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If Bush wins, what are we in for?

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posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 09:44 PM
Hmmmmm. That sounds pretty interesting.

My favorite part is the "when" Bush is elected.


posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Partial privatization of Social Security...yes inspite of what liberals think, people are smart enough to plan for their own retirement.

There might be some good in that. Depends on how it's done.

Originally posted by Carseller4
DOW will rise to over 12,000

If it happens, honesty, I'll be happy for you guys.

Originally posted by Carseller4
Dan Rather will be forced to retire.

By who?

Originally posted by Carseller4
Iraq will have elections on schedule and continue to move to democracy. We will have forces in Iraq for a long time. We are still in Germany after 50 years aren't we?

You'll also have a lot of casualties. But American troops in Iraq for a long while will happen no matter who's President. It's easy to destroy things, it's harder to build.

Originally posted by Carseller4
Even though Bush receives over 50% of the popular vote (something Clinton himself never did) and wins the electoral college by at least 60 votes.

If the next President got more than fifty percent of the vote - which, looking at the numbers and the current division, I highly doubt - it would be a good thing: it would provide for less bickering and more cooperation in Washington.

Originally posted by Carseller4
The liberals will still bash him everyday for four years.

That's their job. They're not called the opposition for nothing. They're there to provide the American people with another view, just as the Republicans did when Clinton was President. A democracy without opposition or dissent is no democracy.

Originally posted by Carseller4
New rounds of tax cuts for EVERYONE.

If you can manage it with the deficit you have right now.

Originally posted by Carseller4
There will be a conspiracy between far left wing liberals and Al-Queda to assassinate President Bush. Several moderate democrats switch to the republican party, Joe Lieberman will be one of the first.

That accusation is so vile - since it all comes back to say that some people are un-American because of their political affiliation - that I have nothing to say to it.

Originally posted by Carseller4
3 new Supreme Court Justices will be named.


Originally posted by Carseller4
Bush endorses the Guiliani/Jeb Bush ticket.

Guiliani/Bush defeats Clinton/Ubama in 2008.

I don't think another Bush on the ticket in 2008 would be wise politically. That's encouraging dynastic politics. I'd say the same thing, by the way, if we were talking about the Kennedys. I think the Republican party has plenty of quality candidates for the positions of President and Vice President without having to go pick in the Bush family once again.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 10:37 PM
President Bush is going to remain in office and Senator Kerry will go back to Congress.

The election will be over with and lessons will be learned from each sides grievances.

If we really want to see change, then I must strongly suggest that each person who wishes change, write your Representatives and Senators of the states you reside in and let them know how you feel.

These elected officials are the ones who reserve the power in the government.

If they don't hear from the people, then they will assume no one has any problems. You've got to remember, that power of the pen, has both started and ended wars. The right to write cannot be taken from you and should not be taken forgranted.

If anyone should be involved in a riot or a violent act as a direct result of the outcome of the elections, then they will deserve whatever maximum punishment the law is allowed to give.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by moxyone

If Bush wins, please explain how Kerry becomes President.

The courts cannot appoint a President.

OK, this may help: the same way Bush became president?

Remeber? When Gore won the last election and Bush was voted in by the Supremes? Oh, sorry. I forgot: counting votes is unconstitutional, heinous and upatriotic. Check that.

The trick is this: when that lecture was given in law school, the Supremes were AWOL.

posted on Oct, 25 2004 @ 11:16 PM
If Bush wins, what are we in for?

