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American Gun Owners are the Biggest Wrench in the NWO Gears!

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posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 01:23 PM

freedom is not worth fighting for.

Oh, look. Two of us can completely take words out of context and make it seem like the other one is saying something they aren't.


posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by christafinias

I think maybe, of course this is just an opinion, most of the shootings occur where law abiding citizens wouldn't have a gun. Example is an elementary school, universities, public places of sorts. You, we'll I've never heard of some crazy person trying to shoot up a gun range for instance. Why? They'd be shot before any damage was done. No they want people who are more likely to be less prepared and even less likely to be armed or know how to even use a gun.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 01:54 PM
they have weapons that'll make you puke uncontrollably. fry your brains with sound. blow up whole neighborhoods/cities/states. without even leaving the comfort of the command center.
one nuke i heard about, if dropped on scotland, would melt the tower of london. in effect, the entire british isles would be gone.

it's like bringing a banana to laser gun fight.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

I think the idea that American gun owners are any kind of a threat to the NWO is a joke. At best it's a diversion tactic.
Best way to counter the NWO is with non-compliance and awareness.

The suggestion that American gun owners are in any way a problem to a world-wide organisation that has every weapon know to man and most probably many we don't know of, many assault vehicles, armour, remote control weapons and surveillance of the highest order is rather short sighted, arrogant and ignorant.

America is not the only country where the citizens have weaponry.
In fact compared to a great many countries you have less guns per capita and more compliance with TPTB (I know that part of my argument is subjective).

Most people in the States do NOT own a firearm. Most people that do own one own a hand gun (hardly a threat to TPTB) and most do not have much use or training with their firearms.

If you think the gun issue is a threat to TPTB I think you are being diverted from more pressing issues.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:03 PM
predator drones anyone?
wouldn't even know you were a target till you were holding hands with jesus and walking thru the pearly gates.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by b14warrior

after 200+yrs and 6 or so generations, i think you're seriously mistaken or deluded, your choice.
the government doesn't have their fingers on the trigger of any of those fancy toys you mentioned, American citizens do and they likely have family at the other end of that target zone.

the Union may have confused the masses once on a grand scale, but i doubt they'd succeed a second time.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by b14warrior

Is amusing no? egotistical comes to mind

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by RedmoonMWC
You do realize that Switzerland would also be a Wrench in the NWO Gears.

As far as the U.S. people being unorganized you are correct, but untrained?

The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world.

21.8 million Americans hunted at least once over the past five years. Previous estimates have shown over 14 million youth and adults hunt each year. PDF File

United States Active Military: 1,458,219;
Reserve Military: 1,458,500;
Paramilitary: 11,035;
Total: 2,927,754

The United States has the largest standing army in the world, not counting the Active and Reserve "Official" military forces, with 21.8 million Americans armed and at least somewhat familiar with their weapons.

My point?
A good sized portion of those hunters are likely former military, with some of the best training that could be provided at the time they served.

A lot of those military personnel you speak of are going to be either brainwashed to fight for the NWO or executed due to non-compliance.

Having 21.8 million people hunting only at least ONCE in five years out of a population of 318 million isn't all that great.

Estimates of gun ownership have ranged from 35% to 45% of households having one gun or more with most of those being hand guns and most not being easily reachable (i.e in a locked box) and in many households only one adult really knowing how to use it.

Again as one poster wittily put it....... "it's like turning up to a laser fight with a banana"

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by b14warrior

after 200+yrs and 6 or so generations, i think you're seriously mistaken or deluded, your choice.
the government doesn't have their fingers on the trigger of any of those fancy toys you mentioned, American citizens do and they likely have family at the other end of that target zone.

the Union may have confused the masses once on a grand scale, but i doubt they'd succeed a second time.

just out of curiosity what do you mean by union?

the only solution to this mess is (no matter what happens regarding guns) to remember fear, hate, jealousy and strife is the last thing you want. not just because they can negatively impact you and feed negative spiritual forces who eat it like food, but also because love can turn the tables, whereas the reciprocal, can not. the reciprocal is the default position and 1000s of years of default position, hasn't done much in the way of healing wounds or making converts to right thinking (that being that we are each sovereign beings, with natural and god given rights to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness).

i know that not dying in a mass sacrifice is not what prophecy indicates, but let's try to get the big fella to repent like he did about nineveh. couldn't hurt to at least go out loving your fellow humans rather than trying to exchange blows with them.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:23 PM
I thought the NWO was already in control of everything?
Don't they spray us with chemicals from 30,000 feet?

