is that every brain has a different chemical make-up and they can never be sure what the side effects will be for anyone person. I am glad you got off that crap. I think the entire planet should go to their medicine cabinets and throw away anything they have immediately. We are so over medicated and need a pill for everything, we have natural remedies available but everyone wants a quick easy fix. I suspect a great deal of the health issues are directly related to nutrition, of which we were taught in kindergarten.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by SPayne
reply to post by chasingbrahman

It's brilliant, actually. The more people who snap and commit these atrocities, the more customers are created. Sure, it costs Big Pharma one customer, but they can get hundreds in return when people complain of depression after being adversely affected by someone's rampage.

So the conspiracy now is that Big Pharma is actively pushing medication with the pure intent and expectation that users will go on killing sprees and create more customers?

Yes, very very brilliant.

No, you silly rabbit! Although I'm sure someone on here could pick that baton up and run with it.

What I'm emphasizing here, and I'll spell it out, is that there is absolutely no reason why Big Pharma, knowing the risks of SSRI's (particularly on young minds), would pull these drugs from the market. Even if it were empirically proven to all Big Pharma powers that a whopping .8% of all young SSRI patients had violent tendencies that were doubtlessly precipitated by the drug, why would Big Pharma care? Even in the worst-case scenario, where lives are lost, the customers can be multiplied. Trauma, small and large, benefits Big Pharma. They would never take a step toward stemming the flow of madness. It would cost them customers in the long-run.

I hope that seems more clear for you.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:36 AM
I don't take any kind of medication because I simply just refuse to take it. Only pills you will ever catch me taking is pain pills or antibiotics from an injury. Other than that I'm not taking anything, I don't care who says I need to.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:39 AM
I think there is a whole herd of elephants in the room. You definitely found one. Those who profit from each elephant do not care about the adverse effect on society. They simply see profit with no regard to the effect on society. If i were to lay blame to a single cause, it would be profit.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

I hope that seems more clear for you.

It was perfectly clear what you said.

You just changed your tune in your last post.

I don't know how this could be interpreted in any other way,

The more people who snap and commit these atrocities, the more customers are created. Sure, it costs Big Pharma one customer, but they can get hundreds in return when people complain of depression after being adversely affected by someone's rampage.

That is what you said initially.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Newagekid2012
Funny that you mention this as Obama has not only been talking about Gun laws but also mental health, really makes you wonder whats going on

What do you mean?
Obama talks about a lot of things.

Healthcare, gun laws, the economy, jobs, Israel/Palestine relations, spending, sports, movies, taxes, etc...

You're pulling out two things and applying them to a conspiracy to freak yourself out.

He's not the only one talking about guns and people with mental health issues.
Talking about gun laws and mental health isn't necessarily a bad thing.

They should be seriously considered.

A lot of people suffering from mental issues just don't get the help they need.
They can end up on the streets, or simply exist as a danger to themselves and others.

Don't you think that should be discussed considering the fact that we have yet ANOTHER example of a mentally disturbed person killing a large number of people?

- Lee

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by totallackey

Originally posted by Newagekid2012
Also i firmly believe that they do just label a majority of people as depressed because it is a blanket and covers alot of symptoms, remember depression does not come from within it is due to external factors.

Not necessarily a true statement. Depression is a disease of the brain. Outside factors are an aggravating factor.

Depression is a whole body problem, not just the brain. There are organs below the neck that affect the entire pulley system of neurotransmitters up there. When the psych pills go into your system, they can ruin other body systems to get a brain effect. There is no actual test on the brain to determine which pill to take. Heart arrythmias, weight gain into obesity, diabetes, stroke, blood pressure problems, and my favorite, jerky shaky limbs for life... these are some "side effects" of the drugs they give people, in the process of finding something that fits, which add to a mood condition in real life. Psychiatrists don't look at that, and the majority of them don't even refer people to a different doctor that could take another approach.

They test the blood to make sure there is the drug churning through the body at all times, not the brain. All your other glands that influence emotion -- pituitary, thyroid, adrenal glands for example -- they aren't checked, but they could be the problem, especially with depression. It could be an infection or cancer affecting the mood!

Depression is externally caused too. Society events make it; who isn't influenced by what they say on the news? For example, homelessness causes depression. A pill doesn't fix that. A social worker might. Diet is a factor; it could be a nutritional deficiency. Money usually is a factor. Morality is a factor; if you think you are a good person or a bad person that influences your mood.

Morality is a big factor recently in the news with shooters. Bad man, go to the psych ward, take a pill to fix things? No, people, that's not how it's done; there is no "murderer" hormone in the brain. Medication as punishment for bad deeds is being suggested, and it's wrong. History of being medicated influencing your constitutional rights is wrong too. Morality doesn't come from a chemical balance or imbalance. An institution of mind altering medication goes against basic human rights, like the right to say what goes in one's own body. This is the pill panic being sold to people without an answer for society. You can't zombie out or stupid out the pain real life causes. You have to feel it.
edit on 26-12-2012 by Sandalphon because: text size

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