The Biggest NWO Masonic Lodge ya ever seen with a rebuilt Solomons Temple, sacrafices(human) signs and wonders... They will add a "NEW" meaning to the (G) in the square and compass.....(George), Geometry, God.

abominatio nascitur autumno

abominatio to deprecate quod abominor God forbid. (2) [to hate, detest].
aboleo : to destroy, abolish, annul, do away with, obliterate.
abolesco : to die, perish, vanish.
aborior : to set (as in "the sun sets ).
abortio : miscarriage.
abortivus : one prematurely born.

nascitur([to be born; to come into existence , arise, be produced)

autumno autumn June 27th 2004 ( Lunar Eclipse )

hic est tuum temptamen quod temptat tua potentia

hic here hic haec (hec ) hoc : this, the latter he, she, it.
est it is right, it is fitting, it is lawful
tuum tum at that time, then thereupon, in the next place temptamen trial temptation
quod quod neut. sing. nom the war WHICH killed so many
temptat trial temptation
tuatu you
potentia potentia might, power, authority

viginti tres gradus ad summam potestatem
viginti(indecl. num. [twenty].)
tres(3) ( 23)
gradus([a step)
ad(adsum : to assist, be present, be near, be in attendance
summam I shall see,the highest part whole, sum
potestatem potestas you are seeing power, ability, authority opportunity

My apologies no more games left.

Total Eclipse of the Moon
o ' o '
W077 02, N38 53

Eastern Daylight Time

1 day 21 hrs 57 mins from post time

Look on the bright side,,,,Its NAVY DAY

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 01:28 AM
1. If Bush retains the Presidency ( I hope not ) I truly doubt any other country will be invaded as the war on terror is concerned. His case for such an action will be extremely scrutinized.

2. The President cannot enact a draft, only Congress can.

3. I thought the stock market was around 13000 when he took office (I could be wrong)

4. I voted for Gore in 2000. Bush did not steal the election. The Electoral College is what determines the winner and it always has. Getting rid of that is the only way popular vote would count. Our country is a Republic, not a Democracy.

5. Whomever wins, we lose.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 02:03 AM
It is truly amazing to me that four years later people are still stupid, uninformed, and ignorant enough to think , much less show thier ignorance by saying, that the supreme court "appointed" Bush. Have any of you even bothered to read the supreme courts decison? Or are you merley spewing the crap you have heard?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by tomcat
5. Whomever wins, we lose.

I think that's probably the worst thing about this president, is that he has instilled this type of thinking in so many Americans. I remember before, when presidential voting was about hope. It wasn't seen as something inevitably bad no matter who won. Or maybe it was and I wasn't reading the right msg boards, who knows
Apparently Bush has left the presidency in such shambles that we don't even have faith that someone else can do a good job anymore. And that's sad.

This election should be a referendum on how well our current president has done. In my opinion, he's done quite a )$*)(*! job. I will be voting for Kerry, and I will do so without having been tainted by Bush into thinking that no one else is able to do a better job than him. I'll gladly see for myself. If it turns out Kerry is just as crappy a president as Bush, I'll be voting against him next election as I am against Bush this election.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 02:50 AM

I have already voted ( early voting in TN ) and it wasn't for Bush. The trend of the lesser of 2 evils will dominate our Presidential elections until we can get, vote , or demand a viable third party. I do not know how it would happen, but it seems to me most of the populace is more middle ground than either of the parties we now have.

It would have been great to see McCain run as an Independant this time around. He has the knowledge, experience and integrity and I believe the record to have had a real effect on this election. Unfortunately it all comes down to money and no one will back a candidate with his reputation.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 02:55 AM
Bush won't win. He'll sue. Rove will sue for sure. He'll challenge at least one if not two state counts (Fla and Ohio) and try to supress votes, but he won't win the EC in the end. Even with Rehnquist back on the bench by Nov 1 (as promised)
he won't get a say on this one.

As for riots, I'm wondering how the Evangelicals will handle Bush winning the popular vote by a half million or so but losing the EC? It's shaping up just like 2000, but reversed. Think about that won't you?

Keep in mind all Bush's "national lead" comes from HUGE surpluses in Red States. An average of +17 to Kerry's +9 in Blue States. (This is subscription Gallup information.) Bully for Bush in Texas, but who cares? When's the last time the popular vote coincided with winning the Presidency? Oh, yes 1996, but still...
Think about where that "national lead" now comes from when the news quotes Gallup. Not battlegrounds! Why do you think the GOP is freaking as the DNC smiles bigger and bigger every day?