And they are afraid of a few redencks with guns?

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by samkent
I thought the NWO was already in control of everything?
Don't they spray us with chemicals from 30,000 feet?

And they are afraid of a few redencks with guns?

actually, the cities are armed to the teeth, and they are far from rednecks. the redneck comment is really not backed up by reality. our inner cities are like war zones. it isn't just some guys with hunting rifles that you or yours may have to consider, but every racial and financial bracket and geographical location.

edit on 17-12-2012 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:12 PM
Hey OP, I call Bull Sh**! You nuts holding onto your guns like they're your nuts is the exact reason why you shouldn't have access to guns at all. Your priorities all out of shape. The important thing is for people to feel safe, and BE safe. Having to worry about you head cases is not condusive to feeling safe. If the NWO threat you cry about is real, you wouldn't stand a chance of resisting anyway, you Rambo want-a-be. Stop stroking your guns and start paying attention to what's really important, living without fear of people like you. The majority of this counrty think you're wrong. The majority of the people in this country will soon be doing all they can to correct your wrong thinking. The majority of the people in this country won't give a sh** when you and your twisted thinking-types finally shut the hell up and sit down.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by christafinias

Originally posted by Beach Bum
Just want to say it's sad about all these nuts killing innocent people. Thats why I believe it's every decent citizens right to arm and protect themselves. Our idiot politicians actually seem to believe that banning assault rifles and certain types of ammunition will make these crimes occur less. Here's the truth it won't and if any laws are passed violatiing our rights to protect ourselves, this country's streets will run red with innocent blood. I believe if we we're more like Israeli's we'd be a hell of alot better off. Oh and if you don't understand the Israei bit there look up some of their mandatory schooling. I wouldn't be entirely imposed.

I dont mean to sound snippy just curious, but how do decent citizens being armed stop these nuts?
by the time people find out that a nuts on a rampage with a gun, they've either kileed themeselves or been taken down by the cops.
has there been instances where armed civilians have saved/prevented these kind of things? i ask this genuinely as ive never heard of any instances which would be another case of a media blackout.


Here is one.
On Jan. 16, 2002, Peter Odighizuwa, a 43-year-old student from Nigeria, walked into the Appalachian School of Law offices of Dean Anthony Sutin, 42, a former acting assistant U.S. attorney, and professor Thomas Blackwell, 41, and opened fire with a .380 ACP semi-automatic handgun – shooting them at close range.
Also killed in the same building was student Angela Denise Dales, 33. Three others were wounded.

As soon as the gunfire erupted, two students acting independently of one another, Tracy Bridges and Mikael Gross, ran to their vehicles to retrieve firearms. Gross, an off-duty police officer in his home state of North Carolina, got his 9mm pistol and body armor. Bridges got out his .357 Magnum.

Bridges and Gross went back to the building where the shots were heard and as Odighizuwa exited, they approached from different angles. Bridges yelled for him to drop his weapon and the shooter was subdued by several unarmed students.

Gross went back to his car and got handcuffs to detain the shooter until police arrived.
Most news reports of the incident failed to mention the presence of two armed students and their role in subduing the shooter, saying only that he was tackled by bystanders.

Odighizuwa was tried for the murders and sentenced to multiple life terms in prison.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:40 PM
Lol what a dilemma the NWO planners have here. I love it.

Thank god for the American forefathers. They not only freed the people from tyranny - they made it so it could never be taken away.

May liberty and freedom live on in America for many many years to come and may god curse those that would prefer to see the people in bondage.
edit on 17-12-2012 by Nonchalant because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by RedmoonMWC

Originally posted by christafinias

Originally posted by Beach Bum
Just want to say it's sad about all these nuts killing innocent people. Thats why I believe it's every decent citizens right to arm and protect themselves. Our idiot politicians actually seem to believe that banning assault rifles and certain types of ammunition will make these crimes occur less. Here's the truth it won't and if any laws are passed violatiing our rights to protect ourselves, this country's streets will run red with innocent blood. I believe if we we're more like Israeli's we'd be a hell of alot better off. Oh and if you don't understand the Israei bit there look up some of their mandatory schooling. I wouldn't be entirely imposed.

