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If Bush wins, what are we in for?

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posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 07:58 AM
IF Bush is re-elected...

1. Close look by the courts and the media, and Dem lawyers, possible lawsuits (almost definite).

2. An increasing national debt.

3. Increased offshore drilling, and tapping of the oil reserves, increased drilling in wildlands.

4. A modified draft.

5. More and more personal rights taken away by Patriot Act II and III.

6. Increased governmental influence of the press.

7. Combat operations in Iran and Syria.

8. A showdown with North Korea.

9. Increased revulsion of Americans in Europe and the rest of the world. (start practicing saying "aboot" if you plan on travelling)

10. Even more hatred of the US in the Middle East, with people flocking to join terrorist groups.

11. Eventually, the ushering of full blown WWIII...

All in all, not a good idea, but people will actually willingly vote for it... In a few years, I'd almost say "I told you so", that is, if I'm not a shadow of ash on a wall....

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by tomcat
3. I thought the stock market was around 13000 when he took office (I could be wrong)

You are. It did drop to around 7000 after 9/11 and has came back up thanks to Bush.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 09:07 AM
The more I read about the electronic voting the more concerned I am that we are in trouble. Why can't we just use a number 2 pencil and a piece of paper that you fill in the bubbles? Those could be hand counted and machine counted. Pretty much anyone that is registered to vote has had experience using those ... they are used in schools all the time, used for SAT's, etc.


posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:11 AM
If bush wins we are in for.........
Four more years of low taxes, and high growth
Four more years of increased federal funding for schools and accountability for grades
Four more years of being on the offensive in the war on terror
For more years of liberals claiming the election was stolen
Partial privatisation of socal security
No more years of hearing Kerry on the news.
Four more years of increased intelligence and military spending
Four more years of seeing the US do what is best for the US at the expense of the rest of the world if need be.
Four more years of a great president.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:14 AM
If Bush wins, and I am so very afraid that he will, I plan to start digging a very deep hole.......He and his PNAC friends (Project for the New American Century - I think that's right- I'd double check, but their site scares me too much) believe in invade, invade, preemptive attack, and repeat......and all those other countries know that. Iran even implied they might as well do the preempt themselves, if they were going to be next on the list for invasion.

George has made enemies - all over the globe - (while using up the armed forces and blowing the surplus cash) -those ememies will be watching the election. If we re-elect him, those people will believe that all americans believe George is right , that we have validated his position.

He was something of an "unknown" to us when he was elected the first time, as he was to the rest of the world. Now we know he will streach the evidence to go to war -- other countries know that too. When he is elected this time, we should know what we're getting. -Don't bother to say his case for the next attack will be scrutinized more closely- his people are already crowing about how they will have more congressional seats after the election.

Don't tell me that those other countries will be less likely to attack us because they "fear" us because our "strong" leader. They might fear George, but I've always heard "a dog that is a 'fear-biter" is more dangerous than a dog that is simply aggressive.

When they think there is little to gain, and that they will be ruined anyway (you can say Iraq and the world is better off with out Saddam, and that might well be true--but what does the average 'joe' in Iraq think? Can you actually believe they see an improvement in day to day life? What does the average citizen in Iran think or Korea? Do you think they want the same kind of 'improved' life?) Would you expect them to simply wait for the 'other shoe to fall', or get in their best shot first??

Privatize social security? I used to think it was a good idea, I had money in the stock market, some in cd's. My stock was worth 3 times what it is now (don't preach to me about "you should have invested in blue chips"--they are)---the cd's interest rates went from over 7% to less than 2%-- while the credit cards peoople were allowed to continue raising their rates to the high teens. ( I know you will say this all happened before George got into office,... I checked the charts, and the decline started about the time it became apparent he would get into office!) Much of my 'personally invested retirement fund' went to pay off those cards--per professional advice---and those professionals don't think the market will do anything wonderful in the near future ( they must not be getting the same info as carseller....)

