Why Gun Control would not have prevented the Connecticut school shootings:
- A fully grown man entering an enclosed area full of children will be perfectly capable of ending the lives of each of them, whatever weapon he arms
himself with. This is akin to a fox going into a chicken coup. If he had armed himself with a machete or sword, the result would have been exactly the
same, as it has throughout the long history of massacres going back thousands of years. Bats and machetes were used to carry out similar massacres on
a huge scale during the Rwanda genocide inside churches and schools.
- Even if previously a strict permit procedure were in place for all firearms ownership in the US, Adam Lanza's mother would have gone through the
necessary procedure to obtain them, as any other law abiding individual involved in various outdoor pursuits would.
- An 'assault weapon' did not enable this to happen.
What is an 'assault weapon'? It's nothing more than a media buzzword that can be used to describe almost any firearm from around 1890 onwards that is
not a bolt action or a black powder muzzleloader of a 400 year old design.. If the firearm used had a wooden stock and he had smaller magazines would
it make it less deadly? Would have reloading more often have given the children a chance to overpower him? The fact is that the children inside would
not be capable of anything other than cowering in fear.
The first is not a 'battlefield weapon' and is not designed for use in combat. It is a civilian sporting rifle. It looks like an M4 assault rifle, but
operates entirely differently. An original m4 rifle as you would find on a modern battlefield is not available for civilian purchase. The 2nd is a
battlefield weapon designed for combat, but looks less scary since it has a refined look similar to a hunting rifle, which it is mechanically
identical to. The third is the most powerful out of all three and is not designed for combat, but is designed to hunt with.
Even if he were armed with a traditional hunting shotgun, the result would have been the same. Even a kitchen knife is sufficient for taking out large
numbers of children.
Nanping massacre - 8 dead
Weapon used: Kitchen knife
Hanzhong massacre - 7 dead
Weapon used: kitchen knife
Osaka massacre - 8 dead
Weapon used: kitchen knife
edit on 19-12-2012 by TheDarkTurnip because: (no reason given)