Look at those battlegrounds. Lawd, look at dem battlegrounds. Kerry ahead or tied with Bush (well below 50%) in ALL OF THEM. 7 more days, and you know what they say? Undecideds overwhelmingly break for the challenger.

I'll give you key right here. If the GOP can't push conservative leaning undecideds to Badnarik in the next 7 days or convice them to stay home, Bush loses in an electoral landslide no matter what the popular vote ends up. Conservative papers across the country are endorsing NO CANDIDATE now. It's the 11th hour apathy strategy. The GOP's final hand. His rally the 'base' efforts don't win undecideds. Undecideds hardly even go for the incumbent a week out! And almost never on election day!!! Got wolves?
The GOP is scrambling to recover and it's not exactly a secret.

The October Suprise is there is no October Suprise. Who do events of the day favor? Reality has been steadily creeping in on the Bush/Fox spin bubble and there's just no stopping it anymore with "Poland moments" and "Momma Cheney gets mad" non issues.

Do you think Democrats just started planning this role reversal coup? We know Republicans only have to win by one vote in one key state via a manipulation of the electoral college, while Democrats have always had to win by millions all across the country in "mandates." Screw that. Rove's way is easier, and in case you're not keeping up, he's just been outFoxed at his own game.

Here's what should scare the life out of Bush's base. Rove's entire strategy for re-election has been screw the middle, to hell with moderates, go social issues, get out the base in key states...keep FLORIDA and OHIO and add PENNSYLVANIA for the Bush win. Not so fast smart guy. Wishes aren't reality (see Iraq). The GOP thought they could phone in the debates like they have the last four years and cakewalk the last month of the campaign. But there's that annoying reality again. :shk:

And now we see regarding those "stratergic" battlegrounds Rove thought he had in the bag (and is now trying to suppress), the first two remain a toss up leaning Kerry (with Bush below 50%) and Pennsylvania is still solid Kerry country despite Bush making 40 plus campaign visits. 40 visits and he still loses!

And Bush is now further struggling to keep Red states like Arkansas. ARKANSAS! The south is now a battleground for Bush?
He's trying to make it up in Michigan? Wisconsin? What happened to Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania? :shk: Next Bush will be in Hawaii.

Kerry needs ONE MORE STATE than Gore. Just one! It could be Florida, Ohio, Arkansas, New Hampshire....pick where you want to lose Bush. I really don't care. They all work. Can't retake them all in 7 days! Big dog Clinton is on the prowl hunting chicken hawks. Kerry's just being Kerry. Big Mo marches on while Bush revamps iteneraries with less than 200 hours until polls close.

Stubborn overconfidence and a denial of reality did this to the Bush camp. It's poetic justice really. And Bush people in this thread still don't see it coming. :shk:

I wonder if Bush has been let in he's losing?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:01 AM
God Rant I cant wait till Nov 3.
Are you going to use rigged Votng machines as your excuse?Or voter intimidation? Maybe blame Jeb and the supreme court again?
Care to put your money where your mouth is?
Or like most Democrats are you only capable of talk?

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:18 AM
tomcat, I think that ensuring we get a president in there that doesn't rush off to war and get our fellow Americans killed is far more important than trying to push a 3rd party agenda at this time. Americans are dying everyday. Our country is less safe today than it was after 9/11, and we are creating more enemies than we are killing off.

I think there are more appropriate times to try and further third party candidates than at this time. Do it back during the Clinton administration, or even during the 2000 elections ... or do it after the Bush administration, hopefully when things are calmer. But now, it's literally a life or death decision.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
God Rant I cant wait till Nov 3.
Are you going to use rigged Votng machines as your excuse?Or voter intimidation? Maybe blame Jeb and the supreme court again?
Care to put your money where your mouth is?
Or like most Democrats are you only capable of talk?