And no, I do not advocate assassination....generally it's liberals that are assassinated ( remember JFK, RFK ?) As much as fundamentalist try to pretend it isn't true--we usually believe in God, and just retribution from Him for our sins--as well as yours.....many of the fundamentalist I deal with do not believe they 'sin' --or maybe it's that they think God thinks their sins are ok as long as it's some non fundamentalist their cheating or lying to.( Much like that guy in DC)

Gotta get back to the hole digging now......( oh, before you flame me for that, I got the idea from a fundamentalist web site...)

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:32 AM
Four more years of me serving the People of the United States.

And if Kerry wins, I'm getting out and gonna go get on Welfare. Since Democrats like welfare and in effect, keeping poor Americans poor as opposed to forcing them to actually do something with their lives.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:49 AM

And if Kerry wins, I'm getting out and gonna go get on Welfare. Since Democrats like welfare and in effect, keeping poor Americans poor as opposed to forcing them to actually do something with their lives.

I hope that isn't really your plan!

I hope Bush wins but I don't think he will. And if Kerry wins my bet is that you won't hear 4 years worth of whining from the Republicans that we have heard from the Democrats over the last 4 years. Yes, the Republicans will voice their displeasure and nitpick things that Kerry does, but I highly doubt they will show the level of disrespect and hatred that the Democrats have shown.


posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 10:54 AM
You mean whining about a President that the majority did not choose, who then put the country in the crapper? Yeah, can't imagine why anyone would be upset about that...

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Gazrok I expected more from you than a cheap shot about the popular vote. We may not always agree but you usually show intelligence in your posts (and a sense of humor)
You can do better.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by Jemison

This president promised to fix voting flaws. Why are they as persistent, if not more so, than in 2000?

How is the President supposed to fix voting flaws? Isn't that the responsibility of each state?

Look at Colorado and the huge stink they are causing because they are voting on splitting the electoral votes. If they wanted to split their electoral votes why didn't they vote on the issue sometime in the last 3 years? Why are they voting on it THIS election and having it APPLY to this election? That is out of the Presidents hands so you cannot put the blame on him.


well lets just look at it as an empty promise,, those are made all the time to smooth over issues, u cant blame our president for not fixing it but u can blame him for claiming he would

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Jemison
And if Kerry wins my bet is that you won't hear 4 years worth of whining from the Republicans that we have heard from the Democrats over the last 4 years.

If Kerry comes close to alienating the nation and the world like Bush has, you have my blessing to whine all you want. If Kerry lies (or 'misleads' us) into optional wars where there is no end-game, where Americans are dying daily, you definitely have the right to whine. If he takes anywhere near the same course Bush has over these last four years, whine all you want, and I'll be there with you. Luckily for the both of us, if Kerry is elected, I'm sure he won't make many of the mistakes Bush has, so you shouldn't be as outraged at him as we are at Bush.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by USTerrain
Four more years of me serving the People of the United States.

And if Kerry wins, I'm getting out and gonna go get on Welfare. Since Democrats like welfare and in effect, keeping poor Americans poor as opposed to forcing them to actually do something with their lives.

let me know when president bush tries to get men AND women off of welfare by retraining them at little or no cost so they can leave welfare, we need intelligent people not homeless and thieves

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 11:29 AM
i would also like to point out that it wasnt until bush that we have lost so many troops, anyone care to comment on that?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 11:56 AM
First of all, 4 years is a VERY long time to cry over spilled milk. I am not one that believes that Bush stole the election, but if Kerry is to 'steal' the election this time I would be annoyed for a few months and get over it. If people choose to waste their time and energy over something that is a done deal and that they have no control over, that's their choice but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And rather than whine and complain about it why didn't you all spend the last 4 years trying to ensure that this would never happen again? If that had been done by the whinners I would be more tolerant of their complaints, but it wasn't done and here we are a week before the election and we might be facing the same problems we had in 2000.

In regard to people believing that Kerry will do a better job in getting additional help from other nations, I'm not sure what you have to back that up other than just listening to what Kerry says and taking it as gospel. He called the P.M. of Iraq a liar, he referred to our allies as the bribed and coerced, he lied about meeting with ALL the members of the Security Council. He has insulted our allies by down-playing their roles. Come on, he's full of hot air and he cannot deliver.

