posted on May, 31 2013 @ 08:41 AM
Today I have been working on it and there appears to be some very interesting things coming out at the end. I really dont know if I have done this
correctly and there is no easy way to cross-check what I have found. Here is the 'spec' or the idea I have been working towards and now I just have
to find a way to display the results in some kind of a graph or diagram.
Exploring the hypothesis that the earth has "resonant points" distant from the initial event.
This could apply to anything, but since earthquake data is readily available, I am applying it to that.
So for example, if an event happened in Alaska, then investigate whether the earth has a "resonant point" which maybe anywhere but which causes a
similar possibly smaller sympathy quake somewhere else? Dont know what amount of time it would take for these (if they exist) sympathy quakes to
occur. Would have to try different time windows and see if there is a correllation pattern.
At the moment I have taken all the individual events for Arkansas (as an example region) and then mapped the time offset and region of subsequent eq
events within a 36 hour time window. In my database there are 1639 Arkansas eq events. Taking each of these events one at a time (n), I compare the
next record (n+1) time of eq with the Arkansas one. Write a record of the time difference and the region of record n+1. Then I do n+2, etc until I hit
the 36 hour mark. Then I get the next Arkansas eq event and do the same thing with that.
I end up with a huge number of records all describing a region and a time offset to an Arkansas event record.
Then I go through these records and sort them into time slices. So I count how many are between 0 and 42 minutes of an Arkansas eq event for each
region, then I count how many of each region are within 43 and 85 minutes of the Arkansas event and so on up until 36 hours. I end up with a set of
records for each region split up into slices of time, how many occurred in that region within each of the time slices, 0-42 minutes from the original
Arkansas event, 43-85 minutes, etc etc.
Out of 415500 records written the analysis looks like this. I have only shown the first two time slices. I have not limited the magnitude, so whatever
is reported by USGS.
Between 0 minutes and 42 minutes after an earthquake in Arkansas ...
There were 1168 occurrances in Southern California
There were 964 occurrances in Northern California
There were 877 occurrances in Central Alaska
There were 850 occurrances in Southern Alaska
There were 668 occurrances in Central California
There were 390 occurrances in Baja California, Mexico
There were 314 occurrances in Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
There were 291 occurrances in Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
There were 279 occurrances in Nevada
There were 164 occurrances in western Montana
There were 158 occurrances in Island of Hawaii, Hawaii
There were 158 occurrances in Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
There were 146 occurrances in Alaska Peninsula
There were 143 occurrances in Utah
There were 137 occurrances in Greater Los Angeles area, California
There were 128 occurrances in Puerto Rico region
There were 107 occurrances in near the east coast of Honshu, Japan
There were 99 occurrances in off the east coast of Honshu, Japan
There were 95 occurrances in San Francisco Bay area, California
There were 93 occurrances in northern Alaska
There were 92 occurrances in Kodiak Island region, Alaska
There were 59 occurrances in Washington
There were 53 occurrances in Virgin Islands region
Between 43 minutes and 85 minutes after an earthquake in Arkansas
There were 1078 occurrances in Southern California
There were 941 occurrances in Northern California
There were 813 occurrances in Southern Alaska
There were 808 occurrances in Central Alaska
There were 619 occurrances in Central California
There were 400 occurrances in Baja California, Mexico
There were 375 occurrances in Fox Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
There were 310 occurrances in Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
There were 228 occurrances in Nevada
There were 174 occurrances in Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
There were 164 occurrances in Utah
There were 153 occurrances in Alaska Peninsula
There were 149 occurrances in Island of Hawaii, Hawaii
There were 127 occurrances in Greater Los Angeles area, California
There were 120 occurrances in near the east coast of Honshu, Japan
There were 105 occurrances in western Montana
There were 103 occurrances in San Francisco Bay area, California
There were 92 occurrances in northern Alaska
There were 90 occurrances in Puerto Rico region
There were 82 occurrances in off the east coast of Honshu, Japan
There were 71 occurrances in Kodiak Island region, Alaska
There were 65 occurrances in Washington
There were 64 occurrances in Unimak Island region, Alaska
There were 58 occurrances in Virgin Islands region
I stop displaying results when the occurrances get below 50 for a region