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She survived Hitler and wants to warn America.

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posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 06:39 PM
If you look for similarities in almost anything you will find them, but that doesn't mean that they are the same.

I think our country is going to hell in a bucket, but that bucket does not have a swastika stamped on it. We have problems here, many of our previous and current leaders are corrupt. Our laws are easily bendable, the rich run the country, we have crime rates that don't even compare to other countries, we have shoddy education and health care, we have racism, etc. But many elected officials (including Obama) are trying to fix them. To say the US is like Nazis because they are trying to fix them is just simple minded.

50 years ago, an African American couldn't drink from the same water fountain as whites, or attend the same schools, women were not considered equal to men. Religion trumped science in schools, which held back many chances to have breakthrough discoveries that would benefit the country and the world. The homeless, in many cases, were left to fend for themselves. People with mental disorders were often thrown into wards, instead of trying to find a way to cure their illness. All able bodied men were drafted regardless of their will. Im not saying all of these problems have been completely fixed,(or even remotely fixed in many cases) but efforts and experiments to fix them have been tried over and over again. The problem is, like a theory of everything, an elegant solution has yet to be discovered. And the people trying to find a solution are being road blocked by the rich greedy people that run the world. Blame them, not Obama. It's clear that his power is limited by these greedy bastards.

Until America builds concentration camps for Muslims and starts killing them by the millions they cannot be compared to the likes of Nazi Germany. Until we see the secret service showing up at our doorsteps and killing us for making threads like these, or for being enemies of Obama they cant compare. Until the US forces our children to follow our leaders without question, Until our sons and daughters are drafted into a war they don't want to fight, they cant compare. Until America starts wars with 80%of the world, they cant compare. Until Obama starts using meth and screaming at crowds of millions that the only way to prosper is to hate everyone thats not like you, they cant compare.

Just one mans opinion.

edit on 21-12-2012 by headband75 because: grammar

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by AdamsMurmur

Sounds more like some crap Ayn Rand would say, eh?

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:15 PM
Reply to post by gladtobehere

I thought it was common knowledge that the Ostereich was peacefully taken.

This is what made Hitler so popular. No shots fired until Poland.

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posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

There's at least a couple of things not quite true there. But I see where it's coming from. Ever look at the old Nazi rallies? Now, take a look at Obama and you'll find that a lot of eerie similarities. (This isn't against Obama, but rather how people view him.)

America is going down the drain. That's the unfortunate truth. People think that re-electing Obama was a wise decision. (Compared to everyone else, it almost seemed to be...) But it goes far deeper then Obama. The drain was pulled a long time ago and no one in the Oval office has put the plug back in so to speak. I'll be returning to the states soon, I hope I have something to return to.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 07:42 PM
Mm,I must have got my history all wrong because I always believed the Aunchluss (annexation of Austria) by and large to have been celebrated,sought even,by the majority of the Austrian public.

Her 'revalation' is old news and no revalation whatsoever !!!

As for America beoming a new Nazi state (the 4th Reich maybe ??).

Well folks you tell me,I'm from the UK so obviously don't 'live it' like Americans do but from my viewpoint it doesnt much look like it to me but then that's just my opinion !!!

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:09 PM
When fascism comes to America... will be called Americanism.

A global Corporate State.Your rights as workers dwindle.
Your benefits crumble--hell you will be thankful for a job that pays you whatever the boss says.
And you Will work.

The plan is older than the illuminati, its not Jewish,nor German.
With modern technology,and the advent of data monitoring,analysis and soon Artificial Intelligence (Singularity)
they will have the perfect platform and we will have no way out.

The elite have wanted this for a long time-longer than most would believe..As the old line goes,the Empire never ended.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by fastbob72
Mm,I must have got my history all wrong because I always believed the Aunchluss (annexation of Austria) by and large to have been celebrated,sought even,by the majority of the Austrian public.

Her 'revalation' is old news and no revalation whatsoever !!!

As for America beoming a new Nazi state (the 4th Reich maybe ??).

