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2012+ The End Is Very Near - The God(s) Are Returning

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posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:48 AM
The two witnesses are dead....ha ha ha.

Another crackpot. They haven't been yet.

Have you been reading Ron Weinlands confused stuff?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 02:04 AM
Hmmm.... not bad. Starred because it's a pretty decent theory... who knows.

I was hoping that we could somehow skip over wars and rise a little higher in our potential to meet the expectations of the design, but i cannot deny that in the forecast, it really does look like war.

I do agree that perhaps prophecy actually is unfolding... and it actually has somewhat unfolded earlier in history.

I don't like trying to get too far into but I do see the pattern. It's weird

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 03:46 AM
In 2000 the world was supposed to end and look what happened in 2001. 9/11. That said 2012 is just another trick of the mind to let our guard down for the next big attack on our freedoms. With Syria the last country in the way before Iran things are heating up. China is due to be finished it's aircraft carriers and naval fleet by 2020 and Russia is busy rearming. The way I see it WW3 is right on schedual :s
edit on 23-12-2012 by nyancat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by CantSay

Why would the "gods" the ones that created us destroy us ??

Would they not greet us as their children with love and pride.
Surely they must have the same problems early in their evolution to

why does it always have to be doom

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 03:56 AM
Amen to that

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 04:08 AM
The thing that got me was the "Some evidence is controversial so I won't mention it."
This site thrives on controversy, you made wild claims and didn't even specify most of them, you provided no evidence to back any of it up.
Absolutely terrible thread.
I can't believe this stuff is still going.
I'm gonna do a Cartman if this continues.... "Screw you guys... I'm going home..."

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by CantSay
Then there is the account of a prehistory of man on how Satan was cast down to Earth (the story of The Woman).

I knew it, Woman are evil!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by CantSay
From my written timeline, the next 10 years is the time for the Apocalypse. I am very certain of this.

It was only a matter of time before somebody took a stab at this.

Are you going to write a book? People like you usually write books.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by CantSay

Believe me or not, several years ago I read the book of Revelations for the first time and understood it completely.

It is called the Book of Revelation.

Praise Christ brother and lean your faith upon Him in Truth, for the "god's" time is almost at a close and they know it enough to soon writhe against mankind moreso like the cut snakes they are in their further 'unleashment' for our sins-- their time is short, though the greater tribulations are closer at hand. The doorways are opening and we are Called to repentance amidst such challenging times.

From my written timeline, the next 10 years is the time for the Apocalypse. I am very certain of this. Be weary of who the enemy truly is

May the Holy Spirit Reveal to you it will be the fallen angels who 'return' i.e manifest with their 'crafts', for the Kingdom angels Led by Christ have no need for such, for they are not bound by this denser vibrational structure astral plane on earth as the heathen spirits are.

edit on 23-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 05:45 AM
um..ya I am a scientist also and according to how my catz breath smells I have formulated a theory that the OP is very very confused.

anyways.... is this what we can look forward to on ats now? Talk about a slow news day.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Aquarius2150

anyways.... is this what we can look forward to on ats now?

What we have to look forward to now are segments of the membership here now further treating Bible Revelation subjects with elevated contempt due to the world not turning upside down a couple of days ago, not realising the 'doom' media hype around that date was a deliberately focused ploy by the PTB to lull the mass consciousness into dismissing/being apathetic to the Truth currently unfolding in regards to Biblical Prophecy and the Truth of Christ's eventual Returning during this season of changes.

They did the same thing turning the Rapture event subject into a laughing stock by aiming media attention on false 'date setting' prophets such as Harold Camping. They are clever these earthly ruling bloodlines, for they understand human psychology like masters of a craft to manipulate to their ends. They have been doing it for millenia.
edit on 23-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by PrimeLight
reply to post by Aquarius2150

anyways.... is this what we can look forward to on ats now?
Truth currently unfolding in regards to Biblical Prophecy and the Truth of Christ's eventual Returning during this season of changes.