I'm just giving you the straight poop. There is already significant evidence of GOP intimidation but I just said we're overcoming that. I even gave you the key Bush needs to win, but I see you ignored that too. Good.

Do you think I expected the Bush camp to believe me? Do they ever take good advice? Don't listen. I don't care. Bush could still win the EC, but he is not winning right now. I just told you why. If the election were held today, Kerry would win with between 273 (272 if one NH E-vote goes Bush) to 300+ electorates. Feel free to point out where I'm wrong, won't you? Or not. I still don't care. This isn't about what you or I want to happen, I'm giving you a big dose of reality I frankly hope you and others do ignore until Nov. 3. But I'm confident enough to put it in writing, as I just did.

How about the specifics of your electoral analysis MWM? Do you do this all day like I do and happen to do the same for a career?

And aren't you in Europe and a bit out of the loop to be running your mouth on what's going on in the campaigns right now? Apologies if that was some other overconfident poster full of hope and short on facts.

But no thanks on the bet. I only make friendly bets with friends.

[edit on 26-10-2004 by RANT]

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:44 AM

This would appear to show Bush in the lead.
As for your "expertise" or the one of the site above for that matter Its been my experience that political pudits, much like small investors, atriibute any success they may have with predictions to skill even though its really luck.
The democrats are saying they are winning and the republicans are saying they are winning. The truth is neither of you knows. You all run your little polls, and see what results you want to see. I dont know whos gonna win and I dont pretend to. But at least I've got the courage of my convictons Rant. You say your an expert? Then you should take my bet, go on hustle me. I dare you. The truth is there are more people in Amerca who think like I do than you do. Kerry is a glorified used car salesman and he come off as such. He can sit back and snipe at the president on every single decision and it wont change anything. In fact I am willing to go so far as to say it will be a decisive win for Bush. 40+ electoral votes or better. Why? because Kerry is a smarmy snake oil salesman with a history of talking out of both sides of his mouth. Yeah the democrats have registered huge amounts of voters but being registered to vote doesn't equal getting off your as* and actually voting. Like I said Rant put you money where your "expertise" is. I got a C-note says bush wins, and the whole board as a witness.
Unless of course your opinion of your "expertise" s the same as mine.

edited for updated results

[edit on 26-10-2004 by mwm1331]

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 03:45 AM
well if bush wins we will only have the stupidity and ignorance of the American people to blame by re-electing neo-cons and christian fundamentalists who are the most dangerous people on this planet today.

Any vote for Bush is a vote against the future of mankind and only for the future of manifest destiny, "one nation under god" and the further degredation of secularization that is apparent in the executive and legislative branches of the US govt.


posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:01 AM
it's too damn hard to say who's gonna win, it's just that close. I think it may come to something happening in these last few days that decide who it's gonna be. The problem with that electoral vote site is that i think it may underestimate the Libertarians a little and also all these new voter registrations that are coming in a lot will go to Kerry.

I'll put my money on Kerry


posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331

This would appear to show Bush in the lead.

That's a cute map full of blank undecided states and even more "barely Bush" pink (not red) states (awarded by 1 or 2 % points), but that's all it is. I can't even find the dates for the polls it's using. Here's another cute map with the most recent polling awarding those blank states based on the most recent polls and has alot of those pinks going blue, but my opinion isn't based on what's published yet. And anyway, what did I just say?

Bush could win. Didn't I say that? Didn't you hear me? Are you so keen on fighting over predicting the future you've gone deef? Bush is merely not winning right now in my opinion, his campaign strategy revisions prove it and the poll trend is not favorable for him. My God I even said he's on pace to win the popular vote, and you disagree with me by agreeing with me!?!

I know there's a lot of people "like you" MWM that are voting Bush. But the issue is where they live. Not what you think people think of Kerry. None of that litany of irrelevant CRAP you just posted matters. It's the electoral college and nothing else. I know you're proud of your map squeaking one out for Bush and will ignore the one I just showed you squeaking one out for Kerry (as you should for they are both crap), but try to have an open mind won't you?