The point about us losing more troops under Bush I am confused about. Are you saying that we lost more troops under Bush than under Clinton? Well, yes. We were not at war under Clinton. Clinton did not take the first WTC bombing, the U.S.S. Cole, embassy bombings, etc. seriously and did not do much to retaliate. How can you compare the troop loss under Clinton to the troop loss under Bush? Maybe I'm not understanding your comment.


posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Jemison
I highly doubt they will show the level of disrespect and hatred that the Democrats have shown.

How quickly the Clinton years have been forgotten....

"Bill Clinton is not my commander-in-chief." -- Oliver North, 10/16/94

"Mr. Clinton better watch out if he comes down here. He�d better have a bodyguard." -- Jesse Helms, 11/23/94

"She�s [Hillary Clinton] a bitch." -- Kathleen Gingrich, mother of Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, 11/05/95

"Americans know that Bill Clinton's promises have the life span of a Big Mac on Air Force One." -- Rep. Susan Molinari (NY), 8/13/96

Actually, Richard Roeper summed it up brilliantly in his column in the Chicago Sun-Times, 6/14/04:

"The Clinton-haters were consumed by an obsessive hatred that had them believing (and advancing) every insane rumor imaginable. If we were to believe every unfounded story swirling about, Hillary Clinton was a communist lesbian married to a drug-running serial rapist, and when Bill and Hill weren't working to bump off anyone who might expose their criminal doings, they were conspiring to destroy organized religion and/or each other.

"And that's why Vince Foster was murdered. Or something."

The right-wing Clinton-bashers taught us everything we know.

[edit to fix punctuation]

[edit on 10/26/2004 by sandge]

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331

This would appear to show Bush in the lead.

And this one puts Kerry in the lead. It's just a difference in analysis. The fact is that right now nobody knows.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by USTerrain

And if Kerry wins, I'm getting out and gonna go get on Welfare. Since Democrats like welfare and in effect, keeping poor Americans poor as opposed to forcing them to actually do something with their lives.

The welfare roles were reduced under Clinton, I believe.....the folks that like to keep poor Americans poor are those who like to hire them for zip, and give them no benefits......I've worked for some of those folks, they always seem to vote Republican...

as to being 'forced to do something with their lives' you mean like drafted into military service?? As I recall, the draft took mostly lower economic level folks--removing that bothersome unemployment problem.

[edit on 26-10-2004 by frayed1]

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Otts

Originally posted by mwm1331

This would appear to show Bush in the lead.

And this one puts Kerry in the lead. It's just a difference in analysis. The fact is that right now nobody knows.

I agree with you Otts, nobody knows who will win, but we do know some things from the polling and historical analysis.

After discussing the above issue with mwm1331 last night, and pointing out the same site you did Otts, I've found a new article that summarizes all my prior points to give Kerry supporters hope, and Bush supporters more than a little pause.

It's Markos Moulitsis in the Guardian giving the Brits a crash course on US polling and elections, but it's good.

It also includes the "conservative rebuttal" to the Incumbent < 50% rule, so it's a decent source for either side to consider if you'd like to get beyond the cable news sound bytes of Bush ahead by 2!

This is why Bush being ahead by 17 points in Red states is bad for Bush. Like I said. Not "bad" bad, since up is always good, but it distorts reality in an electoral race, supressing the perceived winning vote and breeds false confidence. It actually helps Kerry get out the vote efforts (and Badnarik ironically).

But I'll take a small national lead for Bush in a heart beat for Kerry hopefuls. All signs still point Kerry in an electoral win as of now. That's just my opinion, and things could change. But I'm quite confident with the direction and greatly looking forward to Wednesday numbers. All trackers roll three days. All weekend polling leans conservative. It just does. When Saturday numbers fall off, Wednesday will start popping Kerry. Thursday even more, etc. Polls start closing in 170 hours.

We'll see. But the "events" are good too. Bush is about to ask for more money for Iraq. Ouch, that'll hurt.

[edit on 26-10-2004 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:16 PM

"She�s [Hillary Clinton] a bitch." -- Kathleen Gingrich, mother of Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, 11/05/95

Can't argue with that!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:29 PM
Mrs. Clinton is a bitch, so is his wife. Anyways, go Dems, boo Bush, I don't want to go to Iran and get blown up in his next pre-emptive war.

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