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So let me get this right. You want a government who are killing thousands of kids a day to take your

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posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar

My god, you cant make this stuff up!!!

And yet you just did. Interesting that.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:43 AM
I see what you say,and im African.When the flanks fold,the centre collapses.The centre being all sane,SENSIBLE,decent,responsible citizens.The flanks? YOUR ENEMY.YOUR GOVERNMENT WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT YOU.Only thing is-the flanks have Always been your enemy,masquerading as your allies.Wake up.Reality sucks,but you can't defend yourself while you're dreaming.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by doobydoll
The only interest your government has in your children is to sacrifice them to hasten it's objective - which is to disarm the citizenry. My question is why, after all these years, is the US gov so desperate to take your guns away? Why now? It doesn't make sense.

I truly believe your government is behind all these massacres, and employing such underhanded, heinous tactics as these to get it's way, makes me fear what could be in store for you all after you're forced to hand your weapons over.

In an armed population, a government which thinks nothing of, and perpetrates the slaughtering of your kids in cold blood, tells me it already doesn't fear it's people, I daren't imagine what it will do when you're all forced to disarm.

Don't trust your corrupt, lying, criminal government, don't give up your guns.
edit on 16-12-2012 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

Whether or not the government is behind these shootings, I have no doubt that the forces that are in power over this country will take full advantage of these tragedies to further the agenda of disarming the population.

I am not talking about just another regulatory law being passed. "They" know that will not work. The goal will be nothing short of a gun-grab. All US citizens will be required to appear at the local county courthouse and hand over all of their firearms, or face reprisal at the hands of the federal government. This is where things are headed if we do not dig our heels in and stop it from happening.

I am going to continue to pray for the families of the victims, and grieve over the loss of those little lives. And then I am going to join the NRA.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Only when the leaders show will the people start to march against government. Presently the government are doing everything possible to quell such leaders. Its not through a lack of people its not happened its because no leader yet has found the courage to stand up and say "FOLLOW ME!.

i dont know about that. i think it IS through a lack of people.

statistically not enough people distrust their govt or question their reality. therefore any leaders that emerge at present would not last very long.

only an awake and aware general population would afford any protection to any leaders who might emerge. and the American population as a whole is still not awake or aware of any issues raised on these forums... imo....

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Only when the leaders show will the people start to march against government. Presently the government are doing everything possible to quell such leaders. Its not through a lack of people its not happened its because no leader yet has found the courage to stand up and say "FOLLOW ME!.

Is this what it's about: 'courage'? All those guns and yet still no courage? People with no courage are a frightened people. All those guns and people are still frightened? All those guns and everyone is hoping someone will stand-up first?

Honestly? I've thought this for a long time, but the 2nd amendment sounds like something Americans are actually hiding behind more than anything else. All those guns and they might as well be Pokemon cards.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:14 AM
Thank you for having the ability to step back from an artificially-created, emotionally-hyped story and look at the bigger picture. I mean, for goodness' sake! More than 8 times the number of children have died in Pakistan in the last two years as the result of US drone strikes. All the options are not on the table if we don't have a serious conversation about drones before we even think about talking about guns.

First, though, our leadership needs to acknowledge its actions in the Middle East and Central Asia.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Star for your post.. What are you are saying is completely true and something i have been trying to wake people up to.
Not only are they slaughtering children in foreign countries, but they are also poisoning and dumbing down the American children.
Go back a few decades and you find they experimented on young children as well injecting them with radioactive isotopes or radiating them to death just to see how their bodies deteriorated.
Sadly this is not something that only happens in USA but also in rest of west.

But sadly most zombies will not understand this and still thinks no one could do such stuff today, even though people said the same in past.

People really need to wake up to the fact that elite actually believes we are subhuman filth or useless eaters.
They dont feel anything over dead children as they look at us as some humans look at ants or animals.
edit on 16-12-2012 by juleol because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
My god, the US government have just poisoned Iraq for 4.5 Billion years with not a care in the world! And you think the government cares about 20 odd children in a school! My god, how stupid are people! If Obama wanted to save children why doesnt he say, OK the US is responsible for uranium poisoning of thouands and we need to save all those children so lets clean it all up.

If people honestly believe the US government has childrens best interests at heart then your heading for the shock of your life. Look at the history of the US government and the war crimes worse than germany. And you want these war criminals to take your guns?

My god, you cant make this stuff up!!!

I can show you what the US government does to children, but the photos from vietnam, Iraq and elsewhere are just too damn graphic. So dont tell me that the government cares about children, ever.

They only want more power over the people to solidify their position to a permenant one. If people cannot see that then all is lost.

I don't agree with everything you say, but I can't disagree with a thing here. I'd say you might have a challenge in getting past the ignorance issue on Depleted Uranium and the wasteland it's turning modern battlefields into....but personally knowing more than I want to on that topic I can't fault a thing you're saying here.

It is laughable to think the same people who order this are genuinely broken up over the deaths of some American children to a tragic shooting. After all, it was just a couple months ago that people on this very site were arguing the GOOD SOUND TACTICS of follow up strikes on drone attacks to zap the first responders and aid teams AS WELL as the original targets a drone fired on. That's the Commander and Chief authorizing that stuff....and so, indeed. This is who we would want to willingly submit by disarming to?

I agree... people can't make this stuff up and it wouldn't sell as a fictional novel. It would have been too far fetched not that long ago.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by TheMindWar

A valiant effort you made


it will take decades to unbrainwash the brainwashed.

I suppose we have to start somewhere though - might as well be with your rant.