Well folks you tell me,I'm from the UK so obviously don't 'live it' like Americans do but from my viewpoint it doesnt much look like it to me but then that's just my opinion !!!

Only resemblance between America and nazi Germany is invasion of other countries. Funny how Kitty Werthmann compares free healthcare and secular public education with nazi Germany, yet she never mentioned a word about USA's foereign policy in the last century. USA invading and bombing Iraq can be compard to nazi Germany invasion of Poland.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:15 PM
I remember distinctly in the movie 'The Ides of March' with Gosling, Giamatti and Clooney in it. Terrible film,
In my opinion, since it centers around liberal bashing. However, Ryan mentions that
all citizens should complete 1 year mandatory service for the government. Whether it be tree planting etc.

And they use LOTS of swear words in that movie.

It also mentions how woman is ruling man, and literally screwing him.

Except Ryan wakes up in the morning, and there was no scene of any sexual
intercourse. Merely it was done "decently" as the Nazi's would refer to their crimes.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:20 PM

Only resemblance between America and nazi Germany is invasion of other countries. Funny how Kitty Werthmann compares free healthcare and secular public education with nazi Germany, yet she never mentioned a word about USA's foereign policy in the last century. USA invading and bombing Iraq can be compard to nazi Germany invasion of Poland.

Aye funny how she omitted those little

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:52 PM
I told my wife years ago that didn't have anything to worry about from "terrorists" and that our contry would be destroyed from the inside out. If Islamic terrorists wanted to destroy America, all they had to do was just be patient and wait a while.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 08:53 PM
Deutschland ubbe alles!

Germany for all!

Nowadays we don't really slogan it. But we do imply it another way. We say, American democracy for all. We impose our way of life on others whether they want it or not. The New World Order (NWO) is the same sh*t, different day. We justify and down play it to some extent by saying America is the "World Police". Thats one way we buy into it.

If you want to study how Hitler turned Germany into a prosperous country and built it up before destroying it completely, check out articles related to "The Weimar Republic". Most people don't understand that prior to the same crash that brought down the US economy in 1929, Germany was riding high too. In fact, you could say that the banksters in the Roaring Twenties in America are also responsible for crashing Europe's economy at the same time. This is what gave rise to the Nazis. This is what will give rise to similar movements in America, the EU and elsewhere.

This is a new era. Everybody hold onto your hats.

Weimar Republic Selection

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Anschluss is not normally portrayed as a totally hostile takeover, at least not in history levels above high school.
Public opinion was positive for the "evolutionary solution" to what many Europeans (especially the British) saw as another injustice of the TOV, which was the forbidding of reunification of some 6 million Germans living in Austria to the German state. AJP Taylor is much better than I at explaining this chapter in history, and I suggest you read his book "The Origins of the Second World War" for thought.

I don't really see how you can compare this to the American situation. The whole Anschluss event was a very complex and unique foreign policy event, and simply incomparable to what you're calling the takeover of America by "them."

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm against imposing our beliefs on others, too. But comparing globalism/growing American government power to Anschluss of all things seems like just an attempt to make us think of the nazis, like using a buzzword.
edit on 21-12-2012 by rational1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Well they first took over education. So people are too stupid to piece things together. people worship the state. It is alarming.

Many of us who know what we are heading to are powerless to do anything. Actually doing something would quicken their efforts to tighten their grip on us.

It is GG game over man. It not a defeatist attitude it is that all that is left for us is to let it play out. YOu can't stop it now... all you can do is speed bump it along.

Obama is here to strip us of our power. Republicans democrats are one in the same. they are just used masterfully to manipulate the people by giving the illusion of change.

Even on this website which is supposed to deny ignorance people still debate the left right paradigm. .. and these are supposedly intelligent people. they are morons.

edit on 21-12-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:07 PM
I don't think that's a good argument. The Nazis took over education, yes. What this meant then was firing teachers who spoke out against the Nazi Party, eventually only allowing Nazi teachers to teach, creating special Hitler youth programs, et cetera... this is again absolutely nothing like anything that is happening in American education. You are drawing parallels that don't exist. Not making the huge logical leaps you have to make to draw these parallels is not "worshiping the state," it's just being rational.