So you think Christ is going to return and save us from the old white men in charge? Let me guess you think this will happen in the next 10 to 15 years as well?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:37 AM
Seriously, give the guy a break until he actually tells the full story, then ridicule as much as you like. We never see these threads continue because they get too disheartened. Maybe if we let these people tell their stories, whether true or not, we may actually learn something or have something spark our interest to do further research.

Deny ignorance indeed!

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Aquarius2150

There will be a Rapture of remnants of the Church amidst tribulations and the True King Yehushua will Reclaim the dominion of old and Recreate it in New Light. Much suffering will occur prior as part of the 'purging' of the earth and the sins upon her though. This is how it must be during the 'harvest' of souls from this earth plantation garden now full of thorns and reeds..some call this place a prison for souls, some a school 'testing ground'. Both are correct and it should be known there are worse places to be bound to in rebellion. More dimensions to this universal framework.

The season is upon us, and when global events unfold moreso in the coming period, the more accurate 'timelines' for events will be known to the faithful via the Holy Spirit that speaks within. There is an order to such events already Forewarned of in Revelation, some planned for self-fullfillment by the 'fallen' bloodline elements here and others Intervened with by the Divine Hand of the Kingdom Come.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by PrimeLight

Well that cleared things up...

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:07 AM

If you are a scientist, don't be fooled. Look at all the information, be critical, question the actions of you superiors or clients, but don't deny for denying sake only. Try to validate, because it is in the process of validation that the truth is revealed, after which it can be denied if found false. Ok enough with that.
reply to post by CantSay

According to what you wrote, it seems you have a problem with the truth.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by dcmb1409

Do your own research. It's time for you to spend less effort debunking and more effort understanding. Don't expect me to have it over on a silver platter. At this point in time, I would fully expect your knowledge of "new age" to be negligible at best. Probably sheer stereotype and laziness. No, you get to do the research for yourself.

Let me know what you find out. I'd be more than willing to discuss it.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Aquarius2150

If you believe that it is 'old white men' in charge, then it probably didn't hehe

That's okay, as all coming events of the season will be part of the Revealing unveiling process gradually (apocalypse) in due course and in essence I have not gone outside the Inspired Word that has already Revealed the nature of the world system and what it is dominion to for retaining souls to the underworlds (this earth is a remnant of one currently, a fallen state) for gross rebellions against Holy Virtue, separated from the realms of the 'Heavens' (evolved in Love dimensions).

What lends credence to the Bible for me is that over the years I was personally shown many events that just happened to run parallel with Biblical prophecy in scope. Prior to those Blessings that Led to many Truths in Christ, I barely knew what the Book of Revelation was about in any closely studied detail.

Many mysteries to be unveiled still, though most important above all these things are our Love for our Creator and our brothers and sister's alike.

Father I pray you Grant us children the means to do your Divine Will on earth, for we all fall short in the flesh unclean and corruptible void of Grace. None are immune to errors and require your Redemption for Salvation from this fallen state, prey to all manner of sin. May we be given the Means to stand at the Door and be counted Worthy at the Appointed time. Have Mercy upon us, for we are here broken apart in this void, more than we recall in heart and mind.

edit on 23-12-2012 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

Neither would you be consorting with that mayan astrological filth.

Who are you to judge? Hush your condemning tongue, lest you be revealed as false.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by karen61560

I offer the general title of scientist so you'd understand how my process of investigation works. Do you honestly think if I divulged more info it would suit me well given the political environment found in most work places. Forget who I am, do the research yourself given the info I've given you.

What I've done is rewrote the story using the visuals, then matched the visuals to history as my memory would permit (I am a history buff), then for each event I extrapolated the written visual criteria and researched it to find a match. In Revelations the visuals are very specific and the number 144,000 was key as it brought a convergence with the very few Mayan prophecy stories. I repeated this process many times and a historical story started to emerge. Revelations is the history of man, from start to finish. Actually we don't end but significant change is coming.

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