I dont mean to sound snippy just curious, but how do decent citizens being armed stop these nuts?
by the time people find out that a nuts on a rampage with a gun, they've either kileed themeselves or been taken down by the cops.
has there been instances where armed civilians have saved/prevented these kind of things? i ask this genuinely as ive never heard of any instances which would be another case of a media blackout.


Here is one.
On Jan. 16, 2002, Peter Odighizuwa, a 43-year-old student from Nigeria, walked into the Appalachian School of Law offices of Dean Anthony Sutin, 42, a former acting assistant U.S. attorney, and professor Thomas Blackwell, 41, and opened fire with a .380 ACP semi-automatic handgun – shooting them at close range.
Also killed in the same building was student Angela Denise Dales, 33. Three others were wounded.

As soon as the gunfire erupted, two students acting independently of one another, Tracy Bridges and Mikael Gross, ran to their vehicles to retrieve firearms. Gross, an off-duty police officer in his home state of North Carolina, got his 9mm pistol and body armor. Bridges got out his .357 Magnum.

Bridges and Gross went back to the building where the shots were heard and as Odighizuwa exited, they approached from different angles. Bridges yelled for him to drop his weapon and the shooter was subdued by several unarmed students.

Gross went back to his car and got handcuffs to detain the shooter until police arrived.
Most news reports of the incident failed to mention the presence of two armed students and their role in subduing the shooter, saying only that he was tackled by bystanders.

Odighizuwa was tried for the murders and sentenced to multiple life terms in prison.

Wow thanks! and to the others that provided examples.
its a shame some of these positive stories and threads dont take of like all the negitive stories but like i said to another poster we only seem to focus on the doom and gloom or only get half the story.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Nonchalant
Lol what a dilemma the NWO planners have here. I love it.

Thank god for the American forefathers. They not only freed the people from tyranny - they made it so it could never be taken away.

May liberty and freedom live on in America for many many years to come and may god curse those that would prefer to see the people in bondage.
edit on 17-12-2012 by Nonchalant because: (no reason given)

might be a good idea to bring some reality into the situation as well. imagine all these people thinking they can fight predator drones with hand guns and hunting rifles? it would be completely demoralizing and the results would be devastating. reality check required. rethink necessary.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by MrSpad
No. I support the second amendment but, the idea that a mob of people with guns could stop and organized miltary force is beyond silly. They would be slaughtered in a stand up fight and if they were truly facing ruthless power like the NWO then any type of attempt at a guerilla actvity would lead to the exteremination of entire citiies. What you see in Iraq and Afganistan is the West who has revuslion from killing civilians or comitting mass murder. The first time you rebel against a true tyranical power they will act like the Germans when Heydrich was assasinated and destroy to villiages and the people that lived in them. So you can put away the fantasy that gun ownership in the US is some sort threat to truly tyranical power because it is not.

As I recall the germans lost that war. NO one said it was going to be easy. Nice defeatist attitude you have, it must get you far in life. The people who make it and get some where usually know the odds and try anyways. then there are people that know the odds and use them as an excuse to do nothing.

THe usa has the most technologically advanced military in the world.... yet we can't crack afghanistan and iraq.

Almost everyone the germans attempted to destroy bounced back.

Your post reminds us that no matter how hard a tyrannical government tries they cannot break a people.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
This idea that guns are a wrench in the NWO and that they are needed to defend against tyranny is just absurd.

Let’s take the claim that they are a wrench in the plans of the NWO, the gun lobby is one of the biggest and most powerful in America with a huge influence on government and for the most part it is led by the military industrial complex and big cooperation’s. If the NWO wanted to take your guns would they not just withdraw this support for the gun lobby? The gun lobby is one of the most powerful lobbies in America if you believe in the omnipotent NWO then surly they must be part of this powerful lobby that wants less gun control not more.