Also, if you take the attitude that everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot and a moron, you're putting yourself at a disadvantage, because sometimes other people's opinions can be valuable.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by rational1

It has nothing to do with disagreeing.. they can't even disagree if they cannot even see the problem in the first place. If you point out what the government is doing in stripping our power they are made to believe by our education system that the state is here to make all better and those who disagree with the state are coo coo.

There is much that is missing in our history books. Many people grow up thinking the only reason the civil war happened was because there was a need to abolish slavery. there was more at play than that.

Try to draw any parallels in history with the present and no one wants to buy it. Unless it is a parallel that is beneficial they will have none of the negative things that can happen. the thing is that there were people back then who had an idea of what was going on and they were not listened to either.

It has nothing to do with being smart or more enlightened. It has to do with people who do not just follow anything by faith without actually looking into both sides of the issue. People today do not even question it and dismiss anything that is said otherwise. Even saying things that are otherwise can be perceived as something a terrorist would say. if that was not the case then why do we have cops infiltrating groups like ows or anything that is anti the current government.

This non questioning the government, not giving serious note to different points of views, and dismissive of anything that does not follow what has been in grained in our education is what leads me to say people are morons. not that they disagree with me.

When i was a kid in school i was taught that the USA farted sunshines and rainbows and could do no wrong. i was taught that all our military endeavors were for peace justice and the american way.

As I have grown up I understand that not everything a super power does is for peace and justice. It is for power and wealth. Which is fine as we are super power. But we are taught not to question our country since we are lead to beleive it farts sunshine and rainbows. So any view that puts it in a bad light is scoffed at.

All the stripping of our rights little by little is accepted by many and those who disagree are seen as odd by those who still swallow the whole deal that our government is good and it does everythign in our best interest.

this will all lead to abuse of power. It is not a conspiracy that is planned. it is just something that will gradually happen. Some times fires start not because you mean to start them but because you put all the elements to create fire in close enough proximity for the fire to begin. whether you light a fire on purpose or by accident it will still burn.. and the path our country is following we are about to get burned.

edit on 21-12-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by votan
reply to post by rational1

It has nothing to do with disagreeing.. they can't even disagree if they cannot even see the problem in the first place. If you point out what the government is doing in stripping our power they are made to believe by our education system that the state is here to make all better and those who disagree with the state are coo coo.

There is much that is missing in our history books. Many people grow up thinking the only reason the civil war happened was because there was a need to abolish slavery. there was more at play than that.

Try to draw any parallels in history with the present and no one wants to buy it. Unless it is a parallel that is beneficial they will have none of the negative things that can happen. the thing is that there were people back then who had an idea of what was going on and they were not listened to either.

It has nothing to do with being smart or more enlightened. It has to do with people who do not just follow anything by faith without actually looking into both sides of the issue. People today do not even question it and dismiss anything that is said otherwise. Even saying things that are otherwise can be perceived as something a terrorist would say. if that was not the case then why do we have cops infiltrating groups like ows or anything that is anti the current government.

This non questioning the government, not giving serious note to different points of views, and dismissive of anything that does not follow what has been in grained in our education is what leads me to say people are morons. not that they disagree with me.

When i was a kid in school i was taught that the USA farted sunshines and rainbows and could do no wrong. i was taught that all our military endeavors were for peace justice and the american way.

As I have grown up I understand that not everything a super power does is for peace and justice. It is for power and wealth. Which is fine as we are super power. But we are taught not to question our country since we are lead to beleive it farts sunshine and rainbows. So any view that puts it in a bad light is scoffed at.

All the stripping of our rights little by little is accepted by many and those who disagree are seen as odd by those who still swallow the whole deal that our government is good and it does everythign in our best interest.

this will all lead to abuse of power. It is not a conspiracy that is planned. it is just something that will gradually happen. Some times fires start not because you mean to start them but because you put all the elements to create fire in close enough proximity for the fire to begin. whether you light a fire on purpose or by accident it will still burn.. and the path our country is following we are about to get burned.

edit on 21-12-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)


People are being elected by the government to organize the nation's health care.
13 people are your new leaders.