You're mad I posted my opinion in this thread? Is that it? If I don't want to bet with a stranger on the Internet, my opinion is worthless? Is that your tact?

You can stop throwing my "expertise" and your bravado about betting around now. Or not. Tell you what. If it makes you feel big and bad and like the bestest ATS poster ever, let's say you win MWM. I won't make a bet with a stranger on the Internet so that PROVES Bush will win the election. You keep thinking that tough guy.
You're my frailin' hero.

I'll stop trying to help Bushies now with his most problematic campaign pitfalls. You just keep thinking everything's fine. Cover your ears and Bush will win. God said so. Super.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by RANT

Originally posted by mwm1331

This would appear to show Bush in the lead.

That's a cute map full of blank undecided states and even more "barely Bush" pink (not red) states (awarded by 1 or 2 % points), but that's all it is. I can't even find the dates for the polls it's using. Here's another cute map with the most recent polling awarding those blank states based on the most recent polls and has alot of those pinks going blue, but my opinion isn't based on what's published yet. And anyway, what did I just say?

Bush could win. Didn't I say that? Didn't you hear me? Are you so keen on fighting over predicting the future you've gone deef? Bush is merely not winning right now in my opinion, his campaign strategy revisions prove it and the poll trend is not favorable for him. My God I even said he's on pace to win the popular vote, and you disagree with me by agreeing with me!?!

I know there's a lot of people "like you" MWM that are voting Bush. But the issue is where they live. Not what you think people think of Kerry. None of that litany of irrelevant CRAP you just posted matters. It's the electoral college and nothing else. I know you're proud of your map squeaking one out for Bush and will ignore the one I just showed you squeaking one out for Kerry (as you should for they are both crap), but try to have an open mind won't you?

You're mad I posted my opinion in this thread? Is that it? If I don't want to bet with a stranger on the Internet, my opinion is worthless? Is that your tact?

You can stop throwing my "expertise" and your bravado about betting around now. Or not. Tell you what. If it makes you feel big and bad and like the bestest ATS poster ever, let's say you win MWM. I won't make a bet with a stranger on the Internet so that PROVES Bush will win the election. You keep thinking that tough guy.
You're my frailin' hero.

I'll stop trying to help Bushies now with his most problematic campaign pitfalls. You just keep thinking everything's fine. Cover your ears and Bush will win. God said so. Super.

Actually the date and source of the polls is on the site.(the most recent being the oct 24th zogby) You are right about one thing though, both maps are crap. Whether you bet or not is quite frankly irrelevant, as is your predictons (or mine for that matter) The fact is noone knows who is going to win at this point and most likely we won't know even after the election. As for either campaigns pitfalls, if you knew enough to be able to do so you would be on one of the campaign teams. I am not mad about anything although I do wonder why the "litany of irrelevant crap" I posted doesn't matter but the equally irelevant crap you posted did? Your opinion isn't wothless because you wont bet but for the same reason my opinon on the matter is worthless, neither of us know who is going to win. I think its Bush you think its kerry, we both have our reasons and neither quite frankly is worth the keyboards we are typing them on. I don't believe I ever mentioned the popular vote at all why would I? As for the electoral vote what will be will be. I just enjoy egging on self appointed experts like yourself.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by mwm1331
I just enjoy egging on self appointed experts like yourself.

That's fine actually.
But some recent egging from others for betting on the election has come up, and it's about to become a sore spot I'm afraid. Just as a heads up.

You're totally fine, but I don't think we should be encouraging it here in the final heated week.

But good luck to anyone with strong convictions, as we're all motivated and in it to win it.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 05:18 AM
On a related subject i don't think vegas does but do any of the european sportsbooks take bets on the US election?
I mean if people around the world can't vote can they at least take a punt?

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