posted on Dec, 24 2012 @ 08:53 AM
You want to lower crime?
Legalize drugs.....ALL Drugs.
This will effectively put the drug cartels and street gangs out of business. Therefore drug related violence which is the cause of a good majority of
violence will take a dramatic decline. Sure we may have more overdose deaths but the overdose deaths will not even come close to the amount of deaths
due to drug related violence. If someone feels the need to kill themselves with heroin Id much rather have that than some 5 year old getting shot
because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time during a gang related drive by shooting over drug turf. Not to mention the vast amount of money
that the government will save by not having the prisons filled with non violent offenders with simple drug possession charges.
Also if you outlaw guns you will only increase crime and violence as firearms will be a new black market item that organized crime groups can push and
sell to make a huge profit off of. Gun laws do not work. Simply look at the areas in the USA that have the strictest gun laws....Most of these areas
also have the highest firearm murder rates in the country. Comparing the USA to European countries doesn't work either, comparing a countries murder
rate to the entire USA doesnt really mean much when your entire country isnt even as big as Texas I would also like to see statistics on European
violent crime per capita with edged and blunt weapons.
edit on 24-12-2012 by subliminal1284 because: (no reason given)