Please show us your papers.

Most of these people are young, by the way..
edit on 21-12-2012 by streetfightingman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:47 PM
Adolf Hitler 1933

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:55 PM
“Next came gun registration. People were getting injured by guns. Hitler said that the real way to catch criminals (we still had a few) was by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law abiding and dutifully marched to the police station to register their firearms. Not long afterwards, the police said that it was best for everyone to turn in their guns. The authorities already knew who had them, so it was futile not to comply voluntarily.

Read more:

LOL at this entire paragraph.

Did she really say that they already knew who had them?

I too thought registering a gun was for safety, who knew that they would try to use that registration to find you when it was time to take them. Wow! Reading is fundamental.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by votan
reply to post by rational1

It has nothing to do with disagreeing.. they can't even disagree if they cannot even see the problem in the first place. If you point out what the government is doing in stripping our power they are made to believe by our education system that the state is here to make all better and those who disagree with the state are coo coo.

There is much that is missing in our history books. Many people grow up thinking the only reason the civil war happened was because there was a need to abolish slavery. there was more at play than that.

Try to draw any parallels in history with the present and no one wants to buy it. Unless it is a parallel that is beneficial they will have none of the negative things that can happen. the thing is that there were people back then who had an idea of what was going on and they were not listened to either.

It has nothing to do with being smart or more enlightened. It has to do with people who do not just follow anything by faith without actually looking into both sides of the issue. People today do not even question it and dismiss anything that is said otherwise. Even saying things that are otherwise can be perceived as something a terrorist would say. if that was not the case then why do we have cops infiltrating groups like ows or anything that is anti the current government.

This non questioning the government, not giving serious note to different points of views, and dismissive of anything that does not follow what has been in grained in our education is what leads me to say people are morons. not that they disagree with me.

When i was a kid in school i was taught that the USA farted sunshines and rainbows and could do no wrong. i was taught that all our military endeavors were for peace justice and the american way.

As I have grown up I understand that not everything a super power does is for peace and justice. It is for power and wealth. Which is fine as we are super power. But we are taught not to question our country since we are lead to beleive it farts sunshine and rainbows. So any view that puts it in a bad light is scoffed at.

All the stripping of our rights little by little is accepted by many and those who disagree are seen as odd by those who still swallow the whole deal that our government is good and it does everythign in our best interest.

this will all lead to abuse of power. It is not a conspiracy that is planned. it is just something that will gradually happen. Some times fires start not because you mean to start them but because you put all the elements to create fire in close enough proximity for the fire to begin. whether you light a fire on purpose or by accident it will still burn.. and the path our country is following we are about to get burned.

edit on 21-12-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

I'm not dismissing what you say out of hand. I'm looking at it and saying that you're making leaps that are way too large when you draw your parallels. That's not failing to take what you say seriously, it's the opposite. You're using a strawman -truly stupid people who don't think about your arguments- to imply that you're correct, but there are actual legitimate reasons to disagree with your parallels, too.

Also, when I went to an American public school, we weren't taught the whole "sunshine and rainbows" thing. They actually taught us to analyze history for ourselves. This was in Maryland, where the education system is relatively good, but this just shows that there's not some kind of national effort to indoctrinate us in school. In fact there's a trend toward more critical thought in education right now, which is just about the opposite of teaching kids that America is always right.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Def Youth
We get it. You think Obama is Hitler. We've seen this before when Bush was in office...and Clinton...and the other Bush...and Reagan...and Carter...and Ford...and Nixon...and Johnson...and Kennedy...and Eisenhower. Can't you guys come up with something new at least? I mean, it's not like you're dealing in facts here so be creative.

I heard somewhere that no President after FDR was voted into office. As strange as I realize the world is, that may be totally true.

I have been too baffled with events lately to argue that something is improbable, not even impossible.

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