Now what about this idea of preventing tyranny, your government is already the most tyrannical entity in America, if not the world if you believe the conspiracies promoted on ATS. How can you say that you need your guns to prevent against tyranny when you have the Patriot Act and the TSA?

Your guns would not defend you if your government truly turned its armed forces against the people (not that this is likely to happen) how is your AR 15 going to stand up to a Predator Drone or a Tomahawk Missile, how is your hand gun going to stand up against a tank, how do you suppose your shot gun will stop a nuclear bomb?

If the Armed forces of America and its government turn against its people, its people don’t stand a chance to believe that you do because you own several guns is laughable.

Tyranny and the NWO are not a reason to support the gun lobbies.

You are looking at this form the wrong angel, perhaps if the NWO do exist, they are just hopping that if they give you all enough guns you will all kill each other without “them” having to lift a figure

edit on 17-12-2012 by OtherSideOfTheCoin because: (no reason given)


There is absolutely no way all of the active, reserve and inactive reserve in every service could overthrow the people of the United States (assuming they would in the first place. You swear to uphold the Constitution first, then the orders of those appointed over you - second - in the enlisted oath.)

Furthermore the OP already stated that if only 1% of the gun owners in America fought - that'd be 1 MILLION man militia. 1%. That's impressive.

Secondly, Gun ownership is certainly something any opposing force will take into consideration. Look at the Japanese. They were very afraid of attacking the mainland - not because of our military might - but because almost every American was armed.

Third - those Tomahawks and Drones require operators. Do you really think if the order came down to launch a Tomahawk and / or Drone strike against an American city that would really, truly happen? And even if it did - it would only further enrage American's to pick up a gun and fight back.

Most definitely armed Americans throw a monkey wrench into NWO plans. That is precisely why they have to use Banking, corruption and subterfuge to take away our liberties. They are forced into doing it this way BECAUSE we an armed populace. They have to resort to fear and terrorism threats to get us to GIVE THEM our liberties.

However, when push comes to shove - you can bet your lilly white ass that armed Americans will indeed overthrow a Government if it comes to that. I just pray that it never does.

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by b14warrior
reply to post by hawkiye

I think the idea that American gun owners are any kind of a threat to the NWO is a joke. At best it's a diversion tactic.
Best way to counter the NWO is with non-compliance and awareness.

The suggestion that American gun owners are in any way a problem to a world-wide organisation that has every weapon know to man and most probably many we don't know of, many assault vehicles, armour, remote control weapons and surveillance of the highest order is rather short sighted, arrogant and ignorant.

America is not the only country where the citizens have weaponry.
In fact compared to a great many countries you have less guns per capita and more compliance with TPTB (I know that part of my argument is subjective).

Most people in the States do NOT own a firearm. Most people that do own one own a hand gun (hardly a threat to TPTB) and most do not have much use or training with their firearms.

If you think the gun issue is a threat to TPTB I think you are being diverted from more pressing issues.

dont know where your gettin your info

im american and at least 8 out of every 10 people i know have a gun, handgun ,shotgun,rifle bbgun,water pistol

guns are as american as apple pie, its our right. we believe we need them and were gonna keep em

its been hammered into us from father to son for generations

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 05:18 PM
If, and this is a mighty big IF, there is such a thing as the NWO, the thought of American citizens with handguns stopping them is, at best, laughable. And to bring up how so many people hunt or have hunted is pretty ridiculous. Shooting at something that won't shoot back is one thing, shooting at something that can literally blow you to pieces is another.

In my opinion, if the Government wanted the guns back, they would get them. Everyone talking tough on here, if a few heavily armed soldiers came to your door for them, you'd comply. You won't fight over anything else the GVT does, yet you all come on here and act tough. You let them dictate pretty much what you can do, where you can do it, you let the TSA feel you up and....nothing, everybody lives with it.

And for those who don't think US soldiers would fire on their own, just read the replies to the thread about that old kook who killed the kids he claimed were breaking in, no proof just a claim, yet 90% of the replies were in total agreement. So all they'd have to do is tell soldiers any old lie and they'd shoot you in a heartbeat. As an American it is pretty damn embarrassing when people get all keyboard Rambo when in real life they roll over every single day!

What exactly will it take for all of you to quit talking tough and actually start demanding change?

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