Good luck everyone!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:59 PM
I agree with your post. Furthermore, 30,000 people die EVERY DAY from hunger. Over half, 16,000, are children, dieing from starvation, the body breaking itself down until it can no longer operate and gives up, a slow and painful death.
I tried to find statistics on people who die from starvation each year specifically in the US but could only find that the CDC does not record that number. I did find a statistic claiming 1 out of 8 American children are malnourished and go to bed hungry every night.

There are so many people that could be saved, 16,000 children a day at 365 days a year is around 5.8 million children who die every year due to having nothing to eat. Im very sad about the recent shootings, but you must also understand the HUGE amounts of sorrow the rest of the world endures in comparison.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by angryhulk

Citizens are a crop to be harvested and used, nothing more.


Well enjoying living out the rest of your life with that belief, I'm sure you will be very happy.

Oh, and sorry for having an opinion. Apparently that isn't aloud in this thread.

It's very true that US citizens are crops to be harvested. It's not just a belief. It's a fact. Did you ever in your life see the words Human Resources? They used to be called "employees" which equals slave, but sounds better than Human Resource. I prefer to be called a "non-taxpayer". I don't reside in a Federal Zone and I'm not a Federal Employee. I would imagine you happily pay taxes that you are not liable for?

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad

Originally posted by TheMindWar

My god, you cant make this stuff up!!!

And yet you just did. Interesting that.

Just go work for the government already. We can tell you love them so much, go get your cheque!

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Great post.. Thanks for holding your ground and talking some sense.

To emphasize your point I'm going to mention the banning of a product which right now has the potential to save literally millions of live in places that are suffering from malaria. DDT is that product.

It was the first product banned by the EPA under Nixon and it is THE MOST effective product for fighting mosquitoes who transmit malaria. The US makes an active campaign against countries who might want to use DDT to the point of violence by sanctions.

It is genocide by withholding of technology. Active genocide by the US and western countries...

There's a movie on it "3 Billions and Counting"

These people do not care about 20 kids trust me...

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Only when the leaders show will the people start to march against government. Presently the government are doing everything possible to quell such leaders. Its not through a lack of people its not happened its because no leader yet has found the courage to stand up and say "FOLLOW ME!.

Unfortunately, anyone that is a US citizen/person is bound, documentarily, to what they call our government. That's why the Republic that our founders gave us has been reseated/reinhabited. Our leaders are outside the jurisdiction of United States Inc and in the Republic. The Republic was vacated in 1871(officially) when another entity was formed UNDER the dejure government. That entity(THE UNITED STATES) went bankrupt in 1933 and was taken over by it's creditors. That's where the US is now. It's operating under receivership. That's why US citizens/persons are known as DEBTORS. Debtors have no standing in law. If a leader comes forward, and is a US citizen/person, they won't get anywhere. They have no standing.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 07:01 PM
Loads of children die all of the time in school, some get shot, some get blown up.
It happens to Palestinians all of the time.
With this much response from the latest shooting, I wonder what response the US would give if they found out about the other psychos that kill babies in school.
I'll keep my rights thanks.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by juleol
reply to post by TheMindWar

Star for your post.. What are you are saying is completely true and something i have been trying to wake people up to.

No offence, but I think you're missing the point of my post. I'd give you your star back if I could.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by Merriman Weir

Originally posted by TheMindWar
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Only when the leaders show will the people start to march against government. Presently the government are doing everything possible to quell such leaders. Its not through a lack of people its not happened its because no leader yet has found the courage to stand up and say "FOLLOW ME!.

Is this what it's about: 'courage'? All those guns and yet still no courage? People with no courage are a frightened people. All those guns and people are still frightened? All those guns and everyone is hoping someone will stand-up first?

Honestly? I've thought this for a long time, but the 2nd amendment sounds like something Americans are actually hiding behind more than anything else. All those guns and they might as well be Pokemon cards.

Well believe me, the government, certain in it and others dont view guns as pokemon cards. The PTB are just as hopefull that they can bring about their plans without setting of an armed uprising. 2nd amendment provides for the people to keep their blade sharp and own a balde if it ever comes to that. And we know that nothing would allow for the PTB to go on the open offencive like people taking up arms against it. We must use up all the other tools we have in this fight for liberty. If all of this fails then we will see what a pokemon card looks like.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

Not a topic directly relevant to your post, but yeah guns ARE doing something.

according to the stats gathered by the anti-gun clinton administration, 2.5 million people defend themselves annually with the use of firearms.

thats 2.5 people who survived a life and death circumstance. and these are stats coming from an anti-gun administration. you can't say thats nothing.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Well of course they don't care because the ones making the policies are not the ones committing the crimes. In their minds they are not committing any acts of violence toward anyone. Its like a game to them. It's business. Put the gun in their hand and i'm sure they would sing a different tune.

Just like the ole saying "out of sight, out of mind"

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 11:34 AM
Had this same conversation this weekend. I must state that in no way am I trying to take away from the hideous loss suffered Friday. No parent deserves to have this happen to their child.

But the fact is, if most people knew how many children have been murdered in the name of Peace and Security, they would faint. It is easy to separate yourself from children in another country who don't speak your language and that you have never seen. But the cold hard fact is that this happens again and again at the hands of those we pay our hard earned taxes to..but somehow there is no uproar about that.

Every one of these 20 children and every one of the countless children in other places matter.

And no, I do not believe TPTB see any difference between those children and ours. We are all considered a number, collateral damage in their perpetual wars that hide behind an endless variety of situations.

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